The Other Junk Drawer in My Life
embarrassing, food May 15th, 2008 As many of you know, I’ve been trying to lose weight for months and months. Strike that. I’ve been thinking about losing weight for months and months.
The problem is I have very little will power and therefore, the scale laughs at me each and every morning. Oh, Kathy, Kathy, Kathy, we’re not going to do this again, are we?
Tomorrow might be different, because today I had a guardian angel keeping me from eating all afternoon and he didn’t even know it. I estimate he saved me about 1,000 needless calories.
Part of my job as a computing consultant is to install and update software on a PC that gets mirrored to 36 other computers in one of our labs in the building. The gentleman who saved me today asked me to install some software for him, which I did last week. Before I sent it out to all the other PCs, I needed him to come to my office and thoroughly test it.
He arrived at 2:00 and tested for three straight hours. In an office the size of a walk-in closet.
How did that help me? His presence just a few short feet away kept me from diving into the following things, which I was too self-conscious to eat in front of him:
One Peanut Butter Balance Bar: 200 calories
One snack bag of White Cheddar Cheez-its: About 250 calories
Ten Caramel Hershey Kisses: 230 calories
Half a dozen Goetze’s Caramel Cremes: 260 calories
My office is more a candy store than a place to conduct business. There is a candy dish that sits at the front desk next to a trim and fit woman who makes sure it is always full. God bless her. She allows herself one Hershey’s Kiss per day, if she’s been careful with her eating the rest of the day. I’d kill for her discipline.
The bowl is very small, however, so rather than emptying it out in one visit, I go straight to the source and take directly from the drawer where the big bags of it live. It’s the other junk drawer in my life. I do replenish what I take, but I don’t know why I bother putting new bags in there, because I’ll be taking it right out an hour later.
Somebody please help me! Would anyone consider being my food guardian angel? You’ll never see a better deal in your life because I’d pay you to do absolutely nothing.
You’d come to my office, pull up a chair and sit and stare at me so I don’t eat. I would occasionally talk to you, but we don’t have to speak if you don’t want. You can bring reading material if you like, or I’ll give you a laptop and you can watch a movie or surf the web. Popcorn and candy obviously prohibited.
It’s either this, or the junk drawer has to go. Do any of you have struggles with an abundance of goodies in your office? Have you ever suggested a moratorium on junk food and been successful?

May 15th, 2008 at 7:55 pm
I’ll do it! I can come after school and on weekends, and I will eat only in the bathroom! I can bring my own laptop, and I can afford to make some extra cash!
May 15th, 2008 at 8:01 pm
I am sorry, I would not be any help. You see, I am the one at my office that fills the candy jar with chocolate and peppermint patties. All the other people eat the stuff. I do not.
However, I think if you get on the Race, then you will not have time to munch on much.
Rattln Along’s last blog post..Death and Dying
May 15th, 2008 at 8:08 pm
There is an entire cabinet in my work area that houses all variety of candy and chocolate and gum, oh my. It’s the equivalent of the water cooler. When things are slow, most everyone comes out to the candy cabinet for some chocolately goodness. Everyone has his favorite, and the supply is replenished frequently. I enjoy opening the door to find some new chocolate candy that someone has brought in to share. I am constantly amazed at the unending variety of candy that is constantly available. It is a thing of beauty. Hands down favorite…Dove. Simply the creamiest, meltiest chocolate around.
I am notorious for always bringing the worst/best snacks in…Strawberry milkshake Oreos, Girl Scout Cookies, cheddar cheese popcorn, poptarts, cupcakes, and anything else that I’ve started to eat at home, but do not allow myself to finish. I guess my thinking is…if everyone else eats the junk, then I’ll appear thinner!
Kath, maybe you can install a mirror that will watch you.
May 15th, 2008 at 8:17 pm
A musical duo — The Story — has a hysterical song called Fatso. I often listen to it when I need a little weight loss perspective.
My dark eating secret is that I’ll often buy junk food and eat only the most decadent part — the icing or the muffin top or the creme filling — and throw the rest away.
