It’s Not Easy Being Green
embarrassing, food, Stuff I hate October 23rd, 2007Warning: This is yet another post about stuff that goes on at my grocery store. You might think I’m there everyday. You’d be almost right. See, our grocery store is just two blocks from my house, which makes running in for a few items on the way home from work too easy. I promise I’ll get back to non-grocery store posts as soon as annoying things stop happening there.
So I run over to get some cat food since we’re almost out. I’ve been given very specific flavor requirements by Dave, who thinks the cats can actually tell the difference between generic slop and Diet Ocean Whitefish Supreme. Um, they lick their butts clean every day. Do you think they have a flavor preference in the food they eat?
Before I head in the store, I remember to grab my cloth "environmentally-friendly" shopping bag out of the back seat of my car. I don’t use it enough as I should, but this time I remember to bring it. I’m trying to do my part to minimize plastic consumption in our household.
Once in the cat food aisle, I peruse the selections. I cannot find the diet version of ocean whitefish, so I grab a ton of cans of regular ocean whitefish. We’re all gaining weight in the house, so the cats can join in the insanity. A family that eats together gets fat together. I also grab a ton of salmon-flavored and then a bunch of cans that have pretty-colored labels. By the way, that’s also how I root for football teams. If I like your uniforms, you’re in!
A few more incidentals later, I queue up to the self-checkout line, cloth bag in hand. No sooner do I start scanning my items does a bagger from another aisle come over to start loading my items in a plastic bag. I quickly warn her "I have my own. Thanks." She retreats.
I scan some more items and a different store employee comes over and asks "Paper or plastic?" I reply, "Neither. I have my own bag. See?" He leaves to go bag someone else’s stuff.
I’m almost done scanning now, but I can see a cashier leave his now-empty checkout lane and approach my bagging area. By now I look like Medusa with snakes writhing out of my head and fire balls rocketing out my eyes.
I HAVE MY OWN BAG!!! I’m sure he thought I was demented. Or, perhaps by the appearance of my thirty cans of cat food and little else, I was just one of those Crazy Cat Ladies. No matter. He left my aisle and walked away with a story to tell his teenaged friends about the woman who went all postal on him for trying to be helpful. I’m sure they’ll call me something colorful. Bag Lady Bitch has a nice ring.
I’m hoping before I die, it will be commonplace to walk in a store with our own shopping bags and we’ll look back and ask ourselves how we could have been so wasteful "back in the day." Until then, I’ll keep fighting the "paper or plastic" question. But I’ll try to be a little nicer to those who ask. Besides, I’m sure I’ll find myself back in the store tomorrow to get something I forgot today, and I don’t want them running away when they see me coming. With my bag.

October 24th, 2007 at 12:36 am
It’s because cats lick their butts that they need special, fancy cat food!
And good on you for doing your part for the environment, Crazy Bag Lady!
October 24th, 2007 at 2:45 am
I have a bunch of 99 cent Trader Joe’s bags that are awesome. I keep them in the back of my car. My problem is, I usually have two little ones in tow and although I remember up until I actually go into the store, that I am going to take them, I often get to checkout and realize I forgot them, in the car. If I am alone, I will run out and get them. If I have my kids, I have to choose paper or plastic. What is funny is thatr I take them to other grocery stores and there is a store that balks because it says “Trader Joe’s” and they tried to get me to buy their canvas bags and I was like “are you gonna sell me my food or what? why would I buy MORE bags just to shop at your store?” Sheesh, sorry, I should habve just written a blog post about it.
October 24th, 2007 at 2:49 am
I use the plastic grocery bags for garbage bags.
Now that I think about it, what IS a good alternative for garbage bags? If you use paper, you’re killing trees. If you use plastic, your polluting the landfills. Kind of damned if you do and damned if you don’t.
What do you use?
October 24th, 2007 at 9:03 am
@ JD — Well that’s another way to look at it! All kidding aside, I do usually try to get flavors they like more than others. But if I can’t find it in 2 seconds flat, they get whatever I grab!
@SOTJ — Well, you’re more dedicated than I am. I often forget my bag in the car, but I won’t run out to get it. It’s ludicrous that they wouldn’t let you use your Trader Joe’s bags. Why in the world would they care? Unless their bags are diamond-encrusted and have a high markup, there’s no incentive to sell theirs over letting you use yours. I’d take my business elsewhere!
@ Jeff — I use my plastic bags for toting stuff around, mostly as lunch bags. I bring them back home and stick them in my “bag of bags.” When it’s overstuffed, I drop a bunch in the bins at my store. I guess the trick is to keep using them over and over, and take as few new ones as possible.
As for garbage bags, I use Glad ForceFlex, which really do let you stuff it to the max. I use less kitchen trash bags that way. It’s an example of a product that really does what it’s advertised to do.
October 24th, 2007 at 10:42 am
That’s how I root for foot balls teams… sometimes.
Our cats get different flavors of Fancy Feast. They seem to like it. Or at least Sissy does. Poor Tooty can’t get there before she’s done!
October 24th, 2007 at 10:49 am
Wow, Regan. Fancy Feast? Your cats must feel like they’re livin’ in the Waldorf.
October 24th, 2007 at 1:10 pm
That is a great blog name: Crazy Bag/Cat Lady…
I hate my grocery store so much I avoid it (hence the candy corn for lunch)… but yesterday when I was trying to convince my kids that (cold) canned beans and tomatoes mixed together was the “salad” at dinner, I realized it might be time to brave the aisles (and the crazy people who run them) soon…
October 24th, 2007 at 2:10 pm
@ MadMad — My sister and I always say that we should be able to buy everything we need and have it delivered to our doorsteps, including groceries. It’s part of a grand effort to stay home as much as possible to avoid the crazies.
Nothin’ wrong with a bean and tomato salad. I have a post in the works about such a thing (How to Make The Amazing No-Lettuce Kathy Salad). Look for it over the next few weeks.
November 5th, 2007 at 4:08 pm
Supermarkets and bagging eh? In England they don’t even have regular baggers there for you, they expect you to do all the work. They even scan the items superfast to make you work as hard as possible to unstick the sides of the bag to open the freaking thing!
November 5th, 2007 at 4:20 pm
CC — I’m lucky that my store has baggers, perhaps too many. I’d rather they take the excess baggers and have them work at the deli, where extra hands are really needed. I can never get quick service there unless all the planets are in a certain alignment.
I feel your pain!
January 6th, 2010 at 10:46 pm
Crazy Bag/Cat Lady? Oh I am sure they will give you a little more top notch name like: Crazy Cat Lady Bag Bitch. Lol Hang in there someday the rest of the world will catch up!
January 18th, 2010 at 1:03 am
I like this bag, when i go to supermarket use plastic bag. Now i have the idea what kind of bag i bought when i go to supermarket.I use this Crazy Cat lady bag.try this one
.-= Gems bags ´s last blog ..Sugababes tell us their style secrets =-.