Seinfeld’s kitchen and me
work September 14th, 2007So yesterday new partitions went up in my office. They separate me from a pile of laptops and equipment we loan out to faculty to use in classrooms. I used to have a wide open space, but now I’m almost totally insulated and I have to tell you, it’s very weird. I can’t see or hear people coming, and even when they announce themselves, I’m usually jumping out of my seat when they appear around the partition. I may need to invest in a driveway mirror, a bell, a webcam trained on the door, or all of the above.
I’ll get used to it over time, but right now it feels a little like this:

September 17th, 2007 at 2:27 am
Hi Kathy! You have a wicked blog, lots of fun observations. I feel for you, about the new office space. I’d feel claustrophobic there. Get your mirrors and web-cams ready!
P.S. No, you don’t look like Cher, don’t worry. ^^
September 17th, 2007 at 10:09 am
Kitty — Thanks for stopping by!
My space is kinda strange. When I’m in my cubicle, it doesn’t feel so small. It’s having to walk around the big walls that gives it the cramped feeling. I might re-arrange some things, like moving a bookcase that you can’t see in the pictures. That’s the piece that gets in the way sometimes and I’m a klutz, so I can see myself running into it now and then. It’s a barrister bookcase, and so I’m afraid I might bump it just the wrong way and break the glass on the front of it.
I have some tweaking to do!
June 12th, 2008 at 3:29 am
finally i find your post “Seinfeld’s kitchen and me” this is great posting. thanks
June 12th, 2008 at 4:51 pm
indri — Thanks, and come back again. There’s more weird stuff in here.