Stacey Kimmel-Smith’s last blog
May 15th, 2008 at 8:36 pm
Where do I send my resume?
But first I need to know about the staring part. I can do the evil eye, and the letcherous look, but somehow I don’t think they’re appropriate. I could also keep an eye on the plastic bag, but I might charge more for that!
No, seriously, I can read between the lines. I’m pretty sure I detected the heart of the matter. It’s that damn “trim and fit woman!” She’s gotta go!!!
May 15th, 2008 at 8:38 pm
I’ll do better than that, I’ll actually take your food from you and then eat it in front of you. And lick my fingers. And belch.
Memarie Lane’s last blog post..Dear Googler
May 15th, 2008 at 8:40 pm
Maybe you need a photo of him or something…or get one of those life sized things like you see when a movie is being promoted?
I’ve been overweight my entire live…I am what I am…I think Popeye said that, but I agree with him, lol
DrowseyMonkey’s last blog post..Night Commuters
May 15th, 2008 at 8:54 pm
When I worked in retail I was thinner than I ever had been in my life. Or ever will be again. That all changed as soon as my work environment became an office. What is it about sitting at a desk in front of a computer that makes you want to snack? My current favorite thing for that is CVS’ peanut butter pretzels.
A ban on junk food would never work in most offices, I think, because of those people that can eat as much junk food as they want and never gain a pound. Freaks.
May 15th, 2008 at 9:34 pm
Well I used to eat whatever I liked and stayed slim, right up until I hit my fifties. It kind of crept up on me, ever so slowly so I didn’t notice, waited until I wasn’t looking and then hit me with all this fat!
I don’t eat anywhere near what I used to, but the weight stays on. Of course it could have something to do with the fact that I sit at my computer all day long!
Babs – beetle’s last blog post..Doodle Mad
May 15th, 2008 at 9:49 pm
Sign me up. I am totally there. I can read while I work! Plus I need to lose weight too! We can starve together. Ok not starve, but only eat salad and fruit. How far away are you from NYC? Well I guess it wouldn’t work, oh well. Just post a picture of a fat person on your door. Looking at skinny people does not help. Just keep looking at it and tell yourself that you don’t want to look like that. Good Luck
Tiffany’s last blog post..Truly a small world
May 15th, 2008 at 10:53 pm
I used to have bags of candy in my drawer too at work but it had to stop because I realized that I might be making everybody else gain weight too by my offerings.
I can’t do it. You’re too far to commute from Canada.
Although it could also work if you imagined being struck by lightning from Zeus every time you opened the candy drawer.
Jaffer’s last blog post..Conquering the Escarpment
May 15th, 2008 at 11:52 pm
The key is to visualize. Teachers will eat anything. If someone has a baking disaster, why not put it in the lounge? It will be cleaned up before morning recess. So what’s wrong with that? Well, schools here are in outdoor wings, and FLIES live outside…except when there’s food in the lounge *gag* Then there’s the steady stream of donuts. Seems we can’t celebrate anything without donuts. Repeat after me…”donuts are nothing more than artery clogging grease blobs.” Works every time! Candy? Raise your standards! LINDT chocolate rules! Settle for nothing less. Wish I could help more 🙂
May 16th, 2008 at 4:37 am
Regan — Nope. Gotta come to my office during the day. That’s when the most damage occurs. Or maybe you can come and clean out the drawer, once and for all. That, or put a lock on it.
Rattln Along — Ah, so you’re sabotaging everyone’s diets! You’re right. The Amazing Race would take me out of my comfort (food) zone. Running and not getting to snack. The perfect combination.
ann of the shampoo bag — You’re not helping at all. Which is why when we get on The Amazing Race, I’m making you do all the hard tasks. I couldn’t dream of having a mirror in my office. The reflection off my barrister bookcase is bad enough (and not working!)
Stacey — That song is hilarious (and too true!) I dream of chocolate cake all the time, too. I’ve also done the food toss thing. Problem is, I just pick something else up and keep right on going.
