To Burp the Impossible Burp
Bizarre October 13th, 2010 I had an email exchange with some friends of mine today. In it, I mentioned that I have never eaten a peanut butter and jelly sandwich. Not even a nibble. I just can’t do it.
In the same conversation, I mentioned that burping is among the other things I can’t do.
I don’t mean that I can’t burp at will. I mean that I can’t burp at all. It’s an affliction I’ve had as long as I can remember, but my mother assures me that I did, in fact, burp as a baby.
All around me, people are burping. They burp on command. They burp after a big meal. They burp the alphabet and laugh riotously about it.
But not me. I am silent.
And I am in pain.
When I eat almost anything, air pushes up my esophagus and wants to come out a burp. But what I get is the air bubble equivalent of a ten-car pileup, a giant mass of pain and then a series of pathetic gurgling noises that sound, as my husband puts it, “like a sink backing up.”
Meanwhile, he’s over on the couch burping the theme song to Gilligan’s Island.
Before you suggest that I drink a soda pop to induce burping, it won’t work. All that does is add more bubbles that park themselves in the middle of my chest. And then the sink backs up. And then I have pain.
Also, please don’t suggest, as my friend Jen did, that I pat myself on the back to get things moving. Self-patting seems impossible and I can’t ask my husband to help because I’m pretty sure he doesn’t have time in his day to burp his wife.
And so I cope.
I don’t know what my co-workers think when they hear the gurgling after lunch coming out of Cubicle #1. I’ve never asked.
When I can suppress the gurgling, I’m happy. But that means no air is moving and so I blow up like Violet Beauregarde, the big round blue girl in Willy Wonka. I am a ticking, expanding time-bomb that wants to go off so desperately.
So listen. If you can burp, burp away. Burp like the wind! I will forever and always be jealous of you.
And I will never ask you to mind your manners. I’ll ask you instead to “Teach me, Master.”

October 13th, 2010 at 5:05 pm
” my husband puts it, “like a sink backing up.””
I hope he plans on taking his gig on the road, because that man of yours is hysterical!
However, if your husband doesn’t have time to burp you, then you could do as Jen suggests and either throw yourself against the door jamb, Heimlich maneuver style, or throw yourself stomach first into a slowly (VERY SLOWLY, MIND YOU) oncoming car.
Margaret (Nanny Goats)´s last blog post ..What’s the Hardest Phone Call You’ve Had to Make
October 13th, 2010 at 5:27 pm
I like the car idea, as long as it’s slow moving, otherwise you might up chuck and that would be impolite to the driver of the car. Seriously try the doorjam thing, it works for me when I have an itch.
I never knew Violet’s last name so thank you for sharing that as well.
You aren’t that strange, the PB&J thing is pretty odd but you make up for it with your love of bacon and since I don’t like bacon maybe it’s all balanced out?
Jen´s last blog post ..Dancing Skeletons
October 13th, 2010 at 6:09 pm
My father had the same problem. It’s why he avoided carbonated beverages.
It stinks, hon. I’m sorry.
(I have eaten PB&J sandwiches, but I hate them).
Stephanie Barr´s last blog post ..For Relax Max- Pressure Breathing
October 13th, 2010 at 6:14 pm
My sister can’t burp…she says it makes her miserable. She also gets terrible heartburn, which kind of makes me wonder if the inability to burp causes the heartburn.
You’ve never had PB&J? Wow. I don’t want to eat it every day, but occasionally it’s pretty tasty. I prefer mine with chunky PB and strawberry preserves.
absepa´s last blog post ..Now appearing in a nightmare near me
October 13th, 2010 at 8:48 pm
OMG, you would love hanging out with me, because I’m like a regular BURP machine!
Which is why I avoid any carbonated drinks because then I’m burping in three quarter time.
However, I can’t burp at will.
Listen, I have an idea…just email me your air bubbles and I’ll burp for ya, ok?
Ron´s last blog post ..Onesingular sensation
October 13th, 2010 at 9:04 pm
I can help!!!!!! I couldn’t burp either!! I just learned how to last May! It’s tricky though. I had to have it explained 8 million different ways but the one that worked for me was this: tighten your abs like you are about to have a big number 2, open the back of your throat as if you have to yawn but keep your jaw and chest relaxed as if you are about to sleep.
