10 Things I Don’t Have the Guts to Do
embarrassing February 9th, 2008 Fear keeps me from doing a lot of things in my life and I hate that. I think that’s part of the reason I read a lot of non-fiction books about people who’ve faced incredible challenges and go on to do amazing things. I live through their bravery and maybe — just maybe — it’ll teach me I can do more than I think I can.
Here’s a sampling of the things I’d never have the guts to do:
1. Sing in public. I have no singing voice to speak of. Once, Dave heard me singing along to a song in the car and he quickly turned down the radio to hear me. I got so embarrassed, although he said the little bit he heard was so nice and I should do it more.
2. Sky dive. The thought of it makes me ill, but the desire to say I’ve done something so insane looms large.
3. Join my local writer’s group. I’ve toyed with the idea of attending a meeting of my local writer’s group, just to hear what real writers talk about. I want to learn what it takes to publish a book, but I’m afraid I’ll overhear “Who let the blogger in?”
4. Take a trip on a plane all by myself. I’ve never done it (or had to do it, thank God). I’m directionally-challenged in the worst way. I’m afraid I’d get lost in an airport, lose my ticket, get on the wrong plane, or de-plane at the wrong city. If I ever had to do it for some reason, I’d need one of those airline babysitters whose job it is to see that small children traveling alone get where they’re going. Not kidding.
5. Be a waitress. Not that I would ever need to be, since I’m gainfully employed at the moment. However, I consider waitressing to be such a ridiculously difficult job that I’m an obscenely generous tipper. I can’t understand how a person can take multiple orders, with special requests, write it all down and get it all correct, all while waiting on six other tables. One time I watched a server take a lengthy, specialized order from my husband and me IN HIS HEAD. I remarked for a couple minutes at how impressed I was with his talent. I thought “Uh oh. I’m making him forget our order.” He didn’t. Blew. My. Mind.
6. Wear open-toed shoes. I wish I could, but I just can’t. If you saw my feet, you’d understand. Picture five gnarly, baby potatoes attached to each foot.
7. Fire a gun. Come to think of it, I can barely look at a real gun. I don’t know why. Maybe I’ve seen too many crime movies. Guns scare the crap out of me.
8. Ride a horse. Aside from my fear that I’m too heavy for a horse to support me, I have visions of being thrown and landing in a back-breaking, never-walk-again kind of way.
9. Drive in New York City. I live only 75 minutes from the city. I imagine all the weekend getaways I’m missing because I can’t dream of driving there or getting around in my own car. Yes, there are buses and taxis, but it would be nice to hop in my car at a moment’s notice and be able to get there and tool around town on my own.
10. Be a parent. I’ve no doubt it’s the hardest job in the world. I’ve always said I could easily get through a pregnancy and childbirth with flying colors. It’s everything that comes after that has me shakin’ in my shoes. Hats off to all the parents out there. I’m in total awe of you.
Now it’s your turn. Anything you’d love to try in your lifetime, but don’t have the guts for? Have you ever tried something and regretted it?

February 13th, 2008 at 6:37 am
come to houston. I’ll take you to the gun range. GREAT stress reliever. 🙂
Margaret’s last blog post..Bullies
February 13th, 2008 at 6:50 am
Margaret — But I’m such a baby! Do they let babies fire guns? As for stress relief, I should just stick with paper shredding.
February 13th, 2008 at 4:51 pm
Regaring not driving into New York City … you can do what I sometimes do. First find a nice rural NJ town you like along the NJ Transit line (Edison or Methuen are nice friendly, cozy towns), or my favorite for a Sunday morning jaunt into the city is the Grove Street PATH station in Jersey City (free and safe [in my experience] street parking). Hop on the train at one of these places and take it right into the city, then catch a subway, bus, taxi to your destination.
Saves the expensive bus ticket to the city, yet keeps your car out of the city.
February 13th, 2008 at 6:06 pm
Driving in N.Y. should be the greatest fear of them all.
February 13th, 2008 at 6:11 pm
Glenn — See, but I can’t even do THAT! It would involve showing up at an appointed location and following instructions. You would have to come with me. That’s all there is to it.
Jack Payne — I couldn’t agree more. Have you?
February 14th, 2008 at 4:16 pm
I own a gun, have flown dozens of times, sung in public dozens of times, but I’m terrified of horses. The number one scariest thing I can think of is: standup comedy.
