There’s Always a First Time
Fun September 24th, 2008Someone once asked me if I would post my typical daily routine. I won’t do that because it would bore you to tears, but I will tell you what I do first thing in the morning. The cats don’t get fed, I don’t make coffee and the newspaper has to wait.
The first thing I do when I get up is check my blog for comments because they make me laugh and set the tone for the rest of my day. At least until I run into my first cranky client at work.
Your comments give me a little glimpse into your world, but I want to learn a little more about my readers. So for the next couple days the blog is all about YOU.
You gotta dig deep because this is all about firsts. Ready?
1. When was your first kiss?
2. When did you first start buying holiday or birthday gifts for other people and stop thinking about what people would buy for you?
3. When was the first time you thought of yourself not as a kid/teen, but as an adult?
4. What do you remember about the first time you drove a car?
5. Tell me about your first pet.
6. What was your first job?
7. Who was the first teacher to make a positive impact on your life?
8. If you’ve lived in more than one house or apartment as an adult, tell me about your first one.
9. What was it like the first time you got drunk (assuming you remember).
10. Did you marry your first love?
Answer all, some or just one that really got you thinkin’!

September 25th, 2008 at 7:07 pm
Chatblanc – Nothing wrong with that, my friend!
BabaBooey – Ribbit! Gross! Hey, no one here is more a kid than you, and I mean that in the best way possible. Promise me you’ll never grow up? What’s Somerville Circle? Oh, wait. Just Googled it: “the circle became notorious for being confusing for drivers and a frequent spot for traffic accidents and traffic backups.” Sorry. Must have been hell. I wish I knew your dog. I love those little hot dogs! I’ve heard some of your drunk stories and I don’t doubt you were the life of the party.
Unfinishedrambler – Hey, I have Tweets to answer for you, too. I see you guys were busy today. Ah, fourth grade schmaltz. Is there anything sweeter? God, I hope you’re not still paying off loans. I paid as I went and I’m glad I’m debt free in that sense. Oh, man. You failed to tell me whether Sheba was OK after the bear trap incident. I’ll assume so, or again with the crying. OK, was the self-control club to beat you with, or was it a club you joined? LMAO again. I love that you and Shieldmaiden found each other and I’m glad to know you both!
Mlm – I don’t exactly feel my age either. I think we 40-year-olds just walk around pretending. Crap about the Cutless! Oh, Coco! Stop it, people. Stop it right now. I want to laugh, not blubber. No more sad pet stories. If you must say something, lie to me and tell me your pet is still alive and well. Nasty apartment you had there. How did you not die in the heat?! That’s why no parent should let their “adult” kids watch over the younger ones. Y’all hear that, parents?
Preston – LOL. Sorry, but I warned you you’d have to dig around the cobwebs. I remember the first time someone called me ma’am in a store. I was completely offended. I was only 25 or so. Thanks for a good dog story! He sounds like a handful, but at least he wasn’t run over by a car, ate glass, or was killed for stealing eggs (see above if you don’t know what I’m talking about). I love your math teacher story. Cracked me the hell up. Was it supposed to? Iron roosters and office furniture. Awesome. Well, as for love, it’ll find you, and I bet when you’re not even looking.
Mommyto2 – A shorty! What? No essay? I think we have Lee to blame for starting us off with novel-length answers. But you know what? I’m so glad. I’ve had such a blast reading through these comments. Hope you liked them, too.
Athena – Bring it on! Eh, Shannon was probably a loser. OK, so your Mom’s a thief? I admire her spunk! Hey, at least she went for the good flowers. I also love Isis because that’s just so wicked. You’re not going to share the x-rated event at the craft store? Shame on you! My first apartment experience was just like yours, only I did it alone. So the only person I could complain to about not having any money was me. I ate a lot of 3/$1 pot pies. Ah! Boons Farm! That’s it! I couldn’t remember the name of my first drunk-maker. Maybe I’ll finish up in a few days with the “official” answers of my own. Most of mine are sprinkled throughout my responses, so you’ll have to go back and read. Tee-hee!
Alan – So absolutely true. And what a world it would be, huh?
Joe – Love it! “With a name like Skippy, he has to be good!”
Christy — I get great satisfaction if I’ve nailed a gift. Even better if I’m not late giving it! When my dad took me out for driving lessons, all he said was “Now, when I say stop, I MEAN STOP!!!!” That was the only rule and I followed it. Missy sounds adorable. If I was a dog person, that’d be the kind I’d like to get. Too bad about having to scrub your new apartment. You’d think you could at least move in without being behind the 8 ball already.
Bruce — Tongue alert! And you’re not a freak. I like to think of the world as full of gift-givers rather than gift-takers. Toogle… what a cool name! Holy crap. Really? 40 degrees below? I’d wrap myself in pizza. I liked my younger teachers, too. They hadn’t gotten jaded yet and we were swept up by their own excitement about a world full of possibilities. I loved my first apartment. My sister got me my very own Christmas tree. It was like the kind on Charlie Brown, tiny, a little askew. I’ll never forget that because it was all MINE in MY place.
September 25th, 2008 at 8:43 pm
The first thing I do in the morning is go to the bathroom, throw on clothes and take the dog for his morning walk. I must be a frightening sight to my neighbors.
My first job was for a basement waterproofing company. We would be given pages from the Cross Directories that listed people’s names, addresses and phone numbers. Since I was 14 or 15 at the time me and my friend would pick streets close to where we lived in hopes we’d get to talk to some of the cute boys from high school. I never got anyone to sign up for their free basement inspection. The job lasted two weeks.
