Careful Where You Stick That
Childhood, Stupid things I do November 21st, 2009 mo·ron (môr‘?n’, m?r‘-): idiot: a person of subnormal intelligence.
The date: Circa 1971.
The location: Family doctor’s office.
The injury: Smashed fingertip.
My mother had taken three of us kids for an annual checkup at our family doctor. After my sister and I were checked out, we retreated to the waiting room while my mom stayed with my brother and the doctor.
With nothing to do and time to kill, little Kathy Simpleton became mesmerized by the opening and closing of the front door as other patients came and went.
Every time the door opened, a one inch crack opened between the door and its hinges, revealing bright rays of sunlight.
Open, sun, close. Open, sun, close. Mesmerizing indeed.
Curiosity set in. Kathy wondered if she could stick her finger into that sunshine-filled crack and …. do what? See if it fit? And then what? Cheer and bet her sister couldn’t do the same thing?
We will never know why. Asking why just makes it worse.
What we do know is that stupid is as stupid does.
When that two hundred pound metal door came to rest in its closed position on the finger of the dumbest child ever born east of the Mississippi, she learned in an instant that sometimes it’s best to be satisfied with imagining instead of doing.
Of course, one might think this qualifies as my most moronic kid moment, and yet, if you think about it at least I had the sense to do it right in a doctor’s office.
It is unclear whether my mother asked the doctor to examine not only the crushed finger of her whimpering child, but the brain that thunk up such a senseless idea.
Care to share the least thought-out stunts of your kiddom? Extra points if you needed a cast, crutches or a wheelchair as a result.

November 23rd, 2009 at 6:10 pm
I can’t tell you my stupidest moment- it was that bad. Once I stuck my foot in the spokes of my Dad’s bike and flipped us both, but that was just an accident.
.-= Michelle Gartner´s last blog ..Guest Wife (1945) Starring Claudette Colbert =-.
November 23rd, 2009 at 8:56 pm
For some reason, I once decided throwing a lawn dart at my little brother would be a funny way to get his attention–it did, but it could’ve killed him.
.-= muskrat´s last blog ..things of which i am not a fan: god’s use of irony =-.
November 23rd, 2009 at 10:48 pm
Nearly choked to death on a toothbrush. Doing, naturally, exactly what my mother always told me not to do – horsing around with a toothbrush in my mouth.
For what it’s worth I don’t do that anymore.
.-= tattytiara´s last blog ..Heeeeeeeeere titletitletitletitletitle! =-.
November 23rd, 2009 at 11:47 pm
Ladybuggz! I did the same thing, but with an old Kenwood mixmaster. I was at a friends school for the day and they were making ‘window biscuits’. I was tasked with putting in the butter, and had the top half of my hair back but not the bottom, so a chunk about the size of a child’s fist caught in the two beaters, and the entire machine continued to gobble up my hair. There I stood with this monster of a mixmaster eating up my hair, coming awfully close to my head, when someone FINALLY acted and took the plug out of the socket. I was concussed and had a bald patch for quite a while, and that bit of hair has an extra curl to it! ^-^
I’ve also dropped a garden fork through my foot, fallen out of a pram and had six stitches in the back of my head, fallen over and ground my knee to the bone, and overreacted to falling over on dirty rocky ground so badly that I went into shock, passed out, and stopped breathing for a shot time. ^-^ Do I bottle things up or what!
.-= Elisha´s last blog ..So much spam still =-.
November 24th, 2009 at 2:47 am
The thing that comes to mind involves what I did to my Brother, 4 years younger. I was probably abut 8 years old, so he was a mere 4.
My dad had got some red hot chilis and had them hanging up by the stems taped to a rope tied to rafters in the Patio Roof. One rope was slung low enough for me to reach it.
My brother must have been hounding me for about 4 days as to what those red shiny things were hanging out in the patio. Why he was asking me I have no Idea, But after about the 20th time, I figured I’d answer him.
“They are strawberries.”
He answered “Can I have One?”
“I don’t know …” Knowing full well his mouth was going to be blazing if he bit into one of those bad boys.
“C’mon. Get me one.”
“Ok …”
I don’t really remember the punishment I received after the screaming died down somewhat, but I don’t think I was able to sit for a couple of days afterwards.
Muskrat and I loved our Brothers.
.-= Beamer´s last blog ..Breaking Tradition … =-.
November 24th, 2009 at 6:47 am
Oh I’m very fastidious about color coordinating; it was brown paint on brown eyes, of course!
.-= Jen´s last blog ..American Horse Council: Welfare Code of Practice =-.
