Excuse Me, but That’s Not a Table
embarrassing April 22nd, 2008 Every few months, I go to my doctor to get an injection that must be administered at a ventrogluteal site. What’s a ventrogluteal site, you ask?
My big ‘ol smiling butt, that’s what.
I’ve gotten quite used to getting injections this way. It’s not painful at all, and subjects me to only a mild amount of embarrassment. Pants down. Inject. Band-aid. Pants up. Done.
Not the last time I went.
This time, I got Nurse Rached who was either in a terrible hurry to get me over with, or never got the instructions for making her patients feel comfortable in a vulnerable position, or both.
I got myself in position, leaning at roughly a 60 degree angle against the examination table. Pants down. Cheek in position. Knee bent. Ready.
I could hear Nurse Rached prepare the various paraphernalia necessary to give the injection.
Typically, the nurse will toss out the syringe plastic wrap, cotton ball and Band-aid behind her on a counter. Nurse Rached apparently felt it was too time-consuming to turn around and lay the items down behind her.
So she piled everything up in a heap on my butt. Yep, there I stood. Me and my ass table.
Plastic wrap. Check. Needle cap. Check. Syringe!!! Check. Used cotton ball. Check. Band-aid wrapper. Check. Got anything else you wanna throw on there? Your coffee cup? A phone, stapler and tape dispenser and you’ve got yourself an office.
Needless to say, I was mortified. Um, you almost done back there?
Listen, I don’t go around leaving garbage on her butt, so I’d really appreciate not getting her again for my next injection. Besides, I hope to lose 20 pounds by my next visit, so it’s possible there won’t be enough room for disposables.
Lady, check the nurse manual. I’m pretty sure it says exposed butts are embarrassing enough.

November 1st, 2009 at 10:10 am
[…] Ignore that nurse and keep your butt covered. Unless you’re Kathy. […]
July 14th, 2010 at 5:25 pm
The entire time I was reading all I could imagine was her pulling up a chair and kicking her feet up on exposed butt and turning on the television.
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