Amber’s last blog post..The Magazine of Fantasy and Science Fiction – Oct/Nov 2008 Issue
September 25th, 2008 at 9:30 pm
if it weren’t 10:30pm, i’d reply…hope to tomorrow or this weekend. great idea, ms junk drawer!
muskrat’s last blog post..hills like brown bison
September 25th, 2008 at 10:54 pm
Oh, I didn’t mention with Sheba? She was all right. Of course, she “passed on” later, but that’s another story. How she died when I was in college and my parents didn’t tell me until almost three weeks later. They said they didn’t want to upset me! Thanks, Mom and Dad. 😉
unfinishedrambler’s last blog post..Infatuation hurts, wounds, scars, marks
September 26th, 2008 at 12:44 am
The first teacher who made a positive impact on me was one I actually hated in the beginning. I was a jock, a baseball player, who did not give enough attention to my junior year English class. I skipped assignments and failed the midterm…and was tossed off the baseball team. It was a devastating moment for me, and a bitter lesson learned. My English teacher would not relent, no matter how much I pleaded with him, but made me a better offer: an opportunity to save my grade, my junior year, and allow me to graduate on time. Through this teacher’s encouragement and insistance, I discovered my love for reading and books, as well as the first hints of the writer I longed to become.
It was a classic example of taking a lemon and making lemonade, and a path my life took that, while very painful at the time, I would not trade for anything.
Mike Foster’s last blog post..A Day of Fiber
September 26th, 2008 at 2:26 am
LOL. Kathy, I scan for comments in the morning too. But I got so inpatient waiting for my mac to load (and they load pretty fast) that I just get emails to my phone now. So I check my blog comments very, very first thing 🙂
Ricardo Bueno’s last blog post..“If you’re pumping out good shit, people will follow.”
September 26th, 2008 at 5:54 am
1. When was your first kiss?
— uuhh… kinda a late bloomer.. hehe.. it was before valentines day of 2004 with my first boyfriend. i was a freshman in college..
2. When did you first start buying holiday or birthday gifts for other people and stop thinking about what people would buy for you?
— can’t remember exactly when but it was in grade school
3. When was the first time you thought of yourself not as a kid/teen, but as an adult?
— 3rd year in high school… i was 15 years old then
4. What do you remember about the first time you drove a car?
— i don’t know how to drive a car.. just a cute motorcycle..
5. Tell me about your first pet.
— a dog. playful and cuddly!
6. What was your first job?
— my first “official” job was being a contact center representative for an outsourcing company.. i call it official because i did some part-time stuff during college (piano tutor, bar singer, freelance data entry..)
7. Who was the first teacher to make a positive impact on your life?
— Prof. L. C. Castro, Ph. D.
8. If you’ve lived in more than one house or apartment as an adult, tell me about your first one.
— it was a boarding house.. i don’t know how you call in the states though.. there were good things and bad things about living there. GOOD THINGS: (1) just a few minutes away from the office (2) me and my friends occupy the whole place so it still seemed that we rented the whole house (3) the rent’s sooo cheap! (4) i didn’t have anybody to share the room with in the latter months… BAD SIDE: (1) i hate the owner (2) the path gets muddy when it rains (3) a bit noisy at night (4) it’s too hot during the day (5) and the path is quite dangerous at night..
9. What was it like the first time you got drunk (assuming you remember).
— haha! they dipped me in the pool and made me count there fingers..
10. Did you marry your first love?
— i thought i would… too bad.. but im not yet married thought…
clerihew’s last blog post..whiten up
September 26th, 2008 at 7:10 am
1. First kiss – I don’t remember how old I was – maybe 10. I had a crush on a boy down the block. I rounded up the neighborhood girls and we chased him into my backyard and tackled him to the ground. They held him down while I turned his head and kissed him on the cheek. Then we all ran off.
2. The first Christmas after I started working, I bought a set of dishes for mom and other stuff I knew she needed.
3. Adult – when I realized the garbage men and the policemen were younger than me – that’s when I started feeling old.
4. Dad teaching me to drive with my little brothers in the back seat. We were in the Dixie Cup parking lot doing circles and the boys were banging around together and then Michael felt sick.
5. First pet -I had a pretty red lizard I kept in a dish. One morning I came downstairs and it was gone – I always thought mom got rid of it.
6. First job – Meuser Pool in the locker room – very smelly.
7. Sister Patrice (8th grade) – I’d talk to her after school about my problems – she always listened with genuine concern.
8. skipping this.
9. skipping this one – it’s R rated.
10. Yes, and it was a disaster – only good thing to come of it was my daughter, Amy.
September 26th, 2008 at 7:27 am
1. I was a warped child. I think I kissed my 4 year old boyfriend. It seems I’ve had boyfriends or crushes my whole life. lol
2. I started buying for others when I was in high school. But I STILL think about what I’m going to get! lol Yup! It’s allllllll about ME!
3. Believe it or not it wasn’t until I was in my thirties. I started my family at 20 but it seems like I didn’t REALLY grow up until about 32.
4. OMG I can’t remember the first time I got behind the wheel. Wait, I think it was in driver’s training. I hit a bump at an intersection and braked so hard the sign on top of the car fell onto the hood. Yeah, I was all that baby and a bag of chips!
5. It was a german shephard named Shadow. I remember it puked on the floor all the time and dug up my mom’s flowers.
6. I was a telemarketer. Not a very good one. And I flirted with the same guy on the phone for HOURS three nights in a row. I quit before they could fire me.
7. Impact. hmmm I guess Mrs. Hutchinson in high school who taught me business skills. However, all that technology is now obselete so not really sure how much it helped.
8. OMG I’ve lived probably 20 different homes as an adult. But my first was an apartment with my first hubby. A one bedroom that had a huge kitchen. The complex was a nice complex right next to a somewhat bad area. I remember being scared to death if I was alone after dark.