FerdC — No resume needed. Just show up. Oh, and I could use you the weeks I’m on vacation this summer. Someone does have to watch the bag while I’m gone!
Memarie Lane — Hmmm, that might actually work. Then I can at least be glad you’re getting the calories and not me!
DrowseyMonkey — Might work. Some of those cut-out things are very lifelike. It should also shout insults at me and announce my weight every hour really loudly.
Susan — You’re so right. An office job is a diet killer. Before I held a desk job, I was right where I wanted to be. Then again, that was 25 years ago with a different metabolism. Yeah. That’s right. I’m blaming my body for this. I still want to try for a ban on goodies. It just might work, since I seem to be the only one eating the stuff.
Babs (beetle) — Ain’t that the truth. I hate that I have to accept what age does to our metabolism. My sisters and I complain that we have to workout twice as hard for half the benefit. Wah!!!!
Tiffany — I freaked out a little when I saw the pictures my sister and I had taken of ourselves for The Amazing Race audition. I looked at mine and thought “Do I really look like that?” It was depressing, but funny, it doesn’t make me eat any less. I need supervision!
Jaffer — Electric Zeus Shock Treatment! Now there’s an idea that might work! Thanks, Jaffer. You’re always looking out for me.
Mama O — For some reason, we don’t have too many donuts making their way to the office. And if they do, I usually stay away because I think of them as poison. I wish I could do the same for the chocolate kisses and stuff. I shall try to visualize all the junk drawer contents as evil little beings who are out to get me. Thanks!
May 16th, 2008 at 6:04 am
Hmm, I’ll just get rid of everything in your drawer. And replace it with healthy food!
May 16th, 2008 at 6:29 am
This is what I’ve done. I’ve given in. I eat as much of what I want, whenever I want. You know what happens? I lose my taste for that food. So pig out all week and see what happens. In my house, the food/treats just eventually sit there on the shelves.
I need something to do with my time…I could come and help you out. I’ll supply you with all that you desire until you want to puke. 🙂
Lori’s last blog post..Bits N Pieces
May 16th, 2008 at 7:38 am
I will be happy to help!
Just give me all of your food!
May 16th, 2008 at 7:51 am
“Seems we can’t celebrate anything without donuts.” (Mama O.)
Since that has pretty much been my lifelong mantra, I doubt I’d be much help in the guardian food angel department. One minute I’d be sitting there, staring at you, you’d look away for a few seconds, and turn back to find me with an entire pizza wedged in my mouth–but still staring at you judgmentally.
I’m soooo glad I don’t work in an office anymore. Office food is the most delicious and tempting–even when it sucks. Ann of the Shampoo Bag, you must’ve worked in my office at some point, because I remember that Dove chocolate.
Anyway, I feel for you. Dieting is hard enough without working in a candy dish.
JD at I Do Things’s last blog post..I Got Torn Apart so you don’t have to
May 16th, 2008 at 7:52 am
I used to work in a large office where people were always bringing food in and there were several people who had a ‘candy drawer’. One woman even had the drawer marked CANDY on the outside. We’d warn new employees about the ‘Freshman 15’ just like in college. Heck, we’d do a monthly breakfast complete with a made to order omelette station.
Not that I can blame them for my weight….I did plenty of eating on my own.
I declared a moratorium on fast food. I haven’t eaten at McDonald’s since 12/26/07. Considering I used to hit that place like a junkie, that’s a big deal for me. I also changed the contents of my ‘junk drawer’ so I’d have better snacks when I needed a snack so I wouldn’t go trolling for candy.
I spend some time every day writing too, not this writing, but journalling. Seems to diffuse the mental stress that makes me eat more than I need in the first place.
And of course, I have a blot about it:
Shieldmaiden96’s last blog post..Saturday Ramble
May 16th, 2008 at 7:54 am
Not a blot. a BLOG. Jeez.
Shieldmaiden96’s last blog post..Saturday Ramble
May 16th, 2008 at 7:57 am
You didn’t mention starting salary. With the way things are going with my employer, it wouldn’t necessarily be that high.