Confused yet? It took me a lot of practice and a beer or two, but I’m proud to say I’m a burper now!
I always thought I was alone…missing out on all those lunchroom contests. It’s good to know someone else couldn’t burp either. Thank you for sharing!
October 13th, 2010 at 11:43 pm
Oh! Ah! HA! Your opening sentence answered the question I just asked two seconds ago on the previous post! As for the burping issue, have you ever tried ZANTAC? Its the best and will help ease the pain of all that trapped air bubbling up!
meleah rebeccah´s last blog post ..Are You There- Internet It’s Me- Meleah
October 14th, 2010 at 4:09 am
I’m a functioning burper, however I have always wanted to burp on command. Can’t do it. My brother was. Awe. Some. At burping and as a child I begged him, over and over and over again, to say my name while burping.
I can still hear it in my head and that still makes me laugh. My kids know I enjoy that (they can’t burp on command, either) and they know that I attempt to say, “Baby!” when I know I have a big burp coming.
I don’t always remember to do it but when I do I am very proud of myself. You’ve got to have goals in life, that’s all I’m saying.
cardiogirl´s last blog post ..If I had more money I’d never pass up a new pair of Chucks or a pack of coconut M&Ms
October 14th, 2010 at 4:52 am
Nanny Goats — Do you think the person behind the wheel will understand when I explain to them I needed an unwilling participant for my burping problem? Also, I think they might get a vomit instead of a burp. Maybe the patting is better after all.
Jen — I rather like the idea of someone burping me after lunch, though. I can’t get injured that way. But I’m not sure my coworkers would be interested. Someone should invent a device that you wear around your neck that burps you on the back, like the automatic door-knocker in the Pee Wee Herman movie (please, someone know what I’m talking about). p.s. I’ve heard people put bacon in their PBJs. That’s criminal.
Stephanie Barr — Yep, no soda for me. I drink only water, which helps. The last time I had a soda (Orange Crush, four years ago) I thought I was going to explode. It also made my eyes water. Weird.
absepa — Yeah, I could see her having heartburn after not being able to burp. The pain can last a few minutes or more. It’s seriously uncomfortable. Nope, never had a PBJ. Not even a test bite. No interest. The combo of tastes sounds utterly disgusting to me, though I like each of them separately.
Ron — I have your address. Be afraid. I would love to sit around with you and listen to your symphony of burps. Maybe you could teach me something.
daughterbonnie — But…. but…. this part sounds really hard! “open the back of your throat as if you have to yawn but keep your jaw and chest relaxed as if you are about to sleep.” And yet just knowing that you’ve been able to learn gives me hope that I can too. My husband has tried to teach me, but I just can’t get it. Will let you know if I’m successful. Oh, to dream….
meleah rebeccah — But Zantac is for acid reflux, right? I don’t have that. I wonder if I told my doctor if he’d let me try it anyway. And, yeah, no PBJs for me. Not a one.
cardiogirl — I’m glad your brother could make you laugh over his burps. I know that’s not always the case with siblings. In fact, I’m sure there are millions of brothers who’ve burped in the faces of their little sisters just to get a rise out of them. Thanks for sharing your fun memory. Burp on, baby!
October 14th, 2010 at 5:21 am
Thanks for a subject that warms my heart! I was told as a child, by a humorless, neighborhood child, that I was very immature because I thought burping was funny.I can manage a loud one, every once in a while, but I cannot burp on cue. Now, my lovely daughter can burp the alphabet and can say things. (This is a talent she got from her dad, a champion belch man.) She always knew how to get me laughing. Heiffer, a character on the marvelous cartoon,Rocko’s Modern Life, could burp on cue and would ask for a merit badge at his scout meetings.I do believe that while watching that particular episode, my daughter realized she too had the talent; not only to burp on cue but to crack her mother up, big time.
Pee Wee Herman ROCKS big time! I knew we had a common bond. Remember the giant underpants episode? O.K. enough of this stroll down memory lane. I must get ready to go teach…the quality of American education is in my hands…be afraid!
October 14th, 2010 at 6:00 am
Maybe you could try Gas-X. The commercial shows it popping all those bubbles in the tummy.
I never had PB&J but I love P-nut butter. Sometimes I get to lick some off a butter knife. We used to know someone from Australia who thought PB&J was strange because she would eat Peanut Butter and BUTTER!
