Dear Raymour and Flanigan, we hate you.
Fun August 21st, 2007Dave and I recently ended our furniture hunt. After two agonizing weeks of searching for accent tables, we decided to get a set we’d seen back at La-Z-Boy while looking for seating. I liked it immediately, but he didn’t. Not until he saw the exact same thing at Lauter’s in Easton did he conclude that he liked it. I suppose it was because he saw it matched with other furniture in better lighting. I wasn’t peeved that we could have saved all that time continuing to shop. I was really just happy the nightmare was over.
One of the worst experiences we had while still searching was at Raymour and Flanigan. We stupidly went to the Quakertown store thinking it would be different than the one in
The Quakertown store was as bad as
My technique at that point was to completely ignore them, mumbling or grunting short answers when they asked what we’re looking for. Dave felt this was rude, but I figure “Hey, they don’t know me. I don’t know them. I don’t owe them anything.” Besides, any minute some other poor saps are going to walk in the front door and they can have their way with them. I also kept my sunglasses on so I wouldn’t have to make eye contact. It made me seem a little crazy. All the better.
I know they work on commission and their jobs can’t be very easy with most of the people walking in and walking out without buying anything. But for crying out loud, we might have actually wanted something in the store, but we were so preoccupied with getting some privacy, we couldn’t take enough time to really see anything.
Here’s what I propose to you, Raymour and Flanigan. If you follow these simple rules, we can guarantee your sales will increase exponentially:
- No touching. The attack dog at the Whitehall store kept patting Dave on the back and grabbing his shoulders like they were old friends who go way back. Keep your paws off.
- When we have something to say, we’ll come get you. Be like polite children: Speak only when spoken to.
- Don’t huddle around other sales people quietly talking about who’s going to “take us on.” We can see you, we know what you’re doing and it’s annoying.
- No tailgating. When you say “I’ll be right here if you need anything,” stay in that spot. We’ll find you if we need something.
- If we ask you a question, it means we just have a question. Answer it and then retreat.
If you had followed these rules, you might have made a thousand dollar sale. How’s that for screwing yourselves over?

December 10th, 2009 at 1:22 pm
As a former Raymour & Flanigan employee, I personally observed the sales staff as they were forced to stalk potential customers & be reprimanded if they didn’t.I totally agree with everything David Gustafson has said here.I was not in sales, but still treated like crap by regional sale managers. I observed a parade of poor quality furniture (mostly made overseas) come through the warehouse & sold to unsuspecting customers. Moldy furniture from China was common. I must say that R & F’s marketing team does a wonderful job of putting lipstick on a pig. The furniture will likely last long enough to make that sale. Once it’s in your home, you’re on your own. regardless of whatever BS “AJ” is trying to feed you, there are no returns. If you squawk loudly enough, you may get a store credit so that you are fortunate enough to pick out some other shoddily upholstered or assembled in a 3rd world country crap to replace the crap you we luckily able to exchange.
December 22nd, 2009 at 1:27 pm
R&F was having a purchase today and get it by Christmas. So my wife wanted a new dinning room set, so we decided to make it her present. So after work we both show and get the usual greet. I’m very cordial and I tell him thanks. I ask about delivery by Christmas and he says all dinning sets can be deliverd by Christams. I say, great, give us some time and we’ll come back to you when we find something.
Not even 5 minutes later he comes after us with two water bottles. I again, very nicely say we’re just looking and I will track him down with any questions. Back to shopping again and I can see him tracking.. stalking us and typing at any computer terminal that was near us.
He comes up again, a 3rd time, and asks if we need help. Again, no, cordially.
Now at this point, my wife and I had decided on two pieces and wanted a private spot to talk over the money. But again, the whole time he is stalking us and now is pissing me off.
So after all that and we settle on a deal and he confirms shipping for 12/23 I ask him will they guarantee delivery on that date? He says, absolutely! So I probe one more time about delivery, but this time he says “Well, we have a truck deliverying everything except the chairs but it arrives on the 12/22 in NY (we’re in PA)” so I can’t guarantee the chairs.
In retrospect I’m glad we didn’t get it. After the wife and I came down from the purchase high, we realized the quality sucks (think slightly better than walmart) and just how scummy they were.
It would have been a nightmare once we got the furniture from reading the online horror stories about r&f.
January 6th, 2010 at 7:12 pm
The r&f people are not making me want to buy from their store the way they go on justifying their actions. I think like Kathy. If we want you we will get you. If we have questions we will ask. We purchased furniture from r&f because we had that kind of a salesmen. He was pleasant and stuck to the ” I’ll be here if you need me” routine. We walk into stores knowing salesmen are on the attack. stop it will work.