Actually, I may have a better idea. In six months (to give you some lead time) institute a new rule that Friday’s are bikini/Speedo days in the office during the warm weather. Meaning on Friday, women wear bikinis and men wear Speedos to work. Lot’s of incentive there to get rid of the “other” Junk Drawer!
May 16th, 2008 at 7:59 am
1) I learned along time ago to stay out of conversations involving a woman’s weight.
2) It’s better to change the subject.
3) How ’bout them Red Wings! Go Detroit!
BigNerd’s last blog post..Tiger Killer
May 16th, 2008 at 8:23 am
Ha! I’ve learned that there are two ways for me not to eat junk.
One, don’t buy it or have it in the house. This clearly won’t work for you, since your junk drawer is at the office.
Two, stare at Johnny Depp. He is so beautiful – and super lean and fit, dammit! – that I simply can’t eat while watching his movies or YouTube clips of interviews. The one pleasure interferes with the other.
Hmm. That ain’t gonna work too well in a work environment either, is it? Sorry, honey, you’re on your own.
Good luck!
Jay’s last blog post..It’s not my tree!
May 16th, 2008 at 9:07 am
*wistful glance at what used to be a waist and now is just a waste*
I have seen our married daughter eat one half of a Klondike bar and put the other half back in the freezer for the next day! I can eat one half a box of Klondike bars and forget ten minutes later that I did it.
Jay is right: if it’s in the house (or in your “other” junk drawer), you WILL eat it. So keep celery in there! It’s delicious. Don’t forget the Smuckers extra-chunky PB.
Jenny’s last blog post..Thank You, Sid! Thank You, Forest!
May 16th, 2008 at 9:13 am
That is hilarious – and true! When we had our kitchen remodeled I lost 9 pounds because of the workers. If the head contractor ran into me know he’s be like “hey she’s really gained weight.”
Sue’s last blog post..There’s a Gangsta in My Bathtub
May 16th, 2008 at 9:14 am
sorry about that last sentence – I swear there’s not that much Irish Whiskey in my coffee
Sue’s last blog post..There’s a Gangsta in My Bathtub
May 16th, 2008 at 10:21 am
Unless the mere thought of choco-bacon makes the mere thought of food unappealing to you — well, I’m out …
May 16th, 2008 at 12:35 pm
Oh, Gad… I would be useless… I need someone like that too. Perhaps you need to patent the idea and make money out of hiring them out to office staff.
Our office has an overabundance of food every friggin’ day. I try to be good, but when you are surrounded by Chinese food (today), pizza (yesterday), cake (the day before), souvlaki and lemon potatoes (Tuesday) and muffins (Monday), it’s hard. Especially when I stock my desk drawer with Crystal Light and Thinsations.
Oh yeah, and we have one of those Candy Pushers here too. She constantly has some kind of confection on her desk (just outside my door). The other day it was filled with her homemade French fudge – made with sugar and whipping cream…. gaaaaaaah!!!!
Maureen’s last blog post..Tivo’s Twisted Sense Of Humour
May 16th, 2008 at 1:29 pm
Sorry, no help here either. In fact I was just getting ready to send you a bunch of candy for your candy dish. I guess I’d better not do that now.
I thought for sure you were going to say you couldn’t eat your candy after you lost your appetite because that guy sitting next to you smelled funky.
May 16th, 2008 at 1:34 pm
I used to have a candy dish in my office that I stocked out of my own pocket. It was an attempt to boost office morale (which was pretty low). But the whole concept backfired. In the long run the only folks that kept coming into my office and eating the stuff were the folks that I least wanted in there (the ones that were causing the morale problems), so the dish went bye-bye…accompanied by the moans and groans of various office staff looking for a free lunch.
Bruce’s last blog post..Essential Cinema – 28
May 16th, 2008 at 2:39 pm
There was an ad on my mailbox yesterday for ‘Joanne, The Errand Lady’. Maybe she can be your food guardian.
