My boob tube can beat up your boob tube
Stuff I don't hate September 19th, 2007Before the Great Furniture Hunt, there was the Great HDTV Television Acquisition. I hadn’t really thought much about our new TV until word got out that we had it. I know it’s an awesome set, but I didn’t know how awesome until I mentioned to a few people what we bought.
People — OK, men mostly — would start salivating and pepper me with questions, as though I’d just told them I rode on the Space Shuttle. "Tell us more! Is it just like they say? Is it like you’ve seen God? Two of my colleagues invited themselves over to watch football, and I’m afraid my Dad’s going to want one for Christmas.
For the record, it’s a 46" Sony Bravia Full HD 1080, WCG-CCFL, 7000:1, HDTV with HDMI. I have absolutely no idea what all that means except that the picture is simply gorgeous, especially when viewing HD channels. And that’s all I need to know. The above picture is a shot I took on the actual set. Soak it in, baby. Soak it in.
Buying this TV was very easy. For me, at least. Dave did all the heavy lifting, researching the differences between multiple brands of HD sets, the features offered on all of them, and what add-on purchases you should make for the best possible viewing experience.
When it was time to make the purchase, we went to Tweeter in Whitehall, PA on good authority that they know what they’re talking about and don’t strong-arm you into making a buy. We were pleasantly surprised at how true this turned out to be. I’d give a shout-out to the guy who helped us, but I just can’t remember his name. Sorry, Tweeter Guy.
Here’s how it all started. It could have gone a lot faster, if I wasn’t so annoyed by the stupidest things. The list is long and I sometimes wonder how Dave puts up with me. But that’s a post for another day.
"Kath, now this is the one we should get. It’s the Sony Bravia XBR3. The best."
"I don’t like it."
"It has a shiny frame."
"See. It has this stupid shiny frame around it and it’s going to annoy me."
"Because I’ll see all the light reflected in it. It’s distracting."
"Oh, for God’s sake. You hate everything, don’t you?"
"And how long have we been married and you don’t know this already? Where’ve you been?"
Now we’re in big trouble because I’m not going to let Dave buy the set he really wanted and we start looking around at all the other models. The ones that don’t have the distracting shiny frame.
Tweeter Guy is just the most patient salesman in the world. He graciously shows us around and explains all the features of the other sets, trying to get us as close as possible to the desired one. But first I make him change to a different movie that’s running on nearly all of them because there happens to be a big bug crawling around in one scene. I can’t look at bugs, real or otherwise. I can’t even look at them in print. Freaks me all out. Dave rolls his eyes. Tweeter Guy is right on it. He can smell a sale and he’ll do whatever it takes.
Once we have the sets showing non-bug-infested movies, I now insist that he show us other channels. The stores will always demonstrate HDTVs in high definition mode for obvious reasons. It just looks so much better. But I need to see how a non-HD channel will look. He puts on the Food Network and now we have a face full of Emeril "BAM!" Lagasse. Ugh. Switch it back to HD, please.
After about an hour of looking at all the sets in the store, and Dave and Tweeter Guy discussing the finer points between them, we finally settle on the Bravia 1080, which has an un-shiny frame. We plunk down a rather large amount of money and off we go.
When the set arrived, Dave gave the delivery guy 25 bucks to set it up and configure the internal settings just right to get the best picture. And what a picture it is.
There is one fact that I’m sure all the actors and actresses in Hollyweird are lamenting with the advent of HDTVs and that’s that their faces look incredibly bad. I urge you, if you buy an HDTV, prepare yourselves for some of your favorite stars looking really awful in high-def. You can see all their flaws and all the makeup they use trying to hide their flaws. HD is brutally unforgiving. I never want to see Larry King in high-def. EVER.
What looks best, of course, are all the HD channels. With our cable provider we get about 20 of them. Regular channels still look better than they did on our old set, so there are improvements there, too. To give you an idea how mesmerizing it is to watch TV in HD, I’ve become a fan of the Discovery HD Theater channel. It features a program called Sunrise Earth which runs a full hour with a camera trained on a single scene in nature.
Yesterday I watched a sequoia tree for fifteen minutes. A tree. For fifteen minutes. Next week they’re airing an episode called Milk Cows in the Morning and next month is Bison before Breakfast. Swear to God. And I’m going to watch it and love it. Think I’m crazy? You go and buy yourself an HDTV and see if you don’t find yourself staring at cows and bison and trees and come back and tell me if it isn’t the most beautiful thing you’ve ever seen in the televised world.
I gotta go. Wildflower Elk just came on.

September 20th, 2007 at 2:10 am
This is great. You’ve probably already been told this, but you are a very good story teller. There is a flow to your writing that’s very nice.
