A Tech Tip From My Cat
cats, computing, Fun, tech support December 29th, 2007 Until now I had only considered my cat Shadow’s butt to be a weapon of mass destruction. Last month I wrote about how she mortified me by dropping a fart grenade in front of my plumber.
Today I’m happy to report that Shadow can use her butt powers for good, as well. It dispenses tech tips.
Here’s how it happened: My husband Dave was doing some online shopping when Shadow decided the keyboard would be a fine place to get comfortable. She laid down across the whole keyboard and her butt landed hard enough on some keys to screw up the screen Dave was viewing while he was scrolling with the mouse.
The screen content went from normal size to gigantic with that little trick of hers. Once he shooed her away from the desk, Dave had to figure out which key caused the screen text to enlarge so much. After some fiddling around, he discovered it was the CTRL key. It seems if you press CTRL while scrolling up or down, the screen’s text size enlarges or minimizes as you scroll.
In almost ten years of working in the computing industry, I have never known about this little tip. And I can really use it now, since my eyes are not what they used to be. The beauty part is it’s not just for web browsers. The technique works in programs like Microsoft Word, where the view is enlarged, but your font size stays where you want it.
What makes this technique better than other text enlarging maneuvers is that you don’t have click around menus inside each program to find what does the job. That’s what I used to do — for years. Now it’s just a simple CTRL and scroll!
Thanks, Shadow, for sharing your buttalicious talents. See how much better it is to use your powers for good?

December 29th, 2007 at 3:12 pm
Dear Shadow,
That is the single best tip I’ve ever received from a cat! You have no idea how much my 40-something eyes love you! Ask your owner for an extra treat. You deserve it.
December 29th, 2007 at 3:17 pm
Damn,, that is a good tip.. Now I can use my shot
glasses for what they were made for…ahhh,,
Just one question,, what was your plumber doing
sniffing your cats butt?…Shouldn’t he have been
showing you his butt crack while fixing the plumbing
under the kitchen sink?…….
gt281’s last blog post..THE CASE OF THE MISSING WIFE
December 29th, 2007 at 3:27 pm
Wow, Shadow is one smart kitty. You should be paying $50 for people to come and see her. And give at least 1/4 of the profit to me, because it’s my idea.
((P.S. My cats are really jealous because they can’t do anything that smart))
December 29th, 2007 at 5:20 pm
Is there truly nothing Shadow’s butt can’t do? This is amazing! It really works! Thank you, Shadow’s butt!
JD’s last blog post..I Like Porn so you don’t have to
December 29th, 2007 at 6:37 pm
Very impressive. Now, if your cat can figure out how to permanently turn off my touch pad’s tapping feature on my Stink Pad, I’ll keep her in catnip for a year.
Jeff’s last blog post..Best of ’07
December 29th, 2007 at 6:43 pm
I too discovered this feature by accident. Most CAD software document Ctrl+scroll for zooming in and out a part – when you’ve been on CAD software as long as I have, all command combinations become second-nature.
One time I was online and wanted to scroll down a page but I sub-consciously also had my thumb on the Ctrl button !
I was reading about your Dad the other day. May be you could take Shadow’s butt (for good luck) the next time Dad runs into technical difficulty !
Jaffer’s last blog post..Hello Mars
December 29th, 2007 at 6:49 pm
My cats have never given me anything close to a tech tip. They left hairballs in my shoes, cat hairs all over my favorite chair, dead animals on the living room floor, but never tech tips.
I like Shadow. Seems to have a talent for doing just the right thing at just the right time!!! As for the fart-bombs…have you ever considered sprinkling Beano over her kibble?
Lee’s last blog post..Site Updates and Plug-ins Added
December 29th, 2007 at 6:51 pm
I did that once, inadvertently, in my blog. I frantically wrote another blogger who told me what to do. 9 years online and eleven years on computers and I had no idea.
Suzy’s last blog post..CAPRICORN
December 29th, 2007 at 7:35 pm
Ann — Shadow considers drinking out of the faucet to be a treat. I left the water on for her extra long today.
gt281 — My poor plumber was working in a bathroom when Shadow dropped the bomb. Poor guy. Toilets and farts. There’s a job you couldn’t pay me enough to do.
Regan — Normally, Shadow is very dumb. This is her one shining moment. Your cats shouldn’t feel too bad.
JD — Shadow’s butt says “You’re welcome. I aim to please.”
