My Interview with Remy
Fun February 13th, 2008Photo: Seth Wenig, Associated Press
Top prizes were handed out on Tuesday at the Westminster Kennel Club Dog Show in New York City’s Madison Square Garden. I caught up with the winner in the non-sporting group, Remy, a haughty, ridiculously-shaven standard poodle who made time in her busy schedule to answer a few questions.
Kathy: So, Remy, how does it feel to win the top prize in the non-sporting group?
Remy: It’s a total crock. I mean, look at me. I should have won Best in Show. You know who they gave it to? Snoopy. A beagle hasn’t won Best in Show in like a hundred years. But a plain Jane, floppy-eared beagle? Come on! And they gave her a standing ovation. I just about crapped right there on the floor.
Kathy: So you didn’t win Best in Show, but you won best in your category. That’s an achievement!
Remy: Sorry, no. Not the same. I was robbed. I’m the only breed who gets shaved like this. Beagles don’t. They’re just their beagly selves. They get to lay down wherever they want, whenever they want.
Kathy: What do you mean?
Remy: Are you kidding? Look at my coat. You think you can just lay down on the floor with this thing? I can’t get comfortable on any side. It’s so thick, I’m constantly shifting positions. I can’t get a good night’s sleep. The only part that is comfortable is my ass, but even that’s a problem. I’m freezing down there!
Kathy: I think your hair looks lovely.
Remy: Pffff! Look. Here’s the thing. I didn’t ask for this hair. When I went to the salon, I asked the stylist for something cute and easy to manage. But all she heard was the cute part and started shaving away. What she did to my butt was criminal. It all went downhill from there.
I let her shave my face, thinking it would offset my naked butt, but then she proceeded to give me cotton ball feet and a helmet head to match. And, like I said, being hairless means you freeze. So I asked her to keep some on my torso so I wouldn’t get hypothermia, and that’s why I’m all over the map with this look. I can’t prove it, but I know my owner set me up.
Kathy: Didn’t you know what happens to poodles when they’re entered into the Westminster Show?
Remy: Honestly, I didn’t. My owner doesn’t have cable, so I wasn’t aware of the show until recently. My friends and me…. we can’t read and don’t have access to the Internet. Plus, we only see non-shaved poodles in our neighborhood. There was no reason to think this could happen. I was completely blind-sided.
Believe it or not, when my owner started entering me into some local shows, I wasn’t all poofed out like this. But then I started winning. You know our society. When something is good enough, we can’t just let it be. We have to supersize it; make it bigger, better, poofier! I should have seen it coming.
Kathy: So when you found out everyone would see you this way, what did you think?
Remy: Dude, I saw perks. In this business, it’s all about the perks. I thought if I had to look like this, I might as well go all out for the prize. Word on the street is most dogs lead a life of luxury after winning at Westminster. I practiced my strut for weeks. I learned not to flinch when they grabbed me in weird places. I knew I could ace this thing.
We all sell out for something and this is my thing. I’m looking at diamond-encrusted collars, 600 thread count sheets on my bed and a lifetime supply of Beggin’ Strips. I’ve heard they’re very good. So, yeah, I hated how I looked, but it was worth it. Besides, I can deal with the hair thing later. Hair grows back. But I’m not going back to that Edward Scissorhands stylist. EVER.
Kathy: Now that you’ve won best in your category, do you think you’ll be doing the talk show circuit?
Remy: Funny you asked. Letterman called and they want me to appear in the Stupid Pet Tricks segment of the show, but I balked. Since I won my category, I expected better. A little respect, you know? What we agreed upon was no pet tricks, but I get to sit on the couch next to him and show off my legs. That’s really all you can see of me anymore and I consider them my best feature. Got it, flaunt it, right? I have to schedule a wax soon, workout a little and cut back on my treats. The camera puts on ten pounds.
Kathy: What’s on your plate for the coming year?
Remy: Well, first, I’m getting this huge puffball removed from my tail, since it gets in the way a lot. I’m not allowed to get excited about anything because then the tail wags and the ball knocks everything off tables. I’m also thinking of changing my hair color. White is SO hard to keep white. I dream of running out and diving into a big mud pile sometimes, you know? I think I deserve it now, don’t you?
Kathy: Yes. Yes, I do.
Thank you, Remy, for making time for us. Congratulations on your top prize and here’s hoping you get that non-bulbous look you’ve been craving!

February 13th, 2008 at 6:02 pm
ILMAO!!! This was really good!
February 13th, 2008 at 8:01 pm
I picture Remy reclining on a chaise lounge, legs crossed, chain smoking, sipping on a highball. So very 1960s of her.
February 13th, 2008 at 8:25 pm
this is hilarious. tell remy the same happens to me when i go get my hair cut. the hairdresser hears what she wants and starts clipping and shaving away. my head looks like your butt remy. we’ll do lunch.
