junkdrawer You may notice in the comments section that some people have a picture associated with their names, and others just have the default Junk Drawer icon (shown at left). How is that done?

This blog uses a WordPress plug-in called Easy Gravatars, which harvests images (or avatars) associated with email accounts registered with My Gravatars. It’s a free service, where you enter your email address (you can create more than one) and then associate a picture with it. When you use that email address on a blog comment, the picture you choose will appear along with it.

Sign-up is simple. Go to Gravatar.com and enter the email address(es) you use on blogs. Choose an image to use for that email, crop it and then associate it with that address. When you leave a comment on any gravatar-enabled blog, your picture will show up next to your name.

If you have any questions, or if you want to test it out, drop a comment in the drawer.

Note: I got some help with my Junk Drawer icon from The Awesome and Talented Kev at Special Kind of Stupid. He was able to tweak a larger logo I created using Flickr images. Eventually, another version of this icon will appear at the top of my blog. Thanks, Kev!

Stumble it!