9. I was 16. My best friend’s cousin bought us each a bottle of Boones Farm Stawberry Hill. I had a cast on my leg and we were making Christmas cookies. I remember the cookies in a bag and us chasing eachother around the house hitting eachother with the bags of cookies. “clump step….clump set….clump step”!
10. Yes. And divorced him 18 years and four kids later.
Lori’s last blog post..Book Club
September 26th, 2008 at 7:37 am
Wheeeee! I love when people ask me questions about my favorite topic: ME!
1. When was your first kiss?
I was 12 and on my first date. We went to a high school basketball game. After the game, we were walking around outside the school. He leaned in . . . our noses were running . . . it was magical.
2. When did you first start buying holiday or birthday gifts for other people and stop thinking about what people would buy for you?
I remember getting a green glass bowl for my mom at a gift store. I was pretty young, maybe 9 or 10. She quite liked it and still has it. But I will never NEVER stop thinking about what people will buy for me.
3. When was the first time you thought of yourself not as a kid/teen, but as an adult?
Still waiting . . .
5. Tell me about your first pet.
Our cat, Susan. She gave birth to six kittens in my mom’s underwear drawer.
6. What was your first job?
Pizza maker at Barnaby’s!
7. Who was the first teacher to make a positive impact on your life?
There were quite a few, actually.
8. If you’ve lived in more than one house or apartment as an adult, tell me about your first one.
That would be Dunhill Apartments, Indiana University. My roommate and I lived next door to our two best friends. We threw some killer parties.
9. What was it like the first time you got drunk (assuming you remember).
My friend and I raided her parents’ liquor cabinet. We were probably 12. I must’ve liked it, ‘cuz we kept going back.
10. Did you marry your first love?
No, and it’s a good thing I didn’t!
JD at I Do Things’s last blog post..I Had a Perm so you don’t have to
September 26th, 2008 at 9:18 am
Considering you already know WAY too much about me, lol, I will just answer one of the questions.
10. Did you marry your first love?
No, I didn’t. And that is a very very very good thing.
Monique’s last blog post..Skip The Glasses. Just Hand Me The Bottle.
September 26th, 2008 at 1:28 pm
For reasons I explain in my blog post tomorrow, my weekly “Saturday Salute,” I’m not yet sure if I’m going to answer these questions. 😉
kev’s last blog post..Friday Four: Feed Me, Seymore
September 26th, 2008 at 2:01 pm
1. When was your first kiss?
When I was six. It was the neighbor girl that I played with.
2. When did you first start buying holiday or birthday gifts for other people and stop thinking about what people would buy for you?
When I got my first job, I would imagine
3. When was the first time you thought of yourself not as a kid/teen, but as an adult?
The day my mother dropped dead when I was 13.
4. What do you remember about the first time you drove a car?
I remember having to think very carefully about every step I was taking.
5. Tell me about your first pet.
The first pet I remember was a cat named Jimmy. We had a dog when I was toddler, but I don’t remember him as he got run over by a car when I was still in diapers.
6. What was your first job?
Booger…err Burger…King
7. Who was the first teacher to make a positive impact on your life?
Well, none of my teachers “impacted” me, as they weren’t in the habit of tackling their students. If you mean the first teacher who had a positive influence on me in a specific way that would be my 7th grade math teacher. I’ve never been very good at math, but math came alive for me and made sense for the first time when I took his class.
8. If you’ve lived in more than one house or apartment as an adult, tell me about your first one.
I lived in an old house in college, in a frat boy type of environment. I got the smallest bedroom, but I didn’t mind, as I didn’t have to share it with anyone. Made bringing home my one night stands that much easier!
9. What was it like the first time you got drunk (assuming you remember).
I actually got drunk at my uncle’s wedding when I was ten. My parents allowed me one small glass of champagne, but after everyone got up to dance, I went around to various tables draining whatever was left in other people’s glasses. Did not get sick — it was just a pleasant buzz.
10. Did you marry your first love?
No. No big deal — I’m not suited for marriage, anyway.
Libertine’s last blog post..A Lethal Bomb
September 26th, 2008 at 5:49 pm
Amber – Hey, at least you throw on real clothes. I saw a woman check her mailbox this morning in a threadbare robe and ratty old slippers. That was a sight, but more power to her. Yes, but did you get to chat it up with the cute boys from school? I’m glad you had your priorities in order.
Muskrat – I’ll be waiting …
Unfinishedrambler – Well, your parents’ heart was in the right place. I wonder how long they would have gone on with the charade?
Mike Foster – That’s a great story, Mike. I love that your teacher had the determination to stick with you and allow you to see your talents and let them grow and develop. Wonderful! What would you have done with baseball anyway? You’d probably need surgery for something by now. It’s a good thing.
Ricardo Bueno – It’s a fun way to start my days now. I’ve always said half the fun of blogging is engaging with readers, so comments are my bread and butter. I don’t even care if my page view numbers are high. Just let me know people are reading and liking something they see here!
Clerihew – Wow, you sound like you got your life together at an early age. I’m impressed. I’ve never known anyone who went to boarding school. Always sounded mysterious to me. It actually sounds very cool! And don’t worry, I thought the same thing about my first love. Good thing I didn’t. He’s now twice divorced.
Sister Marlene – An assault kiss! I love it! I wonder if the poor guy remembers being attacked for a smooch. I’m guessing Mom is still using the dishes you bought her. The woman never throws anything out. Dad took me to the Dixie Cup parking lot, too! I’m sorry you had Mike and Bill to contend with. But at least you got a taste of stress-driving early. A red lizard? Yeah, I bet Mom tossed it as soon as you went to bed. Oh, sure leave out the drunken R-rated episode! You know Mom and Dad don’t read my comments. Chicken!