Natural Woman’s last blog post..Why I Blog
February 13th, 2008 at 8:29 pm
Nicely done…
Now if only you can get Britney to talk to
you about her hair styles,, it would be
Pulitzer time for sure…….
gt281’s last blog post..THE PAINTER
February 13th, 2008 at 9:01 pm
You are one of my all time favorite people. How’d you score an intereview with this dog? Wow….
(you are so dangblasted funny)
Margaret’s last blog post..Bullies
February 13th, 2008 at 9:29 pm
Oh my goodness. That poor, poor dog.
Momo Fali’s last blog post..The Ramifications Of The Writer’s Strike
February 13th, 2008 at 10:13 pm
Oh Remy, Remy, Remy….welcome to fortune and fame!!!! The price we pay for beauty!
February 13th, 2008 at 10:58 pm
Poodles are so cute when they aren’t all poofed out like that. That tail, my God, it’s hilarious. And those bald legs. Woof!
windyridge’s last blog post..Some Unique Knitting
February 14th, 2008 at 6:08 am
BernieOHare — Thanks. It was my first ever interview with a dog. My journalism professor would be so proud.
ann of the shampoo bag — Remy was exactly as you describe. Although she kept shifting in her seat. You know. The top-heavy hair thing.
Natural Woman — Remy’s stylist may go out of business after this scathing review. Hair one day, gone the next. (She didn’t just say that, did she?)
gt281 — I can’t interview Britney. I’d be laughing too hard.
Margaret — Even though I’m a cat person, I know a few high-profile dog people with connections. Glad you enjoyed it!
Momo Fali — I know. And I can’t even make out what those puffballs are on the sides of her butt. I mean, it wasn’t bad enough?
Kristen — Remy is very sure of herself. I bet if you shaved ALL of it off, she would still walk around like she was the cat’s meow. Er… the dog’s bark?
windyridge — Can you just imagine how hard it is to keep that hair tame? Seriously, it’s like cotton candy. BIZ-ARRE!!
February 14th, 2008 at 7:38 am
Best. Line. Evah:
“I learned not to flinch when they grabbed me in weird places. I knew I could ace this thing.”
cardiogirl’s last blog post..I’m gonna be upfront with you — I am not a flosser
February 14th, 2008 at 9:46 am
You talk to animals too?
My psychiatrist told me I was crazy, nuts, that it just wasn’t possible.
You prove I’m not insane!
Thank you thank you THANK YOU!
February 14th, 2008 at 10:34 am
Can’t help but think of the great movie “Best In Show” when you look at Remy!
Susan’s last blog post..We Love Wii
February 14th, 2008 at 11:57 am
Great. Absolutely hilarious. Is this true? Where you actually there? What about the Beagle? Crazy stuff. Are you really a professional comedy writer, and secretly trying out new material on all of us?
Have a great day.
Swubird’s last blog post..Brighter Than A Hundred Suns
February 14th, 2008 at 12:16 pm
cardiogirl — Basically, the dogs are having a naked doctor’s exam right in front of everyone. And we think it’s humiliating to wear a paper gown.
Mike — I talk to animals, they talk back. We send emails and IMs. Of course only the ones who can type and read. As Remy tells us, not all animals can do that.
Susan — It gets worse. Go look at this photo:
There oughtta be a law.
Swubird — I’m so glad you liked the story. It was my first try at fictional humor. I’ve been encouraged to try my hand at fiction and that was the result. I plan to stick with my insane non-fiction life stories, but you might find more like this every once in a great while. Have a great day yourself!
February 14th, 2008 at 12:37 pm
EXCELLENT!!!!!!!!!! My cheeks hurt because my grin was so wide!! Very, very funny.
Lee’s last blog post..Security and Torture
February 14th, 2008 at 2:54 pm
That’s criminal. Are dogs even supposed to be shaved down to their skin? Not only does that seem uncomfortable for them… it’s gross!
I think the only way a dog should be allowed to be “decorated” is if the owner does the same thing himself. Now that I would like to see.
Jeff’s last blog post..How to destroy your body in 5 easy days!
February 14th, 2008 at 3:12 pm
Well I think that Remy’s first problem is that she’s blaming it all on “Snoopy”! Wasn’t the winning dog’s name Uno? We have a beagle at our house and he is struttin his stuff this week. BTW…we have a labradoodle too, so I suppose our whole house should be celebrating!!!
February 14th, 2008 at 5:20 pm
Awesome post! Way to score an interview with such a celebrity. Poor Remy. I really do feel for those poor dogs with the silly fur puffs. Would an unshaven poodle have won??