May 16th, 2008 at 3:32 pm
I can HONESTLY tell you that eating the food isn’t the issue. I took an entire year off from working for other people. I had some money saved, and I took classes I wanted to and did my own thing and built my own business. I ate whatever I wanted to eat and I lost weight. I know it sounds hippy dippy. But the truth is simple. You could eat cat food and be healthy as long as your mind and emotions are in check. I was much much heavier when I worked jobs I hated, ate better and lived as others thought I should. Eat the gosh darn chocolate and take a walk and enjoy your life and watch the lbs leave you. 🙂
Lauren’s last blog post..I Am Articulate… THANK YOU!
May 16th, 2008 at 3:42 pm
Going cold turkey never works…… just makes you want it more!!!! I’ll let you know if I ever figure it out 🙂
KFJ’s last blog post..Next Day Syndrome
May 16th, 2008 at 4:20 pm
I wish I could help, but I’d probably be an enabler. I have three containers of Breyer’s ice cream in my freezer, and I’m on third jar of hot fudge. So, you tell me who needs help…
Maybe you should throw away all of the tempting (but yummy) food and only fill your drawer with fruit, pretzels, and granola. That way you can still munch but it will be a little more healthful. Sometimes when I diet its just the actual act of eating that gets to me, not really the food. Hope that makes sense.
Stephanie’s last blog post..Goodbye, JAM
May 16th, 2008 at 4:32 pm
EVERYBODY — Thanks to you guys, I managed to not eat one snack food today! I felt like I had a crowd of thirty people in my office, all staring at me. I guess I’ll put out another call for help whenever I need it. You guys really pulled through for me!
Regan — You can try, but I won’t recognize it.
Lori — That’s not my problem, sadly. I don’t get sick of what I love. I need an intervention.
BabaBooey — Now here I was thinking you would actually show up in my office. I was actually looking forward to it!
JD at I Do Things — Funny! You’re lucky to not be in an office. I don’t even have that many snacks in my house! I come home from work and I’m not even hungry because I’ve been eating there all day. So sad.
Shieldmaiden96 — Well, I DO blot about it! I sit on the couch like a blot and shovel my face full of food. “Freshman 15” That’s a perfect analogy. I’m off fast food, too, at least. So I can feel good about that.
Lee — OMG. Speedo Fridays. That would absolutely, without a doubt make me change my ways. Nobody, I mean nobody, wants to see that!
BigNerd — Smart, smart man!
Jay — Well, you tried! I’m doomed unless we do away entirely with the candy dish. I failed to mention we almost always have a big tub of pretzels or snack chips, too. Everywhere I turn, there’s something I shouldn’t have.
Jenny — I know people like your daughter. I admire them. I just can’t ever BE them. It’s a disease.
Sue — Embarrassment and shame are great motivators, at least for me!
Canucklehead — I have to say the Chocolate-covered Bacon does not appeal to me in the least. Fill the drawer with that and I’m cured. Oh, “cured”. Get it? I made a funny.
Maureen — I know that people bring goodies into the office because they want to be nice, and share in their abundance. But it’s really a problem for people trying to fight weight gain. I’ve never felt that anyone pushed the candy on me. That’s all my problem. I wish instead of a steady stream of candy, there would be one or two special days a month where we’d bring in a “cheat item.” That would work so much better for me than having it available every single day. *sigh*
Jeff — Nope, just embarrassment on my part. I’ll take a guardian angel OR a smelly dude any day. Whatever works, you know?
Bruce — Oh, man. Try and do something nice and that’s what you get? Sorry!
ann of the shampoo bag — It’d be the strangest request for errand-running she’ll ever see. That’s a great idea, by the way. Someone had to do it sooner or later.
Lauren — Honestly, I can trace my weight gain to the day I started blogging. I’m simply not exercising enough for the garbage I eat every day. I used to be able to work it off, but I choose to sit in front of the laptop over doing my workout routine. Yep. I need the walks.
KFJ — Well, I kinda went cold turkey today and I’m doing OK. Maybe this will be the start of something great.
Stephanie — I do really want the snacks to disappear. I’m capable of eating granola or whatever, and enjoy it. But when I know there’s something sweet just feet away, guess which I go for?
