A Breezy Day in Bag Town
contests, Fun, Windy May 8th, 2008For those following the Plastic Bag Adventure, I thought I’d update you with a picture today. I want you to know I’ll do anything for you guys.
I stood on the roof of my building to get a closer shot. Yes, there is a wall that kept me from falling to my death, but that didn’t make me feel any safer up there. I stopped taking pictures when my legs got weak.
Wal-mart Bag: Stuck 47 days and counting
I went a step further and filmed it flapping in the wind. It’s a breezy day here in Eastern Pennsylvania, but that doesn’t seem to be helping our little friend get out of its branchy clutches.
Some of you are out of the running for the contest. I’m sorry, but I warned you it would be a while. I’m still guessing November, 2009, and it wouldn’t surprise me if it took longer than that. Good luck to whoever’s still in the game!

May 8th, 2008 at 5:21 pm
It looks like my guess of May 15, 2010 is looking pretty realistic…
Stephanie’s last blog post..organized!
May 8th, 2008 at 5:55 pm
And the people in your building don’t think you’re insane why?
May 8th, 2008 at 6:29 pm
You risked life & limb for us?! You brave (or mad) lady.
I can’t remember what my guess was now, but I imagine I’m out!
Babs – beetle’s last blog post..Nauseating aromas
May 8th, 2008 at 7:13 pm
June 3rd, 2008 is still sounding pretty good π
KFJ’s last blog post..To Sit or Not to Sit
May 8th, 2008 at 7:42 pm
Stephanie — If it goes that long and you win, I might need a better prize to hand out than a magnet.
Jeff — Here’s the thing. To access the roof, I had to open a door that’s really a big window, and then hope it didn’t slam shut behind me. Can you imagine my horror if that happened? During the photoshoot, I just prayed that no co-worker walked over to the door, stuck their head out and said “Kathy? Are you thinking of jumping?” I snuck out at the end of the day, so few people were around. Nobody noticed, thank God.
Babs (beetle) — I totally did! You don’t know how bad my fear of heights is. I get weak in the knees and feel a little like throwing up. Fun, huh? You guessed May 11, 2008. Not looking so good for you, sad to say.
KFJ — Hmmm, I don’t know. It’s still stuck by both handles. You’re still in the game, though!
May 8th, 2008 at 7:51 pm
Hm. That’s funny. I was reading another blog about a bag stuck in a tree and it looked just like yours! It must have been in a parallel universe! Oh, yeah, the internet rocks!
May 8th, 2008 at 7:54 pm
FerdC — Yeah, thought I’d give my content stealer an update, since she stole my bag story. Oh, and I’m submitting the bag to this site http://www.reusablebags.com courtesy of Moonshadow. They’re running a photo contest.
May 8th, 2008 at 8:10 pm
omg … you’re too funny. And too good to us! I picked May 26, my b-day … but now that I think this through (because that’s worth doing) with all the leaves in bloom I bet it won’t be until November! Dang!
DrowseyMonkey’s last blog post..Zig Zag Track
May 9th, 2008 at 5:19 am
That bag is hanging tight, baby. I wonder if a bird has made that part of it’s nest, securing the handle and allowing the bag portion to blow free. Sort of like a wind sock for the home.
Decorative and useful.
cardiogirl’s last blog post..Lockdown, Lockdown!
May 9th, 2008 at 5:53 am
I’ve seen bags stuck in trees around here and they tend to stay put until one of two things happens: either they get gradually ripped to shreds over successive winters, or someone pulls them out. If I’m not too late to make a guess, I’m guessing December 2010. But even that could be too early!
Jay’s last blog post..The Princess and the deaf-blind man
May 9th, 2008 at 7:11 am
Looks like there is a bit of water in the bottom of the bag. That might anchor it enough to make it to November, unless it tears.
I’m feeling good about November.
One thing to consider and confirm, what happens if the bag tears loose, but is caught on another branch? Is that considered the conclusion of the contest?
May 9th, 2008 at 7:59 am
Ah- I believe I’m still in the running! Woo-hoo!
