We Can Hear You
embarrassing, work January 23rd, 2008 One would reasonably expect that if you entered a restroom at work that your private activities would be between only you and the toilet bowl. Not in our building.
A couple of months ago our restrooms were outfitted with the Kimberley-Clark Professional Toilet Paper Dispenser. It’s a fine toilet paper dispenser. Except for one thing.
Every time someone pulls paper from the rolls, something inside the dispenser shakes and shimmies so loudly, it sounds like machine-gun fire. How do we know? Our suite is located on the other side of the wall and the walls are paper thin.
What does this mean for us? Well, we get to hear every single time someone is about to …. er …. take care of the cleaning end of business. Once or twice a day wouldn’t bother me and my office mates, but our office is located next to a very popular, conveniently-located bathroom. Everybody uses it.
Yesterday I counted how many times we got to hear someone …. er …. get spring fresh. Thirty one times.
If you’re a regular reader here, you know I have issues with annoying noises and this is no different. In fact, it’s worse than any of the other annoying noises because those aren’t attached to a private bodily function.
We’ve considered hanging a sign on the dispenser that reads: “Please pull paper gently. We can hear you.” But that will only serve to freak people out and we’re not that cruel. I decided the best thing to do is ask our Facilities Services staff to send someone over to either remove it and replace it with a quieter model.
Here’s the request I submitted:
The mens (Rm336) and ladies restroom (Rm334) toilet paper dispensers are incredibly loud. Everyone in our suite can hear whenever someone is in there. We never heard anything with the old type dispenser. It’s embarrassing to hear it all day, and so loud it disturbs our work. Hanging a sign “Please be quiet. We can hear you.” is not an option. Can they be removed, or fixed to be silenced? Thanks.
What happened today? A service repairman showed up in my office and asked “You the woman who reported a loud toilet paper dispenser?” Responding the only way I knew how to the most ridiculous question ever uttered in the English language, I said “Um. Yeah. Sorry.”
He and I then proceeded to discuss the problem at hand. I made him walk over to the kitchenette which is opposite the restrooms. I told him if he stood there for five minutes, he was sure to hear it. Every single time someone is in the bathroom, without fail, we get the noise.
I was really glad that one of my office mates, Jason, showed up to confirm to the nice man that indeed we are subjected to loud toilet paper rolling. We both explained that not only were we jarred by this loud noise, but that I could actually feel the vibrations from it under my feet if I stood near the shared wall.
That’s when he looked at us and said “It’s highly doubtful it’s the TP dispenser then.” Though it did just occur to us that it would be beyond bizarre to actually feel its vibration through the floor, we insisted we test our theory about the dispenser and MAKE it make the noise.
So off Jason went to the men’s room. “I’ll go nuts on the thing and I know you’ll hear it.” The serviceman and I stood and waited as I grew increasingly embarrassed at having drug this guy over to our office to listen to our bathroom noise. I asked him if this was the stupidest job he ever got assigned and he said “Yeah, pretty much.”
Jason did like he said and went ballistic on the dispenser. The only problem was it didn’t sound like the noise we’ve been hearing. He ran back over and reported that it wasn’t the right noise. So I suggested it was the ladies room dispenser. Off I went to “fake pee” and do a number on the toilet paper. What I fast realized is it cannot possibly be this dispenser because you can barely get two good sheets out of the thing, much less pull down real hard so that the rollers shake and shimmy. I returned to the office deflated. “That’s not it!”
The serviceman who’d been humoring us all this time gave his assessment: “I think there’s air in the water lines. I’ll take a look.” He suspected that every time someone turned on the faucet to wash their hands, water and air ran through the lines and caused the noise. Just as we were getting over our embarrassment, we all heard THE noise. “Yep. It’s your water lines.” He rooted around in the maintenance closet, while I returned to my office with my tail between my legs. Whatever he worked on silenced the noise.
So it turns out our co-workers are not violent toilet paper grabbers after all, and we are the stupidest people on the planet. Thank God I never hung that note.
Other humor bloggers are way smarter than me.

January 23rd, 2008 at 7:56 pm
“You the woman who reported a loud toilet paper dispenser?”
I’d love to be a fly on the wall of that serviceman’s office, or wherever he reports. I would’ve loved to have seen you standing there, waiting for THE NOISE. Hey, at least you got it fixed!
JD’s last blog post..I’ve Seen David Strathairn in His Underwear so you don’t have to
January 23rd, 2008 at 8:36 pm
You are a riot! I love that you reported this as a toilet paper dispenser disturbance. How many people would think to do that?
January 23rd, 2008 at 9:03 pm
That was hailairous ! It is hard to imagine a paper dispenser sound like a machine gun !
