And the Award Goes To……
Fun November 13th, 2007I’m blushing because this week I received not one, but two, awards for The Junk Drawer. Applause, applause! Let’s start the show.
Bucky at The WVb (West Virginia Blogger) awarded me with the Be The Blogger Award. This award was created by Mark at Me And My Drum to recognize bloggers who make their blogs their own, give it everything they’ve got, are interactive with their readers and know how to have fun!
I do feel I am my blog. And I’m thrilled that I have a decent amount of loyal readers. I try to make your visits worth the click. It’s very gratifying that people keep coming back to The Drawer, day after day. Thanks everyone!
My second award is the You Make Me Smile Award, given to me by Moonshadow at Kansas Born. She says I crack her up, which has been the goal of The Junk Drawer ever since I gave up giving boring tech support tips. I am truly honored.
I’m spreading the love by tagging a few fellow bloggers for these awards:
J.D. at I Do Things So You Don’t Have To for her laugh out loud funny and for blog originality. I Do Things is my blog away from blog.
Kev at Special Kind of Stupid for Best Blog Name and his dry sense of humor.
Karl at The Frog Bog for his slightly twisted view on life. Karl rocks.
Jeff at View from the Cloud for his creativity and hilarity. Jeff is the brainchild behind our Noises Support Group, and that deserves an award of its own.
Cardiogirl at Cardiogirl: 19% Body Fat 100% Fun for her refreshing, honest and fun blog. Her stories are both heart-warming and hilarious, done just right.
Terry at Bent Objects. Terry is an extraordinarily talented wire sculptor who I predict is going to make The Big Time for his creative, fun and thought-provoking art.
Maureen at I’d Rather Be Blogging for her cozy, comfy mixed bag of a blog. I feel right at home here.
Bethany at The "Blog" of "Unnecessary" Quotation Marks for Best Specialty Blog. Her blog is the reason I’m going to get in a car accident because I’m driving around looking for signs to submit to her site instead of watching the road.
Thanks Bucky and Moonshadow for the awards. I’m humbled and happy that my little 4-month-old blog brings a smile to your faces.
I’m going to change out of my designer gown, kick off my shoes and take my hair down now. I got all dressed up for this award ceremony, you know! Roll credits…….

November 14th, 2007 at 1:17 am
WOO!!!!!! Congratulations! Both awards are well-deserved. You definitely put so much into your posts and are so much fun to read.
Your success is evident in your great community of loyal readers.
Thanks for including me on your list! I’m certainly in good company–I’ve checked out most of those blogs, and they’re great.
Hooray for Awards Night!
November 14th, 2007 at 1:29 am
Thanks, JD. I really appreciate that, and I’m so glad I found your blog. Remember my haiku? I think that was my first post at your place.
November 14th, 2007 at 1:38 am
Well deserved my friend – you and your blog rock the house.
And thank you for the nods and the cool badge. I’ll wear it with pride!
November 14th, 2007 at 2:28 am
I’ve been sporadic about posting and bloghopping lately, so tonight I was just getting the cobwebs out of the corners and putting a cool new widget thingy up. I saw your picture in the MyBlogLog picture and I realized I didn’t have you on my blogroll. My blogroll is pretty much for my own purposes- it’s where I put the blogs I dig. So I stopped on by to link to you and BAM! (as Emeril would say) there was a shiny award! How about that? Pretty cool, huh? Makes me wonder how many other blogs are out there with awards for me that I haven’t seen yet. If there’s 80 million blogs, I’ll need to make some coffee to stay up long enough to find them all.
Thanks a bunch for the shout out, Kathy. On my first blogoversary last week I thought about what I wanted the blog to be, what I wanted to say, how things have changed over the last year, etc. Then I was like “forget this- time for cake.”
I think that only by seeming a bit insane at times am I able to stay sane most times. Maybe. I think.
Wow, this is a long comment, so I’m not gonna proofread it. Here goes.
