Wherein I Find Out I’m Awesome
Blogging, Stupid things I do, Travel May 18th, 2009Do you hear me?! I AM AWESOME! I recently posted that I was meeting up with some fellow bloggers 200 miles from home, and it would be the first time I ever drove such a distance by myself.
Sure, I was pee-in-my-pants scared getting there, but the way home was an absolute breeze. After a short time, I was whizzing by slow poke drivers, eating a box of chocolates off my lap, steering with my thumb, and cursing at all the amateur drivers who annoyed me because they seemed lost and inept. You know, like I was two days before. My, how I’ve changed.
The weekend with Kim, Bryan and Jenn was a laughfest and what a joy to finally meet them after a year of knowing them only through their blogs and emails. Kim and Bryan were the consummate hosts and Jenn was fun company at the B&B where we both stayed.
As a bonus, Bryan’s hilarious sister Lisa traveled over an hour to visit with us, along with her cutie pie son, who upon meeting me tried to ride my leg while I was sitting on the couch. I considered it a high honor.
Let’s review some random trip details, shall we?
1. A deer saw me naked. Freshly showered, I stepped out of the bathroom, turned to a window that faces the woods and saw this. I decided it was OK because he didn’t snicker or call over any of his deer buddies to get a look. In fact, he stared a long time. I think he wanted me.
2. Even though I took my cell phone, I lost reception during the return trip and later learned that a "reboot" would fix it. Until that discovery, I had to find a pay phone to call home. I found one on a desolate road, but some guy was using it and wouldn’t hang up! Why? Why would you talk on a pay phone in the middle of nowhere for ten minutes? I figured he was saying "There’s a lady here who looks desperate to use this phone, so I’m gonna keep talking about nothing, OK?" Jerk.
3. It took me three weeks to lose four pounds before my trip. I gained the four back in three days. I won’t be eating again until Thursday. That oughtta do it.
4. I don’t get out enough. Kim planted some lovely Lamb’s Ears in her front lawn. I’ve never seen them before, and after Jenn told me "Feel ’em, they’re velvety soft," I stooped down to touch every Lamb’s Ear I encountered from then on. I’m not sure if everyone thought that was endearing or just sad. I’m guessing sad.
5. Kim needs her own cooking show. In the span of a day, she made homemade soup, homemade bread and homemade manicotti and meatballs. My version of homemade means "I made water boil and dumped a box of pasta in it, in my home."
6. I overpack. It’s a disease. On checkout day, my fingers slipped and I dropped my suitcase flat and it almost blew a hole in the floor and killed Jenn in the room underneath. When will I learn I only ever need half of what I think I need?
7. Bryan agreed, at my request, not to take any photos of me. Yes, yes, I need therapy. He decided instead to take pictures of only my feet at various places we visited. Check out his foot photologue for proof I was actually there.
8. I hope someone located this lost baby. I found a "Missing" flyer taped to an ice cream shop window, but I can’t figure out why the baby would be wearing a collar and a harness. And only a $50 reward? That’s shameful.
9. All of my pictures of the beautiful Pennsylvania Grand Canyon look like this. Each one features a view-obstructing railing because I refused to step any closer. Railings good. Falling hundreds of feet to my death bad. I thought it best to enjoy the pictures that others took; people who aren’t afraid to live close to the edge. Literally.
So there you have it. The trip I made all by my lonesome awesome self!
Next up? I fly alone for the first time this summer, wherein I’ll cry for two hours, clutching my blankie and teddy bear. Or maybe not. Awesome people don’t need no stinking teddy bears!

May 20th, 2009 at 4:24 pm
Out of all of these things, I’m most surprised that you found a pay phone.
Momo Fali’s last blog post..A Day in the Life II
May 20th, 2009 at 7:27 pm
1) Favorite line: “I think he wanted me.”
2) Is this an attempt at a (patented) 9-point blog entry!?
3) Love the Barney Fife mentality of your drive back.
4) Jaffer has finally become 100% Canadian, eh?
5) You ARE awesome.
May 21st, 2009 at 12:04 am
Great post! I was laughing through it all. Been years since I’ve been back to Pennsylvania. I do miss it quite a bit. Here comes the cliched nostalgia…awww. Great humor. Keep up the fantastic blog posts. And I agree with the others. You are definitely awesome…as opposed to me, who just has awesome sunglasses – at least according to the guys on the corner.
Master Dayton’s last blog post..Where Is Master Dayton, Freelance Writer?
May 21st, 2009 at 5:13 am
Your definition of homemade and my definition of homemade are exactly the same.
Musingwoman’s last blog post..Star Trek
May 21st, 2009 at 1:00 pm
It is amazing how you can be afraid of doing something for the first time on your own and then when you try it you feel sooooo good about it, I hope your first flying experience will be awesome
May 21st, 2009 at 7:22 pm
Ahhh, If you travel with me in the Way-Back Machine, I can show you how I was soooo afraid of driving on the freeway, I had my drivers license for over a year before I even attempted it. I had to because I was late for a pre-employment exam and the freeway was the only way I was going to get there on time. I was completely pumped up after that and the freeway has been my best friend ever since then! This next sentence may cause you to hyperventilate so read with caution: After my divorce, I took a two and a half week, multi-state camping and backpacking road trip out west, just me and my dog Zoe. (OK, It did help that she was an awesome Great Dane, but she didn’t know how to drive. So that should count. Right?)
ps: I love touching Lambs Ears!
