Seven Weird Things About Me
Fun, Stupid things I do January 26th, 2008My pal Lee from Tar Heel Ramblings tagged me for the Seven Weird Things About Me meme. I’m not a meme person so much as I’m a weird person. Putting this list together will take all of five minutes.
The rules: Cite and link to your source (me), then enjoy writing about 7 Weird Things About Yourself, then tag some people and help spread the weirdness.
Here we go:
1. I once took my cat, Calvin (RIP), to a therapist for his anger “issues” and paid $200 for the pleasure. He almost bit her and I was secretly happy because she should have known better than to stick her hand in his carrier.
2. I microwave salads and ice cream before eating them. Twenty seconds for the salad, fifteen for the ice cream.
3. I purposely keep snack bags open so chips or cheese curls go stale. Mmmmm…..stale snacks!
4. I’m physically unable to burp. Not even after drinking a carbonated beverage. It’s not fun. It hurts. And it leaves me bloated.
5. I enjoy the most intense of amusement park rides, but I can’t cross a bridge by foot because I know I’ll pass out from being up so high.
6. To finish my bachelors degree, I voluntarily took the last 12 courses in 12 months, while starting a new job. It almost killed me.
7. As a kid, I almost threw up after eating homemade strawberry ice cream. I only ate it because it was served to me at a friend’s house and I thought it would be bad manners to decline. Later that night, I talked in my sleep and hallucinated a movie on the walls of my bedroom. My sister and I shared the room and she thought I was the devil.
Now, I’m not one to thrust a meme on anyone, but if any of my fellow bloggy friends want to join in the weirdness, consider yourself tagged. Hop to it!

January 26th, 2008 at 9:03 pm
Okay, so I know it must have been the 70’s… so the question is, WHAT was in the ice cream?
Love the Calvin story!!!! Har!
Maureen’s last blog post..Well, At Least My Card Had A Christmas Vacation
January 26th, 2008 at 9:14 pm
Your weird….:):):) although I do the ice cream in the microwave thing to..psst don’t tell…:):)
robert bourne’s last blog post..Decision
January 26th, 2008 at 9:19 pm
These are not too bad. I’m sure there are 77 weird things about me.
January 26th, 2008 at 9:31 pm
Good list! The only one I find disturbing is letting good snacks go stale!?!?! I’m calling the guys in the white coats!!
Thanks for playing, Kathy!
Lee’s last blog post..Seven Weird Things About Me
January 26th, 2008 at 9:58 pm
#4 – is too much info.
#1 – $200?
#3 – wierd!
DrowseyMonkey’s last blog post..A Driving Adventure
January 27th, 2008 at 3:24 am
What kind of salad are you talking about? Lettuce salad, macaroni, potato, tuna? I need to know this to determine just how weird you really are.
Jeff’s last blog post..Is that the only thing he ever writes about?
January 27th, 2008 at 6:39 am
Maureen — That’s exactly what my husband asked me. I can’t explain why my body evidently rejected the ice cream. All I know is I hated it, with the flecks of strawberry all throughout. I’m not a fan of fruit when it’s baked in or mixed in with a food.
Robert — Isn’t melty ice cream the best? Like half milk shake, half ice cream.
Natural Woman — These are only the ones I’d admit to. Otherwise, you’d still be reading. The list is long.
Lee — It is disturbing. I don’t understand it. It just is.
DrowseyMonkey —
4. You should hear what it sounds like when I try to burp. Just like a sink backing up. That’s why it hurts.
1. She was a specialist. They don’t come cheap.
3. I got nothin’. Can’t explain it.
Jeff — Romaine lettuce, macaroni salad, shredded cheddar cheese, hard-boiled eggs, baby corn, chickpeas, cherry tomatoes, raisins, crunchy chow mein noodles, bacon bits and bleu cheese. No dressing. So, what’s the verdict on weird?
January 27th, 2008 at 6:48 am
I just spit coffee all over my clean shirt with the comment about the gurgling sink. Thanks!
