I Hear Buzzing
Stuff I hate August 3rd, 2009Walking down the hall in my building at work today, I ran into three ladies I haven’t seen in a while. They were headed out to the patio to eat their lunches and so I joined them out in the sun for a bit.
No sooner did I sit down to regale them with my vacation details than I heard a buzzing in my ear. I knew it was a bee, but after a second or two, I thought it’d gone on its merry way.
No such luck. All three woman, looking more concerned than made me comfortable, yelled in unison "Don’t move!!!!"
The bee was still there, though now silent. A sitting duck, I waited to get stung.
Mercifully, one of the women swatted it away before the bee could get its stinger positioned for the kill.
Later in the day, I emailed my savior and thanked her for getting the bee out of my hair. I told her how my Monday would have sucked had I gotten stung in the head. My big, fat mop top head.
She wrote me back and said "Just think what the bee was thinking…. "Help me! I have flown into a hair labyrinth and can’t find my way out!""
She’s not kidding. Would you want to get stuck in this?
A Scary, Hairy, Curly, Whirly Thrill Ride for Bees
Somebody oughtta check for Jimmy Hoffa in there.

August 3rd, 2009 at 5:25 pm
There is a thread at the Long Hair Community where they challenge curlies to brush out their hair and see who can be the puffiest. The pictures and conversations about trying to brush curly hair are very amusing. I don’t have a link, but you could go to Long Hair Community and search curlies brush out.
Glad you didn’t get stung; That would not have been a happy monday!
August 3rd, 2009 at 6:13 pm
Looks like a bunch of fishing line to me. You obviously photoshopped the rod and reel out of the picture.
August 3rd, 2009 at 6:40 pm
Kathy, my hair is super-curly like yours. Before my husband and I started dating, he impressed the heck out of me one day by gallantly removing a wasp from my shoulder (he knew that I am allergic). Some time later, I told him that that incident was part of the reason I fell for him–he was so sweet about saving me from the wasp. He said, “I just didn’t want it to get into all that hair…I knew I would never be able to find it again!”
Also, re: misspiggytoes’ comment about the puffiest hair contest, I could have TOTALLY won when my hair was long. It was huge!
August 3rd, 2009 at 6:53 pm
I know the feeling of bees in the hair (my hair is also long and curly).
I’m glad you came through sans sting. I’ve only been stung once (I stepped on the bee – I earned it), but I remember it less than fondly.
August 3rd, 2009 at 6:54 pm
Oh I hate bees! They scare me because I got stung as a kid when the neighbor tried to swat it off my thumb. My mom told me after that to always be still if a bee lands on me so it thinks I’m an inanimate object and will fly away. When I read on the porch, a furry yellow jacket bee came crawling on my leg and I was terrified! I stayed still and quiet and eventually it left with me unharmed but I quickly went in the house making sure it wasn’t following me in. In your case though, maybe it did get lost in all the hair! That’s also why I don’t like eating outside–the bees always seem to come.
August 3rd, 2009 at 7:08 pm
Again, repeat after me…Inside good, Outside bad. You know that I prefer perfectly controlled climate environments to the outdoors. Nothing good ever happens. Bugs, bats, lawn mowers, tall flowers, tall dogs, noisy ice cream trucks, preying manti….
August 3rd, 2009 at 7:11 pm
Gee. And MY first reaction was, “Wow. What beautiful, shiny ringlets she has,” as I’m making this futile search for a teeny cartoon-bee…kind of a blindman’s bee game…not unlike Where’s Waldo.
I think you have bee-you-tee-ful hair. It’s shiny and probably reminds bees of something they love…like…like curly sweet-potato fries.
August 3rd, 2009 at 8:03 pm
what pretty hair!! Maybe the bee just wanted to get lost in it!
August 3rd, 2009 at 8:06 pm
Are you SURE the bee got out? I mean, he could be building a whole hive in there without you knowing…
I’m just sayin’
And kidding you, of course.
But just think of all the free honey you’d have.
August 3rd, 2009 at 8:10 pm
The good thing is that it’s much easier to sneak food into movie theaters. 🙂
August 3rd, 2009 at 8:25 pm
I know that to keep still is the best thing but seriously, if it had wandered deep into your hair, maybe it would have got mad and stung you. I wouldn’t fancy testing it out!
Your hair looks very light in colour there. I thought it was almost black 🙂
August 3rd, 2009 at 10:40 pm
Talk about having a bee in your bonnet!!
Glad you made the trip without incident.
I used to work the night shift. I still prefer night hours over getting up early. I just now have to do it will copious amounts of coffee.
This is a record for me…three comments about three different posts in one comment. Do I get a magnet or something?
August 3rd, 2009 at 11:37 pm
Oooh bees are nasty little critters! Lucky you didn’t get stung – that would hurt a lot!