Jeff — I’ll have to ask her later. She’s off the clock right now.
Jaffer — I know there must be a million other key combinations and tricks I don’t know about. If Shadow could just learn to type and show us everything else she knows, we’d be golden. And, yes, I need all the help I can get when I troubleshoot my Dad’s PC issues. Ugh.
Lee — After the fart incident, we considered what other food we can give her to minimize her “air.” But it’s tough to switch foods on them, plus we have two other cats to consider. For now, we just pray she doesn’t let one slip when we have company. It’s horrid.
Suzy — It blew my mind that I never knew about this until now. Kind of embarrASSing that my cat had to show me the way.
December 29th, 2007 at 11:24 pm
Ummm…guess I am not doing something right on my laptop. Coudln’t get it to work. Send kitty my way please.
Margaret’s last blog post..Merry Belated Christmas
December 30th, 2007 at 1:35 am
OMG, Shadow! Thank you so much! Wish my kitties would give me hints like that. When mine lie on my laptop, they always seem to enlarge the window so I can’t see the menu bar. Which makes it fun when trying to get it back to normal again…
Maureen’s last blog post..Recuperation
December 30th, 2007 at 6:14 am
Margaret — Are you using a mouse on the laptop, or are you using the touchpad? It works on the touchpad, also, although a bit trickier to manage. Hold down CTRL, then slide your finger up or down on the far right of the touchpad.
Maureen — I have my husband to thank for telling me how to enlarge the web browser screen (which hides the menu bar). That’s F11. Another trick I never knew for years and years. I teach a seminar at work called “Productivity Tips” which includes a lot of these time-saving or helpful tips. I’ve incorporated both the cat one, and the husband one. My seminar attendees will find it amusing when I tell them where I learned about “CTRL ‘n scroll”!
December 30th, 2007 at 11:58 am
Wow. A big thanks to your cats ass for finding that tech tip. I’m pretty good with puters and I didn’t know about that!
December 30th, 2007 at 2:27 pm
Mike — Shadow says you’re welcome. We’ve been calling her Tech Kitty all day. I think it’s sticking. She thinks she’s something now! Been walkin’ around with a strut in her step.
December 30th, 2007 at 7:08 pm
Dear JDB,
Although there has been praise for the new cat-egory of keyboard zoomability (of which I first learned whilst dodging bullets in the trenches of Eastern Europe during the Great War), there has been little said of how to PREVENT THE FRIGGIN’ KITTY from discharging full body depth charges.
Two options exist:
1) Write to me for an extensive wiring schematic which connects the left mouse button, scroll wheel and the letter “E” for a itty-bitty-kitty keyboard shortcut ‘shock therapy’.
2) Navigate to: http://www.snapfiles.com/get/toddlerkeys.html where you can download a freeware ditty to lock down your keyboard should the wayward feline make a beeline for your entry line. (While there, exchange the word “kitty” for “toddler” – e.g. “kittykeys”)
BigNerd’s last blog post..Dead Pixel Tester
December 30th, 2007 at 7:47 pm
Wow – the comment section looks spiced up with all the beautiful pictures.
Now, I believe you are using Easy Gravatar. So for all those without a face, Kathy, find a halairous 48×48 picture (Shadow’s butt will do fine 😉 ) and upload it to your server.
Log into WordPress admin, go to options and click on Easy Gravatars.
Replace the address of the Default Image URL.
Jaffer’s last blog post..Feature Presentation
December 30th, 2007 at 7:54 pm
Nice Avatar there Kathy. Much nicer than the headless ghost from Christmas past. Scroll on!
By the way, there’s some good advice from a reader of mine that should help with your permalinks issue.
Happy New Year!
Blog Bloke’s last blog post..Today’s Video Clip
December 30th, 2007 at 7:55 pm
thanks to the cat for the tip…:):)…and thankyou for the tip on the wet camera..I tried it and it worked..it seems to be OK…:):)
robert bourne’s last blog post..Seven Things within a Gypsy’s Soul
December 30th, 2007 at 8:12 pm
I recently discovered a whole page devoted to those shortcuts. You can also enlarge the text using CTRL and the + or the – to do the same thing. Isn’t it handy for our gracefully aging eyes? Now where did I save that url…..
My kitty never gets on my keyboard. Hopefully that won’t change! My kitty also does not impart tech tips. You should go on the road with your cat. You could make some money, sign a few autographs.