November 24th, 2009 at 8:28 am
I was in kindergarden and my brother Jeff was a bright little baby, still crawling around. For some reason, my mom had left the unplugged iron on the floor next to the TV. Apparently I was the only one who noticed Jeff had plugged it into the wall outlet, and was ironing the carpet. This seemed strange to me, but because my Mom didn’t seem the least bit concerned, I naturally assumed the iron must be broken. To test my theory, I placed the palm of my hand on the face of the iron. Theory proven wrong.
November 24th, 2009 at 9:33 am
Ummm, you’re not the only one silly enough to put their fingers into the crack of the door frame. My brother and I were playing in the hall closet once and I stuck my fingers into the crack of the door as he closed it – not the crack by the handle, the other side…where you can’t reach the handle to open the door again. And then when I started screaming and crying I had to listen to him telling me not to be such a big baby (he thought I was afraid of the dark.) I think we both got a spanking for that escapade, even though it darn near cut my finger clean off! Then there was the time I wanted to help mommy iron and I smoothed the hankie just like she did…and bumped my hand into the iron, knocking it over onto the back of my right hand and I couldn’t pick the iron up with my left hand to get it off. And then there was the time I was jumping from twin bed to twin bed in the bedroom (when we were supposed to be taking a nap) and I missed and fell and hurt my arm. I got to wear a sling – I remember watching Lassie that night eating off TV trays in the living room. Why do we remember things like this?! Geez how did I ever survive my childhood?!
.-= Brenda @ Split Rock Ranch´s last blog ..We Sold Two Llamas Yesterday =-.
November 24th, 2009 at 9:45 am
Ok lets see here … There is that time when i stuck a coat hanger into a outlet (age 6-7) Then there was the time i ate 1/2 a bottle of children s aspirin thinking they were candy (age 7-8) My one and only stumic pumping ensued…
Then there was the time i fell off one of our dogs dog houses and scraped a big chunk of flesh off my rear end (had a metal roof ..Age 11-12) that had me sleeping on my belly for a few weeks.
Then there was the time all the kids (about 6 of us) made potato cannons and decided to shoot at each other with them….. That didn’t end well.. (age 13-14)
Then there was the time i decided to play around with modal rocket engines and burned the living crap out of my hands (think Q-Tips for 2 months)Age 15.. That was definitly the worst i have done to myself .. my hands never did heal completely right from that.
And to point out that i still didn’t learn anything as i got older at age 20 i was cutting something over my head with a knife (a plastic tie) and relized that if it cut suddenly it would cut my index finger so i moved that finger but left my middle finger in the way… Hello 7 stitches. 😛
Not 3 years later im prying something open with my big bowey knife and sink 2in of it into said index finger nearly severing the tendons etc…
Born and raised on a farm and still make stupid mistakes at age 34+ 😛
November 24th, 2009 at 10:57 am
My middle son was checking out a rotating sign at a museum. It had triangle pieces that hung down. It looked like a billboard, but then the triangles would rotate, showing another picture. Then rotate again, showing the third picture. Fingers and objects that are closing – yes, very very tempting. I heard him scream from across the room. His finger was STUCK. CRUSHED. BLOODY. He is one of those kids where you tell him, “Don’t touch that, it is hot.” and he will go, “Oh, really?” and test it for himself.
November 24th, 2009 at 1:54 pm
Im sorry but the phrase ” little Kathy Simpleton” cracked me up. And at least you were smart enough to do it IN the doctors office!
.-= meleah rebeccah´s last blog ..I Could… =-.
November 24th, 2009 at 2:06 pm
Son #2 came over to visit one day, sat down at the kitchen table, and picked up the electric grass cutting shears we had sitting there to recharge. He put his fingers in between the blades and said, is this thing sharp, while he hit the button to turn it on. I can still remember sitting there with the look of horror on my face as he cut 3 fingers to the bone. Now you know why I lovingly refer to him as asshole #2. No wonder I have a heart condition.
.-= Spicybugz´s last blog ..Happy Thanksgiving =-.
November 24th, 2009 at 5:52 pm
Chris — That’s exactly what I did. Not sure if I made it clear enough that I stuck my finger on the hinge side (not the door knob side). I love that you came up with that Rockette analogy. Your brain is working!
Michelle Gartner — Awesome. That makes TWO for the “hey, what will happen if I stick my foot in here?” accident.
muskrat — Holy sh*t. Yes, could have been killed. Does he remind you of that constantly? If not, he should.
tattytiara — Obviously, you’ve grown up. I’m guessing you don’t do that with lollipops either.
Elisha — So it sounds like it really does permanently mess up your hair! Interesting. Painful, but interesting. And, yes, you bottled things up real good. Please tell me you’re better now.
Beamer — You are one sick pup, just like Muskrat.
