10 Things I Learned on My Chicago BlogHer Trip
Blogging, Travel July 28th, 20091. Flying alone is a piece of cake, even when you’re directionally-challenged. O’Hare airport is blessedly idiot-proof. I wasn’t stressed at all on the actual flights, except for the part when the pilot not-so-briefly forgot what city he was flying to when he announced take-off on the trip home. A full planeload of people screamed him the answer.
2. Wearing heels for 14 hours straight is a bad idea. I know it. You know it. Everybody knows it. Still did it. I almost blew my knee out the morning of the first day and then limped along for the next 10 hours. My dumbness knows no bounds.
3. If you’re not a psycho fan of Tim Gunn, you will be when he’s standing right in front of you. And you’ll squeal with glee when he reads your conference badge and tells you he loves the name of your blog. It’s official! Tim Gunn hearts The Junk Drawer!
4. Swag is highly overrated. Liquid swag is the devil. That cracking you hear is BlogHer women everywhere getting realigned at their chiropractors.
5. Friends shouldn’t let friends have access to a bathroom scale, especially when the stupid friend already knows she’s carrying six pounds of vacation instabloat, and yet still wants proof of it.
6. Helpful women will dig through their purses for dental floss when you tell them you have a poppy seed stuck in your teeth that you can’t remove with a fingernail. When someone says they have a floss pick, but it’s been used, you will consider borrowing it anyway. I wound up having to dig for it again. BlogHer women who were at the bathroom mirror with me during that exercise, I’m sorry. I’m generally not so disgusting at home.
7. Chicago has the very coolest art! And it’s SCARY BIG!
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8. Stressing over what clothes to wear to BlogHer is a colossal waste of time. Spending gobs of money on it adds insult to injury, especially when a button falls off a brand new $49 shirt mere minutes into wearing it. Which cute top did I wear not once, but twice? The one that cost me $1 at a consignment shop. Yes, one dollar.
9. You should not buy delicious treats for people back home that you soon discover you want for yourself. Sorry, Heather. You can’t have ’em now. But I did buy you a cheap keychain with your name on it. And you can have a T-Mobile clicky pen. And a $2-off coupon for laundry detergent. I’m such a giver.
10. SEO experts at the conference tell you that Top 10 Lists are blog gold. So there you have it!
Bonus #11. Head over to JD’s place and admire her awesomeness. She was among a group of bloggers invited to read one of their posts to an audience of over a thousand conference attendees. I’m still amazed that my good friend could get up there and give the performance of a lifetime, all without vomiting on stage as she feared.
Thank you JD for EVERYTHING! Thank you JD’s family for getting me to and from the airport and for being such entertaining company on my trip! Thank you BlogHer for putting on such a good show. See you in NYC for BlogHer ’10!

July 30th, 2009 at 2:04 pm
I love Tim Gunn! Between your description and Margaret’s, I thought, how can I join this group?
So I went to the site and signed up but I’m not sure BlogHer can find a way to shoe horn my blog in with the smart, elegant ones that belong there.
But even if I don’t get in, you and Margaret have got to come hang out with me in New York next year. Maybe you guys can sneak me in and class me up a little.
July 30th, 2009 at 4:49 pm
It looks as though you two had such a great time! And it looks as though you’ve been friends for years and years! Sisters under the skin, huh?
July 30th, 2009 at 5:33 pm
Don’t make assumptions about people. I’ve never, ever worn heels for 14 hours straight. Ok, maybe 12 hours straight, although “straight” might be a little misleading. And it wasn’t entirely my fault. David Carradine said it would be fun, and I just went along to get along. Never again.
July 31st, 2009 at 5:12 am
Really good to hear you had a great time Kathy!.. I was in Chicago 3 years ago, love it there!
July 31st, 2009 at 2:23 pm
make-up artist — I beg of you, leave the heels at home!
JD at I Do Things — I’m glad you got all that. I barely remember our meeting. That happens when your brain is stuck in “I can’t believe I’m talking to Tim Gunn!” mode. Ahhhhh, cookies…
MA Fat Woman — Kinda? Kinda? You warned me and I still looked. My. God.
Chris at TheSnackHound — Please tell me you were roped into chaperoning a school class or something. Would you have gone otherwise? Ribbid!
Jeff — For you, Jeff, the next time I post a picture with someone’s handwriting on it, it’s getting a caption. Now make sure you watch the next season of Project Runway on Lifetime so you can be in-the-know, mmmmk?
Shieldmaiden1196 — You’re right about flip flops in more ways than the hurty factor. They’re noisy and give you blisters! I love your hella random comments. That’s why you must go to BlogHer, so everyone can bask in your fabulousness. Your random comments are better than my well thought-out ones. So there.
kathcom — Oh, puleeze! You belong in the network. Who said we were classy? We need to meet up in NYC. No two ways about it.
Jay — I think so too!
Mike at Too Many Mornings — Friends don’t let friends wear heels for more than three hours.
burlesque performer — I did, too. My husband’s still mad, though, that I didn’t try to bring home a SuperDawg. Might have been a little smelly on the plane, no?
August 2nd, 2009 at 6:34 pm
I brought a pair of heels and didn’t change into them once. I wore flats and my feet were still killing me!
August 2nd, 2009 at 6:40 pm
I think we were on the same plane. The one where the pilot didn’t know where we were…
congrats on the Frito Lay super snack pack!
August 3rd, 2009 at 9:39 am
Oh my word, lady. You crack me up… here and IRL. So. Mauch!
And what a great top ten list! I LOVE lists. I need to figure out how to make my next BlogHer post a list. Ummm, btw… can I use the pic I got of us while trying to charge your video camera? I call it your “money shot”… the one with the cleavage? I think JD had gone looking for her Poken and I asked if I could take a pic of us and… remember 🙂
I’m working on my BlogHer Friday post… *whistling*
August 17th, 2009 at 9:31 pm
What a fun list!
Love your candid sincerity and great sense of humor 😉
By the way – my purse is so heavy because I’m always prepared (so I guess you could call it a junk purse – LOL)
All the best,
.-= Eren Mckay´s last blog ..Adorable gingerbread man costume & decorating gingerbread house kits =-.
August 19th, 2009 at 2:43 pm
Well it certainly looks like you had a great time and lot of helpful information was there.
.-= Tek Todd´s last blog .. =-.
September 4th, 2009 at 6:12 pm
I would totally get lost in Chicago. Whenever I go to a new city I always take a compass. Sad, I know, with GPS in everybody’s phone these days. Well, everybody’s phone but mine. I’m too old school to have a fancy phone with GPS.
Anyway, looks like a fun trip!
October 6th, 2009 at 2:21 am
WOW! Seems like it is fun being in Chicago huh? I haven’t been there and I don’t have any plans to be there but with your post? I am now wishing I can be there and my camera with me.