JD’s last blog post..I Got The Look so you don’t have to
February 14th, 2008 at 5:40 pm
Hi Kathy,
“They’re just their beagly selves” Now that is funny. Your concept for this made me laugh so hard because I had to sit through this dog show because my wife insists on watching this every year. The best part is we don’t have a dog, though my dad has a beagle, and it is a fat, beagly thing, lol! I love it, “beagly.” You made my day. -Mike.
Mr. Grudge’s last blog post..The Birthday Boy and the Moon Man
February 14th, 2008 at 5:50 pm
Lee — It gives me great pleasure to bring pain to people’s cheeks and make them spit drinks on their keyboards. Glad you liked it!
Jeff — I know! It’s like the creepy child beauty pageants of the dog world.
“I think the only way a dog should be allowed to be “decorated” is if the owner does the same thing himself. Now that I would like to see.”
I’m guessing you really wouldn’t. It would involve walking around pantless, wouldn’t it?
Linda — I spoke to Remy today, as it happens. She’s feeling better about things, even though she heard Uno gets to be on Oprah. You can’t have everything.
JD — An unshaven poodle would have been hustled out the door into the shivering cold and then someone would have thrown a box over it. Those show people are ruthless.
Mr. Grudge — Glad you enjoyed my little interview. Now that a beagle won, maybe your dad’s dog will be inspired to change his fat beagly ways and drop a few pounds. You can’t win at Westminster unless you’re a size two.
February 14th, 2008 at 8:55 pm
Kathy, I’m very impressed. You are one of the best… no… yeah… THE best dog interviewer I have ever read. If it was mine to give, I’d give you the Poodlitzer Prize!
February 15th, 2008 at 12:33 am
I am on the floor from laughing so hard — so very hard to type from this position!! Poofier, indeed. So funny.
February 15th, 2008 at 8:04 am
FerdC — I humbly accept your fake award! Love the sound of the Poodlitzer Prize. You should patent that. Woof!
Carol — It pleases me that you fell down. Now I can add that to the list of things I strive to do to people when they read my goofy stories…. spit food, freeze your face, fall off chair. My job is done here.
February 15th, 2008 at 9:31 am
Very clever, Kathy. You certainly are creative and talented – I’m sure we’ll see your book in the stores one day. Whatever you write will be a hit!
February 15th, 2008 at 1:00 pm
Marlene — Appreciate that! I’m up against huge odds with the book thing, but I do like to dream about it.
February 16th, 2008 at 10:38 pm
That was such a good interview with Remy. You really got her to open up about her life.
Christine Thresh’s last blog post..A Roof Over My Head
February 17th, 2008 at 12:42 pm
Christine Thresh — Remy is a very opinionated dog. She would have opened up to anyone. Girl had a lot on her mind.
March 18th, 2008 at 8:32 am
I’ve thought of entering some of my dogs in these shows but I’m worried they would eat the other contestants.
Funny as always Kathy…
Grizzly’s last blog post..You Will learn Nothing Useful With This Post
March 18th, 2008 at 6:26 pm
Grizzly — Also, you’d have to spend all your free time grooming. And who needs that? Glad you liked it. This was fun for me to write (my first fiction piece).
March 18th, 2008 at 6:44 pm
Kathy I’ve said this before – you are one of – no – the best writer I have come across online. You could give Dave Barry a run for his money. I wish I knew someone in the publishing world as I would send them your way. Definitely do more fiction – great stuff.
Grizzly’s last blog post..You Will learn Nothing Useful With This Post
March 18th, 2008 at 6:46 pm
Grizz — I love you. (Don’t tell my husband).
April 21st, 2008 at 11:30 pm
[…] Frederick presents My Interview with Remy posted at The Junk […]
April 22nd, 2008 at 12:30 am
Congratulations! Just 14 out of 78 humor submissions were included in Humor Carnival 2, and this was one of them. Thanks so much for your delightful contribution!
Mad Kane’s last blog post..Humor Carnival 2
February 7th, 2009 at 10:15 pm
Like most famous dogs, Remy quickly forgets what it was that got her there in the first place. You were lucky to get an interview. If Remey takes it all next year, she’ll tell her agent: “no more interviews”.
Remy would do good to remember that there is always another poodle sniffing at her rear!
marvelgoose’s last blog post..Confessions of a Beauty Pageant Emcee
February 8th, 2009 at 7:01 pm
marvelgoose — A poodle with an attitude. Does it get any worse? I can’t wait to watch Westminster again. Cracks me up every time.
June 26th, 2009 at 8:37 am
poor dog.. sounds like the haircut wasn’t too appreciated… but its the life of a show dog… i love poodles 🙂
June 24th, 2010 at 6:01 am
Very funny.. I am still laughing:)
Portable Dog Kennel´s last blog post ..Finding Cheap Dog Houses that Last