August 4th, 2009 at 4:35 am
Good thing the bee did not give you hives! Hahaha! Or maybe it could have given you a beehive hairdo while it was in there. You should have just told the bee to buzz off. Woohooo! I’m on a roll!
August 4th, 2009 at 4:58 am
As a continuation of the bugs thing (what in the heck is with bugs and me!?) I have had a moth fly into my hair, right next to my ear, so I had to listen to its terrifyingly loud wing-beats in my ear! @_@
August 4th, 2009 at 5:43 am
misspiggytoes — There’s a Long Hair Community? Where’ve I been? Now you gave me an idea. You should see how long my hair is when I pull it out straight. I think I gain about 3 inches in length. And the poof? There’s a challenge. If I do it, I’ll take a picture and post back!
C.B. Jones — Oh, no. The rod and reel are there. They’re just buried under the first layer of curls. I once put a pencil behind my ear and couldn’t find it for a week.
absepa — Funny! And chivalrous! I’m excited to try that poofiest hair thing. And with some hairspray? I could probably make a weapon out of it.
Stephanie Barr — Me too. As a kid, walking home shoeless from the neighborhood pool. Someone I didn’t even know carried me home on her back a few blocks. Gotta tell ya, I was wondering what a sting to the skull would feel like. That’s assuming the bee could have burrowed that far.
Karen — I hope that’s true about staying still. But the instinct is to freak out. I think it helped that I thought the bee was gone. Otherwise, I might have put on a good show for my lunch mates.
ann of the junkdrawerblogfamily — You are right. I’m sorry I forgot and walked outdoors. Go over and see what happened to Maureen when she dared to go out AT NIGHT.
kathryn — Aw, what a sweetie you are. And here I thought my hair looked like Medusa’s.
ImL8 — Ah, thanks! My hair is a source of a lot of stress, too hard to manage. Which is why I always cringe when all the ladies at the salon say they want hair like mine. They have no idea what it’s like to take care of. It’s like a second job.
Maureen — Well, if it was still in there, the weight of my big fat head would surely have crushed it by now. Serves it right for entering the abyss.
Regan — Ha! I could probably fit at least two boxes of Milk Duds in there.
Babs Beetle — And I wouldn’t have blamed him. I think my hair looks brown because of the camera flash. It’s a very dark brown, with some grays of course. Can you find them?
rattln’ along — 1. Funny! 2. Me too! 3. Java is the best medicine! You’re so efficient. Yes, it does deserve a magnet. Want one?
Katie — Of course, if the bee tried to sting through my hair, I bet the stinger wouldn’t have made it very far. Kind of like a jack hammer through concrete.
Daisy the Curly Cat — Oh, Daisy. You BEE so funny!
Elisha — That’s so gross. As I was leaving the patio yesterday, we spotted a bird who’d caught some kind of fast-beating winged thing and I just about lost it. Bugs are bad enough. I don’t want to hear them, too. Gross!
August 4th, 2009 at 7:30 am
Yikes. Bees are worse than birds, for sure. I think I might’ve had to shave my head after such an incident. You can’t be too careful.
August 4th, 2009 at 7:39 am
I’m still learning the ropes of the Long Hair Community and can only find the thread by typing ‘curlies brush’ on my google homepage. If you try to search when you are already at the site, they try to make you register to see it.
August 4th, 2009 at 8:06 am
I saw the bee leave. He was smiling, happy to bee off his thrill ride.
August 4th, 2009 at 8:17 am
I agree that is a little scary to get caught in. The bee probably flew in and thought…ah, crap..it’ll take me years to get where I can sting this chick. Dang. What was I thinking? that’s the last time I drink before I leave the hive.
*snort* *snort*
Sorry…it’s been a weird morning. Already. It’s 9:15 a.m. My day started about 45 minutes ago. 🙂
August 4th, 2009 at 8:34 am
You are so funny. Loved the Hoffa comment!!!!
August 4th, 2009 at 8:58 am
As a fellow long-curly-bee-hair sufferer, I find a full-face motorcycle helmet comes in very handy this time of year…
August 4th, 2009 at 9:26 am
You come up with some of the most original material. No, I wouldn’t want to be a bee in there. Keep up the great work you do here. I m quite relieved you haven’t given up on your Blog. Did you happen to Notice E-card apparently got sold? I haven’t been back to check it out yet. I still must have some 30.000 E-credits to deal with. Those were the days.
August 4th, 2009 at 10:12 am
Jeez, that could’ve been a disaster for both you AND the bee. Good thing you have quick-thinking friends.
August 4th, 2009 at 11:26 am
Do those with very curly hair wish their hair was straight? I have long straight as a board, very fine hair that will NOT hold curl. I know someone with very curly hair who wishes she had my very straight hair. I would like any kind if hair that did not have bees in it.
