Someone Told Me I Smelled!
Fun February 16th, 2008Someone told me I smelled this week and I couldn’t be less insulted. Mike, author of the Mr. Grudge blog, honored me with a Flower Smellers award. I’m deeply humbled because this award is like no other.
The folks over at Go! Smell the Flowers have created a new award that Mike was one of the first five ever to receive. Go! Smell the Flowers is an international blogging community (20 founders from 10 countries) whose mission it is to “inform, entertain, and enlighten people from all over our increasingly smaller world.” They created this award to recognize others who, in their own way, smell the flowers and make the world a better place.
That Mike would pass this award on to me before paint even dried got me all misty-eyed. I discovered Mike’s blog a few months ago and have been hooked ever since. Mike is a master storyteller. His pieces run the gamut — from the compelling to the sweet, from the inspiring to the tear-inducing. Mike’s stories are consistently engaging and it seems unfair that one person can have that much talent. Share a little, will ya?
As a humor writer, I’m driven by the hope of making people laugh. But by reading Mike’s work, I’m reminded I still have to weave a story. It’s what I try to remember before I hit the publish button. Mike, thank you for proving that writing is an art form and to do it well honors your craft. You make me want to be a better writer.
You can read what he said about me and my blog over at his place. See why I got all misty? Sheesh, if I wasn’t already married….
As a new member of the Go! Smell the Flowers community, I get to bestow the award onto others. What I like about this award is you don’t necessarily have to pass it on to other bloggers. One of my honorees isn’t.
Julia DeGraf, author of the I Do Things So You Don’t Have To blog. Julia was one of the first humor bloggers I discovered. We share similar senses of humor and became fast friends as a result. Our daily email exchanges are laugh riots and they’re one of the reasons a potentially bad day never seems to become one. Her creatively-named blog is the first pit stop on my daily rounds. Every single one of her stories slays me, and some leave me in a state of wonderment, as when she videotaped a medical procedure she had done that had me squirming in my seat. She means it when she says “I do things so you don’t have to.” Thanks, Julia! Now I don’t have to worry.
Cardiogirl, author of the Cardiogirl: 19% Body Fat 100% Fun blog, is my personal hero. Hers is a blog that puts it all out there — every last raw bit of it. Her life struggles are laid out bare for everyone to see. She sees injustice in the world, grabs it by the collar and slaps it in the face. That girl’s got guts. I award her this badge for her fearlessness and her determination in the face of life’s obstacles. To do all that with a wicked sense of humor is hard. No, it’s damn near impossible. Cardiogirl, take a bow and never stop cutting through the crap.
Dan Balogh, author of Dan’s Blah Blah Blog, is an inspiration to me. Only a month after discovering his hilarious blog, he promptly shut it down so he could devote his spare time to writing his memoirs. He knows how mad I still am. We began writing each other privately, and he was instrumental in giving me the courage to publish a story about my grade school nightmares. I have him to thank for encouraging me to put it all out there and to see humor in tragedy. Without his support, I wouldn’t have what has become one of my most successful posts to-date. Dan, hurry up with your book so you can get back to your blog. You owe us!
Now for the non-blogger — my niece Regan. When I started my blog I had pitifully few readers. I didn’t know at the time whether The Junk Drawer would ever take off, but I always knew I could count on Regan to read my posts and leave witty and keen observations in the comments box. She’s elevated me to rock star status and thinks I’ll be famous one day. Whenever I was slow to publish, she would ring me up and say “Got anything new?” She has no idea how that uplifted me when I faltered for something to write. Thank you, Regan. If I ever become famous, you’ll get to say you were with me right from the start.
Mike, thank you for naming me a Flower Smeller and giving me the chance to share stories of how others are making blogging some of the most fun I’ve had in my life.

February 16th, 2008 at 9:49 am
*giant lump in throat*
JD’s last blog post..I Got The Look so you don’t have to
February 16th, 2008 at 9:54 am
OK, let me collect myself here. First things first: Kathy: congratulations! No one deserves this award more than you, and I know your many readers/friends will agree. GO! Smell the Flowers is an AWESOME community, and their posts are always interesting and enlightening. To receive an award from such a highly regarded community is truly special.