May 16th, 2008 at 4:51 pm
Oh Jeez now I have a craving for white cheddar Cheese its…:))))
robert bourne’s last blog post..Reflections
May 16th, 2008 at 5:54 pm
It’s lucky you don’t live in the UK – because the sweets here are much better than in the US.
Let’s see, you could have, wine gums (Lion brand are the best), sports mix, chocolate limes, everton mints, humbugs, rhubarb and custards, cola cubes, bonbons (I like the lemon ones), the other bonbons with the jam in the middle, chocolate caramels (sadly they don’t make Merry Maids anymore), liquorice toffee, American hard gums, to name but a few of the loose sweets.
I’m not a great one for chocolate, but a Lion bar is lush – it’s a wafer biscuit with toffee and nuts, covered in chocolate – though a good substitute is a Picnic, which basically the same but it also has raisins in it.
Also a Fry’s chocolate creme hits the spot – peppermint fondant covered with dark chocolate – though they did used to make one with fruit flavoured fondants, that was like a box of chocolates in a single bar.
Is it any wonder the British are famed for their bad teeth.
Oh and the crisps are pretty good too (you’d call them chips) – you have the standard flavours ready salted, salt and vinegar, cheese and onion, smoky bacon etc – but I am very partial to the Thai Chilli flavour.
As well as to a Wotsit sandwich – Wotsits being cheese puffs.
Oh and of course when in a pub buying a packet of crisps, you should never misss an opportunity to ask for a packet of helicopter crisps – when they say they don’t sell helicopter crisps, you reply, I’ll have plain then – plain being ready salted.
Just to point out, I have an American friend who came to stay. I had raved about wine gums to her for months, saying that they are the best sweets ever invented and that there is nothing in America to compare – of course she wouldn’t believe me – well not until she trying some – now she begs me to send her packets of them, though I think see found a place on line that can satisfy her her craving now.
tfa’s last blog post..Baby Brain
May 16th, 2008 at 6:21 pm
How about a web cam? You will need to turn it on though, and point it at yourself AND put it on your blog….all the time.
I’m just sayin…
Carla’s last blog post..“Very well, I accept”
May 17th, 2008 at 2:14 am
Do you have pictures of your family on your desk ? I think that would work !
Maybe get Dave to pose for a picture with a “if you open that drawer I am not making dinner” look.
Jaffer’s last blog post..Conquering the Escarpment
May 17th, 2008 at 1:51 pm
I’ll do it. I’ll be great at it….that is, until you offer me some and we proceed to scarf down everything is sight. OK – so maybe you don’t need MY help!
May 17th, 2008 at 4:35 pm
Oh Kathy, it wouldn’t do you (or me, for that matter!)any good if I was your food gardian angel. Because I’d have to bring snacks…. tostitos and picante sauce is my drug of choice, but I also love cheese! I always say, you can put cheese on dog poo and I’d probably eat it! Yes, I’m that bad… sad isn’t it?
darla’s last blog post..Here They Come, Walking Down The Street….
May 18th, 2008 at 3:02 pm
robert bourne — I have a weakness for most anything white cheddar-flavored. But Cheez-its are the best. I try not to buy them because I can eat a whole box myself.
tfa — What are you trying to do to me?! I was better off not knowing about goodies I can’t get my hands on! Of the sweets you described, the Lion bar sounds the best. I’m partial to salt & vinegar chips myself. Whoa! Thai Chili? Sounds like it’ll burn your face right off or at least make your eyes water. So. The question is “How bad are your teeth?”
Carla — That’s funny. I was considering setting up a web cam for the plastic bag in the tree, but I don’t have a secure location for the cam. A cam for me? Not unless I lose 50lbs first. Don’t count on it!
Jaffer — I would probably wind up turning all the pictures around. I’m at a point where I need a real live person to stare at me. What are you doing next week, Jaffer?
Lori — I knew you’d be an enabler!
darla — Funny, I just had tortilla chips and salsa last weekend after a long streak of not buying them. I ate half the bag and realized I needed to throw it all out. I’m a big food thrower-outer. It was great while it lasted!
