I’ve Been Accused of Plagiarism
literary October 18th, 2007You read that right. I have been accused of plagiarism, but not as a blogger. I have plenty of juice left. In fact, I’m just getting started. I have no interest in copying others, mostly because there’s no fun in that. And, oh yeah. It’s illegal.
But since I do wonder if anyone is plagiarizing me, I use a site called Copyscape, where you submit your blog URL and it crawls the web for places where your work has been duplicated. Stolen, actually. I did find one site that took my entire The Day I Didn’t Die post and translated it into German. It’s a junk site plastered with ads. Evidently, they lift posts to drive you to their site and try to get you to buy garbage when you get there.
After discovering Copyscape, I was reminded of the one time in my life that I was officially accused of plagiarism. I was a sophomore in high school and in danger of failing music class. I don’t understand music theory, I can’t read sheet music since the symbols look cartoony to me, and of course, I can’t carry a tune to save my life. I was failing on all cylinders.
My teacher offered me an opportunity for extra credit so I could pull myself up to a passing grade. I gladly took her up on it. She gave me a few options and I chose to listen to a piece of classical music, then write a story about what I thought the music was trying to say.
I can’t remember what piece I wrote about, but I do know I listened to it over and over in the living room one weekend and knocked out not a story, but a poem, about what it meant.
The piece began with a very peaceful melody, then gradually progressed into a cacophony of what sounded like every instrument in the orchestra, later relaxing and making a soothing exit. I thought it sounded like a storm rolling into a valley, shaking things up, and then rolling out. That’s what my poem was about and I was pretty happy with what I’d written.
And then I turned it in.
While we were taking our final exam, I noticed her reading it at her desk. When the class was over, she called me up and asked me point blank "Did you write this?"
I told her "Yes, this weekend."
"It doesn’t sound like you wrote it. It sounds like you copied it," she protested.
"But I did write it. I listened to the piece all weekend and that’s what I thought it said to me."
"Did anyone see you write it?"
"Yes, my parents did. You can ask them."
"I will."
Now, you might think I should have been insulted and horrified to be accused of plagiarizing someone else’s work. But I wasn’t. It was the most flattering thing I’d ever heard since my English teacher suggested I go to a creative arts camp the summer before. It was the first time in my life that I thought I might have a talent for writing. I left the class on Cloud 9, when other students might have left in tears.
My teacher did get confirmation from my parents that I wrote the poem myself. She might have felt bad afterwards for accusing me of stealing, but she was only doing her job. The accusation left a marked impression on me. If she thought my work was so good it couldn’t have been my own, maybe — just maybe — someday I could call myself a writer.
Someday is today.

October 19th, 2007 at 12:41 am
Nice post with a great story. I lift funny, interesting and nice things through my stumbling of the web and don’t really consider it plagerism because I most always say where it came from or who wrote it. I just want to share something nice with others and the link to the original acts a steering device for others to go to the original origin and see their other stuff. Once again, nice story. Thanks for stopping by as well.
October 19th, 2007 at 12:43 am
And that’s the way to blog well! Give credit where credit is due.
Thanks for the visit! Your blog is fun. I have to check out your other two.
October 19th, 2007 at 2:10 am
I probably would have been the one to cry; good for you for seeing the (albeit backhanded) compliment… Only I would have hoped she’d have apologized and then praised you when she found out you DID write it. Did she?
October 19th, 2007 at 4:05 am
I’ve been there. No, I haven’t been accused of plagiarism, but I HAVE had one of my blog articles published someplace else.
Google “charlie sheen atlanta braves” and you’ll find an article I wrote on my blog. You’ll also find another site with the exact same article, word for word.
I was going to take legal action, but then I noticed the last sentence of the article giving me credit.
But if it happens again, I’m suing.
October 19th, 2007 at 10:52 am
I hate those junk sites. Everything is crapier than it looks.
October 19th, 2007 at 11:01 am
@ Maureen — Not that I recall. But I wouldn’t have expected her to anyway. Let’s just say she wasn’t one of my favorite teachers. At the time, all I cared about was the compliment (you’re right, a backhanded one), and getting a passing grade. I wasn’t one to question authority or seek retribution if I was wronged. I went to Catholic school. Does that explain things?
@ Kev — My “German” post has since disappeared. I don’t know that I would have tried to take action had it stayed up. As for your experience, I guess it helped in the long run. I see he linked back to your other work on AC. But still.
October 19th, 2007 at 11:06 am
@ Regan, while we’re on the subject of crappy sites, make sure you’re using Firefox with the AdBlock Plus extension installed. It blocks in-page ads, leaving just white space where the ad would be. After you install it, go over to the same page in Internet Explorer and you will see a night and day difference. Let me know if you need help getting it installed.
Instructions if you want them:
October 19th, 2007 at 5:40 pm
That Copyscape thing is cool. I plugged in my blog just now and found out that my most popular post has been republished in it’s entirety about 5 different times. Fortunately every one but one listed my blog as the source reference. That’s pretty cool that it picked them up. Thanks for the head’s up.
October 19th, 2007 at 5:47 pm
@ Jeff — Yes, it’s nice. I believe I heard about it over at superbloggingtips.com.
I notice you get 10 searches a month for free, which is probably plenty enough. Every now and then I like to take a look. They offer a Premium package, too. at five cents per search. Sounds very reasonable to me.
Really dig your blog!
October 20th, 2007 at 5:37 am
In all fairness, if you don’t want stuff you write to show up elsewhere, the first thing you should do is turn off the RSS/(or Atom) syndication feeds.
Jeff, is the article actually stolen, or is it just a feed from your site? There’s a big difference. One is cut/paste without permission into an article authored by another person; and the other is simply using a copy of your site content that was created precisely for this purpose. I run a site where I collect lots of interesting feeds, along with my own work and that of other members of the site. It’s one big collection of interesting articles from the world over. None of it is stolen, although I’ve been accused of this quite often.
October 20th, 2007 at 10:42 am
Hey, I didn’t know about Copyscape! That’s pretty cool. Sadly, no one wants to plagiarize me.
October 20th, 2007 at 10:53 am
J.D. — I’m all about sharing my stuff, as long as it’s properly attributed to me. It’s the sites who can make money off me that is annoying. Hey, I’m not even making money off this thing!
April 7th, 2010 at 12:25 am
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