I can make people laugh, don’t get me wrong. Get me at a table in a bar with a bunch of friends or with the guys in the firehouse and I can get them going. Inevitably one will say, You should do standup. I’d rather swallow a sword. If you sing, and you aren’t that good, when you are done, people will at least clap politely. If you aren’t funny, no one is going to laugh to make you feel better. And drunks will mock you.
Shieldmaiden96’s last blog post..Chapter Eleventy, In Which We Examine My Ongoing Battles With Gravity
February 14th, 2008 at 6:25 pm
Shieldmaiden96 — Standup? Good Lord. I agree. You might as well be naked up there, too. I’m in total awe of people who do it well and make it look effortless. I don’t know how they do it.
February 15th, 2008 at 11:56 am
Ooh, interesting topic, what makes us skirm in out seats and out of them.
Join the writer’s group; I belong to several and nobody will glare over their glasses because your a blog writer. Writing is writing and it’s all tough. There are enough outside critics without fellow writers jumping in.
I have to agree with the scuba-diving thing. They say you either feel the absolute freedom of the open ocean or you’re terrified of the water around you. Love swimming, but I want to be able to get my own breath, thank you very much.
Sandra’s last blog post..Blog Toplist
February 15th, 2008 at 4:33 pm
You could always combine two of them by attending the writers group and if they are unkind to you, fire a gun.
Wrters groups are not usually that bad though – in general people tend to bend over backwards to be nice to you – mainly so that you will be nice to them. I’d go along and see what goes on, if nothing else you’ll be able to do case studies in over-inflated egos.
tfa’s last blog post..Tactical Victories
February 15th, 2008 at 5:11 pm
Sandra and tfa — I just may try the writer’s group after all. The worst that could happen is that they laugh me out of the room and I never go back. But there’s no harm in that because I’ll never see them again!
Oh, and tfa, I like how you think. I’ll consider packing heat before I go.
February 16th, 2008 at 7:32 am
I myself does not have the guts to sing in public too. I would never ever ever do that. Lol But I think I could dance, oh well.. 🙂
elaine’s last blog post..Who’s Your Idol Meme
February 16th, 2008 at 11:35 am
elaine — It amazes me that those really bad singers go on American Idol, thinking they have something. Geez, I bet even I sound better than them. Oh, and everybody thinks they can dance, even me! Of course, it may all be in my head.
February 19th, 2008 at 9:26 am
It’s funny, but as a man, I’ve never even considered being scared of wearing open toed shoes…
I’ve also waited tables and never imagined that someone would be frightened by the thought of doing it…at least enough to put it on a list.
But skydiving…skydiving would definitely be on my list.
Jason A Clark’s last blog post..“Dancing With The Stars” Season Six Cast Announced
February 19th, 2008 at 9:37 am
Jason — If you saw the toes, you would know why it’s on the list. Likewise, if you saw me try to waitress, you would pity me. Also, you would get the wrong meal, or no meal at all. I would be fired by the end of my first shift.
February 19th, 2008 at 2:32 pm
I’ve done 8 of those, everything except skydiving and the writing group. However, I have rappelled out of a perfectly good helicopter while carrying a weapon though. I am afraid of heights but being young and crazy at the time won over the fear.
Like Jason, I’m not sure if the open toed shoe thing should count for men.
Frank C’s last blog post..Niche Blog Beginner Tips
February 19th, 2008 at 6:30 pm
65 comments from every corner of the net… and you don’t think you are a “real” writer. I can name 65 people who would buy your book – 66 including me.
Grizzly’s last blog post..Asia’h Epperson
February 19th, 2008 at 8:47 pm
FrankC — I could NOT do the rappelling thing. I can do insane roller coasters, but I can’t do a ferris wheel because you sit too high, too long. Hanging from a helicopter would give me too much time to realize where I was. I’m in awe of you.
Grizzly — Feelin’ the love! Thanks so much for saying that. If a book ever happens, you’ll hear about it here 🙂
February 20th, 2008 at 5:36 pm
There’s only four of those mentioned that I’ve never done.
Sky diving..no thanks..too chicken.
Driving in New York? Not a problem, if I ever get to go.
Fire a gun and join a writer’s group, haven’t done either (yet).
