What’s That? Wednesday Winner
contests, Fun October 24th, 2008I’m pleased to announce the winner of this week’s What’s That? Wednesday contest. Ron of the Vent blog was the first to guess correctly that it’s the tip of a battery-operated nose hair trimmer. Or, if you have particularly hairy ears, you can use it there, too.
Congratulations Ron! I’ll contact you shortly. Since you are not an Entrecard user, it looks like you’re getting a Junk Drawer magnet.
Thanks for playing, everyone! Look for another What’s That? contest in two weeks.
Commence with the guessing about who in our household uses this thing for what kind of wayward hairs. Or not. Yeah, let’s not.

October 24th, 2008 at 3:59 pm
Congratulations, Ron! Although I think I should get an honorable mention for “grabby thing.” What, after all, is a nose hair trimmer, if not a grabby thing? And I am totally getting Dave one of these for X-mas. Not for the nose but the ears. EAR HAIR!
JD at I Do Things’s last blog post..Gus Does Things so I don’t have to
October 24th, 2008 at 4:08 pm
I knew Ron was right from the beginning !
Say Ron, you’re now a victim of identity theft. So I suggest you get a new one.
Ronald is pleased !
Ronald the Mime’s last blog post..Backyards by the track…
October 24th, 2008 at 4:19 pm
I’m happy to say I’ve never needed one:)…so I’ve never seen one.
But it’s good to know that if someone in your household needs one…they use one.
….ewwww nose hair!!!
Makes a great Christmas present………..ho ho NOT!
Was funny, the other day, I was thinking, I bet everyone woman plucks at least one hair from growing where it shouldn’t be……..and they have never told anyone….NO ONE!!!
Alan’s last blog post..Everyone does it…The Invisible Game
October 24th, 2008 at 4:30 pm
i was pretty close
October 24th, 2008 at 5:13 pm
How did I miss the original post? The top of my head is the only place where hair doesn’t grow, so I would have gotten this one immediately!!!
October 24th, 2008 at 5:39 pm
Doh! Well it looked like a drill bit ;O)
Babs – beetle’s last blog post..Diamonds. A girls best friend? – Part 2
October 24th, 2008 at 5:56 pm
I can still see that algebloominwhatsit post!
Babs – beetle’s last blog post..Diamonds. A girls best friend? – Part 2
October 24th, 2008 at 6:15 pm
Congratulations! I really had no idea what it could it be.
Stephanie C.’s last blog post..“she touched me in my swimsuit area.” 30 rock premiere
October 24th, 2008 at 6:45 pm
Oh. I said lighter. Same difference. You could use the lighter to set your nose hairs on fire and then burn them off!! =)
October 24th, 2008 at 7:24 pm
OMG…Thank you Kathy!!!
I feel like I just won an OSCAR for Best Guess in a Motion Picture!
This is too funny, because when I read your What’s That? post on my google reader that day…I just took a fast WILD guess!
But I’ll tell you a secret….I actually NEED to get one of those nose hair trimmers. Either THAT or a Weed Eater!!
Anyway, thanks again Kath! And thanks everyone!
@Ronald the Mime: I went back and read your comments on the post and LAUGHED! That was so funny. Hey…I like your comment name too!
Ron’s last blog post..Good Reviews and Bad Reviews
October 24th, 2008 at 7:58 pm
@Ron – It has been a pleasure knowing you and it was fun pretending to be you.
But during the last couple of days, things developed and it seems now that Ronald has taken a distinct personality of his own !
If you are on Twitter, do join me there because that is where Ronald lives now.
Why do the darnedest and the funniest things have to happen by accident – is way beyond me !
Thank you very much for visiting my blog and leaving your kind words. I’ll reply shortly.
Best Regards.
Ronald the Mime’s last blog post..Backyards by the track…
October 24th, 2008 at 8:40 pm
@Ronald the mime: that’s toooo funny!
It is ironic how things happen by accident, isn’t it?
I guess that’s why they say…there is NO accident!?!?!
I will definitely be checking out your Twitter. Thanks for the invite!
@Kathy: I JUST noticed your photo! That’s WONDERFUL!!
Ron’s last blog post..Good Reviews and Bad Reviews
October 24th, 2008 at 9:25 pm
Ok, so you look high and low, near and far for a picture to post on your blog to fool us and you have to resort to the Bathroom?
What exactly does that say about you?
Or do I want to know?
Beamer’s last blog post..I wish
October 24th, 2008 at 11:13 pm
From the looks of your current picture, it doesn’t look like your nose hair trimmer is getting much use these days…
October 25th, 2008 at 5:45 am
JD at I Do Things — If we’re getting technical about the trimmer (are we?), it doesn’t actually grab the hairs and you wouldn’t want it to. It cuts the hair. Now, if you’re over-zealous with it, you stand a chance of shaving the hair, which can be bad. Shaving inside the nose makes it tickle for some reason and then you wind up fiddling with your nose for hours, as it becomes itchy. So there you have it. Cut the hairs, don’t shave. Please pass that onto your husband if you buy him one. And tell him it’s OK that it sounds like a bug zapper when it hits hair. Tell me this isn’t more information than you cared to get when you left your comment.
Ronald the Mime — As I look back on how it is you became Ronald, I realize you “mortyuped” his name. That’s what we’re calling that phenomenon now, just so you know.
