Sleeping Basset Hound-God-Zeus Chicken Finger
food, Fun April 28th, 2008Trust me. This post title will make some sense in a minute.
We’ve got something new for the Food That Looks Like Stuff collection. This little guy was discovered in a pack of chicken fingers from Wegman’s in Bethlehem, Pa.
Taken on the whole, this looks like a sleeping dog to me. I’ve decided it’s a Basset Hound, though sadly, front legless.
Because I like to get second opinions when I’m not sure I’ve got a food that looks like something, I sent it to my sister Ann to examine. Here’s her response:
Is that God’s face on the right?! Or Zeus? Full head of hair and full longish beard?! OMG!
Do you see the face?
Taking a poll. Who thinks it’s a dog and who thinks it’s God/Zeus? Who thinks we’re seeing things?
Sleeping Basset Hound-God-Zeus Chicken Finger
Addendum, 4/29: OK, folks. Here’s where I see the face. Please don’t mock my graphic design skills. I have none.

February 8th, 2010 at 9:13 pm
Not sure about the basset hound, maybe a little piggy? Zeus for the other end. Don’t know who is more sad – you for posting the pic or me form commenting on it??? 🙂
.-= Dermot Condell´s last blog ..Secrets To Training A Dog To Pee On Command =-.
October 14th, 2010 at 12:27 pm
I see a penis.