How Windy Got in Her Tree
Windy February 7th, 2010 What follows is the story of how our bag Windy got stuck in her tree. When I initially wrote it, I sent it to a writer’s workshop blog for publication. But because that blog is now defunct and my link to it doesn’t work, I thought I’d revive the story and publish it here on The Junk Drawer. This is her home anyway.
Note that this was well before we named her Windy. When I interviewed her, she was known simply as “Plastic Bag” and I refer to her as “it.” Sad, I know.
And now I give you ….
Caught Between a Branch and a Hard Place
The lone plastic bag you see pictured here has been stuck in this tree for nearly three weeks. Since it looks like it’ll be a while before it gets down, I thought I’d take a moment and see how it’s faring up there.
KF: I see you’ve been stuck for a while. How’d it happen?
Plastic Bag: Wind and bad luck, that’s how. I’d been bobbing around on the ground for a day or so, and then there was one massive updraft that kept me afloat for almost a minute. I was headed right for this tree and hoped for a change in direction, but instead I kept going straight. Couldn’t do a thing about it.
KF: You almost made it over the top, I see. How’d you feel when you got stuck instead?
Plastic Bag: Deflated, so deflated. I thought I was gonna make it, but my left handle caught a branch. The wind slammed me down and then my right handle caught another. The kicker is that if the tree had leaves, I’m certain I would have just skimmed the top and bounced right over. Wrong place at the wrong time, you know?
KF: Tough break. What have you been doing since you got there?
Plastic Bag: Basically, watching everyone walk by below. Almost no one from the ground notices me. A cute little finch came by last week, but barely stayed long enough to say hi. But I see you’ve been watching me from the third floor of your building. Thanks. I appreciate that. I sense it bothers you that I’m up here.
KF: It does, actually. You don’t belong there.
Plastic Bag: You’re not kidding. I’m supposed to be in a landfill by now, with my friends. No one’s heard from me for weeks and I know they’re worried. Probably think I got shoved into a great big bag of bags people keep in their kitchens. Some of us are lucky and get used over and over. Eventually we get to a landfill, but you expect to get used at least twice before then. I never got that chance.
KF: So what were you doing before this happened?
Plastic Bag: Toting pharmacy items for a woman who almost got me home in time. Sweet lady. She’d picked up a few things for her husband, as much as I can tell from what she stuffed in me. Some One-a-Day Vitamins for Men, razor blades and a pair of reading glasses. The glasses could have been hers, not sure.
Anyway, she stopped at a friend’s house on the way home to pick up some paperback books she was borrowing. She dumped my stuff so she could bag the books. Her friend met her outside, and when she was just about to fill me — BAM! — a wind snatched me right out of her hand and off I went.
I glanced back to see if she was chasing me, but instead she was fishing around in her car for some other bag. I thought we were going to have more time together. I thought this would be more than a ten-minute use. I’m so disappointed. We could have had something.
KF: You’ve had a rough life so far. Do you have any hopes of getting out of this tree?
Plastic Bag: Not really. At least not in one piece. My handles are still strong, and they’ve got a tight grip. I managed to pick the highest spot in the tallest tree in this courtyard, so I’m not really counting on getting back to land until summer, at the earliest.
The only thing that could save me is if you get a cherry picker up here. But who’s gonna do that for a bag? I figure I’m here for the long haul, getting wind-whipped until I’m just shreds of my former self. I try not to think about it.
KF: You know, you might get lucky and someone will pull you out. You picked a tree on a university campus. The big-wigs want everything to look nice for prospective students and their parents. No offense, but you’re spoiling the aesthetics a bit.
Plastic Bag: I know that! Don’t you think I know that?
KF: I’m sorry. I realize this isn’t your fault.
Plastic Bag: You got that right. The thing is I don’t want to be here any more than you want to see me here. If you want to help, tell someone high on the food chain about me. And try to do it before the leaves come in. If you wait too long, I’ll disappear when the tree fills out and then no one will care. Pray I’m not still here next winter.
KF: I’ll see what I can do. If I get you out, I promise I’ll reuse you until your seams split.
Plastic Bag: Awesome. I’ll wait. Until then, keeping watching for me. I just might set myself free. All I need is a wind and a prayer.

