Just Call Me Shred Head
Fun, work November 16th, 2007A couple days ago, I was working on a client’s PC in another office installing some software that takes forever to load. Since waiting for software to install is akin to watching water boil, I thought I’d at least be productive and check for voice mail or email messages. Nothin’. I looked around for something interesting to read. Nothin’. I stared at the wall and wondered how I was going to avoid gaining 17 pounds over Thanksgiving weekend and got all stressed out.
And then it happened. I heard a paper shredder in the distance.
Oh, yeah, baby. Now we’re talkin’! See, there’s one thing in this world that is no bigger stress reliever for me than shredding documents. Yoga? Sorry, no can do. Meditation? Not my thing. Visualization? Only if it looks like this. Sending paper through a slotted, metal-toothed grinder and watching it turn into tiny confetti dots? Priceless.
Seems the client whose computer I was working on was sifting through a humongous container of confidential paperwork that her office collects for shredding. The bin was busting at the seams.
I asked her if she really had to shred all that, and she said “Yeah. It’s a big, annoying job. Even our student workers don’t want to do it.”
I started to tremble and shake.
“Raquel? Um, would you mind if I helped?”
Looking up from her 300 lb. paper pile with a seriously confused look on her face, she asked, “Are you feeling all right? You really want to do this?”
“Yes. I know. I have a problem. But I like to shred paper. It’s destructive and productive! And if you don’t let me do it, I won’t fix your PC.”
“You kidding me?”
“No. Now are you gonna keep looking at me like that, or are you gonna let me get this party started? Move it, sister.”
So there I stood, gleefully feeding a few sheets in at a time, while Raquel sorted out non-shreddable items and things that could just go in the recycle bin. She started to realize what a wonderful discovery she just found in my neurosis. She started to think that together we could make a serious dent in the pile. She started to think she found a sucker who might just do this on a regular basis.
She found me. A paper-feeding, paper clip-pulling, confetti-dumping, maniacal demolition machine.
We worked through the bin for about thirty minutes. All the while, her office mates sauntered up to me and asked “What’s going on? Did Raquel put you to work?”
“No! I like it! Now stop bothering me. You’re screwing up my rhythm.”
One guy who didn’t know me asked if I was brought in just for this job. When he found out I was just doing a favor and getting my jollies in the process, he asked if I would come over to his office and do his shredding.
“Listen, dude. Don’t toy with me. If you’re making fun of me, I can take it. But if you’re telling me you have a fresh pile of paper somewhere that needs to be sent through this shredder, you better mean business because if you’re kidding, I’ll take you down, I swear to God.”
Backing away slowly now, he whimpered “Lady, you’re scaring me.”
As Raquel and I plowed through the documents and emptied the receptacle a few times when it got full of glorious confetti, I realized my fun was coming to an end. The software installation I’d been monitoring finally finished. The shredding party was over.
Raquel thanked me profusely, since we’d gotten through more than half of the bin’s contents. She just couldn’t get over how much we got done.
I asked her if I could come back sometime and finish this pile, or even do future piles. And we all know there will always be future piles. Whoever said we’d be living in a paperless society by now couldn’t have been more wonderfully wrong.
She said, “Of course. We can put you on a schedule.”
Happy in the knowledge that I’ll always have a place in her office for shredding whenever I want, I left and skipped down the hall to my own office. When I passed by our reception desk, I noticed a co-worker sitting next to our own shredder with a pile of papers.
“Want some help with that?”
“Kathy, are you feeling all right?”
“Yeah. It’s my catharsis. Now beat it before I have to hurt you.”
I love to shred, I love to shred!
Don’t deny me shredding, or I’ll beat you on the head!

November 16th, 2007 at 1:36 pm
BWAH! Oh, my god! I can just see you, one minute, threatening to kill anyone who gets in your way, the next, shredding peacefully with a blissed-out yet crazy look on your face. So funny!!!
I like shredding, too. “It’s destructive and productive!” (HA!) What more could you want? But I won’t get in your way if there’s a pile of paper to be shredded. You sound far too dangerous.
November 16th, 2007 at 2:16 pm
J.D. — It is as bad as you think. I don’t mess around. Be afraid, be very afraid.
November 16th, 2007 at 4:01 pm
I love shredding too! I was once given a huge stack of stuff to shred and was not happy, I had a lot more important things to do. It took me all day, and I was very sad when it was over. I was always looking for things to shred after that.
November 16th, 2007 at 9:22 pm
Marie — It’s a disease. Once you get started, find out you like it, you’re never cured.
November 16th, 2007 at 9:33 pm
Shredding is awesome. I remember buying my first one. It was useless really but I used it all the time. 😉
My mother is now hooked on her shredder. Ever wonder what we did without them?!
November 16th, 2007 at 9:40 pm
Jon — Welcome to the Junk Drawer. Love your blog! I’m plan to work my way through your archives soon.
What did we ever do without them? We ripped paper in half, tossed it and called it a day. How far we’ve come!
November 16th, 2007 at 9:52 pm
Happy to be here.
Some of my best writing is in my archives, I think, at least. But what in the world do I know?
