If You Missed the Last Meeting…
Fun February 27th, 2008Regular readers may recall that my pal Jeff and I started a support group for people annoyed by certain noises. That group expanded to include not just noises, but a host of other things that drive people nuts. And so the Annoyances Anonymous support group was born.
If you missed the last couple meetings, head on over to Jeff’s place for a transcript of events that were held on our respective blogs. We are nothing if not organized. Remember, to join the support group all you have to do is leave a comment here (or Jeff’s blog) about what annoys you. No dues. No paperwork to sign. Just comments.
And if you say that nothing annoys you, I don’t believe you. I can think of six things that annoyed me before breakfast.

March 1st, 2008 at 8:57 am
Mark Stoneman — That goes for computer users also. You can learn surprisingly much by clicking any program’s help feature. People just feel better asking a human, I guess.
Jeff — Not sure what’s up or how much I (we) have to worry about it. My sister notified me that she still had my old Blogspot address bookmarked and got the redirect message. I told her to just click Yes, and then create a new bookmark for my junkdrawerblog.com address. Here’s some dust people are kicking up about it:
I’m taking a wait and see attitude. BTW, all Blogger feeds started working again sometime in the last 12 hours.
March 3rd, 2008 at 11:09 am
I hate when my friends forward an email to me and threaten me with bodily harm if I don’t send it to everyone in my address book. Not only that but they think I’m blind…the email is usually in a 28pt font and the letters are all red, blue, green, etc and very boldfaced!!! arrgh!! Now I’m upset. Excuse me while I go cool off…
mymindwandered’s last blog post..Are We Victims Of The Fifties
March 3rd, 2008 at 12:27 pm
I never thought of it like that, the better call! The etiquette should be the first caller stays, the intruder is told they will be called back right?
windyridge’s last blog post..A Bloody Mystery
March 3rd, 2008 at 2:50 pm
mymindwandered — I hate that, too. I don’t even have the energy to reply and say “stop sending me this garbage.” So much easier to click Delete. Remember email before spam, viruses and junk mail? Ahhh!!! What a nice memory.
windyridge — I usually try to hang up before finding out whether I’m The Chosen One. Better for me to say “Go ahead. Get that. I’ll call you later.” than to hear “I have to get this.”
April 3rd, 2008 at 2:46 pm
Kathy, I try to read your blog often and have been enjoying everything I read…and laughing out loud at most of the blogs. The “What annoys you” section stuck in my head and as I was driving yesterday I thought of something…I know it is officially Spring, but what really annoys me is when people do not clean off the snow from their cars before they hit the road! I can’t tell you how many times I am behind a car and the snow on top of the car is blowing off and blinding me…looks like it is snowing again. Or when a HUGE piece of snow/ice mix breaks off and hurls toward me, hitting my car and windshield. Are we really THAT lazy?? (I know the answer is yes!) But I laugh when I see someone who has the snow/ice piece slide down on their own windshield so they can’t see! Good for them! Stop being lazy and drive safer on the road! Like anyone will remember for next winter 🙂
April 3rd, 2008 at 4:44 pm
Alice! Good to “see” you! Yeah, I know. Idiots who don’t clear snow. I can see if you can’t reach it, but geez. The worst ones are where they clear only enough so they can see through the windshield to drive. And then there’s like six inches on the top of the car, the size of a mattress. People are lazy. And dumb. And unsafe. The list goes on and on. See ya!
December 19th, 2008 at 1:32 pm
I am annoyed by small dogs that yip and yip. I just want to boot them far away from me cause their incessant yipping is enough to drive anyone mad.
December 20th, 2008 at 7:13 pm
Fanimation Fans — I’m with you. Some of the nicest, quietest dogs are also the largest. Those little ones must feel they have to make up for limited size somehow. It works.
January 1st, 2009 at 1:07 pm
The faintest noises that I can hear and nobody else can drive me insane. It could be the slight hum from the tv or computer. Other people don’t notice it, but it bugs me. I am learning to get over it though!
January 2nd, 2009 at 5:31 pm
Fanimation — I don’t think I’ll ever get over it. My husband is constantly amazed the sounds I can hear. He thinks I’m a dog.