For 51 weeks out of the year, I pay zero attention to sports. It’s only during the World Series that I even realize sports exist. Because I’m living in a sports-free vacuum most of the year, I was surprised to learn about the new rule that evidently all ball players are required to follow.

They must eject a half-gallon of spit on the field every game.

What I thought was going to be fun to watch on our new HDTV turned into a disgusting salivary waterworks display that I could not ignore and that ruined me for sports for even that one measly week I let myself go.

Every other minute, cameramen zoomed in on one or more players shooting spitwads on the field. And then there’s the manager for the Colorado Rockies, who was chewing a wad of gum the size of a grapefruit and spitting out long, thick, stringy wads that could fill up a shot glass.

What. Is. With. The. Spitting????

After a few days of this, I happened to mention this ickiness to my Dad, an avid sports fan. He understood how I could be so disgusted, but quickly informed me that "Baseball is a spittin’ game." Yeah, Dad, but why?

He shared our conversation with my Mom, who then sent me a clipping from her local paper, The Express Times, with a note that read "Kath, Somebody else agrees. Mom."

She sent me a letter to the editor, written by a woman who is as appalled as I am.

All things being relative, this letter will fall under the category of frivolous. However, I am serious. My interests in and knowledge of sports are limited. I really enjoy the NBA games and watch baseball during playoffs and the World Series.

Here’s my question: What is the connection or reason behind baseball players, and on up to managers, and spitting? The more you notice it, the more you can’t help but notice it. It is a revolting, disgusting habit.

The other night I watched a rookie pitcher for about 10 minutes. He spit nonstop. I gave up watching. Also, what are they all chewing nonstop? Is it gum or tobacco wads or what? These habits really take away from the pleasure of the game.

In what other setting in polite company would they be tolerated?

Shirley Ann Korth
Phillipsburg, NJ

I’d like to meet that woman. She understands that baseball and spitting need not go hand-in-hand. At some point, it takes over the game and all you’re doing is waiting for the next shot of someone dumping their saliva all over the place.

During Game 6, I even took pictures of one particularly lively spit. I don’t know who the player is, but I have to admire his method. His spit sprayed in no less than twenty directions. Kudos. I guess.

I’m not sure I’ll be watching the World Series of Spitting next year. I might be better off listening to it on the radio. At least that way, I won’t get wet.

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