Apostrophe Madness and the Return of What’s That
Blogging, language, What's That? August 20th, 2011Hey, peeps! Remember me? I used to blog here. I’ve been unable to string words together lately. So I hope you forgive me while my brain undergoes maintenance.
I have some workmen on it and they think it’s limited to my temporal lobe, which controls semantics and word meaning. They think if I just practice writing every day, words will make sense to me again and six eggs dance in the moonlight when the 31st of April takes a bath.
Nevermind. Brain still needs work.
In the meantime, I’ll leave you with some apostrophe problems and a couple What’s That items for you to mull over.
First up, Food Network. This is from the show Good Eats with Alton Brown.
Nice try. Even if it needed an apostrophe, that’s not where it would go. So double FAIL for you!
This next one comes from sender-inner Grant, my pal at work who knows how insane I get over grammar mistakes, especially by the big boys.
Here, Crayola makes a boo-boo of the that-doesn’t-make-it-plural variety.
Now, for the What’s That items: A friend wrote me this week and asked if I was still doing the series. I told her how difficult it’s been to find good items that will make your heads hurt. Because I’m all about hurting the heads of others.
I hope these fit the bill.
How to play:
1. The photos show a small portion of a larger object.
2. First person to correctly guess one or both objects wins a Junk Drawer magnet and a choice of either bacon, Jesus or eyeball bandages.
Object #1
Object #2
Commence hurting heads!

August 20th, 2011 at 7:52 pm
The apostrophe madness reminded me of someone I used to know who would consistently use “it’s” for the possessive (“its”) and “its'” for the contraction (“it’s”). At first I thought he might have gotten a job at Good Eats, but then I realized he would have used “it’s”.
Object #1 looks like part of a LEGO set for overachievers. I’m guessing it’s the underside of a thing that you plug other things into, although you’re probably looking for something a little more specific than that.
Object #2 looks like part of some home organization product, like a dishrack.
Laura´s last blog post ..The Door
August 20th, 2011 at 8:45 pm
The first one looks like part of an onion dicer, specifically the top which pushes the onion through the metal grater that dices up the onion.
And you have been missed, Kathy!
August 20th, 2011 at 9:15 pm
I was feeling so good! Can’t remember last time I had a headache. Oh… wait… it was after your last What’s That post! Ouch. My brain hurts!
I’m a grammar snob, too. Those apostrophe examples give me a headache.
Jeesh, Kathy. Let me go get some aspirin before I say I missed you! ;D
Ferd´s last blog post ..Kevin’s Sylvania Triathlon 2011
August 20th, 2011 at 10:39 pm
1- garlic press
2 – over the door hanger thingy
August 21st, 2011 at 12:14 am
The first one looks like part of a french fry slicer and the second looks like part of those little racks that hang on the inside of your sink to hold rags and soap for dishes.
August 21st, 2011 at 1:38 am
1) A bulk quantity microwave bacon cooking tray.
2) That touher. I’m going with a tray from the dishwasher.
I know what you mean about the required brain work. I no long think mine is up to code. I just haven’t had the energy to blog lately.
Cromely´s last blog post ..Pawn Star and business lessons
August 21st, 2011 at 1:50 am
I suspect I’ve already been beaten in the guessing game, but let me just say this:
“six eggs dance in the moonlight when the 31st of April takes a bath.” –> Beautiful.
Also, I wonder if the bad apostrophe thing is a conspiracy to get extra free publicity from bloggers who make fun of them. I wouldn’t put it past them, since they’re probably paying next to nothing for their marketing budget with stupid mistakes like that.
Margaret Andrews´s last blog post ..News10 Breakfast With the Bloggers Was Awesome. And Then It Got Weird.
August 21st, 2011 at 5:47 am
I do not know what either of those objects’ are.
Daisy the Curly Cat´s last blog post ..A Daisy Hat
August 21st, 2011 at 6:05 am
Laura — I know someone, too, who consistently gets it wrong. I desperately want to ambush him in his cubicle and give him an “Its/It’s 101” class. Would that be rude? I’m remaining silent on the object(s) until I post about them later in the week.
Melody — Thanks. It’s really nice to be missed. I just feel so guilty for not writing lately. There were so many times I wanted to write, but didn’t feel like anything was worth writing about. HATE THAT.
