My First Meme!
literary November 17th, 2007I’ve just been tagged for a meme. A meme (rhymes with "dream") is a set of questions that are answered by one blogger, who then "tags" another blogger for that meme. That blogger then answers the questions posed, tags another and the process continues. Memes give bloggers an opportunity to write on a subject they might not have otherwise considered.
My pal Mike, author of the Mr. Grudge blog, tagged me for a Five Things About Blogging meme. I was glad for the tag because I thought at some point I might write about my blogging experience so far. What better time than now?
Thanks for the tag, Mike. On with the meme!
How long have you been blogging? I started my blog three and a half months ago. It’s been a highly satisfying experience so far. Although The Junk Drawer is a small fish in a big pond, I’ve developed a decent following in a short time and hope for greater exposure as I get better at marketing it and new readers find me.
What inspired you to start a blog and who are your mentors? Over the years I’ve written some short humor stories just for the fun of writing them. I’d e-mail them around to family and friends and get responses like "You need to publish this," or "Why aren’t you writing for a living?"
I always took these remarks with a grain of salt, until I sent out a funny story about a one particularly hellish tech support experience I had with my 82-year-old father. The response was overwhelming. "Will you please do something with your writing already!" I made a half-hearted attempt to submit the story to some traditional media outlets, but quickly realized that route would get me nowhere. Thinking it’s better to self-publish than not publish at all, The Junk Drawer was born.
While not a mentor in the sense of handing out writing advice, my husband is always there for me and so it feels right to mention him here. He’s thrilled I took up blogging, and the man thinks I’ll get a book published some day. He believes 100% I am capable of it, and his unwavering faith in me allows me to think for a moment that the idea isn’t so ridiculous.
Are you trying to make money from your blog, or just doing it for fun? Without a doubt, just doing it for fun. I see no money from this in my future. Since I’m averse to most forms of advertising, you’ll never find any ads on my blog.
Tell me 3 things you LOVE about being online. First and foremost, I love my readers. It amazes me that I have a group of loyal readers who keep coming back every day to see what’s new in The Drawer. I hope I can live up to their expectations whenever they visit. Second, I love this method of writing — sometimes fast and furious — because it forces me to write with a sense of immediacy and purpose. My goal is to post every day. Sometimes that’s difficult, especially for a humor writer. If I have a bad day, it’s tough to write funny. Lastly, I love the blogging community. I rub shoulders with some amazing and talented writers, and their success helps keep me motivated and challenged to write my very best.
Tell me 3 things you STRUGGLE with online. First, the numbers. There are well over 100 million blogs in existence today, and I’m competing with all of them for attention. Second, marketing myself is a job all its own. In addition to trying to write a quality post every day, I’m trying to get the word out about my blog. It’s a tedious process, fraught with pitfalls and stumbles. Sometimes you cast your line out to various social networking sites and blog directories and no one bites. I wish I had an assistant for just that kind of work. Lastly, it’s a struggle to find useful information about blogging that doesn’t involve how to make money. It seems to be the primary focus of many blogs, and finding help for non-commercial blogs takes a good amount of research and patience.
Thanks again, Mike, for inviting me to do this meme. Now I get to tag someone else. Kev over at Special Kind of Stupid, you’re it! Kev’s is one of the first great humor blogs I stumbled upon after I started blogging. I’d like to read his take on the 5 questions. Now get crackin’!

November 18th, 2007 at 1:29 pm
How fun! And I’m first!
November 18th, 2007 at 1:32 pm
Hi Kathy, Great job! I am glad you are happy with this mme. It’s a pleasure meeting you and reading your blog. I looks like you managed to whittle “War and Peace” down to a manageable volume. Thanks again for participating. -Mike
November 18th, 2007 at 1:32 pm
Okay, I had to quick hit publish as soon as I declared myself first, because I didn’t want someone else typing more quickly to beat me to the punch and then my rambling comment would look stoopid.
Okay, having said that, this is an interesting take on blogging. I agree with you completely about the readers. I really do find it amazing that someone, other than my husband, is interested in checking out my weird thoughts.
I haven’t read long enough, but I wondered if you ever write somber posts. I hear you on the humor thing. I try to stay upbeat for fear of losing readers, but there are times I can’t make myself do that. The other feelings are fighting to get out. Do you write in a personal journal for that kind of stuff?
And lastly, I never knew it rhymed with dream, I always thought it was Mem, like a French man trying to pronounce ma’am or rhyming with them.
Thanks for the clue.
November 18th, 2007 at 1:34 pm
You know I was jacked when I finally published my real comment, only to see I BEAT mr. grudge to the number one spot.
So sue me, I’m competitive.
