Loving your curly hair
Stuff I don't hate July 29th, 2007I guess it’s true when you turn 40, you start trying to figure out how you can change the things you hate about yourself and start all over again. For me, it was coming to terms with my curly hair. For my entire life, I’ve spent thousands of hours fighting against the curl in front of a mirror, mostly with various hair dryers and assorted utensils trying to blow dry it straight. It never helped that other women told me how jealous they were that I had such beautiful curls. I wanted thick, straight hair that would actually move when my head did!
But when I hit the big 4-0, I finally decided enough was enough and started to listen to my friends and sisters when they suggested I learn to love my curls. I found a great stylist (Karen at The Artisan, 1222 W. Broad St., Bethlehem), thanks to my sister Marlene’s referral. For all the years of tears and anguish over hating my hair, I wasn’t done yet. There I sat in the chair, crying again. I just couldn’t imagine how she was going to get me to agree to “go curly” and convince me it would look right. But Karen turned out to be my hair’s new best friend. The first thing she told me was to grow it longer. I’d been seeing a different stylist for years, who told me it looked best short. I went like that for a good long while, believing she knew what she was talking about. It surprised me that I could have long hair again, AND it would look good in a curly style.
So my first visit with Karen was more a consultation than anything else. She did trim a little, but told me to come back when it grew another inch or so. When I did, she shaped it up nicely and then taught me how to “finger style it” without using much hot air from a dryer. Curly-haired women, I suppose, do have it good. But only if they know how to style it right. Here’s a site that covers the “must do’s” for your do.
Go forth and love your curls!

August 27th, 2008 at 10:58 am
I do exactly the same thing that Karen tells you to do with my curly hair. I finger style it and let it dry naturally. I figured this out a few years ago when I went camping and did not have the appliances or want to spend the time looking anything but natural. Once I accepted this look it really changed my whole approach to my curls… and it freed me too
Annie Keys’s last blog post..Electrolysis hair removal
August 27th, 2008 at 6:00 pm
Annie Keys — While I would love to let it air dry, I can only do that on the weekends when I have more time. My hair is incredibly thick, so it takes a very long time to dry by air. But I try to use the hair dryer as little as possible, and finger style it while drying on the low setting. Yes, it’s freedom to accept our curls the way they are, isn’t it? I’m so glad you commented on these curly hair posts! I think you and I are in the minority!
December 12th, 2008 at 2:45 pm
“Go forth and love your curls!”
Thanks, uhm, but I, uh, ain’t really got anything curly except … Never mind.
Beamer’s last blog post..White Geese
December 12th, 2008 at 5:18 pm
Beamer — I didn’t say “love your curlys,” but you can if you want. We’ll just leave it at that, K?
December 29th, 2009 at 11:49 am
I have the same problem with my curly hair. I want to grow it long but it is so heavy that i can’t.
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