Stinky’s Having a Google Nightmare, Too
Stuff I hate December 5th, 2007As you know, I’ve been struggling with what to do about Google’s idiotic change in its commenting system. It’s been a nightmare dealing with the issue and considering my options.
After much pain and anguish, I’ve decided to move my blog to a new platform. No more Blogger. It’s WordPress, baby! I’ll let you know when that happens. Hopefully, the migration will be seamless.
My good friend, J.D. over at I Do Things So You Don’t Have To has been listening to me grouse about the Blogger mess for several days. She knows I’ve been irritated and consumed by this problem, especially because it’s kept me from writing about anything else.
She told me, "Well, you can’t always write about fluffy kittens and sunshine." As I pondered that nugget yesterday, I watched my cat Stinky twitch about while she was dreaming. I caught her just as she was waking up out of what I suppose was a nightmare about Big Bad Google screwing up my blog.
Because I wanted to post something cute, fluffy and non-Googly today, here she is for your viewing pleasure. The other cat to come into the picture is Stinky’s arch nemesis, Lucky, aptly named because he escaped death for ruining our furniture.

December 5th, 2007 at 1:36 am
Stinky! Lucky! Where’s Shadow?
Well, Stinky doesn’t like me very much. Neither does our cat Sissy.
I think Stinky and Sissy could rule the world together….
December 5th, 2007 at 1:43 am
@ Regan — I don’t know where Shadow was. Probably at the sink waiting for water to magically come out of the faucet. Stinky rules.
December 5th, 2007 at 2:50 am
Wow, you’re site has become P-O-P-U-L-A-R, my friend. Your last two posts have received 35 and 34 comments, respectively, at the time of this writing.
So what’s your secret?
December 5th, 2007 at 2:55 am
Kev — Um…. People like to bitch?
I’d kill for those numbers on my non-Google posts! This issue is such a hot topic for us Blogger people. Really infuriating, so commenting is up as a result. I need to get back to some happy posts. And by happy, I mean, all the other things that annoy me. I’ve got a pile of them just waiting in the queue.
December 5th, 2007 at 3:05 am
I think I’m in love with you. Hear, hear!
Booooooo, blogger! Booooooo!
Let me know if you need any WordPress help. I’m not a pro, but I pretend to be one on my blog.
December 5th, 2007 at 3:12 am
Awwwwww….what a beauty…so cute! Hope your move goes well…I’ve never tried anything other than blogger…the thought of learning something new is scary!
December 5th, 2007 at 3:20 am
@ Frogster — You know, I was looking at your blog today. Your banner is something I’ve been wanting to do anyway. I want to have tabs/categories at the top. Couldn’t do that with Blogger, but I know I can with WordPress. I just may pop you a note if I don’t find how to do that once I’m on WP.
DrowseyMonkey — Yes, the thought of this move makes me ill. To quote another blogger who put this mess this way: “I want to pull the covers over my head and pretend I never heard of the word blog.” Not happy about the extra work I have ahead of me, and right during the holiday season when I’m supposed to be shopping and having fun.
December 5th, 2007 at 3:29 am
Three cats? Say, I didn’t know you in the 80’s did I?
December 5th, 2007 at 11:47 am
Well, she’s probably also just saying she’s hungry.
Yeah. Your blog really did get popular, I remember when there were only like, three people posting on each one. Sometimes you’d be lucky if you got over 5!
But now, you’re lucky if you get over 15… or maybe 20…
December 5th, 2007 at 12:07 pm
You should send that to the Carnival of cats! You gave me an idea for a post later.
December 5th, 2007 at 12:29 pm
Awwww…Stinky! What a sweetie-pie. When I first started reading your post, I thought, Oh, boy! A Francheezie video! But this was way better.
I love how cats wake up, all alert, aaaaand…conk! Back to sleep. Wish I could do that!
JD at I Do Things
December 5th, 2007 at 12:38 pm
Well, I can hardly deny that people love to bitch and that this google nonsense got some of us all het up. But, having met you and gotten to know your site when I was kvetching, I will be sure to check back and see what you talk about when you’re not leading the charge against companies behaving badly.
December 5th, 2007 at 1:30 pm
You’re moving again?? How does Stinky feel about this? And Lucky? Huh? Huh? Ever think of their needs?
Blogger, then Blogger with your own domain name, then Wordpess with your own domain name …
I’m beginning to wonder if, next time I go to the Post Office to deal with the ornery clerks, I’m going to see your face up on a Most Wanted poster.
December 5th, 2007 at 4:20 pm
Hey Kathy, please have a look at my comment @ Blog Bloke.
December 5th, 2007 at 9:38 pm
@ EVERYBODY — There seems to be a new glitch in the Blogger commenting system. I’m not longer notified when new comments appear. So until they fix that, I’ll have to be super diligent checking back for comments. But I’m dedicated to everyone who stops by the Junk Drawer, and you WILL get a reply in the comments when you check back.
@ Jeff — I would have 23 cats, if I let Dave do it. But I feel overrun in my house enough as it is. They own the place 🙂
@ Regan (aka Sissy)– I remember when I had a few commenters and one of them was always you! Thank you for being this blog’s #1 Fan! There should be a reward for that!
@ Windyridge — Glad you liked it. I sometimes check out the carnivals. Thanks for reminding me.
@ JD — LOL. Yes. It’s very funny to see how quickly cats can go from 0-60-0 in five seconds. Oh, the life!
@ Alan — Well, you’ll find a lot of complaining in the Junk Drawer. I’m an expert. Of course, I do have some non-complainy things here from time to time. Check out the new post. I got a new food item sent to me today. It’s yummy AND numeric!
@ Dan — And it’s gonna be a faster move than I planned, now that Google has it out for us. Today’s commenting fiasco is the nail in the coffin. ARGGGH!!!
@ Jaffer — Thank you. I’ll be posting back there in response shortly. Nightmare. Just a nightmare.
December 7th, 2007 at 6:55 pm
Google is making a LOT of people unhappy.
My pagerank went from 4 to ZERO because I participated in pay for advertising. The truth is, it’s interfering with their Google AdWords so they’re using their 80 Ton hammer to mash the main method by which people make money. PageRank. Punishing them for doing what they want other people to do through their system.
I’d do something but I’m a little guy and they’re soooo biiiigggg..
December 8th, 2007 at 12:52 am
Hey, Jon — Yeah, I’ve had it with them. I’m in the midst of moving over to WordPress. It’s a lot to learn and I didn’t want to go that route. But I felt I had no choice in the matter. It’s been a week with this new commenting system and no change. If they change their minds now, I’m gonna be really upset. Perhaps the next time you come back to The Junk Drawer, I’ll be moved and you can leave a link to your blog!