August 4th, 2009 at 12:53 pm
Your hair is positively wondrous! Imagine … God has numbered the hairs of our heads! Your hair alone, matched dollar-for-dollar with all of the various bailouts proposed, could put Barack Obama’s turbo-trillionized number-dropping to SHAME, girl.
August 4th, 2009 at 1:29 pm
Wow! So if you straighten your hair, does it touch the ground? Of China?
August 4th, 2009 at 1:42 pm
I’ve hugged Kathy and The Hair! Its all shiny and tickly and awesome.
On a bee related note, a great big wasp hit the windowframe of the work van today, was sheared in half, and then hit me square in the middle of the forehead. One possible downside to not having A/C and driving with the windows open.
August 4th, 2009 at 2:49 pm
A hair labyrinth? She really said that? That is way too funny. I probably would have been stung though because as soon as I heard the buzzing in my ear, I would have freaked out. You are one very luck, crazy-haired lady. (Is crazy-haired worse than hair labyrinth?)
August 4th, 2009 at 3:39 pm
I am thankful it wasn’t me that almost got stung. I am allergic. Not quite as bad as some family members who can’t go anywhere without their Epi-pen, but still. My face swells up and and the swelling travels all over my face until I look like one of those National Geographic covers of natives with plates in their lips and logs in their nostrils. Excuse me, I have to go take a coupla Benadryl now.
August 4th, 2009 at 3:40 pm
Oh, nice curls, Kathy! I miss my multi-layered permed “Do” sometimes. But Hot Flashes cured me of that.
August 4th, 2009 at 4:50 pm
Is this another one of your “what’s that…” contests?
August 4th, 2009 at 6:59 pm
JD at I Do Things — I’m beginning to thank my full head of hair. Probably the difference between me having a normal fat head and a swollen fat stung head.
MissPiggyToes — So they’re a really secretive bunch of long-haired people? Geesh!
Patti — Was he as big as he sounded in my ear? I never did see it. I’m guessing he was the size of a baseball. Am I close?
Lisa — He probably got scared getting stuck like that. It wasn’t only the curls. I had a fair amount of hairspray, so too close to a match, and snap, crackle, pop. Hope your day got better.
grannyann — I’m so glad no one commented “Who’s Jimmy Hoffa?”
Tiggy — No doubt. I should just walk around with a fish bowl over my head.
Beamer — Is “original” a euphemism for “messed up?” Yes, I see what’s happening at EC. I’m thisclose to rejoining. If I see that they’re back on track, operating like they did in the old days, I just may rejoin.
Chris — Yeah, and I already had a giant unwelcome thing on my head this year (Walter the Wart). I can do without a giant bee sting welt.
ettarose — You are absolutely right. The grass is always greener on the other side. When I’m getting my hair done at my salon, other women nearly weep at my curls. I do feel bad for women who can’t keep a curl, but natural curls aren’t all they’re cracked up to be because we don’t have control over the intensity of curl. It’s a total crap shoot every day. I sometimes dream I have very long, thick jet black STRAIGHT hair. I always wake up disappointed.
Jenny — Oh, thank you my dear. Yeah, I wonder how many hairs I have on my head. I know at least a bailout’s worth of it falls out every day when I dry it.
Margaret — I haven’t straightened it lately, but it would easily extend three inches if I did. I’ll try it this weekend. I haven’t seen myself with straight hair in a long time. Should be weird to see.
Shieldmaiden1196 — Wow! You make my hair sound so good! How come I don’t feel about it the way you do? Oh, yeah. Because I have a love/hate relationship with it. Glad you got hit with only a wasp. What if it was a bird? And how in the hell did you manage without A/C on a day like today? I’d have melted.
Preston — Quoted word for word. It is a labyrinth, isn’t it? Should be a reward for making it out alive. I’d say crazy-haired is more like it. You should see when I shake it all out. I scare myself sometimes.
Barb WillThink4Wine — Oh, I feel so sorry for you. That can’t make it fun to be outdoors. I would run at the sight of anything flying near me. Be careful! Oh, and about the hair… a woman at work told me how her curl changed every single time she had a baby, getting straighter and straighter with each one. She misses her curls and now gets perms.
Jeff — And what would have been your guess? Tumbleweed?
August 5th, 2009 at 5:33 am
I feel your pain Kathy. While out in the garden the other day I told me husband I thought a bug had flown into my hair. He just looked at me and said “you and I both know, if it got in there, it’s not coming out.”
.-= Marsha´s last blog ..Let the Games Begin =-.
August 5th, 2009 at 9:08 am
What? Who cares about the bee’s perspective…that could hurt!
.-= muskrat´s last blog ..animals are not your friend =-.