Daisy the Curly Cat´s last blog post ..Wordless Wednesday- Caught!
October 14th, 2010 at 7:55 am
Next time I have Paige on campus with me, I’ll bring her over. At 5 years old, I’m sure she can teach you a thing or two about burping.
Of course, I’m sure she got it from me, who could probably belch the entire alphabet, and then some…
October 14th, 2010 at 8:10 am
My sister can’t burp either. Often I would see her with her mouth open, like a fish trying to breath out of water, rubbing her chest, and really trying to burp. What came out? The tiniest little gurgle, and hardly worth all the effort.
I did used to suffer excruciating wind (gas) pains when I was younger, so I really feel for you. The doctor prescribed me some large white tablets to chew, and though it was a slow process, they did do the job. The wind will come out, one way or another. I think what Daisy suggests is probably the same thing I had.
Babs – beetle´s last blog post ..The Singing Pensioner
October 14th, 2010 at 8:10 am
Ouch. That does sound painful. I’l try to be less hard on the kids who love to burp. 7 year old rattles the windows with his volume and the 4 year old could do the alphabet if anyone gave her the idea to.
I can’t believe you’ve never had a PB&J. What did you eat as a kid. I thought this was the “right of passage” sandwich for all kids.
Rachele´s last blog post ..Do You Enjoy a Good Debate
October 14th, 2010 at 9:42 am
My Brazilian exchange student just had a PBJ sandwich for the first time yesterday. She said it was the best thing ever!
I will eat a peanut butter sandwich, or a jelly sandwich, they will never be combined!
October 14th, 2010 at 9:46 am
First, you must try PB&J, because a peanut butter, jelly, and bacon sandwich ROCKS! Or sometimes I forgo the jelly and just PB&B.
I can’t burp properly either. I don’t get that burp bubble thing though. Sometimes when I feel that I need to burp, I attempt to force it, which is probably that sink backing up sound you’re talking about. It’s like if you took a cross between a cat when it first starts the coughing up a hairball thing and a cough, then shorten it.
I think for me I’m just good enough at suppressing it that it comes out as a fart.
Michelle´s last blog post ..Seeing A Past Love
October 14th, 2010 at 10:27 am
You’ve suspiciously avoided the other half of the gas-elimination equation – farting. Logically, if you can’t burp, then you MUST fart. The distance between the two orifices is not that great, and the gas must go somewhere. It’s easy. Just relax. But don’t expect to be able to emit a tune. I’ve never met anyone THAT talented.
Marvin´s last blog post ..Lo Fidelity Allstars- Battleflag
October 14th, 2010 at 10:52 am
Kathy, peanut butter and jelly sandwiches on toast is food for the gods. It doesn’t make you burp though. I hope you’ve talked to your doc about your not burping issue. It sounds like you would get heartburn from not burping. I still see blue Violet floating off with the Oompa Loompas. And I hope that never happens to you.
Linda Medrano´s last blog post ..I Hate Elevators
October 14th, 2010 at 11:24 am
I googled ‘inability to burp’ and according to Dr. Kevin Pho, you may have GERD or an esophageal motility problem.
Sorry, not a funny comment, but since I have GERD, I really have a hard time finding anything humorous about it. I am never without Pepcid Complete. Never, never, never.
Barb @WillThink4Wine´s last blog post ..Whipped Cream and Other Delights
October 14th, 2010 at 11:33 am
So does that mean that all of that air is going south?
October 14th, 2010 at 11:48 am
The publicist’s father taught her to burp at an early age. To point that she can shake the rafters. She burps better than her brothers. She has won family contests. It embarrasses the male person but the publicist says one must use the talents one has.
As a goat burping is a way of life four stomachs and all.
I am sorry you cannot burp. It is a good way to scare people.
Pricilla´s last blog post ..Today I am a ReviewGoat- Goat Health Care by Cheryl Smith
October 14th, 2010 at 1:10 pm
I assumed that everyone could burp. It must be really painful. Is there a medical term for your affliction? Maybe IBS (Irritable Burp Syndrome).
Lauren´s last blog post ..Are you Scribeaphobic – Afraid to Write
October 14th, 2010 at 3:48 pm
I can’t believe it! You must be my twin cause I’ve never eaten a pb&j either – yuck! – but I used to eat pb & mayonnaise and pb & sugar. And….I can’t burp. Don’t know whether I did as a baby but I sure don’t now. Small world, huh?