Being a parent IS the hardest thing possible, so be sure to tread verrrrr lightly. 🙂
Griz is right, Kathy. And by the way…Subscribed! 🙂
Lin’s last blog post..Understanding Assertiveness: Getting The Respect You Deserve
February 21st, 2008 at 8:29 am
Lin — I’ve no doubt about the parenting thing. Although I don’t miss the challenges, I’m also missing the rewards. That’s the flipside. Thank you for your kind words. I’m a fan of your blog and I’ve been subscribed for some time. Hope you’re feeling better. Something seems to be going around. I’m arming myself with Airborne. So far, so good!
February 21st, 2008 at 9:13 am
The rewards are by far the most wonderful and awe-inspiring part of being a parent, despite the difficulties.
I’m feeling better a little at a time, so thank you for thinking of me. 🙂
Lin’s last blog post..5 Ways To Make Your Blog Posts SCREAM For Attention
February 29th, 2008 at 9:35 pm
Regarding number 10, you forget the fear once you’ve actually got the child. There’s just no time for it anymore.
Mark Stoneman’s last blog post..Talking Religion on Public Forums
March 1st, 2008 at 12:38 am
Your site makes me laugh uproariously! I just wanted to say, in regards to #4, I had to take a plane trip from Texas to CA by myself in January for my sister’s wedding. It was the first and last time I ever do that!! I was told the flight was non-stop, and I was soooooo sick on the way there that when the plane landed, I hopped up and got off! After 15 minutes in the airport bathroom, I came out to find that I wasn’t in Ontario, CA, I was in Las Vegas! I had gotten off in the wrong city. I cried, no joke. A 29 year old woman crying in public is just pathetic. I called my mom who came to get me, luckily it’s only a 3 hour drive from where they are to Las Vegas! So, I sympathize with the inability to do this particular thing, I know I’ll never do it again!
On another note, when my mom called her friend at the airlines about my terrible trip, he told her that the pilot for that flight had been a student pilot! The landing was so bad, it went on record and he failed to receive credit! 😀
Kristyn’s last blog post..So much hate…
March 1st, 2008 at 8:45 pm
Mark Stoneman — I’ve heard that happens! Yet, still, I’m terrified.
Kristyn — I’m glad you’re liking The Junk Drawer. What you describe is exactly my fear realized. The only difference is that it would be a 42-year-old woman crying in the bathroom. I’m glad you shared your story. Makes me feel better!
March 22nd, 2008 at 8:38 pm
oops, I lost my post….fingers were too fast I guess…
Anyhow I was going to end with I am a single parent to wonderful 4 year old boy. I had him on my own via a donor and when I found out I was pregnant I was scared senseless and thought “oh my God what have I done??” But, he is the best thing in the world and I haven’t had a nervous breakdown yet….so if I can do it, you can too!
The thing I am scared to do…but people tell me to do…is to go into business for myself….I have NO self confidence that I could survive! I worry every day am I pulling my weight at the place I work for…could never work for myself, etc.
Love your blog…
March 23rd, 2008 at 5:44 am
Donna — Everyone always tells me I’d make a fine parent, and I deep-down know I would be. But given a choice, I usually take the “safe and sure” route. Running your own business is very hard, and I think the odds are against most people. But my father worked his tail off to sustain his own small business, so I do know it’s possible through the strength of sheer will (and a little luck!)
Thanks for stopping by. Come back again!
March 30th, 2008 at 3:26 pm
Great post! I think I might have to do my own version someday, since I have so many fears. 🙂
I’m with you on skydiving. No way. (However I have done hang gliding but only small hills). I’m deathly afraid of heights, so anything height related I won’t do unfortunately that includes ski lifts, and I love snowboarding. 🙁
Sing in public or speak in public I won’t do either. In fact I won’t transfer to a state university, Because you have to take speech class beforehand. (that’s pretty bad) Not so with the UC system though.
Oh and childbirth scares the crap out of me. I wouldn’t mind being a parent someday though. Guess I’ll have to get over that one.
March 30th, 2008 at 5:06 pm
michele — Thanks for dropping by! I’m impressed you’ve hang-glided. The size of the hill wouldn’t make a difference to me. I recently discovered how bad my fear of heights is. I was walking down an open-air stairwell from the 6th floor of a parking garage. My head spun and my legs got wobbly. Public speaking isn’t so horrible. It’s true that all it takes is practice. I’ve always thought I could make it through childbirth with flying colors. It’s everything that comes after that makes me feel faint.