February 7th, 2010 at 9:22 am
You should send this to the Smithsonian or wherever it is that has the archives of all the stories of stuff of people’s histories and whatnot. It’s important we preserve these stories, dammit.
It’s probably cold comfort, but she could have wound up at our house and been used to contain poop of one kind or the other (many sources of poop in my house).
.-= Tracy´s last blog ..A big box of 70s style love =-.
February 7th, 2010 at 9:30 am
Poor Windy. She looks quite proud there. Not so now – She’s looking a tad (or should that be tat) pitiful. Mind you, she has some good moves in the latest video.
.-= babs – beetle´s last blog ..How can I be so daft? – It isn’t hard =-.
February 7th, 2010 at 9:30 am
So, how is Windy these days? Is she surviving all the wild weather everyone’s been having lately? Please give her my best.
.-= CatLadyLarew´s last blog ..Brad is a Cheater! =-.
February 7th, 2010 at 10:16 am
Thanks for reposting Windy’s humble beginnings. Poor Windy. Is Windy still hanging on, crappy weather and all? I’m surprised some drunken frat boys haven’t made it their quest to save Windy or maybe they haven’t seen Windy?!
.-= SuziCate´s last blog ..The Huge Ass Spider =-.
February 7th, 2010 at 10:26 am
Oh Windy’s story should be in a children’s book.
.-= grannyann´s last blog ..test =-.
February 7th, 2010 at 12:13 pm
Yes what is windy up to? I remember reading this before and thinking about all the debris caught in the trees from Katrina. Don’t know why…
.-= tcc´s last blog ..The Story Of Edgar Sawtelle by David Wroblewski =-.
February 7th, 2010 at 12:34 pm
Actually, given a choice between being up a tree and in a landfill, I’d go with the tree…
.-= Lidian´s last blog ..The Wand of Enamelon =-.
February 7th, 2010 at 1:30 pm
Such a sad story. Even sadder to see our girl called “Plastic Bag” when she has a name.
Sniffie and the Florida Furkids
.-= Sniffie and the Florida Furkids´s last blog ..Happy Birthday Auntie El! =-.
February 7th, 2010 at 2:42 pm
Poor Windy! But let this be a lesson for us all. Watch out for those updrafts!
.-= Daisy´s last blog ..Fashion Friday: My Pretty Blue Coat =-.
February 7th, 2010 at 3:04 pm
Long live Windy!! I have a “windy” at work and every time I look at it struggling for freedom, I think of Windy. Sigh. I love Windy.
.-= Lin´s last blog ..Happy to be not watching the game =-.
February 7th, 2010 at 3:14 pm
Tracy – So good to hear from you. You’re right. I have to keep Windy’s history safe in the archives. You never know when someone will want me to write The Complete History of Windy. Hey, it could happen. And yes, at least she’s been saved from a much smellier and horrific demise.
Babs Beetle — I know. She’s so full and billowy then. Now she’s old and tattered.
CatLadyLarew — Nope, she’s not surviving well at all. If you click on the Windy link at the top of this article, you’ll see some of the latest pictures and video of her. Warning: It ain’t pretty.
SuziCate — She’s hanging on as best sh can. When I look at her now, you can see about four strips of her flapping in the wind. She’s not totally wrapped around her branch, which is good. She gets to stretch a little. Oh, she’s definitely up too high for drunken frat boys to have gotten to her.
grannyann — Your comment made me smile.
tcc — She’s a mess, actually. Hardly anything left of her, but you can see pieces flapping in the wind. The last time I wrote about her, some people suggested we hold a funeral because she was basically dead. But I don’t think so. If she can move yet, she’s alive!
Lidian — I hadn’t thought off that, but you are absolutely right. We would have never met her otherwise.
Sniffie and the Florida Furkids — Yes, it felt weird to me to read it again with me calling her an “it.” Doesn’t seem right now, does it?
Daisy — Especially if you’re wearing a skirt. Remember that for your Fashion Fridays!
Lin — I see stuck bags everywhere I go and sometimes make mention of them to whoever I’m with. It helps if they know about Windy, then they understand. If they don’t, they think I’m insane. I love Windy, too 🙂
February 7th, 2010 at 4:25 pm
I’m so glad to have finally learned Windy’s story! I bet after all she’s seen while up in that tree, she could teach us all a little something about life.