BTW: How did seeing Emeril Laggase on a 46″ TV not make you swear off television completely?
September 20th, 2007 at 10:29 am
Kev – Well now isn’t THAT a nice way to start my day? Thanks, very much appreciated. Likewise, Special Kind of Stupid is a joy to read. It’s my blog away from blog.
Now stop making me think of Emeril “Yeah, we know you like garlic” Lagasse.
September 20th, 2007 at 10:47 am
Ew. I hate Emeril, too.
But I gotta go and watch stupid people I don’t like do stupid things I will make fun of in my mind. So long!
September 20th, 2007 at 5:28 pm
Never heard a word of it…”constructive criticism,” maybe…..
Wanton abuse of others’ psyche, sometimes….complain? Never!
September 20th, 2007 at 11:48 pm
You’re very welcome. And thanks for the reciprocal compliment. I do believe you’re first to state SKOS is a “joy to read.”
You’re right, Emeril is obsessed with garlic. And pork fat. And whatever that “essence” stuff is.
September 21st, 2007 at 12:12 am
@ Kev — Well, I’ll tell you. Half of those blogs over at humor-blogs are too high-brow or low-brow for my tastes. You fall right in the cozy middle.
April 4th, 2008 at 4:28 pm
I know exactly what you mean about HD and the discovery channel. I watched the entire Planet Earth series in HD. I was mezmerized. I will rarely watch a show that is not in HD.
Married Leos’s last blog post..Good Morning Sunshine
April 4th, 2008 at 4:43 pm
Married Leos — Do you have pets? One of my 3 cats actually watches HD! If she catches something moving on the screen, she’ll sit and stare for a good long while. The first thing I do when I turn on the TV is check the HD channels. Our provider adds more periodically. I wish every station was HD. It’s something, ain’t it?
April 5th, 2008 at 11:52 am
Kathy….here I sit still reading your posts. I’m almost finished with ‘GREATEST HITS’. On the ‘To Do List’ next is rummage through THE JUNK DRAWER.
The comments to your posts are as entertaining as the posts themselves.
I have to add, your niece sure has a way with words! Thanks to you and your readers for all the laughs and dredging up memories of all sorts!
April 5th, 2008 at 4:54 pm
Sue — You made my day! I’m flattered you’re taking time to make your way through the drawer. I feel like you just handed me the Pulitzer Prize! You make a very keen observation. I remarked just the other day that my readers are some of the most loyal and hilarious people in the blogosphere. I’m deeply, deeply grateful that people keep coming back here for my stuff. I laugh harder at the comments I get than some of the stuff I write or the pictures I put up. I think I get more from readers than they get from me! Thanks again for the compliments. Oh, and yes, Regan is a hoot!
May 31st, 2008 at 2:02 pm
You should never purchase from Tweeter. They have helpful staff, but their prices are ridiculous. If you keep any eye on fatwallet and slickdeals, you will almost always find a better deal.
June 3rd, 2008 at 5:44 pm
my dad got a big screen tv and hd and soround sound when u watch movies it feels like ur their
June 3rd, 2008 at 6:13 pm
Michael — Too late! I don’t want to look back now and see how much we overspent. It’d kill me. Thanks for dropping by!
brooke — My husband has yet to set up the awesome audio system he’s been working on. I’m a little afraid when that day comes. I might be blown right out of my living room.
June 5th, 2008 at 1:14 pm
no you just feel like u are there
dont watch war movies u feel like u are going to get shot
June 25th, 2008 at 8:46 am
Kathy – It’s ok. They do have really good tech support and helpful staff. They also are very helpful if something goes wrong with your tv. They have a more inflated price because of the expertise they provide, which I tend not to need. Don’t worry so much about price if you got the tv you want and knowledge to get the appropriate tv for you.
August 23rd, 2008 at 11:51 pm
that hdtv is so good…what a great picture on it
August 24th, 2008 at 7:44 pm
flat panel televisions — And the Olympics was an absolute joy to watch on it. Especially the over the top, colorful opening ceremonies. Best purchase we ever made.
December 31st, 2008 at 2:13 pm
I think the TV’s with the shiny trim look the best. They always look so clean and simple.
Canon Camera Reviews’s last blog post..Canon PowerShot SD880 IS Review – 10.0MP
December 31st, 2008 at 2:22 pm
Canon Camera Reviews — I don’t know. I’m distracted by the most annoying things. Although we did just stick the Wii Fit sensor on top of our set and I don’t even notice it anymore. Maybe I should have gone for the shiny one!
May 12th, 2010 at 2:44 pm
Watching Boobs on a HDTV? Oiya! Watching sequoia? Is this a case of nature versus natural versus au naturel?