May 11th, 2008 at 1:53 pm
I think you should really go and try to fire a gun! There is nothing to be afraid of and it can be quite relieving to do some target shooting once in awhile!
May 12th, 2008 at 4:05 pm
Swimmer — I’m still so afraid of guns. Maybe if someone had a gun to my head, I’d try. Ironic, huh?
May 21st, 2008 at 8:56 pm
You’d be crazy to NOT be scared of being a parent. Like you, I was more afraid of parenting than pregnancy. I always liked little kids but I didn’t know what to do with them- I didn’t just naturally know how to relate to them.
Good news is it’s different with your own. And even when you don’t know what you’re doing, well, they’re stuck with you!
Someone joked with me the other day asking if I wanted to “send her back” when she was being particularly naughty. I said it was too late- I hhave thrown away the receipt and I don’t even think I could get store credit!
Louise’s last blog post..Mother of the Pearl River Grilled Oysters Bruschetta
May 24th, 2008 at 4:24 am
Hi, Louise — Funny about the receipt! I’ve been told more than once that it’s different when they’re your own kids, but since it’s an “all or nothing” proposition, what if I’m a crappy parent? Then what? Scares the dickens out of me! Thanks for dropping by!
September 4th, 2008 at 6:22 pm
Why don’t you write about 10 things that you do than normal people will be afraid? I am pretty sure each individual do or can do something mostly people won’t.
September 4th, 2008 at 7:17 pm
Pump — That’s an excellent idea. Of course, I’m betting the list will be a lot shorter than this one. Not the daring type, obviously. But you’ve given me food for thought.
October 13th, 2008 at 4:10 pm
If you ever decide you want to conquer number 8, let me know. I could hook you up!
October 13th, 2008 at 4:28 pm
Tess — Will you also have an ambulance on stand-by?
August 18th, 2009 at 9:24 am
You should join the writers group! I finally did and got GREAT feedback from the group 🙂
Ok, I do admit, I was horrified at the first meeting.
.-= Bobbi´s last blog ..Living with Jonny P – The Electric Skillet II =-.
August 18th, 2009 at 9:26 am
Bobbi — Love your blog! Still cracking up about the skillet in the fridge. As for the writers’ group, I’m still afraid. Maybe after I get the first draft of my book done, I won’t feel so bad. Wait? What’s that? The first meeting is horrifying? Forget it then.
October 29th, 2009 at 2:15 pm
I know this is a way late comment for your blog post, but I thought I’d share. 🙂
My fears:
1. Swimming in deep, murky water. I used to be fine with it as a child. Then, I heard reports of the Russian Mafia throwing bodies into the lake that we used to swim in during the summers. Since then, I can’t stop picturing dead person fingers touching my foot.
2. Sleep somewhere that I can’t see the door. My bed has to be in the right position, so that I can wake up multiple times a night (which I do) and take my surroundings (a.k.a. Strange men that might be in my room, watching me sleep. EEK).
What’s funny is that I am afraid of lots of things and I can’t even think of any to keep this list going As soon as I submit it, they’ll come flooding in.
.-= Charlene´s last blog ..Today I Wore… =-.
October 31st, 2009 at 4:07 pm
Charlene — OMG. But you don’t live in Russia, right? You’re in Mesa. So I think you’re safe. Too funny. I can understand the bedroom door thing. Seems a lot of people who responded here have similar issues.
November 2nd, 2009 at 2:00 pm
No, I don’t live in Russia. 🙂 It was when I was back home in Central California. Go figure. 🙂 And yes, I am in Mesa now. Love it!
.-= Charlene´s last blog ..Today I Wore… =-.
November 14th, 2009 at 11:03 pm
I’ve done most things on your list! Haha Mine would be swimming with sharks! I don’t think I’d have the guts but it would be an awesome experience, I think? haha I love water ski racing and thankfully never had a shark with me in the water. But I think I would just freeze if I saw one!
December 19th, 2009 at 5:44 am
I wish I had courage to appear on TV with our Prime Minister Gordon Brown and tell him what a total mess his goverment have made of our country (the UK) over the last 10 years!