I can live with a noisy toilet paper dispenser and air-bubbles in water the pipes.
I used to work in a drafting office with three other guys in their 20s and 30s who used to crack-up every-time the toilet flushed upstairs !
Sometimes when we had a serious meeting, the toilet would flush, all eyes would aim for the ceiling, with the same dirty thought wondering who it was !
Jaffer’s last blog post..Privacy of others is also our responsibility
January 23rd, 2008 at 9:51 pm
This could have been an episode of Beavis and Butthead!! “Uh, he said toilet paper.”
Lee’s last blog post..Wordless Wednesday
January 23rd, 2008 at 10:21 pm
Hehe what a riot.
I’m with you on the annoying noise intolerance BTW. Nice to feel there are others!
January 23rd, 2008 at 10:24 pm
*LOL* Fantastic post!
However, I must remember to never read your blog at work cause it is really obvious from the tears of laughter running down my cheeks that I am not doing work. Online advertising is not this funny – well, okay, it can be, but most of the time, it isn’t.
Riayn’s last blog post..Choosing a Blog Name
January 23rd, 2008 at 10:34 pm
Har! You are priceless! Between your escapades at the shredder and your tracking down errant noises, do you ever get time to work? Actually, every office needs a “you”… the one person foolish (er, brave) enough to stand up and say what the rest of us are afraid to.
Bravo for solving yet another vexing office problem!
Maureen’s last blog post..Set The Wayback Machine to 2002 Sherman
January 23rd, 2008 at 11:40 pm
What you heard is referred to as “water hammer”. It’s very annoying and loud.
I’d loved to have seen that guy he got the work order for this problem. I’m sure he has a good story for the grandkids now. You tell it so very well, too. Had me rolling.
January 24th, 2008 at 1:13 am
It could have been worse — imagine if you could hear someone peeing or someone “dropping the kids off at the pool”.
If the guy hadn’t been able to solve the problem, I’d have suggested getting a “white noise” machine for the room.
Libertine’s last blog post..Odds and Ends
January 24th, 2008 at 4:59 am
That’s hilarious! You may have been embarrassed, but at least the problem got fixed…and the repairman got a great story to tell in the process. 😉
Theresa’s last blog post..For My Eyes Only
January 24th, 2008 at 5:12 am
You’re lucky to have a maintenance man that’s competent. It’s bad enough when you have a problem that is bothersome, it’s even worse when you get help that doesn’t have a clue.
Moonshadow’s last blog post..Welcome to my Office
January 24th, 2008 at 5:25 am
JD — I barely made eye contact with him as we were standing, waiting for THE noise. I stared at the floor a lot.
Terri — Absolutely no one else would think to do it because they’re all normal, and I’m …. well … shall we say “different.”
Jaffer — Two of my office mates could mimic the sound. If I knew how to post audio, I would. It was hilarious listening to them do it for the serviceman. Yes, it is embarrassing! When we’d have clients in our offices, they’d stop in their tracks and say “What was THAT?” We told them it was the TP dispenser.
Lee — It occurs to me this is the third post in ten days involving butts and TP. Perfect B & B material, but I will get back to regular programming soon!
Gizmo — You have no idea how bad it is for me:
Riayn — Glad you got a kick out of it. Now back to work!
Maureen — Yes, yes! Everyone needs a me! I may have a few screws loose, but I’m not afraid to save the world from life’s little annoyances. It’s my mission.
Alice — Oh, thank you for putting a name on it. I’m clueless about plumbing, so it’s nice to know what was going on in our pipes. I suspect when he got home last night, he told his family “You won’t believe what happened today…”
Libertine — I’m eternally grateful it wasn’t THAT kind of noise. There are some places on campus, though, that might. Many buildings used for offices were once houses that were converted to office space. I know they must have worse issues than ours.
Theresa — VERY embarrassed. I know I gave him a good laugh, though.
Moonshadow — Our guy knows his stuff. He knew right away what it was and was so nice not to make me feel foolish.
January 24th, 2008 at 8:07 am
Bwhahaha…too funny. Made my morning 🙂
Steve’s last blog post..Life is funny and surprising
January 24th, 2008 at 8:20 am
You blamed water hammer on a shit paper dispenser!
Did the maintenance guy plumb in a water hammer arrestor?
January 24th, 2008 at 8:53 am
There is a reason I read your postings every morning – you start my day off with a laugh! This was too funny.
At least you don’t get the smells that one of my co-workers used to get when her office was directly across from the men’s restroom. That was cruel and unusual punishment…
Michael’s last blog post..A Few People To Know
January 24th, 2008 at 9:14 am
A sign saying “please do not wash your hands” should just about do it.