Mary Wehrle’s last blog post..Tell Me Thursday
May 21st, 2009 at 7:49 pm
Not only am I jealous that you got to hang out with some of the coolest bloggers, I thought I would also mention that if I were a deer, I’d probably want you too.
Margaret (Nanny Goats)’s last blog post..Some Restaurants You Don’t Go For the Food. At All.
May 22nd, 2009 at 5:25 am
Misty — How do I explain it? I’m a lot heavier than I’m comfortable with at the moment. In fact, I took about 50 pictures of myself the other day, hoping to find one suitable for a post I’m whipping up, but I was only mildly happy with two if them. It’s that bad.
Lin — Yeah for not being murdered! I think I’ll be a big girl for the flying trip. I’m only really worried about the flight home, when I have to put myself in the right terminal at O’Hare. Scary!
Maureen — I’m trying! (See my response to Misty). Maybe by the end of July, when I hope to have dropped 20lbs at least.
earthtoholly — As long as the deer aren’t posting pictures of YOU on THEIR blogs, it’s all good.
mrgrudge — Hi, Mike! Good to see you! Yes, I’m getting a kick out of meeting so many of my blogging friends in person. You’re not so far away, you know. You never know who’ll be knocking on your door someday. Glad to hear from you, bud!
Momo Fali — Yeah, I got lucky, didn’t I? When I started the hunt, it did occur to me that I might not find one on the road side. But I remembered rest stops had them, so it turned out OK.
Geakz — Yes, I noticed I didn’t go with the typical 10-point post. I’m a rebel! And I’m awesome! And deer want me!
Master Dayton — Thanks. PA is such a pretty state. In my area, we have lots of rolling hills, tranquility and …. cows. It was even more beutious where I went. Although cows were suspiciously missing.
Musingwoman — Good, then I’m not alone. Who are all these people making homemade things and pleasing their families for dinner? I don’t get it.
frostygirl — That’s it in a nutshell! I looked back on it and wondered why I got myself in such a tizzy. Now that I’ve got that under my belt, the world is my oyster.
Mary Wehrle — The freeway can be very scary. I know people who cannot drive on them no matter what. But you did it! Camping and backpacking are two things I’m not equipped to do, so I admire you for your bravery and your willingness to sleep with bugs and critters and deer who leer. I’m sure Zoe made a great companion and protector. Good for you!
Nanny Goats — It was very cool and I’m wondering how many of my regular readers I can possibly meet. I’m on a mission. And thanks for the compliment. I’m feeling even more awesome now.
May 22nd, 2009 at 1:52 pm
Congratulations on your awesomeness… you did great…
now I’m off to look at the feet before I go pack for my non-independent because I’m not allowed to drive any more *POUT* trip to Ottawa tomorrow.
flit’s last blog post..I Am Being SUCH a good girl
May 22nd, 2009 at 5:44 pm
You do realize, now that you’re awesome and everything, you’ve just lost a lot of writing material, right? I mean now that you can travel more than three blocks from home and find your way back, I imagine that’ll be two or three less posts per month.
Sounds like a good time was had by all. I’m off to Bryan’s to see the foot pictures. 🙂
Marsha’s last blog post..Memorial Weekend…
May 22nd, 2009 at 8:32 pm
Glad to read that you had an exciting trip and it was also making me laugh to go through all that you have written. This really adds more colors to my weekend here. 🙂
BK’s last blog post..Ryuichi Sakamoto: Merry Christmas Mr. Lawrence
May 23rd, 2009 at 9:57 am
that deer has a flickr page, and he has some HOT pics uploaded on it.
May 23rd, 2009 at 12:40 pm
flit — Ruh-roh. Why aren’t you allowed to drive anymore? Did you have a boo-boo accident the last time you tried?
Marsha — Oh, no! Don’t tell me that! I think you jinxed me. I only eked out a post today, after four days of a big fat NOTHING.
BK — Oh, what a compliment! I’m glad to add color to someone’s life. Thank you so much!
FROGSTER!!!!! — I love when you pop your head in here every now and then. Warms my heart. Now, about those pictures. Did he at least put a black bar over my eyes so I can’t be identified?
October 9th, 2009 at 12:12 pm
Now that was a great read. You are AWESOME and I am so happy you made it round trip ALONE safe and sound. I would also like to go on some trip like you and like to complete it too. Adventure is my hobby too and you have this time given inspiration to me.
August 11th, 2010 at 3:16 am
I don’t know which is better — the fact that you were able to put a woodland creature into a trance or finding that flyer for the missing baby who wears a collar *and* a harness.
cardiogirl´s last blog post ..How do you get your teeth so white and other odd questions