10 Things That Annoy Me
cats, Fun, Stuff I hate September 13th, 2007I’m cranky this week because it’s been so busy at work that I thought Tuesday was Thursday already. It really felt like four days’ worth of work crammed into two. We have our old ugly furniture paired with our new tables and now it looks like Unclaimed Salvage & Freight in my living room. And we’re starting to wonder if La-z-Boy will ever send us our new furniture. I have to fight for space at my kitchen sink because my fat cat insists on drinking her water straight from the faucet … and I keep letting her. How stupid am I? Don’t answer that. Plus a spider may have just crawled into my cup of coffee.
What better time to post a list of 10 things that annoy me. I’m so in the mood!
1. People who can’t control their car alarms. Guess what? No one cares if your car is getting broken into, stolen or damaged in any way. In fact, is there anything I can do to help?
2. People who pay for groceries with a check. A check? Are you kidding me?
3. Brittney Spears. Tell me, why is she still here? After Sunday’s MTV Music Awards disaster she needs to pack up her lingerie in a really tiny suitcase and call it a day. Call it a career, actually. And take your dancing pole with you.
4. Billy Mays, the ear-piercing, high-octane infomercial pitchman for OxyClean and something orange that cleans everything. I can never get to the mute button fast enough.
5. People who let their dogs crap on my lawn, and then walk away. You’re supposed to be carrying it around in bags, aren’t you? And, by the way, how does that steaming pile of poo feel when you pick it up with your bare hand from the inside of the bag? Reason number #284 why cats rule.
6. Red light runners. Um, you do know you can kill people doing that, right?
7. Microsoft for too many reasons to list. But just for today, you annoy me because you think everyone has the 20/20 vision of an 18-year-old. Why on God’s green earth can’t you make the Office 2007 program buttons bigger? You know, the ones people use a hundred times a day? Plus now to open the File menu, you have to click that big gumball Office logo, that’s if people even know what it is.
8. That lady who drove practically attached to my trunk yesterday who was not only talking on a cell phone but smoking a cigarette. It was fun to watch how you managed that and I did want to see you get into an accident, just not with me.
9. Hard plastic packaging you have to risk life and limb cutting open. Since when did a $10 cable require Fort Knox protection? Seriously, can’t it just go in a box with a lid?
10. This video and accompanying song. I stumbled onto it a while back and now every time I see a furniture commercial, I’m reminded of it. Not as bad as Pop Goes the Weasel, but it’s in the general vicinity. Beware.
Please don’t write me to say "lighten up." If you do, you’re going to make my next list.

September 13th, 2007 at 10:59 am
Oh my. I had to stop watching it. I think I’m going to have nightmares now.
Well, here’s some things that annoy me…
1. Know-it-alls. I mean really, if you were that smart6 you wouldn’t be rotting in 6th grade, you’d be in collage.
2. People who beg me for something as small as a cookie. I said no, deal with it.
3. Video game obsessed people. Just shut up about it already.
4. Corny jokes. Let’s eat CORN while telling CORNy jokes!
5. People who call me ‘Reg’. My name is short enough, don’t make it shorter.
6. People who disagree with me even though I’m positive I’m right.
7. People who think everything I like is stupid. Hey, maybe I think what you like it stupid.
8. At the store when the fat people park closet to the entrance.
9. People who sit in front of me at the movies in an otherwise empty theater. I mean really, it’s EMPTY find another seat!
10. People who ask me if I’m okay if I’m either screaming, crying, or bleeding. YEs, I’m bleeding a whole lot, it hurts like heck, but I’m fine
September 13th, 2007 at 12:59 pm
Kathy, how about people who ask you if your childbirth was painful? Would that count as annoying? I have decided that the next time someone asks me that, I’m going to answer, “Why no, I didn’t feel much at all, it was just like passing a little gas!”
How stupid are people?! It IS just like passing a Bowling Ball!
September 13th, 2007 at 1:18 pm
A.D., yes I’d say that question qualifies as both stupid and annoying. You have my sympathies. No way I could do it. I’d ask to be knocked out, and “wake me when it’s over.”
September 13th, 2007 at 6:45 pm
Decaf Kathy, you need decaf! But, I have to admit that I agree with every single one you said. In fact, I would have sworn you were quoting me.
Only difference? I would have slammed on my brakes just to enjoy the woman eating my bumper. Yes, I am mean. And I also drive an old car and wouldn’t mind getting a new one . . .
September 13th, 2007 at 8:58 pm
Sometimes with people like that, I will slam my brakes. But I’m careful to at least allow some room in case they don’t react in time. Cuz you know the last thing you need is to have an accident and then you have to get out and TALK to them. I prefer keep the idiots anonymous 🙂
September 14th, 2007 at 12:05 am
As Jerry Seinfeld says, “People….they’re the worst.”
September 14th, 2007 at 9:34 am
Regan, Just so you know, it doesn’t get any better when you’re my age! It’s still like grade school!
Ann, indeed they are!
September 14th, 2007 at 10:53 am
I also hate people who interrupt my conversations. But, people, they’re the worst!
September 20th, 2007 at 2:16 am
I’ll broaden #8 to include every driver who talks on the cell phone and/or rides your bumper. I’ll also add drivers behind you who have their bright lights on at night. You know what, let’s just make #8 “every annoying thing a bad driver can or will do.”
With all that said, I totally agree with you on #8.
September 27th, 2007 at 4:43 am
hmmm I’d almost say that you stole my list of annoyances, aside from shiny things, I like the little distractions in life sometimes
September 27th, 2007 at 10:07 am
@ Corivus — I’m working on another list of things that annoy me. There are SO many things!
Thanks for dropping by!
July 9th, 2008 at 4:20 am
britney shud be banned from wearing lingerie, she ill fits it!!
July 10th, 2008 at 6:36 pm
victoria — I have a feeling Britney will be banned from a lot of things if she doesn’t get her act together. I actually feel sorry for her.
October 13th, 2008 at 3:32 am
Sorry Kathy, but the video?Oh the singing man looks stupid.There is one thing.Can I ask your permission for your cat?You know I want to link one to my blog.
Purse lady’s last blog post..Clutch or laptop?
October 13th, 2008 at 4:29 pm
Purse lady — I’m tempted to play the video again because I haven’t seen it in a while, but I just can’t bring myself to do it! You can have my cat!
March 15th, 2010 at 9:32 am
Really, only 10 things? I’m currently hating on PUNS, puns that your Dad make, also known as Dad puns. Also, people who quote lines from a tv show they have just seen and think it is amusing to do so, only you haven’t seen the show and have no idea what they are on about. Arrgh, stress.
April 15th, 2010 at 6:25 am
This trend with artists showing up in their fancy lingerie is maybe nice for spectators, but it surely looks “corny”. I saw Lily Allen some time ago in a purple lingerie outfit too – and of course Britney Spears – dress up!