Lori – Boy, you started early! Kids and all! I felt older when I got married, and even more so when we bought our first house. A mortgage changes everything. I’m sorry you broke your training car. I bet the guy you called as a telemarketer never go a call like that again. Clump, step. Clump, step. Hilarious! And I’m sure you felt no pain.
JD at I Do Things – Magical, runny kiss. Yea! Mine? A boy asked me if he could kiss me. I said yes, but he did it all wrong. Very awkward after that. So when Susan gave birth, you got a new dresser, I’m guessing? Ewww. I’ve no doubt you had awesome parties in college. I’ve read your Ireland post!
Monique – Yours is a life I love reading about on your blog. I’m glad you didn’t marry him. Enough said.
Kev – Uh-oh. Is that a good thing or a bad thing? I’ll read up tomorrow.
Libertine – Oh, I’m so sorry about your mother. What a terribly young age to lose a parent. I’m glad you never understood what happened to your pup (until much later, I’m sure). I remember a teacher like yours, in college. I saved Accounting for my last requirement because I couldn’t wrap my head around it. But I had the best professor who could explain it to me in a way this pea brain could understand. Never forgot his kindness and patience.
September 26th, 2008 at 6:06 pm
1. Never had one.
2. never have yet.
3. Semptember 12, 2008.
4. I cant drive.
5. My first pet was a dog and his name was Rocky and he was 6 when i was born.
6. Mowing the lawn.
7. Her name was Mrs.Pigliacampi
8. it was a half a double in south side easton.
9. Never was and hope not to be soon.
10. No i am not married.
Thats my list and im sticking to it.
September 26th, 2008 at 11:01 pm
[…] her blog post entitled, There’s Always a First Time, Kathy asks a series of questions for her readers to […]
September 26th, 2008 at 11:08 pm
1. When was your first kiss?
2nd grade. And yes, it was followed by a giggle.
2. When did you first start buying holiday or birthday gifts for other people and stop thinking about what people would buy for you?
I started buying for others in high school. I stopped thinking about what other people would buy for me around 10th grade, when I knew they were going to get me socks and underwear, anyway.
3. When was the first time you thought of yourself not as a kid/teen, but as an adult?
About the time I became a bartender at 18, and was serving my teachers and my friends’ parents.
4. What do you remember about the first time you drove a car?
I was 12. I remember my father repeating over and over, “Clutch it, brake it. Clutch it, brake it.”
5. Tell me about your first pet.
It was a stinking goldfish that lasted something like a week.
6. What was your first job?
I picked up and swept a parking lot at a convenience store for five bucks a week… at age 12.
7. Who was the first teacher to make a positive impact on your life?
Believe it or not, my kindergarten teacher. There were many that followed, but it began with her.
8. If you’ve lived in more than one house or apartment as an adult, tell me about your first one.
It was smaller than my current garage and cost me $200 a month.
9. What was it like the first time you got drunk (assuming you remember).
I don’t remember WHEN the first time was! I’m sure I was in high school.
10. Did you marry your first love?
No. Nor did I marry the second or the third. I should have married the second, but then, I probably wouldn’t have the life I have now with the boy who is now my son. He’s told me he’s glad I didn’t marry back then. The chances of our meeting would have probably been reduced by 100%, since I would probably have had biological children and not thought much about adoption.
Don’s last blog post..Wordless Wednesday: 9-24-08
September 27th, 2008 at 1:55 am
I am glad to see everyone is busying with your question Kathy…Ok…since you said that the first kiss is an accident~So from now on, it doesn’t count any more.Love you and your blog.
Handbag for life’s last blog post..Jessica Simpson shows off her Seductive Handbags
September 27th, 2008 at 6:54 am
I do the same thing! I love getting comments on my blog.
1. When was your first kiss?
I have no idea! How horrible is it that I can’t remember for the life of me?
2. When did you first start buying holiday or birthday gifts for other people and stop thinking about what people would buy for you?
I have always been the type of person who wanted to start Christmas shopping for people in the summer. I always wanted to make people I care about happy and so I think I’ve always wanted to give gifts to people before thinking about what I would get.
3. When was the first time you thought of yourself not as a kid/teen, but as an adult?
When I was 17 or so and by the time I was 18 I was out on my own with a job and getting my life in order.
4. What do you remember about the first time you drove a car?
My boyfriend yelling “Holly, you’re going off the road. Seriously, get back in the center. We’re going to die, I know it, you’re going to kill us.”
5. Tell me about your first pet.
Her name was Princess and she was a turtle/calico cat. Funny, several years later and I got another cat the exact same breed.
6. What was your first job?
I was a telemarketer and it was hell!
7. Who was the first teacher to make a positive impact on your life?
My 8th grade English teacher who taught me that in order to heal from anything, you have to write and you have to journal.
8. If you’ve lived in more than one house or apartment as an adult, tell me about your first one.
My first apartment of my own was a tiny, 2-room place that made me feel claustrophobic, but it was mine!
9. What was it like the first time you got drunk (assuming you remember).
I remember wanting to run around and go jogging and go tell everyone that I loved them. Then I fell asleep and woke up sick.
10. Did you marry your first love?
Nope, but I plan to be marrying my second, whom I met at my first job.
Holly’s last blog post..What You Can Do Daily to Stay Fit
September 27th, 2008 at 8:23 am
kath – I feel the need to clarify Regan’s memory of having been driven to the bus stop while on my lap. She did sit on my lap while I drove, however, the bus stop is just 5 houses beyond ours on the same block. Not much traffic on a suburban street at 8:30 a.m.