Usually with a gurgling sink you call a plumber. Maybe you should get your plumbing checked!! π
Lee’s last blog post..Seven Weird Things About Me
January 27th, 2008 at 7:27 am
Apparently cockroaches are unable to burp. They just spit out poison but if you give them bicarbonate soda then it fizzes in their stomach and they explode.
Just a little fact for you there.
Dan’s last blog post..An Appeal
January 27th, 2008 at 4:12 pm
Lee — If I can make people spit out food or drink, I’ve done my job π
Dan — Thanks for that little tidbit. The way my pipes gurgle and stutter, I should worry about the exploding thing.
StephanieC — It says you care, and we did, too. But I have to say it was one of the weirdest experiences I’ve ever had. Sitting there with my cat’s psychotherapist, wondering what people might think if they knew and realizing that we live in a country of excess if a pet can have his own shrink.
January 27th, 2008 at 5:27 pm
Icecream I get but salad??
January 27th, 2008 at 6:18 pm
Mmmmm…stale snacks, warm salad, and melted ice cream. Delicious!
Momo Fali’s last blog post..My Daisies Are Pushing Up Daisies
January 27th, 2008 at 7:08 pm
Let’s just say we’ve become too good of friends for me to tell you what I really think π
Jeff’s last blog post..Editorial: Will we be stimulated?
January 27th, 2008 at 9:46 pm
Seriously – microwave your salad? Before or after the dressing?
Margaret’s last blog post..I’m Back!
January 28th, 2008 at 1:27 am
2. Any particular reason why you’d nuke your salad?
4. Maybe you need someone to pat you in the back, like babies.
January 28th, 2008 at 6:19 am
Gizmo — Yep. Everything tastes better to me warmed, including salad.
Momo Fali — That sounds like the perfect meal π
Jeff — I can guess what you’re thinking. That’s OK. I’m weird. I know it. You know it. We ALL know it.
Margaret — The warmth melts the cheese, and that’s gooey enough. No dressing needed. It’s a salad that eats like a meal!
mellowed blues — My taste buds prefer warmed foods. To me, it brings out more of the flavors. As for burping, my husband has tried patting my back. Doesn’t help.
January 28th, 2008 at 9:31 am
Hi Kathy,
So, what are the seven weird things about you? I read the post again and again, oh wait. Number 4, now that’s scary. if you’re unable to burp…then what comes out the other end? My God. lol.
Mr. Grudge’s last blog post..Tales from the Notebook: Hello Neighbor
January 28th, 2008 at 11:37 am
Why did your sister think you were the devil? Were you hallucinating some weird Omen/Exorcist combo that you were acting out, or was this just sibling stuff?
One time I hallucinated that people were turning into multicolored pillows with their hands and feet sticking out. This occurred while I was sitting in a bunch of prickly weeds beside a crappy parking lot in Denver. The weeds felt like velvet against my skin until the next day when I was traumatized by the most painful rash I’ve ever had. Ah, those were the days!
January 28th, 2008 at 12:25 pm
Naming weird things about me assumes that I know these things about me are weird – what if I think they’re normal? Like only eating ice cream during the summer? And not having gone to see a movie since 2004 cause I just fall asleep anyway? Here’s a definite weird thing about me: I have a weird sister (tee hee), well 2 including Ann of the Shampoo Bag.
January 28th, 2008 at 12:36 pm
Mr Grudge — You’re making me regret having done this meme. I have no answer for that!
char — Because I was talking while the movie was playing in my head. If anyone’s interested, the movie was of a bunch of us kids playing kickball in a huge field. That’s what we were doing earlier in the day, before I ate the hallucinogenic ice cream.
