You Couldn’t Pay Me to Do It Over Again
Short stories, Stuff I hate November 19th, 2007News flash: I just learned my old Catholic grade school is celebrating its 80th anniversary. A call went out to former students to send in a little blurb about where we are now and any memories about the school we wanted to share.
Hmmm. Memories? Share? With the school that gave me the memories I’d rather forget? Tell me, did anyone have a joyful grade school experience? If you did, you’re either lying or you were the kind of student who made life miserable for the rest of us.
I’m going to take a trip down memory lane, but it’s just for the nerds, the shy people, the insecure and the socially-awkward. So get lost, perfect people. You’re not welcome here. Neener, neener, neeeeeener! If you were like me and wonder how you made it through school and came out the other side, hop on the bus. We’re going for a ride!
You’ll see soon there is no rhyme or reason to what I remember about grade school. But knowing a little bit about Grade School Me at least puts things in perspective:
Fact 1: I had to wear a plaid uniform every day, which could be worn only with a white blouse, white or green socks, and sensible shoes. The only thing that made you unique was the length of your skirt. The popular girls always wore them short, short, short!
Fact 2: My skirt was one of the longest of any girl’s in the school. The rule was “Hemlines below the knee.” The only Moms who followed that rule were mine and the mother of a girl who went on to become a nun.
Fact 3: I wore glasses from kindergarten to third grade. To jack up the ridicule quotient, I also had to wear a patch over one eye to improve the strength of the other, though thankfully, not during school. But I was still known as the poor little Pirate Girl by people who saw me wear it.
Fact 4: I had kinky curly hair and tried to wear it as a shag. I have pictures of how this looks, but they’re in a safe-deposit box where they can’t hurt me anymore.
Fact 5: The first four letters in my last name were M-E-S-S, which lent itself to some interesting name-calling by all the mean girls, as in “Kathy, did you mess yourself today?”
With that vision of Grade School Me in your head, perhaps it won’t surprise you what Grown Up Me remembers. Ready?
Day 1: I Hate it Already
By far, the worst memory is of my first day of kindergarten. I felt like my Mom had sent me off to prison. I cried so hard, I almost threw up. None of the other kids was having a problem, and realizing this only made things worse. My mother was called to come collect me. I don’t recall how the second day went, although it’s possible a teacher’s assistant sat with me to make sure I didn’t go AWOL. I really wanted out.
The Bishop is Coming! The Bishop is Coming!
One day in the 7th grade, our principal got a call from the diocese that the bishop was coming for a visit. I don’t recall why he was coming, but I got the sense that it wasn’t expected. Because as soon as the word got out, I was handpicked along with another student to run outside with brooms, dust pans and garbage bags to furiously tidy up the front of the building for his visit. Leaves, garbage, branches, dog poo, you name it. What said “Housekeeper and Landscaper” about me, I’ll never know.
Roll with it, Baby.
During a 4th grade talent show, I massacred the gymnastics routine I’d been practicing for days. I’d forgotten almost all of it, so to the tune of It’s a Small World, I did the only part I could remember — somersaults. That, and oh yeah, more somersaults. Roll, roll, roll up the mat, Roll, roll, roll, down the mat. I ended the performance with a fist-pumping ta-DA! I got a round of applause, but only because the audience was happy I’d put an end to my own suffering. Worst. Performance. Ever.
I’ll Cast a Spell on You!
In the 3rd grade we had the nun from hell. Only one person liked her. God. And we weren’t even sure of that. Her name escapes me at the moment. Let’s just call her Sister Hates-Kids-A-Lot. One day while she led our class down to the gym for an assembly, Sister Hates-Kids-A-Lot fell down the stairs and broke her arm. Then she did something that we didn’t expect. She began to cry real, human tears. We thought we should help her, but we were immobilized by fear and confusion. Fear, because she was the nun with death ray eyes, and confusion, because we didn’t think she had a soul, much less the capacity to feel pain and emotion. After the accident, we still hated her and she still hated us. And we feared her even more, now that she was wearing a cast on her arm and could use it to crack open our skulls anytime she wanted. To this day, I feel guilty for not having helped her, but I’m also not ashamed to say we thought she had it coming.
What’s in a name? Too many letters, that’s what.
