My First Road Trip Alone
Blogging, Stupid things I do May 9th, 2009 Next weekend I’m taking my first ever road trip alone. This should worry every single one of you, for I am The Queen of Getting Lost. You earn that title by losing your way only two tenths of a mile from your house.
Despite that, I agreed to drive 180 miles to meet up with three of my favorite bloggers, Bryan of Unfinished Rambler, his wife Kim of Dispatches from the Outpost, and Jenn of Cabbages and Kings.
For the record, I have never driven alone more than 30 miles from my home.
Am I nervous? Yes. Is my husband nervous? Crazy more. Have I considered all the things that can go wrong from here to there? Only since the day I agreed to this insanity.
But for every problem, there is a solution.
1. What if I get lost only ten miles from home? Solution: Turn around, shake my head, and ask myself why I thought I could do this.
2. What if the GPS breaks? Solution: See if I can finish navigating with my Mapquest directions.
3. What if the GPS breaks and my Mapquest directions get sucked out a window? Solution: Call my husband to come get me.
4. What if the GPS breaks, my Mapquest directions get sucked out a window, and my cell phone dies? Solution: Pull over and commence meltdown.
5. What if the GPS breaks, my Mapquest directions get sucked out a window, my cell phone dies, I have a meltdown and nobody stops to help me? Solution: Lock the doors, sleep in my car and have a nightmare about all the murderers waiting for a sitting duck like me, in which case this will be my last post. It was great knowing you.
If I do actually make it there, I likely won’t blog during the weekend. But I will tweet and update on Facebook. So check there next Friday afternoon to see if I’m alive.
If I’m a no-show, send a search party. I’ll be sobbing quietly somewhere in the middle of Pennsylvania.

May 11th, 2009 at 8:38 pm
Poor Kathy. I have many diving and directional issues as well though. I did make it 400+ miles (over 7 hr drive) all alone though several years ago. If I can do it, so can you! I do give you props for doing something that makes you so nervous. You’ll be fine. And I think you’ll have more confidence in yourself once you’ve done it. 🙂 Best wishes!
erin’s last blog post..Book Nerd
May 11th, 2009 at 11:26 pm
Well I hope you made it Kathy, lol! God bless.
Jodi’s last blog post..A Weekend With My Garndaughter, And Then Boom!
May 12th, 2009 at 4:20 am
Scrooge — Ah, thanks for the offer! I would normally like a canine companion, but what if you have to do your business and you do it in the car? Oh, wait. You’re a good dog, aren’t you?
Steve — I can’t say that’s a bad idea. Maybe I can get them to give me an escort along the way? Hey, if I think of it, I’ll send you a personal email to let you know I made it there OK.
Red Flashlight — It’s incredible to me that anyone can drive anywhere far without a GPS. Never been good with fold-out maps. And now that my eyes are worse than ever, even if I had one, it might not help. Where I live there’s a 7-11 type place every two miles or so. Not sure about north of here. I’m actually more afraid to get lost where there’s more congestion, not less. Having to make quick decisions when a thousand cars are barreling down behind me is what has me concerned.
meleah rebeccah — In this one case, I hope I have an uneventful day. I’d trade “no blog post” for getting there in one piece.
Mrs. Nurse Boy — Thanks for dropping by, and thanks!
Judy Miller — Remember, I’ll be the one on the side of the road, weeping.
Jeanne — I checked out Randmcnally and their directions are the same as Mapquest except for the beginning, which is what I’m not worried about. Sorry Mapquest burned you.
erin — You’re absolutely right. My husband asked me again if I was sure I wanted to do this. More than anything. I need to know I have the skills and confidence to get the job done.
Jodi — Me too!
May 12th, 2009 at 10:26 am
Ha! You’ll have a great time! We had so much fun on our first mother/daughter trip in March, we are doing it again in June/July!!!
Have a wonderful time, and keep your windows up so the map doesn’t get sucked out.