October 14th, 2010 at 5:36 pm
I used to burp on command until my mother told me if I didn’t stop, I’d lose control of it and I’d be burping my vows at the altar on my wedding day. The lies parents tell kids to keep the peace.
October 14th, 2010 at 5:43 pm
Sue — I agree. They are funny. Except at funerals and church. I’m proud both of your daughter and YOU for knowing Pee Wee Herman’s underpants. Would you believe me if I told you I bought a pair of giant underpants on a lark? Laughed at your education comment. Your kids should be glad to have you as a teacher.
Daisy the Curly Cat — Thank you for your most excellent advice. It’s the same advice a co-worker gave me. She says Gas-X worked wonders for her mother. I know you like your peanut butters. But PB and BUTTER? That’s just wrong.
Grant — But then you know it’ll spell disaster if you give her permission to perform in front of others, right? I would love nothing more than having her come over and serenade me! Let me know if she’s on-campus and I’ll come right down.
Babs Beetle — Yep, mouth open — strange noises. And yeah, the wind does come out one way or another. ‘Nuff said.
Rachele — I hate to say it, because I know it must drive parents crazy, but kids burping makes me laugh my head off. It’s like the last time you can do it without being scolded too much. So they tell me. I wouldn’t know. What did I eat as a kid? Tuna fish sammies, every day for grade school. No lie. But I can’t eat one now. I’ve literally had my fill.
newbuffalomom — I will never know. Unless someone wants to pay me a tidy sum to try. Anyone? Anyone?
Michelle — Nope, can’t do it. I once tried a PB and bacon sandwich and was terribly disappointed. I couldn’t taste the bacon through the PB! Laughed at your hairball yacking comparison. Yep, that’s about it. And the fart thing? Um, mums the word on that.
Marvin — Dude, I purposely omitted that. I’m taking the 5th.
Linda Medrano — I don’t believe you. I can’t. I won’t. I promise I’ll mention it to my doctor next time. If Gas-X doesn’t work, that is.
Barb — No, it’s not funny, really. I never really felt like I had either a swallowing or a digestive problem. The pain doesn’t last more than a few minutes, and mostly when I eat too much or too fast. I’m sorry you’re having this problem. I’m sure Pepcid is your friend.
MA Fat Woman — Ask my husband.
Pricilla — Yes, one must use every talent to its fullest, even if it involves shaking the rafters. Honestly, is there any other way? Goats have four stomachs? Gawd, no wonder they eat everything. There’s so much to fill!
Lauren — I like IBS. Can I use that? I did do some searching after this, and find people who are like me, but no one can seem to put a name on it, so IBS it is!
Sherri — We are soul sisters! But those others are just as gross, so how do you not like PBJ? PB and mayo? I just read that to my husband and he almost threw up. He loves mayo (puts it on pizza, if you can believe it), but he winced about your PB/mayo sammie.
Medical Assistant — You’d be divorced before you even got married!
October 14th, 2010 at 6:50 pm
You aren’t the only one that can’t burp on command. It is a genetic thing. But there is an upside. I don’t know about you, but I never get the hiccups. Haven’t had them since I was about 10 years old. Makes me laugh when I see othere adults get them.
Bruce´s last blog post ..Micro-Rant-1
October 15th, 2010 at 8:10 am
I eat a pb&j about once every 18 months, or so, and I’m always surprised how freakin’ delicious it is! Especially on white bread, which I don’t usually condone, but some things are meant to be together, ya know?
October 15th, 2010 at 11:08 am
Holy crap. Never eaten a PB&J? My heart cries for you. I love PB&J. With all kinds of different Js. I can’t imagine what it must be like not to be able to burp and have all that backed up in your chest. 🙁 I can’t burp on command though, and it is VERY rare for me to have any kind of loud burps. Usually the best I can do is a discreet half-burp. But it does the job and is actually a good thing since I don’t have to announce to everyone in my immediate vicinity that I’m burping.