December 30th, 2007 at 8:53 pm
BigNerd — Wow, they make a tool for everything! Way cool. I do realize Shadow’s butt might be used in the wrong way, such as sending out emails I’m not finished composing, but we’ll just have to learn to shoo her away faster!
Jaffer — Thank you and thanks for the tip. You can see I got myself a nice pad and pencil image for those who do not use avatars. I may change that later. It will definitely not be a cat butt.
Blog Bloke — Thanks. I did see those notes left by one of your readers, but I’m still confused and terrified to change anything mid-stream. I’ll have to proceed very carefully with that one. I’ve already done a lot of redirection and I don’t want to screw things up.
Robert — First, I hope you’re feeling better since your accident. Second, I’ve read the rice jar is one of the best ways to dry out an electronic device that’s hit water. It was used by a client of mine whose daughter dropped her cell phone in the toilet (don’t worry, a CLEAN toilet). He also lightly used a hair dryer. It worked for him as well.
OSoNY — I used to use the CTRL ++ technique to enlarge text in Firefox, but I prefer this new tip because it requires pressing only one key. BTW, the butt tip works on a Mac, too. It’s not just for Windows.
December 30th, 2007 at 9:44 pm
damn…my cats never do anything constructive.
DrowseyMonkey’s last blog post..Channel Surfing
December 30th, 2007 at 11:13 pm
No problem Kathy, I give credit where credit is due even to animals.
Drowsey – too bad. Maybe you should not feed them till they do? Food is a good motivator.
My dog is a good vermin killer, in the house and out. It’s great!
December 31st, 2007 at 6:33 am
DrowseyMonkey — If it makes you feel any better about your cat, Shadow didn’t know she was being constructive. What with the little brain and everything.
Mike — Cats don’t take to well to not being fed. You’re looking at a face full of scratch marks and blood when you try to do that. What kind of dog do you have? And does he have any other special skills?
December 31st, 2007 at 1:13 pm
Gad-zooks….I have worked in IT for decades and didn’t know about this. I tried while reading your blog, and damn!!! it worked. That is one smart cat.
December 31st, 2007 at 1:24 pm
lotus07 — I know!!! It’s incredible I didn’t know of this until now. There must be more tips I don’t know about, too. I’ll have to put Shadow’s magic butt to work again!
January 1st, 2008 at 10:29 am
Yeah for Shadow’s butt. You learn some of the greatest things by accident. Good thing she only left a tip.
Natural Woman’s last blog post..Money Monday Tip #8
January 1st, 2008 at 2:04 pm
Works on a mac too. marvolous.
Dan’s last blog post..We’ll tak a cup o’ kindness yet
January 1st, 2008 at 2:44 pm
Natural Womam — Right you are! Our cats’ butts have left some non-tips around the house, but let’s not discuss it.
Dan — When I looked up this tip after our discovery, and I saw it also worked for Macs, I thought “This tip just gets better and better.” So often these things only work in Windows!
January 1st, 2008 at 3:32 pm
Kathy – she’s a border terrier. Her other special skills are being cute and she also knows how to dance. Pictures… lets see, umm, go here:
Yea, I’m a proud papa.
January 1st, 2008 at 4:30 pm
Mike — If I was a dog person, that’d be exactly the kind of dog I’d want. She’s adorable. You should be proud 🙂
January 2nd, 2008 at 10:59 am
Great tip!! Thank you!
Jendeis’s last blog post..Open Letter to My Bagel Place
January 2nd, 2008 at 11:30 am
Would you think I was weird if I left my husband for your cat? My eyes have been saved!
Sarah @ Ordinary Days’s last blog post..The Joys Of Marrying A Foreigner
January 2nd, 2008 at 2:58 pm
Hi Kathy, Many thanks to Shadow for the useful bit of technical wizardry which I am sure we can use here at my job. The only problem is how do I convince the Dean that the IT department needs to adopt a cat, and where is it going to live, who gets trained on sticking the cat’s rear end on the keyboard, etc? I can see fights brewing over this now. Also, I want to be the first one to come up with other ways to trouble shoot a computer using as cat’s behind. Dusting the monitor screen is obvious, but I’m thinking of using the cat’s claws to scratch the next person who calls me and asks intelligent tech questions like “How many internets do I have?” or, “My windows are evaporating, how do I get them back?” Those are real questions I’ve been hit with. Very good advice, Kathy, and funny, as usual. –Michael.