Ferd — I figure if I’ve been struggling with my head lately, then y’all should feel my pain too. See how that works? It’s nice to be missed. Thank you!
leah g — I’m remaining silent on the answers until the next post. Good guesses!
Tonya — Mmmm… french fries. I’ve never been so adventurous as to make my own fries. That would involve hot oil and you just know that would end with my house lying in rubble.
Cromely — Mmmm…. bacon. I’d like to say that I’ve been so busy this summer, that I haven’t had time to write, but that’s not it. Just totally out of good ideas. I mean, I’ve had ideas, but none of them worthy of a post. Been depressed about it, but hoping that since I got a post up now, things will take a turn for the better.
Margaret — You know, that whacked-out sentence was the easiest thing for me to write in the last month. Oy. Part of me thinks I shouldn’t have linked to Crayola and Food Network. They don’t deserve the links. Then again, I hope they find me and gasp in horror at their mistakes. Hey, it could happen.
Daisy the Curly Cat — Hee. I see what you did there. You’re a stinker.
August 21st, 2011 at 6:36 am
Oh, Lordy, I don’t think I asked you to make *my brain hurt! Twice!
But thank you.
I think #2 is a organizer thingy – like the over-the-showerhead thing to hold your shampoo. Or an under-the-sink wire rack thingy.
Or something.
Welcome back. 🙂
August 21st, 2011 at 6:37 am
Hmmm…don’t you usually give a clue like “It’s very old” or “I found it in the back of a closet” or something? Ok, now that I’ve got a headache, it’s only fair I give you one…
I’ dont’ know’ w’hat tha’t cou’ld b’e. Eit’her o’f th’e items”, alt’hough ‘Im pre’tty sure’ t’he firs’t on’e i’s p’lastic a’nd th’e seco’nd o’ne is’ me’tal. Does’ th’at cou’nt?’
Nicky´s last blog post ..Steepel
August 21st, 2011 at 7:14 am
I don’t know the 1st object is but the 2nd looks like a hanger or a rack. 🙂
Vivian´s last blog post ..Anmeldelse af ny smart søgemulighed hos Viviro.com
August 21st, 2011 at 8:36 am
Hot water bottle stopper! Oh that was another What’s That post.
They could be anything really, but I’ll guess at the first one being a chopper/dicer base, though I think that is too easy to be right. The second one could be a clothes dryer shelf/hanger bit. The hooky part that you fix it to the stand with.
Babs (beetle)´s last blog post ..When is a pot of cream not a pot of cream?
August 21st, 2011 at 10:09 am
Considering that Crayola is owned by Hallmark, and Hallmark writes greeting cards, you would think they would know better.
Lanita´s last blog post ..Mr.and Ms. Communication
August 21st, 2011 at 10:37 am
The publicist went to Catholic school so she had the proper usage of apostrophes beat into her.
So, like you, it drives her crazy.
Since the advent of spell check it has all gone to hell.
Pricilla – Famous SpokesGoat´s last blog post ..Broccoli Face-Off: Happy Goats Farm
August 21st, 2011 at 11:13 am
The first one is a personal massage device. I have one like it but in pink. The second one is a garden sculpture or a decorative door stop.
Linda Medrano´s last blog post ..An Eye Job, A Nose Job, And A Toe Job
August 21st, 2011 at 12:27 pm
Misused apostrophes drive me nuts, too.
#1. I think it’s the bottom of a plastic garden chair or stool. All those peg things add strenghth so it doesn’t collapse when you sit/stand on it.
#2. No idea.
August 21st, 2011 at 12:28 pm
Kitchen soap, scrubber, tray; Im’ with Kristin on these ones.
Sorry! Could not resist. But yes I am with you on the grammar by the “big boys”. I find mistakes in the daily newspapers, weekly magazines, etc. And with my limited grammar skills, I’m sure I miss many of their errors. Lots, but not all, of the mistakes are from a reliance on automated spell checkers instead of editors. But computers are cheaper than employees.
Will´s last blog post ..Cell Phones and Children
August 21st, 2011 at 1:06 pm
Two?? Gads! This will take a while… guessing two wrong will take twice as much time. I’ll be back.
Bobbie´s last blog post ..PhotoHunt ~ Drink
August 21st, 2011 at 2:16 pm
1. dish washer tray?