AND! Wow. I’m still stunned. Thank you so much for sharing the award with me, Cardiogirl, Dan, and Regan. What a generous and kind spirit you have. It is those qualities that light up your writing and make your blog more than just a “humor blog.”
Congratulations and thank you!
JD’s last blog post..I Got The Look so you don’t have to
February 16th, 2008 at 11:49 am
Wow Kathy. I second that lump in the throat.
I am speechless. And that’s hard to do when your “speech” is through the keyboard. Thank you. I don’t quite see myself the way you do, but it’s very, very flattering and I am honoured.
(You know I’m honored, because I spelled it the klassy way, with a U.)
Thank you, Kathy. You are very kind.
cardiogirl’s last blog post..I hate to break it to you, but the sunglasses on your face don’t make you invisible
February 16th, 2008 at 12:11 pm
Woohoo! I feel so special now. =)
I got this awesome color chaning mug from my dad’s work. When you put cold stuff in it it changes blue… IT’S SO COOL!!!! ((no pun intended))
February 16th, 2008 at 1:18 pm
February 16th, 2008 at 1:39 pm
Congrats! (now go shower)
damonm55’s last blog post..That’s What Friends Are For
February 16th, 2008 at 2:09 pm
JD: I used the name of your blog in a conversation with a co-worker. This person mentioned all the things that she was giving up for Lent: wine, dessert, television, shopping, dining out, etc., basically everything that gives a person enjoyment. So I said, “Oh, you’re giving up everything for Lent so I don’t have to. Thanks.” So, you know you’ve hit the big time when you’re being referenced in real life!
February 16th, 2008 at 3:40 pm
Diggity dang. I got nothing. Sigh…
Okay, you got me. Dan and Cardiogirl actually DESERVE to be Flower Smellers. And, now I have to go read JD’s blog and Mr. Grudge too! Because I have so much time for that. My husband has started referring to my laptop as my mistress.
As for my writing…apparently I have to work harder to get past my current smeller status. Got any dog fart smeller awards over there?
Momo Fali’s last blog post..Julia Child, I Am Not
February 16th, 2008 at 4:21 pm
JD — So now YOU smell too! We smellers have to stick together. You know I’m into your blog like I’m into bacon, and that’s saying everything. Take this award, slap it on your forehead and go forth and smell!
cardiogirl — I thought of you instantly for this award because I so admire your approach to life, relationships and struggles, and then writing about all of it so freely. Your courage knows no bounds, whether you agree with that or not. I can see it in your writing. It’s all there. This award had your name written all over it.
Regan — You ARE special! I’m glad to have you as my blog’s #1 Fan!! I should probably buy you a mug with that written on it. Oh, that’s right, you’re only 11 and you don’t drink coffee yet. Wait a few years and I’ll get ya one.
Kristen — Thanks a bunch! I’m glad I discovered your blog. I’m always on the lookout for fun and funny blogs and yours fits the bill.
ann of the shampoo bag — I believe with all my heart that JD does all the things she does so we don’t have to. There’s a whole bunch of stuff I can be lazy about, now that she’s out there doin’ it all up for us!
Momo Fali — Ah, but did you see who’s up for a review over at I have every reason to believe you’ll score off the charts with your blog. You’ll get 10s across the board from me! You might not smell afterwards, but I’m sure you’ll be feeling pretty great after your review comes in. Good luck!
February 16th, 2008 at 4:30 pm
Congratulations! You really deserve it. 🙂
StephanieC’s last blog post..what happened to sony?
February 16th, 2008 at 4:45 pm
Congratulations, Kathy, this is a great award for you and well deserved.
This may be getting to be a bad habit, but TAG, you’re it. This one is pretty easy, and should be kind of fun.
Lee’s last blog post..The 123 Book Meme
February 16th, 2008 at 8:27 pm
Very nice Kathy. I think you deserve it. And, may I also compliment you on how graciously you received – truly a person with a lot of character.
Have a very nice day.