January 6th, 2010 at 9:20 pm
We bought a bedroom set for our daughter in 12/06 with no interest (with payments) till 1/2010…I called first week of December to find out exact loan balance for b/r set because we also purchased a tempurpedic bed last July. So we have 2 different subaccounts with them. They cashed my check 12/13/09 and now say because of NEW federal guidelines its up to Wells Fargo where the money gets posted? WTH? I made monthly payments, never late and made the last balance payment and now their gonna charge me finance charges going back to 12/06 because so idiot posted my last payment to our tempurpedic acct. thats interest free till 2013? And no one at Raymour and Flanigan in Niagara Falls NY can say anything because they don’t have access to our acct.? They say its a seperate company? Wells Fargo does not have anyone to answer our questions? They do not know what they are doing. We would not recommend buying or using Wells Fargo for any of your credit need!!!!!!!!EVER!!!
March 15th, 2010 at 8:09 am
The Raymour & Flanigan at Seneca Mall Rte 57
Warners, NY 13164
315-652-3711 Is the worst store on the planet. They sold a friend of mine a sectional couch for a 1,000 bucks. That would have been fine if the couch was not damaged. We were going to load the couch onto my truck when we had noticed that it had a rip in the bottom about 5 inches long.
If you have ever moved a couch you know that it is easier to move though doorways without the feet on. So my friend unscrewed one of the feet from the bottom of the couch. Upon doing this about a 20inch by 20 inch corner from the bottom cover fell. It was being held on by the foot of the couch!
Now the inside of the couch had been reveled. We saw that the corner of the frame of the couch had been broken a then repaired! Someone had “fixed” it by taking a piece of pine and “marring” it with sheet rock screws to the broken frame.
So we tell the stock boys what we had found and one of them asked “did you rip it?”
They then got the sales girl who said she “didn’t no nothing about it” “they should have done a 360 on it” then went to get the store manager the store manager (Debbi Rossi) Came back and asked us why WE ripped it. We said it was ripped to fix a broken frame and not stapled back up. She then told us that she had us on video RIPPING the cover off the couch!! I was so pissed. I felt so bad for my friend. He was sold a broken couch, discovered the cover-up and then was accused of damaging property to get a discount! I left the building because I was so pissed off.
My friend made them show him the video tape they claimed they had and it showed that we did NOT do what they accused us of. They refunded his money and told him that they had the same couch at a different store for 700 bucks more. Real nice. He declined the offer and left.
I will never shop at Raymour And Flanigan. And I will tell all my friends of my experience.
April 19th, 2010 at 10:17 pm
John, so let me get this straight, the salesman greets you, then a few minutes later offers you bottles of water and then a little while later asks you if you need help, and you think THIS is bad service?! You sound like the type that complains that they CAN’T find anyone to help them in a department store. Oh and by the way, I’m pretty sure that Raymour and Flanigan do not manufacture their own furniture, and from what I’ve seen they sell most of the top brands there.
May 6th, 2010 at 2:42 pm
Really professional post, I appreciated reading through it. It had quite a few good facts. I will be bookmarking this site.
May 18th, 2010 at 3:35 pm
My experience with Raymour & Flanagan has been the absolute worse of any dealings with a furniture store. I customed ordered a sofa, chair and wing chair on 3/6. I needed to bring attention to sales associate at time of purchase that the number she entered for sofa showed up as a love seat. Was told that it would be corrected and we would get a sofa. 6 weeks later the furniture was delivered, albeit with love seat! Was unhappy at time of delivery and was told by delivery guys that they are not allowed to return items. Spoke with Sales Assoc who said she thought that was what we had ordered as she could remember some discussion about a love seat!! I was told that a sofa would be ordered and delivered asap. Had to have tech in to make necessary repair to two chairs, one chair had several holes in base of it. Sofa was scheduled for delivery on Tues (5-17). Received call from Sales Assoc. on Monday 5-16 to say that low and behold a love seat was sent by manufacturers!!! Requested they come pick up furniture from my home and issue a credit in amount of $3K+. Was told delivery truck would be here this morning (5-18) to pick up furniture between 8 & 10 am. Needless to say I had to call the store manager at 3:45 today as I was still waiting for pickup only to be told that there was no pick up scheduled for today! Pick up is scheduled for 5-20. This is my first and last purchase with Raymour & Flanagan.