Marlene — No one will believe this, but I did ask Dave “What’s weird about me?” He said “Nothing. You’re fine.” I haven’t seen movies in the theater either. Not for years. When the Oscar nominations came out, I recognized only one movie (Juno) and that was only because of the buzz surrounding it. I can name 7 weird things about you. Want me to blog about them? (tee hee)
January 28th, 2008 at 1:16 pm
LSD flavored strawberry ice cream…how cool is that?
lotus07’s last blog post..Essential Cinema – 18
January 28th, 2008 at 3:08 pm
Maybe you threw up the strawberry ice cream because it hadn’t been microwaved?
I feel for you, not being able to burp! That must be painful, indeed.
JD’s last blog post..I Sat Through Cloverfield Without Puking so you donβt have to
January 28th, 2008 at 5:41 pm
Kath, thanks for reminding me about the hallucinatory strawberry story. I was freaked out. I remember throwing something at you (a shoe?)to make you stop talking in your sleep. To this day I will not watch movies about people possessed by The One Who Will Not Be Named. What was in those strawberries? Can ice cream be expired?
January 28th, 2008 at 7:11 pm
Thanks for passing along the great meme! I’ll also be carrying it on!
Brenda Friedrich’s last blog post..How many cooks in the kitchen?
January 28th, 2008 at 7:29 pm
lotus07 — The thing is, I love strawberries. All by themselves. My body rejects it when it’s mixed in with something else. You can’t tell me that’s not weird.
JD — The burps are there, they just never come out, and therein lies the pain.
ann of the shampoo bag — Sorry for freaking you out. No, the ice cream was fresh, homemade. But now I am wondering just what was in it!
Brenda Friedrich — Glad you’re taking me up on it. I shall look forward to reading what’s weird about you!
January 28th, 2008 at 9:19 pm
Oh and – warm root beer could make ANYONE burp.
Margaret’s last blog post..I’m Back!
January 28th, 2008 at 11:41 pm
Gizmo β Yep. Everything tastes better to me warmed, including salad.
Bbbbut aren’t the leaves all wilted? Ick
Gizmo’s last blog post..Buy A Solar Flashlight – Get One Free For Charity
January 29th, 2008 at 5:24 am
Margaret — I can’t drink root beer. It makes me sick. Maybe that’s another weird thing I should have added.
Gizmo — The leaves do get soft, but that’s only a problem if you insist on crispy lettuce, which I do not. It’s like having warm spinach, and lots of people at it that way in quiches, etc. See? Not so weird π
January 29th, 2008 at 7:23 am
This post made me LOL… I can’t believe you nuke salads! Fabulous!
January 29th, 2008 at 1:07 pm
I’m going to give this a try tomorrow. I really don’t think I’m weird though.
Natural Woman’s last blog post..Money Monday Tip #11
January 29th, 2008 at 1:16 pm
Corrina — Try it sometime! Remember, less than 20 seconds. Over that, you’ll have mush.
Natural Woman — Weirdness is subjective. I think some things I do are weird that other people don’t, and vice versa. Just post it and we’ll be the judge π
January 29th, 2008 at 3:17 pm
I submit the following:
You like your snacks stale because they are less likely to cause you to feel the need to burp. If you spent some time under the tutelage of my niece, who is simply belchariffic, you could then enjoy your snacks with all the freshness they deserve. Let me know if you want me to put you in touch with her.
the frogster’s last blog post..Yet Another Celebrity Guest Blogger
January 29th, 2008 at 7:43 pm
the frogster — I’m jealous of your niece. Can she burp at will? That’s always been a dream of mine. For the record, I like stale snacks because they’re chewier. I know. Weird.
January 30th, 2008 at 12:24 am
[…] was reading a blog I frequent and Kathy, like myself, doesn’t normally do memes, but she decided to give this one a try and said if […]
February 6th, 2008 at 9:01 am
Re: No. 2
You are one strange chick. Salad in the microwave?! LOL
Lorrie’s last blog post..Do The iPod Shuffle
February 6th, 2008 at 5:47 pm
Lorrie — I dare you to try it. You’ll never go back to cold, tasteless salads!