2. dish drying rack?
meleah rebeccah´s last blog post ..On Moustaches…
August 22nd, 2011 at 4:04 am
Kristin — It’s your fault, missy! I’ll announce winners later in the week. If someone gets the items. Maybe they already did? I’m not saying!
Nicky — Yes, sometimes I give a clue like that, but not this time. Hee. Your apostrophe-ridden statement gave me a headache, so touche!
Vivian — Maybe. Maybe not.
Babs — Ah! You remembered!
Lanita — You would!
Pricilla — Since catholic school, I can’t look at a ruler the same way again. A nun’s weapon of choice.
Linda — Ha! “Personal massage device.” Is that a euphemism? Nah, couldn’t be.
Ladybuggz — Good guess!
Will — I just always feel like if something makes it through production without getting caught, the problem is worse than I thought. I can forgive newspapers, who have tight deadlines, but not companies who produce for TV or products, when they have long deadlines and many more staff. Unforgivable!
Bobbie – I put two up because I thought one or both was too easy. I’m a bit rusty at this lately. It’s been over six months since my last what’s that contest. Beware, the next one(s) will be tougher.
meleah rebeccah — Maybe, maybe not.
August 22nd, 2011 at 6:29 pm
I think the second one is the air dry rack for your dryer. (please let me be right this time!!)
lin´s last blog post ..The Long and the Short of it all
August 22nd, 2011 at 8:44 pm
I’m go’ing to say that the first ob’ject is a gar’lic press and the se’cond ob’ject is a rack from a dish’washer.
J. Bear Savo´s last blog post ..An Odd Place to Keep a Hammer…
Being an auctioneer, I…
August 22nd, 2011 at 9:19 pm
totally with you on the apostrophe madness and yes you have been missed.
my head hurts so I won’t even try to guess what the objects are.
anna jay´s last blog post ..Lonely old spinster……noooooooo
August 23rd, 2011 at 2:21 am
Hi Kathy,
Looks like a slicer and a drying rack to me.
Nik´s last blog post ..CV Layout Template
August 23rd, 2011 at 8:40 am
I found that Crayola one when buying some coloring pages for my 2 year old. Seeing as how Crayola is headquartered just minutes from where I live, I really just want to drive over, slap that sheet on a desk, and ask, “Really!??!”
August 23rd, 2011 at 3:32 pm
What always gets me is the inconsistency. If the Crayola people are going to use the apostrophe in “Photo’s” why would they NOT also us it in “pages?”
And really, if you think plurals have an apostrophe, wouldn’t every page of every book just be peppered with them? Have you not noticed, people?
Chris@Knucklehead!´s last blog post ..Quelfian Quips
August 24th, 2011 at 10:21 am
Welcome back! Glad to see I’m not the only one who nitpicks about professionals using poor grammar. The worst is when errors appear on billboards. I always call the company and tell them.
As for the photos, I think the first one is the underside of a plastic step stool or chair. I don’t know what the second thingamabob is!
Thanks for keeping me smiling during my most dreary work days! 🙂
(P.S. Never mind is two words.)
August 24th, 2011 at 4:42 pm
This reminded me of the Homestar Runner cartoon with Strongbad singing about not caring how they spell things on the internet, and the difference between “your” and “you’re”!
August 24th, 2011 at 5:51 pm
Is it really possible to eat 25 caramel creams in a row???
Jason´s last blog post ..2006 Lifted Tacoma TRD Double Cab For Sale
August 25th, 2011 at 6:59 am
#1a Silicon ice tray?
August 25th, 2011 at 10:34 am
you can include those pics at failblog.
object #1 is a table(upside down).
object #2 is a wall organizer
August 25th, 2011 at 7:27 pm
I too am a grammar geek and am easily driven nuts by the misusage of “lay” for “lie”, “him and me” for “he and I”, “he and I” for “him and me”, etc. But, because I am a terrible speller, I used to think that its (possessive) had an apostrophe because other possessives do (the cat’s, Sharon’s.) But I finally got it through my thick skull when I read an explanation that its was a possessive pronoun, just as hers, his, and theirs are. I will never forget again.
December 2nd, 2011 at 5:10 pm
I’m go’ing to say that the first ob’ject is a gar’lic press and the se’cond ob’ject is a rack from a dish’washer.