I was the last child in kindergarten to be able to print her full name without the aid of a cheatsheet placard. In my defense, my last name was twelve letters long. But being the last at anything is no fun, and I remember that trailing-behind feeling like it was yesterday.
The Agony and the Irony
In the 4th grade, I received a punishment that did not fit the crime. Painfully shy, I wouldn’t open my mouth unless someone talked to me first. Even then, I was afraid to say anything. One day, as class was preparing to take a quiz, I was turned around in my seat talking to another girl, but never realized the test was starting. The teacher loudly and ceremoniously called me a Chatty Cathy – a Chatty Cathy! Me! The one who never speaks! — and told me to turn around and write a big fat “F” on my paper. She said nothing to the girl behind me who was also talking. I was mortified that day and ruined for weeks after that. Just when I thought I’d finally put it behind me, Geico came out with this commercial. Whenever I hear it, I’m transported back to the 4th grade and I flop to the floor, start sobbing and my husband has to remind me where I am and what year it is.
Being a bad sport about it
In the 6th grade, I made my first attempt at organized sports. I joined the basketball team and at the first practice got hit in the nose with the ball. I bled profusely and then promptly quit. This would be the first in a long line of sports I tried and sucked at: gymnastics, cheerleading, and softball, among others. If you’re a parent and your kids want to quit a sport, let them. There is no value in making them embarrass themselves in front of their classmates. No value at all.
We Don’t Need No Stinking Child Labor Laws
I recall the weekend one summer that some of us kids were picked for a chain gang, whose job it was to paint classrooms and hallways. I’m quite sure someone volunteered me for this job. I couldn’t have wanted to waste a weekend smelling paint and getting lead poisoning. Catholic schools always drew on slave labor one way or another. If it wasn’t painting the school, it was going door to door selling candy like some hobo begging for a place to sleep. But even hobos didn’t have to meet a quota.
I saved this next incident for last because while it starts out badly, it ends on a high note. You need to know that sometimes there was a silver lining.
She Almost Made a Grown Man Cry
My house was only four blocks from school, so I walked there and back every day. Sometimes I’d walk along with another student, Rob S., who lived in my neighborhood. One day as we were dismissed, I paired up with Rob and then heard my fifth grade teacher, Mr. G., inexplicably shout at us “Kathy and Robbie sittin’ in a tree, k-i-s-s-i-n-g!” It embarrassed me so much I thought I’d die. I didn’t tell my Mom about the incident until the next morning, after stressing about it the whole night before. She made an effort to take my mind off it and I thought “Case closed.”
But what happened next, I’ll never forget. She showed up during recess, and in front of everyone, she marched right up to Mr. G and opened up a can of whoop ass on him. I had never seen my mother like that before or since. She stood there waving a finger at him “How could you say that? What is wrong with you? You ever do that again, and you’ll have me to deal with.” Mr. G. was never more polite to me than after he got a face full of Mom.
Perhaps I’ve triggered some grade school memories that you have. Perhaps you’ll hate me now for doing so. Would anyone care to share their grade school horrors? You’ll find a box of tissues and a shoulder to cry on in the comments section.
The Junk Drawer is here for you.

December 6th, 2007 at 1:18 am
Smak — Sorry for the delay in getting back. Blogger has a problem with comments these days and I wasn’t notified you posted.
Anyway, I love karma! It’s just too bad when we’re young and getting insulted, that we can’t know in advance that our tormentors would “get theirs” some day. Wouldn’t school have been that much more bearable?
Thanks for stopping by!
December 28th, 2007 at 1:54 pm
Sheesh. Sure, there was the embarrassing stuff about Catholic grammar school in the 60’s, when I went, like the fact that my legal first name, James, is assonant with Jane, and I was tormented frequently with that. And there was the bordering-on-abusive stuff – not the corporal punishment (which was rare, although memorable), but the terror, like the nun who had three paddles, one of which was made from the blade of an oar, hanging in her classroom. And there was the simple incompetence, such as the nun assigned to teach 7th-grade science, who could not pronounce the word “cerebellum”.
That said, there was the 7th-grade history teacher, who was the first real historian I ever knew, and whose talents were wasted on us, although I didn’t know it until I was in grad school (in the 1950’s, the convent was actually a good choice for a woman of brains and diligence; careers were limited in those days), and my sixth-grade teacher, who is one of the few saints I ever met.
