Pick a Card, Any Card
Fun April 5th, 2008 Tonight I had to run to the store to pick up a birthday card for my niece, Amy. I may be seeing her tomorrow and I didn’t want to come empty handed. Of course it’s last minute, because I haven’t learned to use a calendar yet and things like sending birthday cards on time are the stuff of nightmares for me.
So I’m in the card aisle and I spot a couple standing near the birth announcement section, talking to a store employee. Together they’re trying to find the right card for their needs. I admire the woman’s beautiful white sari, looking so dressed up for a trip to the store. And then there’s me in my stretchy pants. Lovely.
The employee walks away after a few seconds and then I hear it.
Oh, no. They mean me.
I turn around, shaking off the fact that being 40-something makes you a bonafide ma’am, and smile. “Yes?”
“Can you help us find a card for a baptism?” The couple is having a hard time because no cards have the actual word baptism on them and they’re clearly not familiar with certain rites and ceremonies. The woman shows me one card that reads “On your Bat Mitzvah…”
She asks, “What’s a Bat Mitzvah?”
Oh, God. We’re going to have Religions of the World 101, right here in the store.
“Well, it’s for a boy, about the age of 13. It’s a rite of passage that people in the Jewish faith celebrate when a boy becomes …ย a man, well, a young man … when a boy comes of age. Nevermind. It’s not a baptism card. You don’t want that.”
The woman thanks me and puts the card back.
The man leads me over to the birth announcement section to get a closer look. A quick review turns up nothing in the baptism department. Crap.
I see more Bat Mitzvah and Bar Mitzvah cards, and quickly realize I had told the woman the wrong thing about the Bat Mitzvah. I point at the Bat and the Bar and say “I was wrong. The Bat Mitzvah is for girls and the Bar Mitzvah is for boys.”
They thank me for explaining the difference and probably think “Thanks, lady. Still doesn’t help us.”
We all keep poking around and the man spots one that reads “For your christening…”
He says, “What’s a christening?’
I’m excited. “Yes, yes! That’s another name for a Christian baptism. You can use that one!”
He’s glad, but now we have a new problem. He needs two baptism cards and doesn’t want to give a duplicate card to the same family. I’m guessing they’re attending a baptism for twins. Would have to be, right? But then, do babies even know they get cards? Can’t he just write on one card, “For your beautiful babies on their christening…?” These are too many thoughts for me in a grocery store on a Saturday night, my head hurts now, and I still have to find the card I came for!
So now we’re looking for another christening card or some other suitable Christian card for the occasion. I was just about to suggest they get a generic flowery card that’s blank inside, so they can write their own “Way to go on your baptism!” message, when he finds one in a slot labeled “Religious.” It’s not a baptism card, per se. But it just might work.
We look it over and I read him the contents. It’s got all the goods:
New baby, check. Bundle of joy. Check. Wishing you all of God’s blessings. Jackpot!!!
“Yes, you can use this one. It has God in it. God is good.”
They thank me profusely and go on their merry way, too fast for me to ask them if they’d help me pick out the card I came for. Sorry, Amy. I had to go it alone and there were no cards that gave me so much as a chuckle. You’re getting a very plain one, but I’ll put a lot of money in it.
I don’t do birthday cards very well, but I’m totally awesome when it comes to baptisms. All you have to do is ask.

April 5th, 2008 at 9:34 pm
I love it that my favorite blogger is a total spaz. Thanks for the laugh ๐
April 5th, 2008 at 10:11 pm
Never a dull moment for you. I don’t know anyone else who could blog about buying a birthday card and make it funny and interesting!
babs (Simplycats)’s last blog post..I want to be home
April 5th, 2008 at 10:20 pm
I can only find the perfect card 6 months after the event, so I figured out a way around it. I bought a box with months and events folder in it, and when I find the perfect card at the wrong time, I buy it anyway, then 20 min before I have to go over to someones house, for some event I forgot was happening, I go to my card box and Voila! Saved by Hallmark!
*hint* don’t buy cards that have the year on them, dead giveaway you are using last year (or last decade’s) card.
April 5th, 2008 at 10:22 pm
LOL oh boy, this is one of the best posts ! I really wish I was there to see all that. (And probably throw in some hindi)
Jaffer’s last blog post..A new WordPress, a new design but not before a new adventure
April 5th, 2008 at 11:12 pm
It was very nice of you to be so helpful. Consider it your good deed for the day!
Neena (NeenMachine)’s last blog post..Dyson Root 6 Vacuum Giveaway
April 6th, 2008 at 7:47 am
Oh, my god, that’s hilarious.
Kathy, only you could casually drop into a store in your stretchy pants and find yourself embroiled in a Religion 101 course. Good on yer for helping that nice couple.
