How I Moved to My Own Domain
computing November 23rd, 2007I recently bought my own domain name,, and made the switch from the default Blogspot address ( to the new one on Wednesday.
Today I’ll review why you should move to your own custom domain and how I got there with the help of fellow blogger, Blog Bloke. I focus on the Blogger platform, but WordPress, Typepad and other users can benefit from this, too.
There are several reasons why you should get your own domain name:
Credibility: Bloggers with their own domains enjoy a higher level of credibility than those who don’t. Having your own domain shows you’re putting time into your blog and want to distinguish yourself from the millions of other blogs that are created every day. A custom domain says “I’m a serious blogger and I’m here to stay.”
Memorability: For the four months I used my default Blogspot address, I became increasingly frustrated with giving out my blog’s address. It was too long and completely forgettable. Sure, I could send people a link, but if I gave it out verbally, there was almost no chance it’d be remembered. That meant I lost a potential reader. With the recall level increases significantly.
Pagerank: When you use your own domain, your site will be ranked higher in search engine results than if you use the Blogspot sub-domain. Higher pagerank puts your blog in front of more eyes, and that’ll bring you more traffic.
Branding: With my own domain, I’ve essentially branded myself. With my old address,, I identified with my personal name (not my blog, where the focus should be), and with Blogger (why should they get all the attention?). With, my blog name is the focus and it becomes my brand and my identity.
How I made the move to
To be honest, there were times I just wanted to pay someone else to do it so I could get back to writing, which is why I’m blogging at all. Just because I’m in the computing field didn’t mean I wanted to spend my time figuring out the intricacies of making the transition.
That’s where Blog Bloke comes in. There are gazillions of blogs out there on the topic of blogging, mostly with a focus on how to make money. That has never been and will never be the reason I blog. What I needed was help with the technical aspects of blogging itself, and not vague descriptions about how to employ certain techniques and methods. I needed detailed tutorials and I hit the jackpot with Blog Bloke.
When I finally decided it was time to bite the bullet and move over to, I used this post as my guide, and it’s what I recommend you study and refer to when it comes time for your move. Believe it when he says it’s proven to work. It worked for me. In fact, it was the only tutorial I found that gave specific enough information to get the job done.
Why I almost had a heart attack
The above tutorial works under certain circumstances assumed to already be in place. The one tweak I had to make for it to work was return to GoDaddy, where I registered my new domain, and “unpark” it. When I first bought it, there was a question during setup that I answered incorrectly, which caused me to almost have a coronary when I followed the rest of the Bloke’s tutorial.
When a domain is “parked,” it means it’s not yet available for public consumption. Domain registrars usually park a domain by default when it’s registered. My mistake was accepting that default option. When I transferred my Blogspot address to the new domain, up came a huge “404 Server Error” and no blog!
I immediately undid the transfer and then spent the better part of Wednesday researching why my blog wasn’t displaying. Once I discovered the concept of parking and unparking, I went back to GoDaddy and unparked the domain. Then I resumed the transfer, as per Bloke Bloke’s tutorial, and my blog magically reappeared. I also started breathing again. When the blog you’ve worked so hard on suddenly isn’t available, it’s a very scary and panic-inducing event. Don’t let this happen to you! It ain’t pretty.
I’m still no expert on the technicalities of blogging, but Blog Bloke is. Check out his blog for everything you could possibly want to know about making your blog a shining star among millions.
Blog Bloke is a class act and I thank him for all the FREE help he’s given me during my blog’s upstart. He just made me a member of the Blokester Network and I couldn’t be more honored.

November 23rd, 2007 at 2:48 pm
Wow, thanks for sharing your ordeal and for going through all the details to make it sound not that terrifying. I’m definitely bookmarking Blog Bloke’s tutorial (great site, by the way) in case I Do Things Dot Com ever becomes available. Congrats again for sticking with it and being your usual class act self!