Still. I’m glad those days are over. There is not a day of my life prior to my mid-20’s that I would relive for money, drugs, or thirty days with a hand-picked harem.
December 28th, 2007 at 5:29 pm
Plain Jim — Thanks for sharing your horrors… er, memories. It sounded like you had a mixed bag there. Amazing how much detail we can remember from our youth. I, like you, wouldn’t take anything to relive those days, unless I was allowed to take with me the knowledge of how to avoid grade school torments. What a stress-free existence that would have been!
March 9th, 2008 at 9:21 pm
Hi Kathy
I am not a blogger, but I love reading yours which I happened upon by reading my friend’s brothers blog which you posted on.
I so enjoyed this post. I have some traumas from school, but mostly because I had to follow behind my older brother who was not your average student! Trouble found that boy around ever turn.
I have two high lights to my traumas….
My mom drove me and my brother to school on my first day of “real school”. I was starting first grade, my brother was in fourth. My mom was not a hands on type of mom, she drove up, dropped us off saying “Jeff, make sure your sister gets to her room”, and off she went. My brother waves bye to her and turns to me and grabs me by my sweater and tells me “You better not let ANYONE know I am your brother” and walks off leaving me standing there. Thankfully a 5th grade crossing guard took pity on me….I spent the next two years there worrying I would run into my brother in the hallway and forget I am I not suppose to know him and die a painful death for that mistake.
Flash forward 9 years and the daunting task of starting high school…the same high school where my brother was accussed of flooding the gym (honestly that is one thing he did not do though!). First period is biology and I drew Mr. Grammer. Mr. Grammer was viewed as a grumpy old man and the hardest of all the science teacher. He also happened to be very large and sounded mean. He called role that day and comes to my name….”Davis?”. I respond “here sir”….to which I get…”Are you Jeff Davis’ sister?”….my immediate response was “No SIR!”. He knew better though and called me up to his desk after class and promptely informed me that I had better be NOTHING like Jeff. I assured him I wasn’t and ironically he was my favorite teacher of all time.
Just felt like sharing tonight and to tell you how I have truly enjoyed reading your blog!
March 10th, 2008 at 7:34 pm
Donna — Thanks for dropping by and sharing your traumas. Older brothers are in interesting breed. I think it’s in the job description to pick on little sisters.
April 2nd, 2008 at 9:23 pm
I have to say I have just wandered by your blog (thru a horse link) and have now whiled away several hours reading! I’ll be back often..
Grade school was forgettable. I was an Air Force Brat, so went to 8 different schools in 6 years. Worst was a small town school in NC where I had a teacher who was into control. No one was allowed to leave her class and go to the bathroom, she specified when the breaks were. She also insisted everyone had to eat all the food on their plate at lunch. This was a problem for me, my mother was English, and I had never eaten southern food. Most I could stomach, but collard greens I could not take. I would give other kids my dessert to get them to eat my greens. One day the teacher caught me doing that, and went on a rampage. She got me a fresh plate of greens, and said I would sit there until I ate every bit. I sat there through lunch, and when the rest of the class let, she told me to sit there. I sat there for the rest of the day. Heard the bell ring, the buss leave. Everyone left and locked up the school. I don’t remember how late I was at the school, but finally my mother showed up with the police. Later I found out she had waited for me at the bus stop, then drove to the school, which was deserted and locked, then went to the police. I told her what happened, and the next day she came to school with me, went to the principle, and knowing her scared the living daylights out of him. The teacher was gone the next day, and no one tried to make me eat greens again.
Of course, if I hadn’t been the ‘good girl’ who never got in trouble, and always did what she was told, I wouldn’t have sat there all those hours. But I was, plus we were all terrified of this teacher.
April 3rd, 2008 at 6:21 pm
Shadowsrider — I know where you found me. Stacey runs a fantastic blog. I don’t know a thing about horses, but she’s an excellent writer, funny, and seems to know everything!
Your story made me want to cry. I’m glad the teacher was let go, but you still had to go through such an ordeal! Why to teachers do that?! They’re supposed to watch out for kids, not traumatize them. Kids are so vulnerable, as it is, what with all the bullying and hurt feelings from other children. That teacher was in the absolute wrong profession!
Thanks for sharing your story. I know this was a sad post, but there’s much more fun stuff in the Junk Drawer. Please come back!