HA! God is good, indeed!
JD’s last blog post..Iโm Going Back to the Ponderosa Sun Club so you donโt have to
April 6th, 2008 at 8:55 am
I only like the insulting b-day cards, but those ones are just mean…
Well, how when you go to get my b-day card, I come with you, then I act surprised when you give it to me?
April 6th, 2008 at 11:16 am
That was so nice of you to help them. ๐
One time in Walmart a woman stopped me and wanted to know where the soap aisle was. Now,even though I hate that store I go there all the time and know where every possible product is. But for some reason my mind went totally blank and I actually looked at my husband and said ‘where is that?’ I felt like such a dummy.
StephanieC’s last blog post..taking a break.
April 6th, 2008 at 12:34 pm
Whoever thought buying a card could be such an ordeal????
KFJ’s last blog post..Obama vs. Hasselbeck
April 6th, 2008 at 12:50 pm
1) “Kathy in the Hallmark aisle” – When you care enough to send the very best.
2) Favorite line: ‘And then thereโs me in my stretchy pants. Lovely.’
3) I should not read your blog whilst at the library.
4) I like the addition to your signature at the bottom of your posts.
5) Off to investigate Top Spots.
BigNerd’s last blog post..Keyboard Shortcut – Adobe Reader
April 6th, 2008 at 1:07 pm
I’ll think of this post as my Birthday Chuckle, just better! hehe.
April 6th, 2008 at 1:42 pm
Jeff — I do what it takes. If I can make you laugh, I’ve done my job.
babs — At first I was thinking, oh no, please let me just get my card and go. But by the time we ended our conversation, I had the post written in my head. It was a funny encounter for me.
Shadowsrider — Your plan is brilliant. I have done that before, but you know what comes next … I forget where I stowed the cards. I need a card box, for sure.
Jaffer — I could have used you. We had a slight language barrier, but it was amazing how much hand gestures filled the gap. Glad you liked the story!
Neena — I hope the recipients of the cards were happy with them! I think we did a pretty good job of it.
JD — You’re right. Somehow I’m always in the right place at the right time (or wrong?) God rocks!
Regan — Better yet. How ’bout I pay you to shop for your own cards, I send you money, you put it inside, and then you somehow still consider me your favorite auntie?
StephanieC — There’s something weird about being asked by other shoppers where stuff is. I always wonder what it was about me that made them ask me. Do I look like I work there? Do I look like the helpful type? If they only knew how spacey I am half the time, they’d never ask.
KFJ — There were like four people in the store at the time. These things happens to me because I’m me.
BigNerd — I see you got my memo about returning to your 5-point patented commenting system. I’m thinking I should just loiter around cards now and ask people if they need help. Would that freak people out? I like the sig, too. It’s the closest to my own handwriting. Hey, buy a top spot! Only 3 bucks and you get to hang out in the Junk Drawer for months!
Amy — Dear Birthday Girl, I’m sorry I won’t get to see you today. But, as God is my witness, I’ll get the card in the mail …. by summer …. hopefully.
April 6th, 2008 at 2:21 pm
You’re not taking into account that you just discovered a career option!! Some people work for years to develop that aura of respectable greeting-card authority that allows them to make sales in a Hallmark store, and for you it comes naturally. If things ever go badly in the computer consultancy field you’re all set!!
April 6th, 2008 at 3:32 pm
You should have messed with their heads. “Here, this ‘Happy Columbus Day’ card is just what you need. Baptisms involve water, Columbus captained three ships, ships swim on water. It’s perfect.”
kev’s last blog post..The Week in Awesome – Friday, April 4, 2008
April 6th, 2008 at 4:05 pm
You lead the most interesting life, lol. Bringing multiculturalism to the masses, as it were.
DrowseyMonkey’s last blog post..A Way With Words
April 6th, 2008 at 6:27 pm
Hmmm … seems like you’d got the same problem I do: at first glance you obviously look helpful … or harmless at the very least! Other shoppers frequently stop me to ask where products are, but I’m thinking of putting an end to that by acting off-kilter sooner. You might consider doing the same. You know, talk to yourself as you seek out your cards. Perhaps start that Bat Mitzvah vs Bar Mitzvah discussion with no one in sight. I think this proactive measure might very well help me get through my errands quicker … assuming I can beat it out of the store before the county’s mental health services unit gets wind of me! ๐
Brenda’s last blog post..Life lessons
April 6th, 2008 at 11:32 pm
I just get those cards that have a nice picture on them and have nothing written inside for most occasions. I get a generic “Happy Holidays” box of cards for Xmas that have no religious connotations. Big kid that I am, I often pick cards with a Santa theme.