November 23rd, 2007 at 3:07 pm
Yea, Blog Bloke’s tutorial has helped a ton of people !
Unfortunately it just didn’t work for me because my previous domain registrar sucked !
I am just glad you chose to go with your own domain – because I still have problems spelling “Frederick” !
I always avoid typing in web-adresses and open my favourite RSS feeds on Netvibes.
November 23rd, 2007 at 3:13 pm
I feel encouraged to make the mooooove myself now. And why should we give blogspot all the publicity anyway?
Ta Kathy!
November 23rd, 2007 at 5:35 pm
I recently switched my domain as well. It was to I enjoy having my domain, but it was a pain in the butt, because I lost all my rankings and things on the major search engines. Not that I am doing link exchanges and writing blog reviews, the word about my site is traveling again, finally.
If you would like to exchange links let me know. I am also linked to several people that have a good amount of traffic like Billy Warhol, and Mighty Morgan. Drop them a comment if you would like.
November 23rd, 2007 at 6:06 pm
I have just moved across from a blogspot hosted blog to using WordPress on my own domain. I too am covering the move. Blog Bloke is great isn’t he – he gives down to earth useful help.
I started from scratch too Stacie and it is good to hear your blog is taking off again.
I have just done a post about adding your own favicon – if you are interested in replacing the blogger favicon.
November 23rd, 2007 at 7:38 pm
@ JD — I couldn’t get my first choice domain name either. I did want, but it’s taken. I got the next best thing. And thanks!
@ Jaffer — The Bloke has always come through for me. He’s a terrific resource.
I’m happier to have my married name. Though sometimes people don’t get it right, my maiden name was worse. It was 12 letters long and hard to pronounce.
@ Mooooo-dog! — I feel liberated from the Blogspot address. It’s a good feeling. Think about doing it and let me know if you have questions or check in with Blog Bloke. He’s really the expert on the matter.
@ Stacie — Don’t you feel better with your own domain? Yes, I lost my Technorati ranking and others, but I’m surprisingly not worried too much. I was only 4 months in with the Blogspot address, and anyone who goes to it will be redirected to the new. I kept all my feed readers, too. So I don’t consider it starting from scratch.
@ Sueblimely — Yes, the Bloke has a wonderful writing style. Gets you through the process with ease. He also provided some help directly through e-mail, which was icing on the cake.
November 23rd, 2007 at 10:04 pm
I’ve looked at purchasing my domain on godaddy many times, but I’m confused by all the options. Do I need any of those security features? And what host do I go with?
November 23rd, 2007 at 10:36 pm
Kathy, thanks for all of the great information. I am going to use your information to get a domain set up for my blog. I already own a domain for personal e-mail and a family centered web site. It makes good sense to do the same for my blog.
On another note, I’ve tagged you for the Blue Tea Meme if you’re interested in taking part…no pressure. :0)
November 23rd, 2007 at 11:23 pm
@ Marie — I agree that GoDaddy is confusing, but their online Help is decent. It’s how I finally figured out where to make that parked domain setting change (after learning about it elsewhere). As for security, the only setting I actually changed there was to hide my domain registration information so that no one can see my home address, etc. when checking my domain on It’s possible I have to secure the domain more, but still looking into that.
@ Lee — Great! Just make sure you follow the Blog Bloke tutorial. I just explained via email to another reader how to deal with the domain parking issue. If you need help with that, email me at kathyblog07(at)gmail(dot).com and I’ll send you a copy.
November 23rd, 2007 at 11:25 pm
@ Lee — Oh, and thanks for the tag. But when it memes, it pours. I’ve been tagged a bit lately, and I’m behind on some other projects. So I’ll have to decline, but I do appreciate your visit and the tag!
November 23rd, 2007 at 11:31 pm
@ Marie — According to one reputable site, one way to avoid domain hijacking is to make sure your domain is locked: “Lock Your Domains – This is self-explanatory. Many registrars offer a “locking” service, and will not allow a transfer of a locked domain.”