April 3rd, 2008 at 9:58 pm
Well, as you can see, I’m back already! LOL! Unfortunately I really have to get sleep tonight so only can rummage through a couple drawers…
April 4th, 2008 at 4:39 pm
Shadowsrider — If you comment on every single post I’ve ever written, I’ll send you a prize. Just kidding. That would probably kill you. Seriously, glad you’ve joined the club. Great to have you!
June 5th, 2008 at 1:20 pm
i have one grade school horror which is chorus i had to preform as a cowgirl named calamity jane and i never got rid of that
September 23rd, 2008 at 4:26 am
Hi Kathy, I have to tell you that I do have a miserable memory about grade shcool,which related to a teacher who grabbed my hair when she found out that I have forgotten to take a notebook she asked for.And that behavior hurt me so bad…But I decided not to tell my parent~ I was just a kid then.
Handbag for life’s last blog post..Marc Jacobs Spring 2009 Bags
September 23rd, 2008 at 7:06 pm
Handbag for life — Oh, so sorry to hear that. Do those teachers know that they’re scarring little kids? Someone should make them go back to school and see what it feels like to be young and helpless.
October 22nd, 2008 at 3:28 pm
Sorry for adding comments to posts from so long ago, but I just discovered your blog and I can’t help it! My grade-school horror story nearly got a teacher fired. She was my second-grade teacher, Mrs. Gregg, and she was truly just a horrible, cranky old woman. I was a good, obedient student, with one exception: I liked to talk. She caught me talking during class one day, pulled me up out of my chair by my shoulders, and shook me until my teeth rattled. I still had red fingernail marks on my shoulders when I went home, and my face was all red from crying. My mom went to the principal’s office the next day and completely unleashed hell on him. Mrs. Gregg had to apologize to me AND my mom. It really only made things worse, though…I think she hated me more than ever after that.
absepa’s last blog post..Insert Obligatory “DWTS” Commentary Here
October 22nd, 2008 at 6:39 pm
absepa — Oh, I welcome comments from older posts with open arms. I’m so sorry this happened to you and you can remember it so clearly. It’s inexcusable that a teacher would do something like this, and worse that it sounds like she held it against you. Some teacher, huh?
January 24th, 2009 at 11:25 pm
Kathy Says:
“October 22nd, 2008 at 6:39 pm
absepa — Oh, I welcome comments from older posts with open arms. I’m so sorry this happened to you and you can remember it so clearly. It’s inexcusable that a teacher would do something like this, and worse that it sounds like she held it against you. Some teacher, huh?”
OH GOD! Do I get an award for replying to this old of a post of yours???
I found your halarious website 4 hours ago and I can’t leave! For God’s sake lady, are you really posting from the local insane asylum? Tell the truth…seriously…HAVE YOU written a book, because, so help me Lord…I must get it NOW! (ok, I swear I never went to any Catholic schools, excuse the constant refrence to such a schooling! But I must tell you, one day in 4th grade my twin sister and I got caught switching classes after dressing alike. Only thing was, SHE 9the older and supposedly wiser of us) didnt listen when I said I would go to hers and my own English class as she would go to mine and hers Math class….the school developed a NEW plan of action after that dreadfully burnt into my memory day…if any sets of twins (there were 2 sets of us!) EVER were to come to school dressed alike again,our mother would be called and one of us would be forced to go home and change our outfits!..I get such pleasure out of dressing like my twin for 5-7 days every year in Twinsburg, Ohio for the Annual TwinsDays Festivals and at our AGE OF 58 years old now! …ok, I rambled, I just wanted you to know how much I love your site…I swear I am NOT stalking
February 14th, 2009 at 6:55 pm
PowersTwinB — Local insane asylum? Just about. I love, love, love your twin story! I always wondered if twins tried to get away with stuff like that. But it sounds like teachers everywhere are onto it. I always thought it was so cool about the Twinsburg, Ohio thing. Is it freaky to walk around seeing double? Thank you for commenting, and yes, I’m planning to write a book. I have the idea, I just have to get my act together and DO IT!
June 25th, 2009 at 1:24 pm
I had a great time in school, even in high school. Friends of mine that I have kept in touch with through the years have told me their school memories weren’t too great either but I remember we all had such amazing times. I hope we all still get to meet up at our high school reunions; it’s never too late to make great memories.