Jen — A paint fashionista!
rick — I don’t know why I love this story so much. I shouldn’t. I can just imagine little Jeff ironing the carpet. I can also imagine the pain that shot through your hand. I’m so sorry.
Brenda — Yea! Another stupid finger sticker! And I’m sorry to be laughing at your escapades. It is indeed weird how we remember all these things. I suppose it’s to keep us from being dumb adults.
Dave — Aieeee! A stomach pumping?!?! Good grief! As for the rest, I think you need a guardian or something. I’m seriously afraid you won’t make it to the end of your life with all your digits. Dave, be careful!
Katherine — So I’m not the only one then! It’s hard to believe I’ve never seriously burned myself because I was mesmerized by bright glowing hot objects.
meleah rebeccah — And I think it’s safe to say sometimes I’m still Little Kathy Simpleton.
Spicybuggz — Oh my heavenly God. I don’t know if I can read any more of these stories without an icepack on my head to keep me from fainting. Hang in there. Is son older and wiser now? Please say yes.
November 24th, 2009 at 8:58 pm
HAHA kathy thanks and i love your blog..
And to add to my little list there was the time i slammed my leg into the front of my car on the license plate and opened a 7in gash in my leg.. (had a exposed temporary bolt holding the license plate on) aside from my finger i have never had stitches. Duct tape and superglue ftw
Oh and about a year ago i broke my little toe stepping on something.. only time i have ever broken a bone in my life. Considering some of the stupid things ive done that is amazing. (like jumping off the side of small cliffs, falling out of trees, falling out of the hay loft, having a 200lb bail of hay fall on me etc etc etc)
And for those who are wondering i was born and raised on the west coast.. Not in the south 😛
November 25th, 2009 at 6:46 am
Ouch! I can picture the entire scene 🙂
Never got my finger crushed by a door, however I did pretend to be a tough guy once on the stairs at home… that ended in me rolling down the stairs. Not a pretty sight.
November 25th, 2009 at 7:14 am
Much better now! When I hurt myself now, I just cry like a little girl and ask my fiancé to kiss it better. ^-^
And I don’t use electric beaters, but if I did, I’d SO tie my hair up, in a bun! @_@
.-= Elisha´s last blog ..So much spam still =-.
November 25th, 2009 at 11:14 am
Happy Thanksgiving! Thanks for visiting my blog!
.-= MA Fat Woman´s last blog ..Cleo, Mister and Sissy…Part III =-.
November 25th, 2009 at 2:12 pm
Oh…I’m afraid those moments are too many to list here. Usually a cast or some sort of gauze pad was required by the end. I will have to post that soon, and link back to you. I’ve been “MIA” for the most part lately. Good to see you’re still making many giggle. 😉
.-= Grandy´s last blog ..That’s What She Said =-.
November 25th, 2009 at 2:22 pm
7 times I chipped or knocked out my teeth. Never a broken bone or anything else; except for that one time I left the finger in the crosshairs of a 85 Olds Wagon. This blog reminded me of that time and to schedule a dentist appointment to check my vaneers.
.-= Waltsense´s last blog ..Cold Injustice in the Workplace! =-.
November 25th, 2009 at 4:32 pm
Sometimes kids just have to learn the hard way. I’m sure you got smarter after the incident unless you did it again later in life. 😀 As a kid, I loved to pop balloons to see what was inside. I smashed my fingers…(note: fingers, not finger), in a drawer because I was curious if it would hurt. I played with pepper and Vicks on my hair. Those were not good days. What can I say, I was bored.
.-= AVCr8teur´s last blog ..A Little Snow Adventure =-.
November 25th, 2009 at 7:22 pm
Kids always to stupid stuff. All the time. Your not moronic unless something like this happens after the age of 14.
I myself at the age of 9, for no particular reason, threw a rock at a shiny brand new car. Boy oh boy were my parents pleased about that..
November 25th, 2009 at 11:16 pm
He didn’t toot bubbles. He threw up. That was much worse. I felt horrible (and he was six years younger so you know I knew better).
.-= Stephanie Barr´s last blog ..For Aisha: What about Marko? =-.
November 25th, 2009 at 11:21 pm
It would be difficult to select one from my many not-well-thought-out events!!!!
.-= Sherry @ EX Marks the Spot´s last blog ..WW: Football and Musings from the News =-.
November 25th, 2009 at 11:27 pm
Ouch Kathy – I felt that. But like you say, at least you did it at the doctor’s surgery.
I did lots of silly things out of curiosity. One was attempting to take an old radio battery to bits – I wound up with battery acid in my eyes. But I just rinsed a lot – I was too afraid to tell anyone what I’d done incase they confiscated my radio.
