Noises Support Group Follow-Up
Stuff I hate November 7th, 2007If you were here on Sunday and joined the support group for people who are bothered by certain noises, you’ll know that Jeff from View From the Cloud invited people to join his local chapter, and I invited others to join here at The Junk Drawer. Since Jeff is scary-organized, he took meeting minutes and posted them on his blog.
Head on over and check ’em out. Just knock quietly before you enter.
What amazes me is the sheer number and odd nature of the noises that Jeff harvested from the comments that were left in his blog, my favorite of which is "hotdish ingredients being stirred." Of course, now that someone mentioned that, I’ll probably never make another casserole again.
I had no idea when I wrote my original post about my hyper-sensitive hearing skills that it would spawn such madness. I have Jeff to thank for suggesting this support group because clearly there are a lot of people in need of help.
To supplement Jeff’s list of noises that make our ears bleed, I’ve collected the ones left at the Pennsylvania chapter of our support group. Thank you Jeff, Marie, Regan, Peter, Maureen, JD, Terry, Cardiogirl, Gale, Steve, LindaF, MomThumb, and Bennie, for standing up and admitting your weaknesses.
The first step to recovery is realizing you have a problem. And, boy, do we have problems:
Pogo stick boings
Flyscreen security doors banging
People talking loudly
Cell phones (2)
Silence when trying to sleep
People clicking utensils against their teeth while eating
Snoring (2)
Excessive throat-clearing
Blaring car stereos (3)
Truck beeping while backing up
Clocks ticking
Alarm clocks
Mom’s nagging voice
Christmas tree lights that buzz
Styrofoam or cardboard rubbing against each other
24/7 Christmas-music radio stations
Cicadas/locusts/crickets (2)
Hockers and spitters
Elevator/store Muzak
Rap music
People who like to hear themselves talk
Screaming babies (2)
Fingernails on a chalkboard
Squeaky erasers
I’ll notify everyone of the next meeting when the time comes.
Until then, our group needs a name. When you head over to Jeff’s place, cast your vote in the comments box for one of these names suggested so far:
P.A.I.N. (People Annoyed with Incessant Noise)
Sounds without Bounds
S.L.A.P. (Sounds Leading to Aggravated People)
Noise without Joys
H.U.S.H. (Having Unusually Sensitive Hearing)
If you are visiting here for the first time and want to join, be sure to leave the noises that annoy you in the comments section. New members are always welcome, but don’t slam the door on your way out or someone will punch you in the face.

November 8th, 2007 at 11:54 am
I still have a few more… Like my cat when she’s trying to be fed, or 1-800 Service.
November 8th, 2007 at 1:39 pm
This is definitely going to catch on in a big way. And that’s probably not a good thing.
November 8th, 2007 at 2:19 pm
@ Regan — If you need to keep coming to meetings, I’ll write a note for your teacher to get you out of school. I’m not a doctor, but I play one in this blog.
@ JD — I used to think I was the only one who had a problem. Until I saw the lists of things that annoy others. With so much feedback, this thing could go national!
November 8th, 2007 at 5:22 pm
1. Spinning pen excessively on desk
2. Tapping pen constantly on hard surface
3. Dogs that snore all night
4. Wind chimes – during gale force winds
5. Tree limbs scratching on window pane
6. TV repeats
7. Misquitoes whilst sleeping
8. Neighbors hanging pictures at 11pm at night
9. Neighbors vacuuming at 11pm at night.
10. Neighbors at 11pm at night
11. Louder-than-usual motorcycles
Whew – and breathe
12. People who breathe really loudly.
Sorry. I’ll stop now.
November 8th, 2007 at 5:39 pm
Kathy, I think this may be backfiring. I’m now aware of another 29 irritating sounds I never considered before.
And now I’m hyperventilating.
And bothering CC.
November 8th, 2007 at 5:45 pm
CC — Welcome! It helps to get it out, doesn’t it? Course, you could get rid of almost half your list if you just take care of your neighbors. And by “take care of”, I mean kill them.
Jeff — Hey, buddy. This is your fault! You had the brilliant idea for a support group and now we’ve led people to believe we can actually help them! All it did was give me two dozen new noises to be bothered by.
Because someone in your state complained about how her refrigerator door drives her insane, the door to the one in our office started squeaking yesterday!!! And me without my WD-40~! Thank God I have a meeting soon and can get out of here. My head’s about to explode.
I’m putting this all on you, Jeff.
November 8th, 2007 at 10:09 pm
Woah, even more now.
People who think they sing good
Boring lectures that go nowhere
Ripping paper
People who make weird noises with their mouths
Loud tapping
Our shredder
Ohhhh. I’ll come to lots of meetings, then.
November 11th, 2007 at 8:02 pm
What’s strange is that many of these things bother me, and yet, I am also guilty of some of them–well, of loud talking in particular.
I have no internal filters, so I rarely realize how loud I’m talking. And my other pet peeve is when people say something to me about how loud I’m talking.
November 11th, 2007 at 8:35 pm
S & W — I think we’re all guilty of some of them. I’ve been a loud talker, too.
Love your blog. I’m always on the lookout for a curious sign to submit. Thanks for putting it together.
December 12th, 2007 at 1:03 pm
[…] Addendum: The results of our first meeting are posted here. […]
May 23rd, 2008 at 2:46 pm
i do that all the time this is bothers me
mrs.reilys talking
flipping book pages
the phone recorders
the people who sound like robots and
people yawning silently
May 24th, 2008 at 4:21 am
brooke — I love “people yawning silently.” What’s wrong with them?