Alan — I used to work with an older gentleman who desperately needed one, but didn’t use one. I was forever distracted by the gray tumbleweeds screaming to be cut. Seriously, they were so long you could cut them with scissors. I always wondered why at least his wife never did something about them. It was very hard to talk to him without zeroing in on his nose patch. And, yes, you are correct that every woman of a certain age has unwanted hairs. Freaky and annoying.
brooke — Yes, you were close (if you heated it first!) But yeeeee-OUCH!
Lee — My husband feels your pain. He uses it for his ears (and I got permission to reveal that).
Babs beetle — It did, and for the record, if I didn’t know what it was that would have been my guess. Oh, and I’m sorry you can still see the math! Give me a week and I’ll push it out of sight with new posts!
Stephanie C — I’m impressed anyone guessed that. If I didn’t own one, I would never have thought that’s what it was. You’re in good company.
Regan — Funny! Yes, you could burn them out, but you run the risk of also burning your face off. Not good. Not good at all.
The Real Ron — I’m glad you won and that you consider it such high honor. Your fridge will be happy, too! I can’t believe that was a wild guess. Good for you. I never would have gotten it myself. Your magnet is in the mail!
Ronald the Mime — Thank God for the gravatars, because I would have gotten mighty confused wondering who all these Ron impostors were. Are we returning to Jaffer status now?
The Real Ron — I’ve gotten very used to my kitty cat face up there. Babs Beetle has graciously offered to help me rotate pictures for different seasons and reasons. Expect something new after Halloween!
Beamer — The bathroom? Hell no. I keep it in my purse, because you never know how much hair will grow while I’m driving to work. I’m thinking of getting this one because it looks like lip gloss, at least according to the manufacturer. God, if you have to carry it around all the time, you’ve got bigger problems.
PaulsHealthBlog — Ha! My whiskers will be trimmed at the end of the month. I’ll get my regular face back after Halloween.
October 25th, 2008 at 7:04 am
Word on the Tweet is, he is planning to get rid of me ! ME ! A lowly mime !
I will just have to wear many faces and be one tip-toe ahead of him until this is all over !
October 25th, 2008 at 7:07 am
Lost again! Good one though – now I see but I would never have guessed. Looking forward to the next one.
October 25th, 2008 at 8:37 am
Well well. We get a contest and a tidbit about your husband all at the same time. HEEHEE!
Lauren’s last blog post..Who Is Obama?
October 25th, 2008 at 10:32 am
Are you SURE it is not a dusty gas burner tube? Rats. We did not win.
October 25th, 2008 at 5:24 pm
Do you plan on using it … your updated photo gave me a shock! LOL
DrowseyMonkey’s last blog post..We’ve Traced the Call ….
October 25th, 2008 at 10:04 pm
I actually did suspect that, but I didn’t want to admit I was old enough to know, in detail, what one of those things look like…
The Hawg’s last blog post..How to make soccer popular in the U.S.
October 26th, 2008 at 6:47 am
Ears, nose…I wonder if that hair is tranplantable?
October 26th, 2008 at 7:23 am
Congratulations to Ron. Oh dear it looked like a chuck or the tip of a drill to me also.
Now it looks and sounds really painful. It’s great to be a woman some times.:-)
Shinade’s last blog post..Hello Enchanted Heart
October 26th, 2008 at 8:18 am
Ronald the Mime — “Word on the Tweet” — I like that (and the bizarre story that has unfolded from your one little typing goof.) Ronald, we shall miss you!
Data Entry Services — And I promise the next one won’t come from a bathroom.
Lauren — I could write a whole blog about my husband’s tidbits.
Gandalf and Grayson — Oh, don’t be bummed. I might tweak the contest to have them whenever I feel like it. Which might mean more than just two a month. Keep your thinking caps on.
DrowseyMonkey — I know! I do need a trim, don’t I? Hey, so now you’re not the only blogger obscuring half her face!
The Hawg — Hey, if I can admit I use one, you can too. Let your guard down!
Lee — That’s Dave’s question. We often joke that he’d do well to have only a tenth of the hair on my head. Mine is so thick and lots winds up on the bathroom floor. If only…
Shinade — I agree it looks painful and I didn’t want to use it at first. But it’s not painful at all. When I think of all the maintenance I do now, I wonder what I’ll have to do when I’m 70. OTOH, maybe I won’t care then.
October 26th, 2008 at 8:27 am
Perhaps it’s a good thing that I didn’t recognize it? Rogue nose and ear hairs are things I have not yet developed. Only a matter of time, I guess.
Vivienne’s last blog post..Howie Mandel is a Tool. NO DEAL.
October 27th, 2008 at 2:47 am
I really could not recognise it. Congrats Ron.
October 27th, 2008 at 5:25 pm
Vivienne — Oh, yes, my dear. Only a matter of time. Invest in one of these and you can’t go wrong. Remember, if you start to see wayward hairs, so can everyone else!
Star wars lego — Don’t worry. You weren’t alone. Maybe you’ll catch the next one.
December 2nd, 2008 at 12:58 pm
Sounds interesting! The information about probiotics is really helpful. Thank you so much.
April 19th, 2009 at 4:57 pm
With all the other products Lego can be made to represent from ice trays for the refrigerator to portraits of President Obama, I don’t think at this time a Lego nose hair trimmer is available yet on the market.
It’s an interesting idea.
What is even more interesting is the idea for such a recognition contest.
Sort of reminds me of the old Name That Tune program where people were given just a couple bars of a song and then had run to guess the title.
This kind of thing is always fun.
Thank you, SMILEY ME.