August 5th, 2009 at 10:26 am
I can’t believe she said labyrinth! It’s a great that you can laugh at someone elses comment, and then post about it. I’m sure when you looked in the mirror that morning, before leaving for work, you probably thought you looked ok, hair and all.
.-= LaTonya´s last blog ..Top Ten: Mama I Can’t Find… =-.
August 5th, 2009 at 10:39 am
Now we know where Bin Laden’s been hiding all these years!
The Blue Ridge Gal
.-= Di´s last blog ..Praying For Lightning =-.
August 5th, 2009 at 12:53 pm
Hi Kathy,
A “hair labyrinth?” Now that is funny…a bee sting is not. Okay, they can be funny. But only when it happens to someone else. Not you, of course. Or me, for that matter. Okay, they are not funny.
A few years ago when I was with my family vacationing in Massachusetts, I had to attack a wasp’s nest with a badminton racket (these angry insects stung my brother in law and his arm ballooned to twice the normal size).
About seven or eight stings later, I was the winner. The nest was gone, and a bunch of red faced wasps limped away with busted wings and bruised egos. Okay, I killed the @!&^%#*-ing things. It wasn’t like I had a can of Raid in my suitcase. But, that is a whole ‘nother story.
It’s good to see the Junk Drawer is still going great! Take care. -Mike.
.-= Michael J. Kannengieser´s last blog ..The Business of Men =-.
August 5th, 2009 at 3:59 pm
Your hair seems like a great place to keep things like lipsticks, spending cash, mints etc.
I find it quite convenient myself!
.-= Kirsten´s last blog ..Awkward Family Photo, Anyone? =-.
August 5th, 2009 at 5:53 pm
Full marks for staying calm. They don’t actually want to sting you, you know. They die if they sting you, which is a Very Good Reason not to do it.
August 6th, 2009 at 5:17 am
Marsha — I find lots of things that get stuck in my hair after being outside. The other day, it was a tiny petal from a blossoming tree. I knew when the wind blew and I saw them coming down, some of them would get stuck in my hair trap.
muskrat — The part I worried about was having to shave a patch of my hair to get to the stinger. Although, I have so much extra hair, I bet no one would notice.
LaTonya — That’s nothing. You don’t know how many people call out to me from a distance and say they recognized me by the back of my head. I don’t know whether to be flattered or insulted.
Di — And why no one can find him.
Michael — No, it IS funny. Like when people fall. Can’t help it. It’s a riot (as long as they don’t get hurt). I hope you know how dangerous it was to take a bat to a nest. But I’m guessing you were a man on a mission and nothing could stop you. They didn’t stand a chance. I’m glad you’re back. Missed you!
Kirsten — And don’t think all those things wouldn’t fit in there and no one would ever notice. I have a lot of mass.
Jay — It occurs to me maybe it DID try to sting me, but he had inches to go before he reached skull!
August 6th, 2009 at 9:09 am
A bee went up my trousers and stung me multiple times.
I have this argument with my brother because he claims a bee can only sting once.
The b#*%ard who stung me manged to do it at least 4 times!
August 6th, 2009 at 4:35 pm
I suppose it’s good to look at things from a bee’s perspective sometime.
Hey, nice meeting you (and seeing your hair person) at Blogher.
.-= Prefers Her Fantasy Life´s last blog ..In Bed With Muskrat, In The Bath With Bossy =-.
August 6th, 2009 at 11:02 pm
psssst. Maybe you could let me hide in that mop of yours.
August 7th, 2009 at 4:59 am
DIY — I can’t confirm the “sting only once” thing, but I can tell you I sympathize about the bee up your shorts. Happened to me once. My right cheek hurt for three days. Made sitting very difficult.
Meg!!! — Fun meeting you too! I’m so glad you made it and just in the nick of time. Had it not been for the cocktail hour after the keynote, I never would have met you. I hope you can picture me without food hanging out of my mouth, because I’m pretty sure that’s what you saw for the entire time we talked.
Mason — Dude! You’d be welcome to hide there. Your captors would never find you. Now where the hell are you anyway? I keep looking for an update. Come out of hiding!
August 8th, 2009 at 9:47 am
With all that hair it would be next to impossible for a bee to actually find his way to your scalp! Lucky for you!
.-= CatLadyLarew´s last blog ..The Light that Launched a Thousand Ships =-.
August 8th, 2009 at 3:53 pm
.-= Eric “Speedcat Hollydale”´s last blog ..Purple Saturday & Nebula Space Ventures =-.
August 10th, 2009 at 4:22 am
What I think bee is not really easy to stink someone. When I meet a bee, just calm down, it will go away.
Well I agree with your savior. That’s could be what bee think. That’s similar like if we cleaning our dirty house from spider web. Maybe the spider think ‘why you broken my house’.
.-= Ruri´s last blog ..Divorce Lawyers Can Offer Advice On The Legal Processes For DIY Divorce =-.