November 14th, 2007 at 4:05 am
Congratulations! Well deserved! You really do have a very funny blog…and this is coming from a guy who enjoys very funny stuff. In fact, I only choose the finest of funny stuff. That is why I shop here for it. Great job, Kathy. A virtual “Toast” to you. –Mike
November 14th, 2007 at 10:09 am
Good job Kathy! I do believe I met you and JD simultaneously over at her haiku fest. Good times!
When I read the title of the award “Be The Blog” I immediately thought of a SpongeBob episode. I’m betting you don’t watch him, but he is kind of amusing even if the watching is forced.
Anyway there was one episode about a crane game — you know those ones that have a ton of stuffed animals and for 50 cents you get one chance at moving the crane, pressing a button and perhaps picking up a stuffed animal.
Well SpongeBob is really good at it and Squidward sucks. So SpongeBob tutors Squidward and he says, very seriously, as a mantra: “Be the crane. Be the crane.”
This is a long set up for a comment, isn’t it? Anyway, that’s how I said it in my head when I saw the words “Be the blog.”
Um, yeah. So in conclusion Congratulations and thanks for the nod! It’s so nice to be recognized and appreciated. Thank you!
November 14th, 2007 at 10:48 am
@ Mike — Thanks for the toast! And I’m glad I found your blog, too. Nice to be rubbing shoulders with someone who writes professionally and I still can’t get over the fact that you got a story picked up for a movie. This is just way cool. Cheers!
@ Cardiogirl — Loved the Spongebob story! See, THAT’S why I keep coming back to your blog. I like your style!
@ Frogster — First, you ARE your blog. It shows and your readers appreciate it. I still laugh when I think about your North American Van Lines story, esp. the picture at the end. Good stuff. Second, never say “BAM” here again, or you’re not welcome back. I hate that guy. Thanks for sticking me in your blogroll. I’m in good company.
November 14th, 2007 at 10:49 am
Standing and applauding, wonderful speech, Kathy! Looks like I just made it to the tail end of the awards ceremony. Savor your time in the spotlight.
I’ll go check out your award recipients, now.
November 14th, 2007 at 11:06 am
Moonshadow — Thanks again for bestowing an award on me. It was a crazy night last night, what with me doing the interview circuit and all the cameras in my face. The paparazzi really don’t let up! Gotta go. Leno just called.
November 14th, 2007 at 6:18 pm
Thanks for the award Kathleen! I can ony hope and pray that you are prescient! Tell me you are!
Thanks again, but I’m sure this will all go to my head in no time.
November 14th, 2007 at 6:48 pm
Terry — I do have special powers, including the ability to cancel meetings at will. I wrote about it here, if you’re interested:
I do have a good feeling about your work getting noticed by some huge media outlet, and then you’ll become a household name. It’s the same good feeling I get when I’m able to cancel a meeting. It WILL happen for you! I’m sure of it.
November 14th, 2007 at 10:20 pm
Awww…. THANK YOU!!! I love me some awards, and appreciate each one. I can’t wait to add this to my little home in the Blogosphere tonight!!
Congratulations as well to you for your two awards; highly deserved, I say.
November 14th, 2007 at 11:16 pm
Thanks, Maureen. I’m glad I found your blog. I hope Christine isn’t freaking you out anymore.
November 15th, 2007 at 3:29 am
A very deserved “congratulations!” Like I mentioned some time ago, you have a writing style that is very funny, clear and entertaining. And the frequency at which you write is quite impressive.
Many thanks for the mention. I’ve always considered “Special Kind of Stupid” to be the best blog name, and now I have proof. I’m not sure what you mean by my having a dry sense of humor, though. You must have me confused with some other fellow.
November 15th, 2007 at 10:34 am
Kev — There must be a web award for Best Blog Name somewhere. Bloggers Choice needs to add that category.
I’m glad you’re a fan. As for the frequency of posts, two words: No kids.
November 15th, 2007 at 5:14 pm
Finally finished up checking out the blogs in your list. I concur, excellantly funny bunch of blogs. Well deserving of the award.
December 12th, 2007 at 11:31 pm
Congratulations on the Be The Blog award! And what a nice selection of bloggers to pass it on too. Congrats to you all. 🙂
Mark’s last blog post..CSS Text Wrapper