Libertine’s last blog post..Movies Names That Sound Like You’re Taking A Dump
April 6th, 2008 at 11:57 pm
Hi Kathy,
I hate buying cards. I’d rather get a rug burn than buy cards. I’d rather be driving in heavy traffic, in a torrential downpour, and have a swarm of bees invade my car from the air vents, than buy a card. I’d rather have a booger hanging out of my nose when meeting Jennifer Connelly (she’s a hot actress my wife lets me pretend I can go out with if I ever meet her…as if I have a chance). I’d rather…oh forget it. I hate buying cards because it takes forever to pick out something which the person is going to shake the cash and/or check out of, give a cursory glance, then toss carelessly on to the pile of discarded wrapping paper and throw away. Also, my wife always sends me to the Hallmark store to buy them and I never seem to come home with the “right one.” My wife would go herself to get the cards instead of me, but she’d rather be the only woman on an ice-bound freighter than buy a card. Talk to you soon, Kathy.
Mr. Grudge’s last blog post..Sheltered Harbor
April 7th, 2008 at 5:26 am
Lee — Years ago, I went to lunch with some ladies at work and the discussion turned to jobs we’d want that had no stress and little responsibility. I said I wanted to work the counter at a Hallmark store. Most everyone who comes in is buying a gift or card, so they’re always “good mood” customers!
kev — That would assume I’m creative and can think on my feet. I’d wind up messing with my own head, getting confused and running embarrassed from the store. Kev, you always give me too much credit.
DrowseyMonkey — Maybe next week I can hold class in the international foods aisle and discuss Cuisines of the World.
Brenda — Well, I thought I looked crazy enough. My mistake was that I was one of only several people in the store. I really didn’t have an “out.” I really gotta get better at this pre-need bulk purchase technique.
Libertine — Christmas I’m OK with. Boxed cards are the way to go there. I need to do the same with occasion cards. Less expensive, too. Saying it and doing it are two different things. Sigh.
Mr. Grudge — So you’re saying you don’t like to shop for cards? We need to start a revolution. “All gifts, no cards!”
April 7th, 2008 at 8:33 am
More proof that we were seperated as birth…and a year or two. I came first, of course. ;P
I am SO awful with cards for ANY occassion. I don’t even usually buy them to add to gifts. Just a gift, that’s all. No card. I don’t care if you remember the gift is from me. Or whether I really gave a shit or not that it was your birthday. Just a gift so I can get in the door without scorn…that’s all.
I sent a flower arrangement and an attempt at a power point presentation to my stepmom this year because it was easier then finding a card.
Lori’s last blog post..Spring Break is upon us
April 7th, 2008 at 11:07 am
Congrats on doing your part of inter-denominational unity.
Bruce’s last blog post..My – POV
April 7th, 2008 at 5:03 pm
Lori — I’m telling you. This card thing has to stop! I actually prefer to send e-gift cards. No wrap, no card, just the gift! Kudos on the Powerpoint. There’s an idea I have to keep in mind. You’re full of ideas!
Bruce — When they started asking me What’s this? and What’s that? I was afraid I wouldn’t know and I’d fail the test. I had exam anxiety!
April 7th, 2008 at 5:08 pm
I had this great idea awhile ago. I’d buy a BUNCH of birthday cards and have them on hand, so that I could get rid of my reputation as the bad-card-giver. People would marvel at my card-sending skills, and always on time!
Problem is, I have no idea where I put that bag filled with $50 worth of birthday cards.
sweatpantsmom’s last blog post..Keep the Ball, Just Give Me The Peanuts and CrackerJack
April 7th, 2008 at 5:38 pm
Good for you for helping them out!
This is why I make my cards now. I hate fighting crowds milling about the card aisle (especially at holiday time), taking forever to open each one in a vain attempt to find the PERFECT one.
And also why everyone who knows me asks me to make THEM cards too… sigh.
Maureen’s last blog post..Naval Battles On The Homefront
April 7th, 2008 at 6:19 pm
I dread picking out cards. I always look for funny ones, but they’re all so lame! That should be your next endeavour…Junk Drawer Greeting Cards.
Momo Fali’s last blog post..Yeah, But Look At His Glutes
April 7th, 2008 at 6:47 pm
sweatpantsmom — Yeah, yeah. Me too. It’s a disease. I got all cocky and thought I’d tuck great cards away for just the right occasion. I never remember where I tucked.
Maureen — I know you’re quite the designer. I’ve seen the stuff you’ve put on your blog. I could never be crafty like that, which is why someone like me would pay you to make cards for me!
Momo Fali — You’ve just given me a great idea. I’ll soon have a new logo (similar to the old one, but made with my own letter images). I’m trying to decide what to put the logo on besides magnets and mousepads. Greeting cards sound like a fine idea. Zazzle.com is where I’m making my stuff and the have cards. You’re brilliant!