.-= Surfie´s last blog ..I’ve Got Your Credit Fairy Right Here, Baby =-.
February 7th, 2010 at 6:04 pm
Windy isn’t looking so well these days. Do you think she will make it to her second birthday? Actually being stuck in a tree might have lengthened her life. She probably lived a lot longer in the tree than in a bag of bags, unless she was the first one in the bag in which case she would have had a long life. In my house at least.
.-= Jen´s last blog ..Blog Whore or Mommy Blogger? =-.
February 7th, 2010 at 9:20 pm
Although I am a little late joining the Windy bandwagon, I have enjoyed reading her updates. This “Behind the Plastic” interview really puts things into perspective.
.-= Bryan´s last blog ..Operators are driving by =-.
February 7th, 2010 at 9:42 pm
I think “Windy” was the first word I ever said to you. Sigh. Poor, poor Windy. It’s been a rough winter.
February 7th, 2010 at 10:04 pm
Sluts !
February 8th, 2010 at 1:30 am
hm.. nice story.. i think Windy can not survive on this situation …..
.-= bangchoy´s last blog ..Which One You Like..Be Smart Or Be Rich ..!! =-.
February 8th, 2010 at 6:16 am
I have been wondering how Windy was doing. We have a windy in our neighborhood too. You did a super job telling this story. It really should be made into a children’s book.
.-= Marg´s last blog ..An Easy like Sunday for us =-.
February 8th, 2010 at 6:34 am
Surfie — Yes, she could. Something like “Go wherever the wind takes you and make the best of it.”
Jen — Her 2nd birthday is coming up in April. And there WILL be a birthday party. Yeah, and you’re right. The bags smashed at the bottom of my “bag of bags” never see the light of day. They’re safe (but they also don’t get to be on the blog and enjoy two years of fame).
Bryan — “Behind the Plastic” Love it! It’s sad to read how she thought she might get out with a random gust of wind. Never happened. But then again, look at how many friendships she enjoys now!
Momo Fali — I love how people come up to me and ask about Windy. It throws me sometimes because I get asked about her by people I don’t even know are reading up on her. It’s really an amazing story.
Jaffer — Ha! I always forget this other side of you.
bangchoy — There isn’t much of her left and there is a question about whether she’s really surviving at all. I choose to think she is.
Marg — Do you do as I do and point at bags in trees and shout “Windy!” No? Just me? OK. I’m glad you liked the story and think it would make a good children’s story. I appreciate that.
February 8th, 2010 at 8:03 am
I missed the interview the first go-round… thanks for reprinting. I think one of your Windy posts was how I first started reading your blog {:-Deb
.-= storybeader´s last blog ..Etsybloggers Carnival – Feb 12, 2010 =-.
February 8th, 2010 at 11:55 am
“I’ll reuse you until your seams split.”
You got that from my ex, didn’t you?
.-= Anna Lefler´s last blog ..The Chase Is On. =-.
February 8th, 2010 at 1:05 pm
You do realize that no matter what you end up doing that finally makes you famous, the fact that you managed to make a humor series about a stuck plastic bag in a tree will be what we all will think fondly of. 🙂
.-= Jenn of Many Cabbages´s last blog ..Of Words, Birds and Bathwater -or- Is Print Really Dead? =-.
February 8th, 2010 at 1:44 pm
I am cracking up over here. I remember the first time I read about Windy and I remember thinking: Interviewing a ‘Plastic Bag’ that was stuck in a Tree? = Sheer Brilliance! And the ‘voice’ you gave Windy is hysterical.
.-= meleah rebeccah´s last blog ..Doing Things Differently – My Week In Review =-.
February 8th, 2010 at 1:50 pm
It’s odd how people get attached to things stuck in trees. When we first moved here 5 years ago- there was a mylar pooh bear balloon stuck in the trees by a mall. It had obviously got away from someone who bought it at the Wal Mart across the street. We (my children and I) kept tabs on that thing while driving by for over a year. It finally disappeared, but it was up there for over a year at least that I know of. And that’s quite a feat in Wisconsin with our winters and all.
Rock on Windy!
.-= Michelle Gartner´s last blog ..Hibernation =-.
February 8th, 2010 at 3:50 pm
I know how Windy feels. Play some Norah Jones for her – that soothing voice is bringing me back down to earth right now!