Swubird’s last blog post..Drive Thru Hell
February 17th, 2008 at 7:53 am
[…] sort of speechless today. Kathy, from The Junk Drawer, gave me this awesome award The Flower Smeller […]
February 17th, 2008 at 9:29 am
Ann of the Shampoo Bag: That’s so funny. I told Kathy I may have to trademark that phrase. Like I’m the first one who thought of it…
JD’s last blog post..I Am Honored so you don’t have to be
February 17th, 2008 at 11:25 am
Hi Kathy and a BIG congrats again from all the gang at GO! Smell the flowers.
It’s great ti have your aboard and we’ll add your chosen flower smellers to the Flower Smeller blog roll of honour!
Feel free to post comments anytime and as we GO! to a full community you’ll be with us right from the start….
Healthy Regards,
GO! Smell the flowers
GO! Smell the flowers’s last blog post..Kosovo proclaims Independence amidst Serbian furore
February 17th, 2008 at 1:50 pm
StephanieC — Thanks. Sweet of you to say!
Lee — Thanks. I might do the meme. I actually did prepare it, but I had problems. It’s always something with me.
Swubird — Well you could have knocked me over with a feather when I received it from Mr. Grudge. I still feel so humbled by it. The Go! Smell the Flowers people is a really eclectic, interesting group of people. I’m honored to be part of it.
JD — Anyone can say it, but I’ll always think of you! It’s your thing!
Go! Smell the Flowers — Again, I’m really happy to be on-board. I’m looking forward to jumping in with both feet!
February 17th, 2008 at 9:43 pm
Hi Kathy,
“Mike’s stories are consistently engaging and it seems unfair that one person can have that much talent. Share a little, will ya?”
I am so blushing right now. Congratulations, Kathy. You deserve it. By the way, I’ll LEND you some talent, okay? You can have a bit for about a week, alright? Then, I need it back. So, do great things with it. Oh wait, you already, do great things. So what do you need my talent for when you have a ton of it yourself? You’ve got talent, young lady, lots of it. Get on with your bad sefl and do some serious, I mean funny, writing. -Mike.
Mr. Grudge’s last blog post..You’re as Young as You Aren’t
February 18th, 2008 at 7:25 am
I made cupcakes and they are SO good. Yuuuuuuum.
I only ate one though. The rest are supposed to be for my class, because I’m doing a how to and my how to is cupcakes. =)
February 18th, 2008 at 11:27 am
Mike — I really meant it when I said you make me want to be a better writer. One of my challenges is to be careful with structure and flow, two things you’ve mastered. With blogging, it’s sometimes too easy to throw anything up and see if it sticks. But I still try to stop, go back, and edit before publishing. I ask myself, did it make sense? Did I tell a story, and does it flow? Thanks for all the great examples of your work. Keeps me on my toes!
Regan — Thanks for offering me some yesterday. Aren’t you proud of me that I declined? Look at me! Being so good!
February 19th, 2008 at 9:26 pm
Well done, you definitely deserve it.
I really like your writing and you are one of those bloggers that makes me try harder.
Forest Parks’s last blog post..Day I: Organization and home improvements
February 20th, 2008 at 5:54 am
Forest Parks — Oh, geez. Thank you for saying that. You do just fine!
February 20th, 2008 at 8:34 pm
Congrats on the award, you always make me laugh….and many more!
Natural Woman’s last blog post..Money Monday Tip #14
February 20th, 2008 at 9:18 pm
Natural Woman — Thank you! And you know I’m a huge fan of your blog. I trust you enjoyed your break?
February 23rd, 2008 at 4:21 pm
Congratulations! Very cool! I recently got an award and it totally made my day! Ironic, since the award was called the “you make my day” award. ha ha
Jeannette Eats Spaghetti’s last blog post..Time Mismanagement
February 24th, 2008 at 6:40 am
Jeannette Eats Spaghetti — Just love your name BTW. It’s a joy to be awarded in a blog, since we put so much time into them, isn’t it? And spreading the love is just as fun!
February 29th, 2008 at 12:34 am
Congratulations on your rise to stardom! Regan is right, fame is on its way!
Neena (NeenMachine)’s last blog post..INTERNET SAFETY for Kids: 20 Steps