Maureen’s last blog post..You’re Giving Me Chest Pains
May 12th, 2009 at 12:54 pm
You’ll do great! I LOVE road trips. My last biggy was from San Diego to Fredericksburg, VA. My dog Velvet was my co-pilot – We stopped and saw friends and family along the way – had a blast – you will too!
Viveca’s last blog post..Insomnia & Fatigue Revisited.
May 12th, 2009 at 6:05 pm
Maureen — I’m thankful I’m not trying this in snow, as you did (IIRC). You’re much braver than me! I shall take every precaution. And pray. A lot.
Viveca — I’m in awe of so many of you taking to the road as you do. But who knows? Maybe I’ll do so well, I won’t think twice about taking a long trip by myself again.
May 12th, 2009 at 6:49 pm
I get lost WITH a GPS!
May 12th, 2009 at 6:50 pm
David McMahon — Oh, now don’t say that! My GPS has to be my savior. Or are you just saying nothing can help you? {starts worrying again}
May 13th, 2009 at 12:22 pm
You’ve never driven 30 miles from your home? :O What is that, some kind of Guinness Book of World Record? haha!
Good luck with your GPS… heh heh. Well, you can console yourself with the idea that if you do get lost, it will make great blog fodder.
Enjoy your trip! Send the fellow bloggers my regards!
Crabby Blogging Lady’s last blog post..Where Am I?
May 14th, 2009 at 5:12 am
Crabby Blogging Lady — Nope. Not once. Never had to. Someone else was always available to drive. I’m determined to get there with little trouble, and even if I get lost, I promise to try not to cry right away. I won’t be able to read a map through my tears.
May 15th, 2009 at 11:38 am
You’ll do fine! How exciting this is!!! I’ll be watching for your facebook updates!!
Sniffie and the Florida Furkids’s last blog post..Finally Friday
May 17th, 2009 at 9:16 am
So Kathy, I just don’t understand why you would give your chauffeur the weekend off when you had such a major outing. What is the point of having a driver and limo if they don’t take you where you need to go…ala Driving Miss Daisy.
May 17th, 2009 at 12:18 pm
Hope your trip is going well..both too and from I have the same issues and yes that’s a long way for you to go.
So blessings and safety take pictures and share.
Hugs Dorothy from grammology
Dorothy Stahlnecker’s last blog post..We’re moving our site
May 19th, 2009 at 5:19 am
Sniffie and the Florida Furkids — And now you know I made it!
David — Ah, now THAT would have been nice. Although I have to say, riding in a limo is one of the most uncomfortable ways to travel. All that sliding around. My back always hurts when I get out.
Dorothy Stahlnecker — My trip went VERY well, thankyouverymuch. Not a single problem on the road, unless you count me almost missing the very last exit on the return trip. I laughed at the irony of it, screwing up so close to home.
September 14th, 2009 at 4:07 pm
“The Queen of Getting Lost” is my title 🙂
I have managed to get lost in my own neighborhood when it got dark, 2 blocks away from my house. I spent 2 hours waiting for my husband to come and rescue me. After that incident I have purchased Garmin GPS system and I use it everyday.
October 27th, 2009 at 4:34 pm
Oh damned, I can not imagine driving more than 30 miles alone. I wish all my trips were that short. Stay focused, you’ll be fine. Thyanks you for you tips.
November 2nd, 2009 at 3:50 pm
I thought I was the only one who has never driven a long distance alone. I really freaking hate driving. You have to pay attention to driving is the worst part.
I am very glad I only found this post after the fact or I would have been anxious all week waiting for you to get back.
PS since we’re on a totally different post, can you give me a clue what the What’s that Monday thing is? I won’t tell anyone.
.-= Tracy´s last blog ..Scary Products Contest Winners =-.
December 14th, 2009 at 1:20 pm
Don’t worry. I am exactly the same. I never really drive more than 20 miles. I soon need to drive about 150 miles to see a friend and I have all the same worries.
January 12th, 2010 at 4:07 am
Guessing the road trip went well?
.-= Cheap Auto Insurance News´s last blog ..Progressive Raises its Rates =-.