November 26th, 2009 at 1:25 am
I was 9 years old playing with my cousins upstairs at their house. For some crazy reason, we thought it would be great fun to slide on the linoleum in our socks. The linoleum didn’t go all the way to the wall. There was about a foot of bare wood around the edge. We got that floor pretty shined up and kept sliding farther. I managed to slide right off the edge and crashed into the wall. But that’s not the injury that really hurt. I had a huge sliver of wood stuck in the bottom of my foot, right in the middle of my arch. While I screamed, Mom dug out about 1/4 inch of the sliver. It was between 1/8th and 1/4th inch square. She knew she didn’t get it all out and the next day I had a red line creeping up my leg. Off to the doctor who prescribed soaking my foot in Epsom Salts. And when I didn’t have my foot in a bucket, I had a towel soaked with Epsom Salts wrapped around my foot and in a plastic bag. I totally missed all the fun during our family vacation at Grandma’s house. Eventually, Mom put some yucky, stinky black drawing salve on my foot and the remaining inch of sliver came out in just a few hours. I had severe pain when I tried to run or walk a long distance for years after that. But it’s all better now. I can’t even remember for sure which foot it was. And it’s only been about 49 or 50 years since it happened.
I feel sorry for your finger. I managed to get one stuck in a car door once. Not a fun thing.
.-= Clara´s last blog ..Today I Am Thankful For… =-.
November 29th, 2009 at 4:15 pm
Alright Kathy…I posted one of my earlier moments (among so many). Thanks for the inspriation. LOL!! 😉
.-= Grandy´s last blog ..Grandy’s Early Signs of Stupid Things =-.
December 7th, 2009 at 5:23 am
It had probably been there for years before we lived there as we are often shoeless in the house and clean up anything like like our lives, or at least our feet depend on it. Anyway, some little voice in there two year old brain told them to put the glass up their nose. thanks…
.-= sell your condo´s last blog ..Top 3 reasons to buy a condo =-.
December 7th, 2009 at 7:39 pm
Because I live in the Blue Ridge Mountains and because my blog started off being of photos of the surrounding Blue Ridge area it only seemed right that it should have the name The Blue Ridge Gal.. BUT, if we were ever to move out of this area of the country I would certainly choose a new name appropriate to that area.
The Blue Ridge Gal
Just Vignettes
.-= Di´s last blog ..A Christmas Card ‘Tail’ =-.
December 11th, 2009 at 7:50 pm
Dave — So you’re saying if a doctor pulled out a roll of duct tape, I shouldn’t worry? I can just imagine how much the little broken toe hurt It’s always the smallest broken body parts that hurt like an SOB.
TurnItUp — Oh, the stairs. Read my latest post. I’m no fan of steps these days.
Elisha — Aw, that’s cute! I have long hair now. No beater shall come near it.
MA Fat Woman — I’m a little late responding on this post, but I hope you had a wonderful Thanksgiving. I did!
Grandy — What a horrible story you posted. I’m so sorry about your face.
Waltsense — So you only have a teeth problem? You’re lucky in a way. Those you can replace.
AVCr8teur — Oh, yes. I don’t go sticking my digits where they don’t belong. “to see if it would hurt.” See, that’s why kids are dumber than doorknobs. Awesome. Boredom is the enemy of many.
Kaja — Holy crap! OMG. Bad news. Bad news. I’m sure the owners were so understanding of your 9 year old idiocy.
Stephanie Barr — Gross. Bubbles would have been so much more fun. And cleaner.
Sherry — And so you leave us hanging???
Cath Lawson — OMG!!! Battery acid?! Do you know how lucky you are that you can see???
Clara — God, I don’t know how much more of these stories I can take. I’m in pain just reading them. The splinter had to be bad enough, but your treatment sounds utterly medieval!
sell your condo — I still can’t believe your story. My God.
Di — I’ve heard how beautiful the Blue Ridge is. The photography on your blog is awesome, by the way.
January 28th, 2010 at 6:38 am
My friends son saw a Spiderman jumping from one roof to other and though he could try the same. He just jumped from his balcony shouting “Spiderman is Great” and broke his limbs.
May 31st, 2010 at 3:54 am
Home made parachute,stilts on skates, (skate board ski rope friend with truck). The only time I got hurt so bad that I needed more than one day to heal involved a 6 ft. unicycle and a bottle of wine.
.-= GA_dandelion´s last blog ..HAPPY BIRTHDAY TRACY–the foxglove =-.
July 11th, 2010 at 7:02 pm
One of my twins did exactly this when he was about 18 months old, except in his case the door cut his finger off from the top joint, and it was too crushed for the doctors to sew back on.
On the upside, it made telling the twins apart much easier.
Frank Lee Meidere´s last blog post ..Sunday Comic- It figures