Ya know, I saw a plastic bag in a tree myself the other day and totally thought, “Oh no– another one to drive Kathy batty.” Don’t visit Pittsburgh any time soon. π
Jenn Thorson’s last blog post..Which E-mail Personality Type are YOU?
May 9th, 2008 at 8:25 am
If it’s started to rain in PA, I think that should fill the bag up probably bring the bag down.
Jaffer’s last blog post..Of split personality and irresponsibility
May 9th, 2008 at 8:41 am
I’m still in. May 30th.
Come on wind!
May 9th, 2008 at 10:07 am
Woooo Whoooo! I am still in the running…come on 7/2/08….come on. Baby needs a new pair of shoes! At leas the tree is filling in nicely…..but man, that is one tenacious bag.
Bruce’s last blog post..DownTime
May 9th, 2008 at 10:26 am
I should have known better than to pick May… what the heck was I thinking???? We have a plastic bag in our huge front yard tree that’s been there for over a year too. It shredded, but still hanging in there. Three local radio show DJs went around taking bags out of trees on Earth Day… too bad they didn’t come by our place. I can’t reach it.
I still say I need to fly down there and remove it before Jeff’s chosen day comes due… π
Maureen’s last blog post..A Sure Sign Of Spring
May 9th, 2008 at 11:00 am
I’m holding some hope that there might be a big thunderstorm and a lightening strike will zap it. Or there is the off chance that a little tornado might come along and take it to Kansas.
May 9th, 2008 at 11:10 am
I really need to walk down the street and snap a picture of the two-foot candy cane yard ornament that’s been stuck in my neighbor’s tree for more than two years. Nobody seems to know how it got there. And nobody seems interested in getting it down, either. But this is the South, where Christmas lights hang from the gutters year-round anyway, so who am I to criticize?
Amy Cates’s last blog post..I, the Jury; Obama-Clinton?; Meredith’s Wardrobe (Friday Roundup)
May 9th, 2008 at 11:37 am
Dang! I really thought I had this sucker wired. What a let down. It’s a tenacious little bag isn’t it? You know, I don’t even like WalMart, so I hope the old bag rots up there in that tree.
Have a nice windy day.
Swubird’s last blog post..LAGUNA BEACH MAKEOVER
May 9th, 2008 at 12:07 pm
DrowseyMonkey — Think how extra special your birthday will be if the bag falls out on the 26th!
cardiogirl — Occasionally I’ll see it fully-inflated. That’s when I can tell it’s really got a good grip. Well, I hope at least the birds are enjoying, cuz we’re sure not!
Jay — Sure, you’re in! There’s a chance I could get someone to pull it out because they just erected a tent for an event this weekend. The machine used to put it up could probably be used to get the bag out. If I asked for it to come down, that would mess up the contest. I never said I would help it down. But part of me really wants to get it out NOW! What to do?
BabaBooey — I’d feel good about November, too. You mean this year or next? Oh, man. If the bag moves to another branch (entirely possible), I will consider the contest still on. I do wonder sometimes whether this will happen, you know, because I’m losing sleep over things like this.
Jenn Thorson — You guessed May 15, so you have some time. I love that seeing plastic bags makes you think of Crazy Kathy. So flattered!
Jaffer — You’d think, but guess what? The other day it looked like it was filled with about two cups of water. Something was in it, and it’s gone now, so it must have been rain. It didn’t do a thing to it, except clean it out.
damon — You’re gonna need a freak wind. Regular wind won’t help. Trust me.
Bruce — I’m wondering how well I’ll be able to photograph the bag in the summer when the leaves are totally filled out. I guess I’ll take one a month from the same position. What’s that saying “I couldn’t see the bag for the leaves?”
Maureen — Oh, that’s so great about the radio stations. See, it really is something that bugs people. If they do it every Earth Day, you have to get yourself on the list. It would be the highlight of my day if one of you guys came here and arranged to have it taken down. It’d be a kick to meet you that way.
Augusto — It would almost have to be a storm that takes the whole tree down. Although if I came to work and saw the tree in ruins, I’d probably blame Jeff.
Amy Cates — Oh, geez. Please do take a picture if you think of it and send it to me. You’ve got me so curious! How can nobody want it down???