Mr. Grudge’s last blog post..First Name, Last name, Shouldn’t be a Pain
January 2nd, 2008 at 3:37 pm
Jendeis — Shadow says “You’re welcome.” We’ve been lavishing praise on her since the discovery. She’s got a big head now and wants us to wait on her hand and foot. Oh, wait. That’s EVERY day.
Sarah — I wouldn’t think it weird at all. Cats can be very handy. It’s possible Shadow can change the oil in your car, too.
Mike — Laughing my head off! I think every IT department could use a cat on staff. If for no other reason to hiss and scratch at people who ask dumb questions. Hmmm, people have brought their dogs to work in my building. Wonder if I could make tomorrow “Bring your cat to work day.”
January 22nd, 2008 at 11:02 pm
Nice tip! I too had no idea that worked. Way to go Shadow. Is your cat for hire?
January 23rd, 2008 at 5:55 am
Jeff — Shadow’s not for hire right now unless you can meet her demands. She got a big head from reading all these wonderful comments and now she’s holding out for more money, a dental plan and a time share in Miami.
January 31st, 2008 at 9:56 am
thanks so much for posting this. my cat slept on my laptop last night and i went nuts for a half hour trying to figure out what blasted key combo she had managed to activate with her butt. much obliged!
January 31st, 2008 at 1:35 pm
epona — Glad to be of assistance! Well, Shadow is…
April 6th, 2008 at 10:26 pm
Sometimes it just takes a different perspective to learn something new. Why not from a cat? 🙂
April 7th, 2008 at 5:29 am
CatSynth — “Why not?” is right! I have no problem learning new things from my cat. She owes me anyway, what with her eating us out of house and home.
December 21st, 2008 at 10:49 am
I have heard tech tips from a lot of people, but never from a cat.. that actually is a very smart cat.
Nelson’s last blog post..How to Install Windows 7 on VMware – For Testing Only
December 21st, 2008 at 2:47 pm
Nelson — She’s also a one-hit-wonder. She never dispensed another tip after that. But it was a good tip, one I put into use every single day. Good kitty!
January 8th, 2009 at 10:26 am
The school my roommate went to had a Vet Tech program where it would find injured animals, have the the students in the program, in lack of a better term, fix them up, then find homes for them. Well, she got this cat that had apparently been hit by a car. It’s “fine” now, but it acts so strangely.
She’ll meow at you like she wants something, but as soon as you come near or lean down to pet her she’ll dart off. I’ve actually spent twenty minutes crouched down waiting for her to come to me. When she finally did, I got to pet her for a few seconds then she darted off.
January 11th, 2009 at 5:31 am
Scottsdale flooring Co — I love knowing there’s a program like that. I think the fate of those animals would be much worse without it. I’m sure the kitty was so traumatized, it’ll be almost impossible to bring her out of her shell. Poor kitty.
October 8th, 2009 at 3:59 pm
Thanks to the cat for the tip lol, and thankyou for the tip on the wet camera..I tried that and it worked..it seems to be OK…:)
November 7th, 2009 at 7:39 am
We leave all kinds of “special” things for our Mom. She’s never as appreciative as you are. Maybe we need a new Mom. Tamir even crashed Mom’s computer once by walking on her keyboard. Did she appreciate it? No!
Sniffie and the Florida Furkids
.-= Sniffie and the Florida Furkids´s last blog ..Photo Hunters – Veterans/Military =-.
November 7th, 2009 at 7:45 am
First of all Shadow, is a beauty! Second, my cat Buddy has been known to do stuff like that, but usually his laying on the keyboard of my laptop screws things up that I can’t figure out how to fix. So kudos to your husband for setting it right again. Maybe she somehow KNEW you needed help reading the words on the screen lately!
November 7th, 2009 at 8:04 am
Sniffie — Well, so does Shadow. She’s 1 for 10 generally in the bad kitty department.
Tracey Werner — Thank you! And yes, she might have been aware we both need help. Our eyes are NOT what they used to be!
August 2nd, 2010 at 6:36 am
This is great. I wish my cat’s would be so helpful when they lay across the computer. Your post definitely made me smile!
Cassy´s last blog post ..If you register your site for free at
October 24th, 2010 at 8:48 am
Very a fascinating post and supporting comments that you have here. I would point out that others have proposed a different angle, particularly in regards to travel tips. Have you run across good information on the Web, and will you let me know where?