April 7th, 2008 at 11:10 pm
What a sweet co-shopper you are! Who knew baptism cards were so rare? lol
Corrina’s last blog post..Another Monday
April 8th, 2008 at 4:31 am
Favorite lines must be: “Nevermind. Itโs not a baptism card. You donโt want that.โ
And: “It has God in it. God is good.โ
Yes, Kathy, God is good (said in deep announcer’s voice.)
cardiogirl’s last blog post..Even a 7-year-old questioned this one
April 8th, 2008 at 6:08 am
Hi Kathy
After being away for awhile (getting married) I am now back. This was another great post Kathy. You are truly a gifted writer. This was an excellent story and an excellent laugh. You have to be a nice person to have put up with the whole scenario. I detest card shopping and can’t imagine willingly helping someone else pick a card.
Well done.
~JD :The Supplicant
JD “The Supplicant”‘s last blog post..A hint of sadness
April 8th, 2008 at 12:50 pm
Lol! How hard can it be to buy a card? Why are there so many lame people out there? But you, you are a sweet person to be so helpful.
April 8th, 2008 at 1:38 pm
Can’t they just make a card that says:
“happy holiday that your particular invisible sky faerie is hosting”
That would save a lot of cards.
April 8th, 2008 at 3:16 pm
Corrina — I bet they would have hit the mother lode of baptism cards at a Hallmark’s. I think they were lucky to even get a christening card. I only recall the one.
cardiogirl — I realized immediately how funny that sounded coming out. And then I almost said grace ๐
JD “The Supplicant” — Congratulations on your recent nuptials! Glad you stopped by for a visit, and thanks for the compliment. If everything goes well enough, I’ll have a post for Midnight Wanderers by Thursday, hopefully sooner. Talk to you soon!
Theresa — Ya do what ya gotta do! I hope the babies’ parents liked what they (we) picked out.
Mike — Talk about unifying religions. Yep. That’d do it.
April 8th, 2008 at 6:23 pm
I have to say, e-cards are the way to go. Kathy sent me one for my birthday (on time), I ordered 3 books from Amazon, and they got delivered to my door! How’s that for a perfect gift, plus she didn’t even have to leave the house! My philosophy, in action.
April 9th, 2008 at 4:59 am
ann of the shampoo bag — Clicking the Purchase button was so exhausting. Maybe next time I’ll try to mentally send you a gift. Even less work!
April 9th, 2008 at 7:41 am
I really understand this, I do. Often times when I am out shopping, I find myself in the role of consultant.
Mizmell’s last blog post..It’s Not Looking Good
April 9th, 2008 at 6:28 pm
Mizmell — We have to do better at looking clueless!
April 16th, 2008 at 4:52 pm
LOL that hasn’t happened to me before. I actually have the Hallmark Greeting Card software on my computer that I use for cards. It makes getting cards for all occasions much easier, and I don’t even have to leave my house. ๐
Lin’s last blog post..Prom Safety: Child Safety Tips For Graduating Seniors and Parents
April 16th, 2008 at 5:34 pm
Lin — That’s a brilliant idea! I’m surprised I hadn’t heard about that program. It’s genius!
August 23rd, 2008 at 7:15 pm
erek what you said about “The fact that a store requires me to keep a gift card with a credit balance of $1.63 because they have a policy not to refund cash is insane.” IS SO TRUE AND I’M SICK OF IT! Basically they know now one will spend exactly $25 or $50, so basically to get the full value of the gift card, you have to spend $30 or $60… another way to almost force you to spend more.
I think birthday cards are pointless unless they’re unique or extremely humorous. Otherwise what’s what point of spending the $5 for a piece of paper that goes in the trash?
The other thing that really gets me is gift cards because they aren’t very thoughtful. What’s the point of you giving me a $25 gift card and me giving you a $25 gift card for Christmas or something? There’s really no point. We might as well keep the money and buy from the stores we actually like.
Michael’s last blog post..No I.D. required for credit card transactions?
August 24th, 2008 at 8:11 am
Michael — I have lately begun buying $.99 cards. It’s silly to spend the extra dough for paper, when I’d much rather put the difference toward a gift instead. The dollar cards are just as nice and they get thrown out anyway. You’re right about the gift cards being not very thoughtful. But, boy, are they easier!
April 22nd, 2009 at 1:10 pm
That was sooo funny although I can’t understand how she didn’t know what a Bar Mitzvah is…all in all, i know it’s hard finding the right card….
June 6th, 2009 at 10:39 am
[…] recent post about why it’s important to remove all the packaging BEFORE you start cooking.ย Pick A Card, Any Card shows that searching for the right card can be an adventure in itself. And instead of a third post, […]