Got milk?
embarrassing August 29th, 2007Dipping into the Embarrassing Picture files, I present for your ridicule more thinking-I’m-stylin’ clothes from the 70s. Here, my sister Ann and brother Mike are striking a pose holding what was known back in the day as "real milk." Not 2%, not 1%, not fat-free, and certainly not that scary skim, oddly-blue milk. Real, fattening, practically-a-milkshake milk.
Observe carefully. Our attire might have been described back then as nouveau Austrian chic, or now upon further reflection, more likely answered the question ‘How can we make an outfit with all these leftover scraps of mismatched fabric?’
I actually didn’t mind being clothed in things that matched my sister’s outfits. We are only two years apart, so we were often dressed like twins (same style, different colors). But did they have to be THIS hideous? I don’t even remember having this outfit. I may have been so traumatized that it was stricken from my memory. I’m curious if these were dresses or if there were pants that went with the tops. Best left to the imagination….. or not.
Reader survey: Our mother took us clothes shopping in downtown Easton at a place called The Surprise Shop, aptly-named, since apparently what we bought was quite a surprise. Does anyone remember this store? I have faint recollections of it being a long and narrow shop with creaky wood-plank flooring. It was located a block or two west of the old Woolworth’s on Northampton Street.

October 5th, 2007 at 2:12 pm
Yes, you were both wearing pants and I think I remember the Surprise Store – good place to shop if you had no budget for clothes.
BTW, I’m responsible for 99.9% of the Embarrassing Pictures – I always had my little Brownie Fiesta within reach most of my teen years – always had film and plenty of flash bulbs available.
October 5th, 2007 at 6:54 pm
@ Marlene — I have no recollection of a Brownie Fiesta in the house. You must have hid it somewhere, thinking (probably correctly) that one of us would break it.
Oh my God. Flash bulbs? Kids today must wonder how we survived before the digital age.
June 16th, 2008 at 12:47 pm
regans mom looked like regan
June 17th, 2008 at 5:02 pm
brooke — I agree. Like twins at that age!
June 18th, 2008 at 12:41 pm
I often had dresses the same, only in a different colour, as one of my sisters. Only two years between us and we definitely looked like twins.
No such loud colours for us as it was way back in the 50’s. In the late fifties we had polka dot dresses and full skirted slips (Real Grease style) That’s when clothes began to get more colourful :O)
Babs – beetle’s last blog post..Not guilty.
June 18th, 2008 at 4:59 pm
Babs beetle — Yes, Ann and I almost always dressed alike, with subtle variation in the colors. We are 2.5 years apart, so we traveled like twins. I’m sure you could have nothing like the above picture. One of a kind, for sure!