September 27th, 2008 at 4:57 pm
Ok, I’ll play:
1. When was your first kiss? I was 21. it was perfect.
2. When did you first start buying holiday or birthday gifts for other people and stop thinking about what people would buy for you? um, recently? A few weeks ago? I’m bad at gifts.
3. When was the first time you thought of yourself not as a kid/teen, but as an adult? when I moved into my first real apartment, age 22.
4. What do you remember about the first time you drove a car? terror.
5. Tell me about your first pet. As a child we had a sweet dalmation I only remember through stories. Now I have MY first pet, a lovely, sweet, needy black cat.
6. What was your first job? babysitting, then Subway.
7. Who was the first teacher to make a positive impact on your life? I suppose all of them, in some way. That reading and writing has served me well…
8. If you’ve lived in more than one house or apartment as an adult, tell me about your first one. My first place after college was a one-bedroom apartment in a cute apartment complex at the back of a subdivision. It was sparsely furnished and too expensive for my MA student stipend, but it did become home to many firsts.
9. What was it like the first time you got drunk (assuming you remember). I think it was rum and coke in college. I did not know what to make of it.
10. Did you marry your first love? no. sometimes I fantasize that I will someday. It could be a few different people.
September 27th, 2008 at 6:39 pm
I can’t believe all the people who have responded to your questions. This is totally awesome. As far as the math teacher is concerned, it’s funny but oh so true. I really wanted to be a math teacher. I was doing senior math my freshman year and he kept telling me that I really didn’t want to be a math teacher. He was very adamant and must have hated his job. It’s ok cause I think he was right. I would never be able to handle a classroom full of teenagers!
September 27th, 2008 at 7:13 pm
brooke — I’m suddenly feeling really sorry for your favorite teacher with a name like that. I think I speak for everyone when I say I don’t want you to get drunk anytime soon. You gotta at least make it to high school.
Don — Yes, I forgot to consider we might not want to get gifts from others if they’re of the sock variety. I imagine it was insanely cool to be bartending at that age. I think my first apartment was about the size of my garage, too. It’s incredible how small a space we really need to live in. I love to hear how your life events evolved. I enjoy reading about your son’s adoption story and the experiences you’ve both had since. Great stuff, Don.
Handbag for life — I make all things possible here. I’m happy to have you on board, and thank you!
Holly — That’s OK, It’s the kisses you get now that are really important. You sound like the perfect gift-giver. And you must be really organized! We’re going to die! Priceless. So did you get any better at it? You (and others) are so right about tiny first apartments. It almost doesn’t matter how small they are. When it’s you’re own, it feels HUGE! Drunks love everybody. It’s Drunk Rule #1.
ann of the shampoo bag — So you’re saying I shouldn’t call child services then?
Bethany — I have a sweet needy black cat, too. I’m making up for not having cats growing up. Got three now and I’d love three more, except it’s getting crowded now. You bring up a good point, too, about a first home/apt. Even though most of us lived in non-stellar places, didn’t we all have pretty decent memories? I know I did. While I hated my shag green carpet in one of my early apartments, it’s where my now-husband knelt down to propose to me.
Preston — I can’t believe it either! Seriously. Blew my mind to see that almost everyone answered all ten questions. I really thought people would pick just a couple. Everybody ran with it and I couldn’t be happier. Thanks for confirming the math thing was a true story. It just sounded so funny when I first read it. Every time I thought I wanted to be a teacher, all I had to do was watch a posse of unruly kids get together and the idea flew right out of my head. Thanks for dropping back in.
September 27th, 2008 at 7:58 pm
Wow, I’m sorry, Kathy. I just can’t read all these cool responses. Isn’t it wonderful???
I’ll answer the first one. My first kiss was a girl named Margo in the 2nd grade. She was as elegant as her name suggests, even in the 2nd grade. And she remained elegant all her life, though in an egocentric sort of way. But she and I always had this huge warm spot for each other, a nice special friendship, that went that far back. We both remembered it well. I use the past tense because she died of cancer a few years ago. She will always be that sweet 2nd grader in my mind.
September 28th, 2008 at 6:49 am
[…] September 28, 2008 · No Comments This is a meme of ten firsts I found on The Junk Drawer. […]
September 28th, 2008 at 8:18 am
1. When was your first kiss?
1999, in a bowling alley. Sauve, ain’t I?
2. When did you first start buying holiday or birthday gifts for other people and stop thinking about what people would buy for you?
Once I had my own money.
3. When was the first time you thought of yourself not as a kid/teen, but as an adult?
I’m currently tapping my foot and looking at my wristwatch.
4. What do you remember about the first time you drove a car?
I think I ran over a squirrel.
5. Tell me about your first pet.
See #4… Kidding. A turtle my brother named PeeWee after the famous Paul Reubens character.
6. What was your first job?
7. Who was the first teacher to make a positive impact on your life?
Ms. Houlding.
8. If you’ve lived in more than one house or apartment as an adult, tell me about your first one.
Legally, I’m an adult although I don’t feel like one. (See #3.) My home is beautiful and in a great neighbourhood. See no reason to ever leave.
9. What was it like the first time you got drunk (assuming you remember).
Not so good. Some dipshit crashed my 19th birthday party and ruined the evening for everybody.
10. Did you marry your first love?
Nope. Glad about it too. I don’t know what love is.
whatigotsofar’s last blog post..Found an Interesting Meme
September 28th, 2008 at 11:52 am
A long time ago in a galaxy far far away I washed dishes in a small hamburger joint right across the street from Vic Tanny’s Gym. All the body builders and hot chicks would come in for greasy burgers and thick malts after their vigorous workout. What’s wrong with that picture?
Happy trails.