.-= Viveca from FatigueBeGone´s last blog ..What’s in a serving? =-.
February 8th, 2010 at 4:33 pm
LOVE IT. Beautifully written. Psst! I have to tell you something! I think I have Windy’s cousin in my backyard tree! His name is Long Monkey Balloon. He has monkeys all over him. We got him a few months back. You blow him up and he is about six feet long. Then you can shoot him across the yard like a bullet. Sadly, my teenage son decided to try him out. And he is now in the tree. The Monkey Balloon, not the son. He is deflated, tied at both ends still and has been through rain, wind and snow. I won’t tell you what he resembles up there, because I have to remain family friendly. But his nice name is Long Monkey Balloon. I think he is related to Windy.
.-= Katherine Taking Yet Another Picture´s last blog ..P.S. =-.
February 8th, 2010 at 10:54 pm
I was going to say what Grannyann said. What a great story for a children’s book. Imagine the illustrations! 😉
February 9th, 2010 at 3:11 am
it will be better if movie producer read this story.. and make a movie about it.. 🙂
.-= spun´s last blog ..Great Tools to Get Thousand of Backlinks =-.
February 9th, 2010 at 6:06 pm
It really blows to be Windy, doesn’t it?
.-= Keith@Norman Rockwell Art´s last blog ..Jan 17, Puppy Love, Norman Rockwell Saturday Evening Post Cover 1926 =-.
February 10th, 2010 at 5:57 am
nice, given a choice between being up a tree and in a landfill
February 10th, 2010 at 8:37 am
Windy was lookin’ good back then. She was so right about being a shred of her former self, wasn’t she? Poor, once-used Windy.
.-= Barb at WillThink4Wine´s last blog ..Today’s post is brought to you by our friends, BIG and Small =-.
February 10th, 2010 at 11:53 am
storybeader — Windy would be pleased to know that.
Anna Lefler — That’s what she said! (Did I even use that phrase properly? I’m so not hip to the lingo.)
Jenn of Many Cabbages — Ah, thanks. That means so much to me. Incidentally, I did try to pitch this story to a few news outlets. I can’t believe they didn’t want to do a story on her!
meleah rebeccah — Windy sounded angry then, didn’t she? But somewhat hopeful. She didn’t know at the time what was in store for her. Shame.
MIchelle Gartner — OMG. I wouldn’t have been able to emotionally handle Pooh in a tree. If he lasted a year, it’s a testament to his will. Good ‘ol Pooh!
Viveca from Fatigue Be Gone — I could take a boombox outside like Lloyd did in “Say Anything” and play it for her, yes?
Katherine Taking Yet Another Picture — I love the story of Long Monkey. What a name! I’m guessing he looks like a giant cond…. oh, nevermind. Windy would be happy to know she has a long-distance friend who’s also stuck in a bad way.
Crazy Working Mom — You know, my husband used to always say that we should write a childrens book together. I would do the story and he would illustrate. He’s quite a good sketch artist. Hmmmm…. it’s really not a bad idea at all. I should google whether there are any kids books with an environmental theme.
spun — If only.
Keith at Norman Rockwell Art — Blows indeed! That reminds me of a quote from Bart Simpson. I forget what he said it in response to, but it was “I didn’t think it was possible for something to both suck and blow.”
daoes — Now that you guys are putting it that way, yes, she got the good end of the deal.
Barb at WillThink4Wine — Yep. She had some girth to her. Now? Skin and bones.
February 13th, 2010 at 9:32 am
Kathy, I kid you not, I have found Windy’s sister. Her name is Breezy and she is stuck in the tree in my back yard. I will post about her in a day or two. Maybe a reunion is in order.
.-= Kelly´s last blog ..Let the Games Begin =-.
February 18th, 2010 at 5:39 am
hehe It reminds me of my childhood days. When I was a kid I experience hanging in the tree. while I am playing I didn’t notice that the branch of the tree was inside of my T-shirt. Thanks for reminding me of my childhood days. more power to your site ! God bless 😉
.-= Cloe´s last blog ..Holiday Cottage in Cornwall =-.
June 10th, 2010 at 4:23 pm
Kind of sounds like some people’s lives, tossed to and fro and ending up wherever the winds of life take them. There is a better way thought. You can set your sail and use the wind to take you where YOU want to go!