May 18th, 2008 at 6:15 pm
This sounds like a job for me, I’m putting in my resignation tomorrow. Do you need references?
“Occasionally talk to you, but we don’t have to speak if you don’t want. You can bring reading material if you like, or I’ll give you a laptop and you can watch a movie or surf the web. Popcorn and candy obviously prohibited.”
What about cookies? I’ll make sure you don’t get a crumb. I’ll even bring you 8 glasses of water. How much does it pay? You have a cool job…imaging computers all day, is that the same thing as mirror. Anywho, I have the same weight loss problem..I can’t stay away from sweets. I can’t even lose 15lbs…been trying since February. Just keep trying until you find something that works.
My office keeps sweets around several times a week. I say they are fattening us up for the slaughter.
Natural’s last blog post..What’s In Your Wallet?
May 18th, 2008 at 7:22 pm
my teeth are pretty much British – but that is as much to down with breaking two on a walnut shell when eating coffeee and walnut cake.
Funnily enough after I wrote this, the missus truned up with a four pack of Picnics which was nice.
Oh and I just rememebered that the in additon the to chilli crisps, they also make lamb and mint flavour which are pretty spectacular as well.
tfa’s last blog post..In Praise of Bubba
May 18th, 2008 at 7:31 pm
actually you can try these delicious (and fatting these)
plus I you could try the marvel of marmite
tfa’s last blog post..In Praise of Bubba
May 18th, 2008 at 7:43 pm
though this seems a better site, as they have seemingly evening to give you the tradional gummy British smile
the refresher bar is particularly good – it’s fruit sherbet, that by it’s chewiness was originally devloped to seal windows I belive. Also fruit salads are worth a go – though younhave to but them with Black Jacks for authenticity – though I doubt you can buy 8 for a penny as I used to as a kid – but then I doubt it is possible to by an 8p Mars bar now.
Oh and I see they sell Caramac – mmmmmmmmmm caramac.
I’ll warn you though that the green one’s in sports mix are disgusting since they changed the flavours – and despite the yellow pinapple ones being the finest sweet in the sweets in the world, I have stopped buying them because of this.
tfa’s last blog post..In Praise of Bubba
May 20th, 2008 at 8:51 am
Ha ha, you are hilarious. You don’t strike me as an hugely overweight person from your pic.
I have a few extra pounds but eat pretty well and exercise a lot. I’m more worried about keeping my heart i good shape and making sure I am not obese. Obviously if I lose a few pounds on the way that is a good thing.
I have also just started a new blog centered around health and nutrition. It is going to be aimed at making me some money but will have quality content so come on by and let me know what you think.
I wish I could come and take the job. Sounds fun.
Forest Parks’s last blog post..Want to earn from affiliate marketing? Learn with me…
May 20th, 2008 at 4:20 pm
Natural — You don’t need references, but you’d have to prove that you would be ruthless with my snacking. And you can’t have any yourself. Cookies are out. I’d kill to lose even 15lbs. Never-ending battle, I’m afraid.
tfa — Lamb flavored crisps? What the? You’re not allowed to send me links to your fun foods. You’re allowed to ship me some, though. I think I’d like those sunny side up egg candy thingies. What’s in them? Marmite? You’d have to pay me to eat that. I know it’s an acquired taste. OK, so we agree you won’t tempt me with any more sweets I can’t have?
Forest Parks — Thanks, but all my added fat is below my neck. You just can’t see it in that picture. I’ll check out your site. Good for you for being so careful with your eating and exercise. Wish I could say the same!
June 3rd, 2008 at 5:25 pm
this is wat u do u get healthy foods that taste like candy and or covered in chocolate then u wont feel so guilty
June 3rd, 2008 at 6:02 pm
brooke — If you find any, let me know! It’s my dream to eat candy vegetables that have no calories. Why, oh why, doesn’t someone invent that?
June 5th, 2008 at 12:44 pm
get a trail mix with chocolate and dried fruit and eat chocolate covered strawberries yummy!!!!!!!!!!