Dan’s last blog post..Another chance to see… Day Five
January 24th, 2008 at 10:35 am
The last office I worked in actually had the problem you were trying to fix. However in our case, we didn’t have an “annoying noise” advocate in our corner.
Good for you for standing up for annoying noise elimination. The world could use more people like you.
Jeff’s last blog post..Talk about shrinkage…
January 24th, 2008 at 11:54 am
How funny! I cracked up at this post!
That air in the water line CAN sound like a machine gun. I had it happen to me in a ladies room at a restaurant. It scared me so bad that I jumped back and flung my hands out of the sink, which covered my shirt with water. I’m sure it looked perfectly normal to go into the bathroom with a clean, dry shirt and to come out with it soaked. Nice.
Momo Fali’s last blog post..The Darlingest Dog
January 24th, 2008 at 12:48 pm
Great little story. Now all you have to listen to all day is the rattling pipes – at least no bad connotations.
As I looked over your profile I was flabbergasted to read that we must be clones – only I’m the much older edition. I could have used your writeup in my own profile.
Have a nice day.
Swubird’s last blog post..THE SIGNS OF THE ZODIAC
January 24th, 2008 at 1:42 pm
Steve — Glad to make your morning!
Mike — Well, he has some work to do yet. We still occasionally hear the noise. Drastically improved, though.
Michael — We are very fortunate we’re only dealing with noise. Smells? I’d have to move.
Dan — I wonder if people would NOT wash their hands if a sign told them not to, even if they didn’t know why.
Jeff — I do what I can. Wait ’til summer. I’m going after my ice cream truck guy for blaring Pop Goes the Weasel. Through my blog, I met a woman who succeeded in silencing her own “megaphone menace” (in Florida). I plan to do the same. She gave me some good advice.
Momo Fali — It’s loud and jarring! Sorry yours was so bad you wound up getting soaked. Lovely. Out in public no less.
Swubird — Thanks! I’m glad you liked the story and found our profiles similar. Funny you found me then. Like your zodiac post with the watery image. I’m a Virgo, BTW.
January 24th, 2008 at 3:00 pm
And to think all those times you thought people were ‘taking care of their situation’. Thank goodness it was just the water lines!
StephanieC’s last blog post..baby mama
January 24th, 2008 at 3:23 pm
This really does put a dent in your ITD problem solving skills resume doesn’t it?
In our bathrooms at work, they have installed motion sensor hand soap dispensers. Of all the problems in the world that need solving, I would like to know how not having to touch the soap dispenser to wash your hands got bumped to the top of the list.
lotus07’s last blog post..Deep Woods
January 24th, 2008 at 4:37 pm
I think I’d prefer the water hammer noise announcing who washed their hands. I’ve stopped shaking hands with some co-worker due to observations of who doesn’t wash their hands.
Lee’s last blog post..When I Was Big
January 24th, 2008 at 4:41 pm
This has to be the funniest post that I have seen in a long while.
Richard’s last blog post..Filtering
January 24th, 2008 at 5:50 pm
StephanieC — But I’m glad to know at least they were washing their hands!
lotus07 — Actually, it reduces bacteria. I just read something about that, but can’t find it again. I know, it’s not solving a major world problem, but maybe you won’t get sick this season.
Lee — Doubt everyone and wash often.
Richard — Thanks!
January 24th, 2008 at 7:22 pm
I can just imagine the conversation the service man had with his dispatcher after this call….:):)
robert bourne’s last blog post..Awards Night and Other Stuff
January 25th, 2008 at 12:56 am
Air in the waterlines? Sounds more like a bathroom ghost to me. Them toilets are haunted. Watch your ass.
Adamski’s last blog post..Sixth Grade Journal: Race and Politics From a Former Racist
January 25th, 2008 at 5:53 am
Robert — I know. I’m sure I was the “butt” of a lot of jokes!
Adamski — Don’t make me afraid to use the ones in question. The alternative is the smelling one down the hall that no one uses.
January 25th, 2008 at 6:23 am
Hi! At first, I thought it may have been a ploy by your boss to cut out too many toilet breaks. Then I thought he may have been implementing a time and motion study. But having come to the bottom of your story, I worked out I was just a problem with your water works. Too much gas will always do that!