If you go with GoDaddy, I believe the default value is to lock it down. Just make sure this is the case in the Domain Control Panel. The setting for that is in plain sight and easy to toggle on or off.
November 23rd, 2007 at 11:32 pm
Make sure you do away with that bar at the top which I believe you can now that you are on your own domain.
Your next step should be to move to WordPress which gives you so many more plugin options.
I like your blog and like your humor. I have a little humor in mine as well and would like to put you under my “interesting sites” section if you would ad me to yours. Well let me know. Thanks.
November 23rd, 2007 at 11:40 pm
@ DayJobNuker — Yes, I’ve considered getting rid of the NavBar. I’m taking one step at a time. I’ve considered the pros and cons of Blogger vs. another platform, but don’t have a compelling reason to leave at this point. It’s worked well for me thus far and I don’t like messing with a good thing before educating myself, and that takes time I’d rather devote to writing.
Thank you for the compliment and for your input!
November 24th, 2007 at 1:39 am
Kathy, thanks to you, is now in existence and open for business. This was a great suggestion! Thanks again.
November 24th, 2007 at 1:52 am
@ Lee — Well that’s just great! Looking good! We really have the Bloke to thank for the tutorial. I just led people to the right place.
November 24th, 2007 at 2:45 am
Oh, you’ve done it now… I went ahead and got my domain names (I wanted BOTH and Actually, I checked a few times for these, and the last time I checked in August, they were taken. Lucky for me I have you as an online friend to remind me to check again…. Presto! I got them today!!! So now I’m just waiting the 24 hours to finish up the transfer… fingers crossed I followed the tutorial right.
Thanks so much for this great post; you’ve really helped me finally get my .com!
November 24th, 2007 at 2:50 am
Maureen — What a stroke of luck! I’m so glad the timing was just right. Fantastic. Post back here if you have trouble. I may be posting a separate entry about what to do about your Feedburner feeds. You’ll need to create a new one for the new domain. You won’t lose any existing feed readers, but you’ll want to create a new feed URL to go with your RSS button (if you have one) on your blog home page.
November 24th, 2007 at 3:28 am
Ah, will do, thanks. Good thing I have Monday off… I know what I’ll be doing this weekend…
November 24th, 2007 at 4:42 am
What can you tell me about choosing a host? I’m not even entirely sure what that means, just that I’m supposed to have one.
November 24th, 2007 at 12:26 pm
@ Marie — Sorry I forgot to answer the host question before. Your host remains Google (Blogger). Bloke’s instructions are written for that scenario.
November 24th, 2007 at 3:41 pm
hey, kathy. great news. i’ll stop by every now and then to see how things are going. again … great to hear … you rock. have a great weekend.
November 24th, 2007 at 4:46 pm
@ Bobbarama — Good to see you! And thanks for the compliment. Enjoy your weekend, too.
November 25th, 2007 at 8:31 pm
It’s gratifying to hear the joy in your voice Kathy. It makes all the effort making the tutorial worth it.
I agree with you staying on Blogger. As long as it is working well for you Blogger is more than capable for a personal blog. I would only recommend moving to WordPress if you want a professional blog site. Even then it’s still a toss-up.
Just focus on writing now and enjoy being the master of your own domain destiny.
Cheers and welcome to the Blokester Network!
November 25th, 2007 at 9:59 pm
@ Bloke — Thanks again for all your help. It will please you to know your tutorial was used by several people here to get them over to their new domains. The Bloke rocks!!!!
December 12th, 2007 at 5:13 am
Next up, move to WordPress!
Kathy’s last blog post..Pardon My Appearance
January 13th, 2008 at 6:21 pm
Hmm, let me try that again.. the link has been changed to:
Blog Bloke’s last blog post..The Future of Blogging?
September 22nd, 2009 at 9:19 am
I just couldn’t leave your website before saying that I really enjoyed the quality information you offer to your visitors… Will be back often to check up on new stuff you post!