Swubird’s last blog post..SECRET MEMORY
September 28th, 2008 at 3:57 pm
Kathy falling asleep before you’re drunk is the best thing. You can wake up and say you actually remember the night before right? That makes me glad I don’t have that whole sloppy drunk syndrome. I giggle my way to a bed and sleep.
It’s definitely better that my ex is with his ex. I just feel like I should sue him/them for wasting my time lol.
I like coming back to read what others have said. Some of the stories I’ve read so far I could have never imagined happening to myself.
ImitationAngel’s last blog post..Breaking News!
September 28th, 2008 at 5:57 pm
Ferd — I’m still in shock that so many people responded to all the questions. Incredible! What a bittersweet story. Little Margo sounds very special to you and I’m so sorry she passed away. But memories last forever, and you’ll always have that.
whatigotsofar — Hey, that’s where all the best kisses take place I hear. I think you’re in good company. I’m guessing half of us don’t feel like adults yet (at least we kept some kid in us!) Squirrel shmirrel. I ran over a gigantic groundhog once. Still feel bad about it. So was the dipshit drunk, or just a plain ‘ol dipshit? Hate those people. Love finds everyone.
Swubird — Maybe I wouldn’t feel so guilty about my cheeseburger addiction if I bothered to work some of it off like those meatheads did. Still snickering about your latest post. Good stuff, bird.
Imitation Angel — Absolutely! My preference is to awaken clear-headed and sober. I love the idea of suing jerks over wasted relationship time. But I suppose you have reward enough knowing you’re not with him.
September 28th, 2008 at 6:33 pm
1.When was your first kiss?
I’m too old to remember my actual first kiss, but since we always had dogs in the family, I’m assuming my first kiss was from one of them.
2.When did you start buying holiday or birthday gifts for other people and stop thinking about what people would buy for you?
This would be about 11 years ago when my godson was born. Before then, I always wanted to make sure I wasn’t outdone in buying gifts.
3.When was the first time you thought of yourself not as a kid/teen, but as an adult?
I first thought of myself as an adult when I had finished school, moved out from my parents and got my first job. That was over 40 years ago – now I’ve reverted back to thinking like a teen!
4.What do you remember about the first time you drove a car?
Wondering if my parents would catch me before I got the car home. I was 16 and didn’t have a licence and “borrowed” the car.
5.Tell me about your first pet.
I had had several dogs growing up, but my first pet after leaving home was a miniature schnauzer called Bunker – named after Archie Bunker.
6.What was your first job.
First job was at the British High Commission in the Consular Department.
7.Who was the first teacher to make a positive impact on your life?
My grade 10 English teacher who got me interested in reading.
8.If you’ve lived in more than one house or apartment as an adult, tell me about your first one.
My first apartment was overlooking a cemetery that ironically had a billboard nearby with the advertisement for Pepsi that said “Come Alive, you’re in the Pepsi Generation!”
9.What was it like the first time you got drunk (assuming you remember).
The first time I got drunk I was with friends in a bar that was raided by the police for underage drinkers and I was arrested. In those days there was a $25 fine that could be paid by your parents after making the call for them to come and pick you up. My friends’ parents arrived to bail them out – my father came down and told them to keep me overnight!
10.Did you marry your first love?
No, but I married a girl with the same name as my first love. That lasted for 6 years when she finally told me “I love you, but I can’t live with you” and we got divorced and became very good friends.
Robin’s last blog post..Is that all there is?
September 28th, 2008 at 8:14 pm
Ok, I know I am late, but I figured what the heck, respond anyway! It sounds like a fun way to spend a few minutes
1. When was your first kiss? I honestly don’t really know…probably like 10 with the neighbor boy…it obviously was not very memorable!
2. When did you first start buying holiday or birthday gifts for other people and stop thinking about what people would buy for you? When I got my first real job after college and I was so proud that Christmas that the gifts to my family came from my hard earned money.
3. When was the first time you thought of yourself not as a kid/teen, but as an adult? Hmmmm, probably not until my father died when I was 26. I was doing all kinds of adult things before then, but I always had that safety net of having him around. But when he passed away it was like…”ok, you have to do this own your own without his advise and guidance!”
4. What do you remember about the first time you drove a car? That I almost gave my poor dad a heart attack….
5. Tell me about your first pet. A little Beagle named Pepper. He was just a puppy when I was born, we grew up together. I don’t recall much about childhood, but I still vividly remember Pepper and the day I came home and he was gone (off to doggy Heaven).
6. What was your first job? First paying job was as a clerk at Pat’s Yarn Shop. I used to be crafty, now I have no time for it!
7. Who was the first teacher to make a positive impact on your life? I remember lots of teachers, but the one with the most positive impact was 9th grade biology Mr. Grammer. He believed in my abilities when I thought I was not smart enough to handle advanced science. It felt great to have someone other than my parents believe in me. And he believed that I was nothing like my brother even after I flat out lied and said he was not my brother when asked about it the first day of class.
8. If you’ve lived in more than one house or apartment as an adult, tell me about your first one. I lived at home way too long – first apartment was when my boyfriend and I moved from Alabama to Virginia and we finally moved in together. It was a cute little 2 bedroom apartment, but third floor walk up which sucked on grocery day.
9. What was it like the first time you got drunk (assuming you remember). My ex still laughs about it to this day. I was a silly drunk….but I was rarely drunk.