November 18th, 2007 at 3:42 pm
Cardiogirl! Glad you made it in first place. I should give out awards.
I do try to “stick with the funny”. I, like you, don’t want to turn readers away because they don’t get what they expect from The Junk Drawer. I found out that some my earlier “dry” posts about tech tips fell kind of flat (though I do get some Google directs from people searching for tips). Anyway, I’m sticking with the humor because that’s what I prefer writing, and what visitors prefer reading.
That said, I will have an upcoming post that will have elements of sad in it, but hopefully people will laugh a little because they’ll be able to relate. The topic is grade school. ‘Nuff said.
Oh, and meme can also be pronounced ‘mem.’
Mike — My first draft was much longer since I included a lot about my education and professional writing experience, but realized it wasn’t necessarily a good fit for this post. I try to shoot for posts no longer than 500 words, so it became necessary to edit down. Thanks again for the tag. It’s funny, I went 3.5 mos. without a tag, and then I got yours on Friday and another one today.
November 18th, 2007 at 3:58 pm
Oh, it’s a good thing you said how to pronounce meme. I thought it was me-me.
November 18th, 2007 at 4:17 pm
Very informative meme. Maybe you could do a book of your blog posts and just title it “From the Junk Drawer” See what you have after year and maybe you could do a yearly book.
November 18th, 2007 at 4:46 pm
Great job on your first screaming meemie!
I agree with Moonshadow: You could so easily turn this blog into a book, and I love her idea of titling it “From the Junk Drawer.”
I’m so inspired by not only your talent but your focus and drive. You’re obviously doing something right here!
November 18th, 2007 at 7:52 pm
Moonshadow and JD, thank you both. That’s really nice to hear. It still makes me shake my head to even think I’d consider a book. But then I think that all those people told me I needed to write, and here I am with the blog and I couldn’t be happier. I guess the lesson is “Listen to what people tell you, even if you don’t always believe it yourself.”
November 18th, 2007 at 8:42 pm
Very interesting answers. I like your blog 🙂
November 18th, 2007 at 9:06 pm
Wow, I’ve never been tagged with one of these. Okay, I’ll see what kind of answers I can come up with tonight or Monday.
Stay tuned.
November 18th, 2007 at 9:45 pm
@ Guilty Secret — Glad you like it! Thanks for stopping by.
@ Kev — I’m glad you’re giving it a try. It was a worthwhile effort for me. What do they say about an unexamined blog…?
November 18th, 2007 at 10:51 pm
I must say, you’ve done quite well for yourself after only 3.5 months. If you check my archives for my first 3 months you’ll see that I was lucky to get 1 comment by that time. Of course I had no clue about how to “market” myself back then so I guess I just figured that if I wrote it, they would come. Duh. Unfortunately, my freshest and (some of) my best posts were ultimately read by… well, no one.
Hey now, enough about me-me. Just wanted to say you’re off to a great start and to keep up the most excellent writing!!!
November 19th, 2007 at 1:50 am
Jeff — Thanks so much for your kind words. I so appreciate that. I feel mildly successful, but I would love to know how to get to some of those crazy readership numbers the bigger blogs have. Be glad for how you’re doing NOW. You’re one of my favorite bloggers and lots of others feel the same way. Hats off to View from the Cloud.
November 22nd, 2007 at 1:42 am
This is the first post I’ve read by you and it really did conjure up some old memories I hadn’t thought about in a very long time.
I’ll share one and only one, although I have a few that come painfully to mind.
I was in the 3rd grade, my last name ended with V which always assured I’d be in the back of the class. However when your in the back of the class, some pretty unusual and funny things can happen that one can actually get away with. I sat next to a boy whom decided one day he’d like to show me his thing if I’d show him mine. Yep, he showed me his and guess what I still haven’t showed him mine. I haven’t been back to a class reunion needless to say.
November 22nd, 2007 at 1:54 am
Janeywan — Oh my. The third grade? Wow, that’s bizarre and unbelievable. I bet you wished your last name started with “A” that day! Thanks for dropping by and sharing your horror.
January 22nd, 2008 at 7:54 am
Hi Kathy, it’s such a coincidence that I am tagging you for this meme. Thanks for stopping by my blog. I will always visit to check what’s new here. Cheers!
elaine’s last blog post..Tagged about Blogging
January 22nd, 2008 at 8:02 am
Elaine — Sure is! I’m not too much of a fan of memes, but this one was a joy to write. See you.
March 7th, 2010 at 7:17 pm
Hi, It’s my first time here. Found you through Stumble. I’ll definitely give you a thumbs up, and I’ll be back regularly. Thanks for writing such interesting posts!