Bruce would be laughing at me a lot. I get hiccups all the time, and I hate it! I don’t think I’ve ever seen my husband with the hiccups. I wonder if he’s immune like Bruce. Hmmm…
Surfie´s last blog post ..Job Hunting Is Depressing
October 15th, 2010 at 2:24 pm
I feel bad for you, what a horrible affliction!! I agree – you need someone to burp you. What would that classified ad look like? haha 🙂
Heather´s last blog post ..A Bloggers Toolbox – 10 Must have Add Ons for FireFox
October 15th, 2010 at 6:09 pm
Evacuating gas from my system has never been a problem for me, just ask Mrs. Rambler. I can burp on command, and almost do the whole alphabet. I think I could almost burp an operatic aria if pressed.
When I got sick with what has turned out to be gallstones, I felt like I needed to belch, but couldn’t make it happen. I felt like a gift had been taken away from me. Gas-X to the rescue. As it turns out, the Gas-X probably didn’t do anything. All the tossing and turning just dislodge the gallstone.
Tarheel Rambler´s last blog post ..Party Loyalty Over Common Sense
October 16th, 2010 at 11:35 am
There’s actually something you can have done for that which will improve the situation. It’s done on an outpatient basis, my dad has had it done several times. It has something to do with the opening to the stomach and also the back of the throat but I forget what exactly they did. I just know it solved his problems permanently after a lifelong struggle.
Mark´s last blog post ..No Clearer Path than Illuminating Your Brand
October 16th, 2010 at 3:45 pm
I started reading all of the comments and lost track. Did anyone ask, “Can you fart?” I’m just asking for scientific reasons, you know?… if you can’t burp, where does all that gas go?
October 16th, 2010 at 8:52 pm
Mmmmm I ate a PBJ that I stashed in my purse when I headed into the Edward Jones Dome today. It was oh-so-tasty! You ought to try.
I suggest you have your doctor check you over for you non-burping issue. Everyone needs to burp.
October 17th, 2010 at 6:54 am
Bruce — Like you, I rarely get the hiccups. You’d think I’d get them more with all that air stuck down there. I had a bad case last week. OMG. So painful. But that was the first time I remember having them in over a year, so it’s all good.
April Mack — I’m glad so many people like them, and you’d think that would be enough positive feedback to get me interested, but I’m still not going to have one. Only if someone paid me. There is something to be said for good old fashioned white bread. We’ve all be weaned off it that it seems like such a treat to have it, right?
Surfie — It’s OK, I’ll survive. But thanks for the sympathy. Women, in general, are all about discreet. I try to be with my gurgles, but it’s hard to suppress them sometimes. I mostly keep my mouth shut and hope for the best.
Heather — The classified ad would read “Wanted: Woman to be burped after large satisfying meals. Burping is not a euphemism for anything. Get your mind out of the gutter.”
Tarheel Rambler — I’m quite sure Mrs. Rambler could attest to your mad gas skillz. I’m sorry about your gallstones and impending surgery. Sounds painful on both counts. I’ll be thinking of you tomorrow.
Mark — I’m skeered! I’m totally trying the Gas-X method first. Less expensive and non-intrusive. I’m a big baby. Never had surgery in my life.
Katherine — Yes, some people asked. And I didn’t answer. {wink, wink}
Jodi — I promise I’ll ask my doctor about it next time I have a physical. Did you know some animals can die if they don’t burp? Freaky!
October 17th, 2010 at 8:42 am
Hee! Is it OK if I laugh at your pain? Good.
Poor Kathy. Never to know the joy of a good, juicy burp. I tell ya, there are few things more satisfying.
I know I’m not alone in hoping you’ll post a video of you gurgling. C’mon. We’ll post burping videos in exchange!
JD at I Do Things´s last blog post ..I Was Saved By Firemen so you don’t have to be
October 19th, 2010 at 5:24 pm
You probably either have SARS, West Nile, Avian Bird Flu, Swine Flu or Shark Week.
Poleethman´s last blog post ..Will File For Kudos
October 20th, 2010 at 1:42 pm
I can fart and burp on command, I have learned to play tunes in fact I can now play the whole of Lady Gagas back catalogue!!!
October 20th, 2010 at 3:27 pm
My girlfriend can’t burp either. A very strange affliction.
October 29th, 2010 at 8:14 pm
I can burp with the best of them! But your gurgling sounds just plain unhealthy… Have you asked a doctor about this?
Food in San Francisco´s last blog post ..Comment on About by Brendans First BayZestcom Blog Post