10. Did you marry your first love?
No, didn’t marry him, but spent 16 years with him fully convinced I would be with him for life. We went through all kinds of life happenings good and bad. Funny thing happened, he decided he liked to play for the other side, and he left me to be explore life with a man for a partner. Oddly enough after some time we became great friends again. He is still with this man some 10 years later and I consider both of them family….yes, can you say “she is crazy?” 🙂
September 29th, 2008 at 9:05 am
Just to clarify – I didn’t tell about the first time getting drunk not because I fear mom/dad reading, but because I know Amy reads the comments and I still feel the need to exclude the raunchy moments of my life from my daughter – and I hope she does the same for me. :o)
September 29th, 2008 at 6:01 pm
1. When was your first kiss? I was 13 years old when I had my first kiss.
2. When did you first start buying holiday or birthday gifts for other people and stop thinking about what people would buy for you? I was 22 years old back in 2002.
3. When was the first time you thought of yourself not as a kid/teen, but as an adult? I don’t remember but I feel like an adult.
4. What do you remember about the first time you drove a car?
I was thinking can I ever get this down.
5. Tell me about your first pet.
My first pet was a yellow cat named Papa.
September 29th, 2008 at 7:55 pm
1. When was your first kiss?
Summer after 8th grade.
2. When did you first start buying holiday or birthday gifts for other people and stop thinking about what people would buy for you?
Oh geez…college?
3. When was the first time you thought of yourself not as a kid/teen, but as an adult?
When I studied abroad my junior year of college.
4. What do you remember about the first time you drove a car?
Oh God don’t let me hit something!
5. Tell me about your first pet.
I had a goldfish name Shovey. I wasn’t particularly good at taking care of fish, so Shovey died. Then there was Shovey II, Shovey III, Shovey IV…and after Shovey VII my mom said no more. And I have no idea where I got the name Shovey from, but it was the name I picked. 😀
6. What was your first job?
7. Who was the first teacher to make a positive impact on your life?
Mrs. Baldor – she was our art teacher in grade school. I actually got to sort of return the favor, as I was asked to write up a bit about her and why she was so great for an award she received. They wanted a “student voice” presented at the award ceremony.
8. If you’ve lived in more than one house or apartment as an adult, tell me about your first one.
(Cinder blocks + unadjustable thermostat + Texas summer) – working AC = ? You do the math.
9. What was it like the first time you got drunk (assuming you remember).
“Why does the room take so much longer to catch up when I turn around fast like that?”
10. Did you marry your first love?
Anjea Ray’s last blog post..AAQG Show
September 30th, 2008 at 4:30 am
Robin — Our first wet, sloppy kiss! I think at 40, we start the aging process in reverse. You know, drooling and wearing diapers by 80. I “borrowed” the car lots of times myself. Got caught once and never did it again. Funny about the cemetery! I’m sure you’re glad no one actually did come alive. Creepy! Yikes, so did you stay in jail overnight? That sounds like great blog material. Glad you’re still friends with your ex. That’s quite an achievement.
Donna — I felt the same way about gifts. When you spend your own precious pennies for the first time, the gifts mean more. I’m fortunate to still have both my parents. I can only imagine what it would be like not to have them around at an early age. I love when a teacher tells you you can handle an advanced class. Sometimes just telling you that makes you believe it. It sounds like you made out OK with your first love. Good for all of you!
Marlene — Gotcha. That hadn’t occurred to me, but it should have.
Therapy New York — I went from teen to adult overnight when I got my first apartment. First night sleeping away from home was very odd. So have you gotten the driving thing down yet?
Anjea Ray — I’m jealous that you got to study abroad in college. What an experience to have at such a young age! What a funny name. I love that you had so many reincarnations of Shovey. Way to keep at it! Oh, that’s so great about your art teacher. I’m sure she remembers it well. I do believe a Texas summer without A/C would kill me dead. Putting one foot on the floor stops a room from spinning. Says so in the Drunk Manual.
September 30th, 2008 at 1:45 pm
1. When was your first kiss? First real kiss at camp, 1000 islands with Mike in the pouring rain. I was so dizzy after that I crashed my bike into a bartles and james sign. I have a pic of that sign on my myspace and am still friends with my first kiss on there, too.
2. When did you first start buying holiday or birthday gifts for other people and stop thinking about what people would buy for you? I only buy for my sister, she’s just so much fun. I have a standing agreement with the world to not buy me stuff if I don’t buy them stuff.
3. When was the first time you thought of yourself not as a kid/teen, but as an adult? Pretty sure I still have those kid/teen days. I’m a Hills addict 🙂
4. What do you remember about the first time you drove a car? My sister taught me how to put makeup on and drive with my knees
5. Tell me about your first pet. I grew up on a farm. My first official pet on my own was my kitty Poopers who died on 9/11 🙁
6. What was your first job? the cookie girl at the orig cookie co
7. Who was the first teacher to make a positive impact on your life? Mr. David McPeak
8. If you’ve lived in more than one house or apartment as an adult, tell me about your first one. Super ghetto terrible part of town. I was 18 and thought I could support myself with a pet store job.
9. What was it like the first time you got drunk (assuming you remember). Southern Comfort snuck by my sisters friends and they didn’t know everyone was also sneaking. I ended up throwing up everywhere and STILL got hit on. He said I have “natural beauty” I told him he must be talking about the vomit in my hair.
10. Did you marry your first love?
I did. Then I divorced him 6 years later.
Julie@Cool Mom Guide’s last blog post..Political Economics By and For Dummies
October 8th, 2008 at 9:57 am
1. didnt hav one & dont think would hav one in near future 🙂
2. dont like to give & take gifts. its just social obligation.
3. is it really necessary to grow up 🙁
4. i was advised to learn driving but who would get up early leaving the sweet morning nap to go to a driving school. & if i go to evening shift i will surely kill somebody!
5. i just hate pets.
6. hav got my first but havnt joined yet.
7. u cant recognize him 🙂
8. i live in my own house but would hav to hire one when i m going to do the job.