November 16th, 2007 at 10:04 pm
Jon — I guess the trick is to purposely lead people back to the archives. Make it sticky, as they say. I just read your post about why you like to read from a blog’s home page, rather than via feeds. You’re right. You miss a little when you’re only reading from a feed post. Hard to get people to dig backwards unless you lead them there.
November 16th, 2007 at 10:59 pm
So does this mean that the greatest present your husband could give you – better than diamonds, better than gold – is a paper shredder?
November 16th, 2007 at 11:24 pm
Kev — Sure, a gold-plated, diamond-encrusted one 🙂
November 17th, 2007 at 4:17 am
Har! What a sight you must have been! We send out our stuff to be shredded at work… but I bought a shredder for home years ago.
And I have yet to remove it from the box. Yup, nothin’s been shredded at home either.
Kathy! I need your help!
November 17th, 2007 at 8:38 am
I agree with your shredding fetish, but how do you feel about shredders? Would a shredder be on your annoyance list if you had to sit and listen to someone else shredding for hours on end?
Oh crap, I’ve just said the words shred, shredding and shredder too many times and now they look weird and don’t make sense any more.
Oh crap, it’s 2:38 in the morning. NOTHING makes sense any more!
November 17th, 2007 at 1:43 pm
@ Maureen — Don’t tease me. How scary would that be if I showed up on your doorstep? “Take me to your shredder.”
@ Jeff — The way I feel about shredders depends on the shredder, and whether I’m the one doing the shredding.
The one in my office is small and quiet. It’s quiet because it shreds paper into strips only. I do not mind if someone else is doing the shredding.
The one I used in this story was very large and made more noise because it was a cross-cutter. But not noisy enough to be bothersome, even if someone else was doing the shredding.
The one I use at home is small (pictured in the post), but loud, because it’s a cross-cutter. I mind it whenever anyone is using it.
I would kill for a quiet, cross-cutter but I don’t think such an animal exists.
p.s. I hate when that happens with words, when you say them too much. Is there a word to describe that feeling? If there is, you probably don’t want to say it too much.
November 17th, 2007 at 3:12 pm
At a temp job I was on years ago I sat a guy get his tie stuck in one of those big shredders! Caused quite a commotion.
November 17th, 2007 at 3:14 pm
Opps… I saw a guy… my fingers aren’t awake yet this a.m.
November 17th, 2007 at 3:14 pm
Moonshadow — Thank God for the reverse button, and scissors. I’m guessing he was left with a very short tie afterwards.
November 17th, 2007 at 4:23 pm
Kathy, that’s strange… I got a post that says, “testing” in my email but it’s not showing up in your comments. I was going to post back that I had not prepared for a test.
November 17th, 2007 at 4:32 pm
Kathy, I love shredding too. I went through my filing cabinet a while ago and filled a blue bag for recycling. I felt much better, but I don’t have any shredding left to do here…
November 17th, 2007 at 4:50 pm
@ Moonshadow — Sorry ’bout that. I was just trying to tweak my Blogger template to see if a change I made worked as intended. It didn’t, and I deleted the comment. Anyway, don’t worry. If I give a test, I’ll give ample warning so you have enough time to study.
@ Rob — I have a small pile of papers going right now. Just waiting until it’s big enough for a shredding party.
November 17th, 2007 at 5:12 pm
I thought I was bad, I relax by staring into open fireplaces, watching the flames. I’m like a cat transfixed by a tumble drier.
But, you know, shreditation sounds like fun too.
November 17th, 2007 at 5:53 pm
Moo dog — “Shreditation” I LOVE THIS!!! Brilliant.
November 17th, 2007 at 8:18 pm
I should hire you, I hate shredding…I have a pile of paper about 2 feet tall waiting to be shredded. But you have inspired me to look at this task in a different light…Monday morning should be interesting now.
November 18th, 2007 at 1:42 am
A “paper shredder”, eh? Sounds like a great idea. I’ve been using fuel oil and road flares to get rid of my excess paper. The local fire department and I are on a first-name basis.
November 18th, 2007 at 4:05 am
@ Drowsy Monkey — You wouldn’t have to hire me. I would gladly do it for free!
@ Muskego Jeff — Burn baby burn! Check into shredding, though. It still gives you the chance to be destructive and there’s no danger involved. Unless you wear a tie and lean in too far.
November 18th, 2007 at 4:29 am
Destruction without danger? That’s like drinking a fine wine without having a paper umbrella in it.
November 21st, 2007 at 1:06 pm
Shredding is fun!
And relaxing. Too bad I’ve run out of things to shred.
November 21st, 2007 at 1:25 pm
@ Cyberpunk — You know, there are a lot of people who hate it. Maybe collect their stuff s long as they’re sure you’ll actually shred it!
November 29th, 2007 at 11:51 pm
My hubby thinks the shredder is useless.
I on the other hand have owned 3 in the last 3 years because I keep burning up the motors. In several fits of depression I have been known to shred an entire newspaper. The Sunday one at that!!
November 30th, 2007 at 12:13 am
KyshaKittyKreations — Wow, you’re a serious shredder! I do worry about the day mine dies. Maybe I should keep a spare on-hand. I must shred every day. It’s a ritual.
June 16th, 2008 at 1:52 pm
yet again i ask are you on meds??
June 17th, 2008 at 4:42 am
brooke — Nope. Shredding keeps me from having to take meds 🙂