Swubird — Ah, I see your date has come and gone. Don’t get us started on Wal-mart. I think my sister ann of the shampoo bag is still boycotting them.
May 9th, 2008 at 1:59 pm
I think someone got a big ladder in the middle of the night and tied that bag to the tree. I’m not saying you did it, BUT, who has the longest prediction date here? I’m just saying…someone really wants a JUNK DRAWER magnet.
Maybe Walmart got wind of your contest and sent out their missives in black Mission Impossible attire so the bag will remain there as an eternal advertisement. Hey! Maybe Tom Cruise did it! He’s enough of a nutjob.
Poetikat’s last blog post..Which celeb is your pet?
May 9th, 2008 at 2:35 pm
Meh. I’ll still stick to the last day.
May 9th, 2008 at 2:36 pm
Of August.
May 9th, 2008 at 5:23 pm
I’m still saying whatever I said before – I think it was sometime in June.
Though on a more serious point I never thought I would ever watch a video of a bag in tree.
Oh and what happens if someone chops the tree down? Or some over mishap occurs, like the tree being struck by lightening? In which the back remains technically in the tree buyt on the ground – if you see what I mean.
Not that I am taking this too seriously or anything.
tfa’s last blog post..Calum Carr’s Campaign For Justice
May 9th, 2008 at 5:33 pm
WOO! I’m still in. At least until August 11. Thanks for the update and for risking your life. It’s the least you could do, right?
JD at I Do Things’s last blog post..I Flush so you donβt have to
May 9th, 2008 at 5:47 pm
Sadly, that bag will be there for some time to come. How about we view it as a deserving advertisement for a company that doesn’t give a rat’s ass about the environment?
I am proud to say “I do not shop at Walmart.”
Mizmell’s last blog post..Time To Lose The Pearls
May 9th, 2008 at 6:05 pm
Poetikat — You’re too funny! No one in this group wants that bag out of the tree more than me. You know, sometimes I go over and stare at it. Oh, poor baggie! It’s perfect that it’s a Wal-mart bag. One more reason to hate them.
Regan — Your separate comments killed me. Everyone, Regan is my niece, who is aware of a joke in our family. When I was a kid, for some reason I was thrilled to have a birthday that fell on the last day of a month. So I went around pronouncing “My birthday’s the last day!” I’d never say what month, much to the annoyance of my older siblings, who would always follow up with “…of August.” So, Regan, thanks for being a wisenheimer.
tfa — You’re in for June 8th. Doesn’t it look sad flapping in the wind? Kind of poetic. I think the tree will be fine. It’s a relatively new tree (less than 20 years old), so it’s healthy. If something terrible happens, I’ll deal with the contest rules and ramifications later. This is fast-becoming one of my favorite stories. Who would have thought?
JD at I Do Things — You know, if they told me they’d put me on one of those bucket ladder thingies to get it out, I think I’d do it. And film it. Anything for you guys!
Mizmell — I’m proud, too. But I do slip up maybe twice a year when I need something that my regular stores don’t sell. It pains me to go in there. You are to be commended.
May 9th, 2008 at 8:51 pm
June 8th – I knew it was June.
Right time to train up my flying monkeys to get that bag out of the tree on the morning of June 8th – competative moi?
Don’t bother with directions they’ll find it – assuming that they don’t come back with a girl with ruby slippers – AGAIN!!!!!!!!
tfa’s last blog post..Calum Carr’s Campaign For Justice
May 10th, 2008 at 1:28 pm
I’ve got January 28th 2009 in the pool…:)))
robert bourne’s last blog post..My Ghost Riders
May 12th, 2008 at 5:58 am
Ok, my official date of bag removal is June 12th. One month from now. π
Corrina’s last blog post..Photography Goodness
May 12th, 2008 at 11:47 am
tfa — You know, I’m about to send something up there. I thought today might be the day it got out. It’s been very windy for the past two days. It hasn’t moved an inch.
robert bourne — Technically, you’re out. You guessed very specifically May 3 at 8:12am, as though you were planning something, but missed your opportunity? Were you thinking of launching one of your donut wars on it?
Corrina — Ah, slim chance. But your guess is duly noted. Keep checkin’ the Tracker box in the upper corner. It’s updated daily.