August 29th, 2010 at 9:35 pm
I worked for Raymour and Flanigan for nearly four years. I have shopped at many stores, and became frustrated by not being able to find a sales person at the time that I needed a price or information regarding a product. It’s frustrating! At Raymour and Flanigan, the owners are concerned that their customers get the best help available..and you have to be available to receive that help. We were not taught to “stalk” our customers, but simply to be in sight of them, should they have a question. When we had customers that needed to browse, I certainly allowed them their privacy, but checked in with them from time to time to assist them, should a question arise. This is not stalking, but simply attempting to be helpful, and do our jobs. I have never, in four years, seen hi fiving at taking advantage of a customer. That was not the policy of the company. Like all other companies, we attempted to provide you with quality furniture for a reasonable price. Raymour and Flanigan has grown as a company through good times and bad, by offering the best deal for the money. They believe that no one deserves to walk into their store, without being greeted and welcomed in. If the customer browses, or requires help, we were paid to provide it. So, before you complain about being attended to just a little too well, think about how many times you’ve walked into a store, and have been ignored. Thank God most customers are understanding, and appreciate the attention that is provided them. I no longer work for Raymour and Flanigan, but I certainly can’t sit here and listen to them being bashed, for doing what they feel is the right thing to do for most of the customers. The customers that don’t appreciate the greeting at the door, being offered a bottle of water while they browse, or the ease of finding their sales person when a question arises, are far and few in between.
August 29th, 2010 at 11:35 pm
Roseann I absolutely understand how you feel when listening to some of these comments, I felt the same. It almost seems as if these individuals have really never been in a Raymour & Flanigan showroom, but in their defense I certainly know mistakes can happen. I truly believe all the issues mentioned could have been and would have been addressed, to the customers satisfaction, if cooler heads would have prevailed.
You may be accused of “drinking the coolaid” rather than having a true affection for the company and their customers. We have good reason for our loyalty because we’ve experienced it first hand for many years.
Thanks for commenting and understand that we will always help our customers and try to make their shopping experience comfortable and pleasant.
The truth be told no matter what the product sold or service rendered there will always be those who have a bad experience and will never forgive or forget that experience. The shame is that those shoppers sometimes lose out on the values that may be available at these stores because of their decision to avoid them.
September 1st, 2010 at 8:24 am
AJ, I think what most people don’t understand is what they consider annoying, another customer appreciates. If you ignore them, most of the customers would complain. If you make yourself available, a small handful will feel “stalked”. When I worked at Raymour and Flanigan, the policy was the make the customer’s shopping experience a pleasure. Make them feel comfortable and enjoy their time spent there. For the most part, people appreciate receiving a sales persons undivided attention. I always tried to respect their feelings, and give them the space that some needed in order to browse, letting them know that when and if they required my attention, I would be within range for them to find me. Every customer that walks through the door is important, and it is our job to assure them of that. They aren’t a number that just walked through the door and forgotten. In all of the years that I worked at Raymour and Flanigan, the customer was always number one. It’s not like we are staying close by so that they can’t walk out with a sofa! I’ve had the pleasure to work with thousands of customers while working for R&F, and for the most part providing them with one on one attention was a positive experience for them. They received the help that they wanted, when they wanted it, and were never badgered into a sale. Their questions were answered, the right price for the product was provided, and they left knowing exactly what they would receive for the money they were willing to spend. When you provide good service, many of them remember that and return when they’re ready to buy. Sadly, every company has their share of purchases that for one reason or another don’t go as smoothly as one would want. During my employment with Raymour and Flanigan, I saw thousands of happy customers, returning to purchase other pieces. One bad experience doesn’t reflect that full picture.
September 9th, 2010 at 2:39 pm
Do sales associates just receive commission? Or Salary plus commission.. thanks!
September 24th, 2010 at 1:53 am
I have never get the chance to visit Raymour and Flanigan but my sister in-law had the same sentiments with you guyz. They hadn’t got the time to leisurely browse for something and i just said “maybe they were just doing their job.Entertain their customer and assisting them. Anyway thats what most salespeople do..”
October 24th, 2010 at 10:10 pm
My Raymour & Flanigan experience. Went there today dreading the whole sales tactic approach. Went in expecting to be pounced upon, we weren’t! We were greeted by a salesman who asked if he could help & were we looking for something in particular. We were looking for a bedroom set, he walked us to the bedroom area and told us that he would leave us to wander the bedrooms and if we had any questions he would be back. We were able to walk around and leisurely look at all the bedrooms, we got it down to 2, the salesman came back, asked if we had any questions and then proceeded to sell the furniture (it’s his job, his living). We bought, it’s being delivered this week and I have to say I am very happy with how the events played out. We are all leery of dealing with salespeople BECAUSE we have dealt with a bad one somewhere along the line to make us dislike “salespeople” as a whole. There are some good ones out there, sometimes you have to let your guard down and trust another one!
October 27th, 2010 at 5:20 pm
For customers or persons who dont want to be bother or greeted, try going in to an emergency room when doctors are busy tending others and you think you need help asap and nobody is paying attention to you, let see how will you feel.Or better go to a funeral home and shop for your coffin,nobody will bother you there.I dont how much education you have,on good manners and right conduct.