Peter McCartney’s last blog post..My answers you seek are within
January 25th, 2008 at 1:03 pm
I know how the TP facilities man felt–it’s awful to be the “dirty job” goto. I work in public services, and no, not public restrooms, a library. One day at the desk, a young man sidled up to me me in a stage whisper, there’s a [grody icky bathroom-related item] on the floor by the entrance. We’re talking serious biohazard. I went to investigate, and there, indeed, it was. I called physical facilities. But you would not believe, in my white-collar job at a service desk, that nearly every person that walked in our building selected ME to report the problem to, and some even waited expectantly for me to REMOVE it. No freakin’ way. I was at my wit’s end already, but then one of the high level administrative assistants –also a facilities coordinator of sorts — was leaving for the day. She went through the doors, then turned around, and came back, stopping at my service desk. “Stacey, there’s a [blah blah] near the entrance.” She may have been about to suggest I take care of it, but I beat her to the punch. “I’m just a wee reference librarian. More your job than mine!” I said brightly. It was there until late that night.
Stacey’s last blog post..All the rage about rollkur
January 25th, 2008 at 3:52 pm
LOL!!! I am amuzed. Thanks. Who would have thought a story about toilet paper could be so fun to read.
marsha’s last blog post..Excuse the Mess
January 25th, 2008 at 6:06 pm
Peter — We were SO convinced it was the dispenser, poor innocent Kimberly Clark Professional Toilet Paper Dispenser.
Stacey — I don’t know what to say. I’m flabbergasted and thoroughly disgusted. This story, hands down, wins the all-time Worst Thing That Happened to Me at Work award. Good Lord.
Marsha — Hopefully I’ll be writing some other fun things that don’t involve butts. I’ve had a string of them lately for some reason!
January 25th, 2008 at 7:05 pm
Don’t feel bad. A friend of mine once had a problem with her cordless phone where her neighbors could hear her talking, so the neighbors did an EXORCISM TO GET RID OF THE DEMONS on their phone line. At least you didn’t call a priest.
diesel’s last blog post..Caption Contest: Rambo 4
January 25th, 2008 at 8:05 pm
diesel — Our microwave just died last night. If the electrician I called to fix it can’t make it work, I AM calling a priest. Equipment is failing all around me. Maybe I do need an exorcism.
January 25th, 2008 at 8:08 pm
What an interesting story! Nicely written. I’ll be back!
pmonchet’s last blog post..February 1st-Joliber’s Birthday (Contest)
January 25th, 2008 at 8:22 pm
On the plus side, isn’t it nice to know all these people are washing their hands?!
Madmad’s last blog post..Fresh air, schmesh air
January 25th, 2008 at 8:35 pm
pmonchet — Thank you, and please do come back!
Madmad — We were happy to know our building-mates all practiced good hygiene. Cheers for cleanliness!
January 26th, 2008 at 12:47 am
“our co-workers are not violent toilet paper grabbers after all” LOL..oh my. It takes me so long to read one of your posts because I’m laughing so hard.
Where I used to work our desks were beside the public washrooms…it was an old converted house…so there really wasn’t any privacy. We knew we’d all been working together too long when we started timing our co-workers to see how long they were in there…and when they walked out it was akward…like…I know what you just did.
DrowseyMonkey’s last blog post..Blog Cleaning
January 26th, 2008 at 6:45 pm
DrowseyMonkey — We have a lot of converted houses on campus. I know a lot of people must have worse problems than ours. Far worse.
January 28th, 2008 at 8:10 pm
Bayou Woman’s last blog post..Guess where I went? Part 1
January 29th, 2008 at 7:30 am
So I was thinking about my own restroom habits, and got to wondering: How aggressive does one really need to be with a toilet paper dispenser? To rattle your floor and frighten you? LOL… I always end up in bathrooms where the toilet paper refuses to be dispensed and no matter how hard I try to pull it out, I end up with a handful of shredded t.p. pieces.
Anyway- glad to hear all is right in your office now. 🙂
January 29th, 2008 at 1:26 pm
Bayou Woman — Glad you enjoyed it!
Corrina — If I carried a big enough purse, I’d probably bring my own TP. That stuff they put in there is a joke.
February 25th, 2008 at 9:50 pm
Funny! From my office, I can hear the “clack, clack, clack” of high-heeled shoes in the ladies room, which is about three doors down from my office. I can’t hear anything else but the footsteps, but anytime someone’s looking for a missing sales manager, I’m usually right when I tell them she’s in “a meeting.” 😉
Don’s last blog post..That First Suit
February 26th, 2008 at 5:28 am
Don — I hear them, too! It’s weird to hear the clickity-clack as they move about. I wish I was able to tune it out.
June 17th, 2008 at 11:02 am
odd very odd
August 31st, 2010 at 11:47 am
Wow, that’s a pretty funny story. I’m working in an office now where the walls are paper thin near the bathroom. It’s interesting to say the least.