9. lying in some hostel bed gossiping with my frnds. oh! i miss those days!
10. not married & havnt loved anybody yet! & no idea what would happen in future 🙂
aniroy1986’s last blog post..a new kind of free video advertising for bloggers
October 10th, 2008 at 10:27 am
I found your blog through Entrecard and I love it!!! Lemme answer your questions.
1. My first kiss was a mistake. I was 15, he was the same. We were at a cemetery and then suddenly he grabbed my face and kissed me. I was so shocked and disgusted! We broke up two weeks later.
2. When I was 10, my aunt told me that holidays were for others so I always bought gifts for others. Then about a few years ago, I realized I gave more than I received and for the first time, really resented it =(
3. I knew I was an adult when I paid my first bill in my own rented apartment.
4. First time to drive? Sheer terror, thrill, exhilaration!
5. My first pet was a puppy that my older brother killed. Yes, he seriously needs help.
6. My first job was a church receptionist! I answered the phones.
7. I don’t remember her name but that teacher was a Reading and Language teacher and she said I write really well. I’m a magazine editor now.
8. The first apartment I lived in as an adult was a one-bedroom affair with a huge bathroom and tons of tiny roaches. It had two small windows that looked out to another building a few kilometers away. My future husband lived there and we would signal each other “good night” by flipping our light switches on-and-off.
9. The first time I got drunk was also the first time my future husband and I had sex! He was horrified the next day when he found out and swore he never took advantage of me. Haha!
10. Did I marry my first love? No. Thank God!
Frances’s last blog post..I’m famous!
October 10th, 2008 at 10:36 am
Oh, and yes, I don’t drink alcohol. That’s why the first time I got drunk was also the last time it happened! Can’t say I regret it, though!
Frances’s last blog post..I’m famous!
October 11th, 2008 at 7:45 am
Julie at Cool Mom Guide — Man, that was some kiss! See, I tried that “we won’t buy for each other” thing before, but it makes people mad. I’ve also tried suggesting we give monetary gifts to charity instead of giving Christmas gifts. That didn’t fly either. I gave up. LOL at your first driving experience. You have to look good if you’re going to have an accident! My first apt. wasn’t in a great section of town either. But it makes me appreciate what I have now more, no doubt. Best drunk pickup response ever.
aniroy1986 — I thought at first you wrote “it isn’t really necessary to grow up,” and thought “Yeah!” Oops. Oh, no. Did you have a bad pet experience once?
Frances — A cemetery??! Maybe that had something to do with it? I think I said no more sad pet stories. Now you’ve gone and made me cry. That’s terrible! Oooo! Magazine editor! I’d love that job. I adore that you signaled your future husband by flicking lights on and off. Seems you did well with your husband, despite your unusual first, ahem, experience. Thanks for visiting! Y’all come back now, ya hear!
October 13th, 2008 at 3:49 pm
8. Just the one question. My first apartment was with a roommate I had met in my college dorms and we had to scramble at the last minute to find a place over a couple of days. After spending time looking at a few really horrible 1 bedroom apartments, we ended up renting a *room* in someone else’s apartment. The apartment was really nice, remodeled, and had a washer and dryer inside the unit. But the bedroom we had to share was tiny! We could barely fit two lofted beds in it with all of our worldly possessions (desk, dresser, etc) stashed underneath the beds. Our roommate also turned out to be a bit nutty. I was so happy to move out of there after a year.
October 15th, 2008 at 5:15 pm
Blair — Hey, at least you made it a year without killing each other. Living in tiny crawl spaces sure makes you appreciate the next place you live (presumably bigger!), doesn’t it?
October 16th, 2008 at 12:14 pm
Ah yes, my next place was bigger. But I was living with three filthy boys in a pig pen. It was still a considerably better living situation. I really hated having to climb a ladder to get into my bed that other year.
October 19th, 2008 at 7:09 am
Blair — Getting into bed should not require climbing. Also, I’d probably injure myself. I stood on a chair yesterday and felt like I was a hundred feet up. I could see myself breaking something climbing two rungs of a ladder.
April 24th, 2009 at 9:13 am
[…] or… uh, well, I won’t go there. Anyway, she’s got this great post titled, There’s Always a First Time. It’s a simple post. She lists 10 questions about “firsts” and then asks her blog […]
April 20th, 2010 at 3:33 am
These are great questions. Watch for my answers in an upcoming post of my own. Thanks for the idea!
April 20th, 2010 at 3:37 am
Oh, what fun! My first kiss was on my Gotcha Day. My Mommie picked me up from the breeder and held me close. She said, “we will have so much fun together!” and she kissed me right between the ears. I usually get kisses every day now.
August 9th, 2010 at 7:54 pm
1. When was your first kiss?
Kindergarten, I kissed a Girl and we argued with the teacher.
2. When did you first start buying holiday or birthday gifts for other people and stop thinking about what people would buy for you?
Never happened.
3. When was the first time you thought of yourself not as a kid/teen, but as an adult?
As soon as I had to pay to fix the car for the first time.
4. What do you remember about the first time you drove a car?
Well I was in Maine and the first car I ever drove in my life was a Dodge Van. Fullsize and all on a small dirt road in Maine…Did I hit a tree? Almost.
5. Tell me about your first pet.
Was a little goldfish named Spot, because of its one white spot in its scales.
6. What was your first job?
Retail, dont wanna talk about it.
7. Who was the first teacher to make a positive impact on your life?
I would have to say my Highschool English teacher, who taught way more then just how to write an essay.
9. What was it like the first time you got drunk (assuming you remember).
Whoa. That was what I remember.
10. Did you marry your first love?
Not yet, but it still might happen =)