That’s Knot What We Wanted
food, Stupid things I do March 22nd, 2008My husband Dave and I have been dieting religiously the last six weeks, but we lost our minds tonight and ordered take-out.
Here’s what Dave asked for when he placed the order by phone:
- Four cheeseburgers with mayo
- Two perogies
- One garlic knot
Here’s what we got when I picked it up and brought it home:
- Four cheeseburgers with mayo
- Two orders of perogies (3 to an order)
- And this…….
One garlic knot.
Every other time we’ve ordered from there, “one garlic knot” meant “one order of garlic knots,” which contains six knots. Ordering one garlic knot is akin to ordering a single french fry. It’s just not done.
The joke was on us. We got exactly what we asked for.
I don’t know about you, but we can eat about ten of these, and that’s after the burgers and perogies. So who took ownership of the one knot? Our cat, Stinky. She was smelling it up and down while I took this picture. Now we don’t have to split it, which is good because half a delicious knot is worse than no knot at all.

March 22nd, 2008 at 5:49 pm
Well, one cheeseburger with french fries would have filled me up but then I’m British ha ha! What exactly are perogies?
Babs (Beetle)’s last blog post..The games children played
March 22nd, 2008 at 6:02 pm
Hey, Babs — I added a link to a description and picture of perogies. They’re essentially potato-filled dough pockets, though they can be filled with other things. We prefer the potato type (and deep-fried, I might add). I can feel the cholesterol coursing through my veins right now. It’s probably best we only got the one knot. I’m about to explode.
March 22nd, 2008 at 6:05 pm
Oh they do sound delicious!
Babs (Beetle)’s last blog post..The games children played
March 22nd, 2008 at 6:18 pm
LOL … lucky cat. I had and uncle who would always respond, “Which hair” whenever someone said they had their hair cut. I don’t know why your story reminded me of that.
DrowseyMonkey’s last blog post..Jerusalem Photos
March 22nd, 2008 at 6:19 pm
I haven’t gotten around to fixing my icon, as you can see…thanks for the email I appreciated it because i couldn’t figure it out myself, well to be honest I hate reading instructions. π
DrowseyMonkey’s last blog post..Jerusalem Photos
March 22nd, 2008 at 7:01 pm
How sad about the lonely garlic knot. But I’m happy that Stinky got a treat. I’ll have to think twice the next time I order “one large fry” from McDonald’s. How mad would I be if I got a single (yet large) fry???!!!
JD’s last blog post..I Announce the Winners of the Vocabulary Skillzzz Contest! so you donβt have to
March 22nd, 2008 at 8:22 pm
It just goes to show that you get what you ask for. I am from California so I don’t have a clue as to what a Perogie is? But if I have to look up lunch on Wikipedia, I think I’ll pass.
Great food post.
Have a nice day.
Swubird’s last blog post..NEVER HIT A WOMAN!
March 22nd, 2008 at 8:27 pm
It makes you wonder if they did it on purpose…….ha, ha, ha!
KFJ’s last blog post..Sheer Exhaustion
March 22nd, 2008 at 10:50 pm
Stinky. You need to write a story about how the cat came to be named Stinky, although I can imagine.
Libertine’s last blog post..Couple Arrested For Having Sex in Church
March 23rd, 2008 at 12:07 am
LOL ! Cats always seem to be perpetually hungry. My Landlady does a great job feeding her cats and we see the results too ! But every now and then you’ll see them hunting down pigeons !
There’s a bit of a joke around my friends whenever we buy the first cup of coffee in the summer one of us would say someting like , “Is it just me or has medium become the new large…”
Jaffer’s last blog post..ManiaRavings is OpenID Enabled
March 23rd, 2008 at 2:56 am
Lol, well, at least you got full orders the perogies. That might have resulted in an angry phone call, if you only got two single perogies and a single garlic knot. π
March 23rd, 2008 at 5:23 am
Babs — They also taste great with sauteed onions!
DrowseyMonkey — My dad always says the same thing. He’s the king of puns and one-liners. I forget what instructions I sent. Try again. I know everyone would love to see your icon. It’s cute!
JD — One large fry, comin’ up! Need a knife and fork with that?
Swubird — Perogies could almost stand on their own as lunch. Their filling is very filling! Mmmmm…. fried potato-y goodness!
KFJ — Maybe. I have a history with them.
Libertine — Her name came about exactly as you think. Her given name was Hobbes, but Stinky “stuck” after a particularly foul episode soon after we got her. I exclaimed “Boy! For such a little kitty, she sure does Stink!”
Jaffer — Stinky loves most anything with butter on it. She didn’t actually eat it, but she did lick it clean. I guess I’m just glad I didn’t order “one large knot.” Might have walked out of there with one the size of a loaf of bread.
Kara — Funny. Yeah, we’d have been bummed, but it would have saved us even more calories. Back to the diet today!
March 23rd, 2008 at 7:36 am
Stinky probably hopes you order the wrong thing more often now so she can have that garlic knot.
March 23rd, 2008 at 9:49 am
I love all things garlic… that cat is lucky to be living at your house.
Mizmell’s last blog post..Easter 1960
March 23rd, 2008 at 11:23 am
I’ve never heard of garlic knots before. I’ll have to check them out. And losing your mind over burgers is a good thing, if you ask me!
Jeff’s last blog post..The Name Game
March 23rd, 2008 at 3:11 pm
You post reminded me why I always clarify serving sizes when I order from a restaurant. One time I ordered the Greek salad while out with friends. The server asked if I wanted the small or the large. I should have suspected something was up from the grin on her face, but stupid me just thought she was flirting.
When she brought be the salad it was in a clam shaped bowl that was the size of an olympic swimming pool. That salad had a full half-dozen boiled eggs, three heads of lettuce, a bushel of olives and a cask of goat cheese in it. The friends I was out with were rolling on the floor.
I ate my fill, took it home and my family (wife & five kids) ate off of that salad for three more days. I really got full value for my dollar in that salad.
Great post.
March 23rd, 2008 at 5:26 pm
Regan — Stinky is often the lucky recipient of food we’re too stuffed to eat. As long as it has butter on it.
Mizmell — Stinky rules the house. She’s 77 in human years, and a little arthritic, so we dote on her.
Jeff — I wish we’d gotten the full order. We were so stuffed from the burgers and perogies, but would have loved the knots as leftovers today. Doesn’t everyone serve garlic knots with Easter dinner?
Lee — Hilarious! I can just picture that giant bowl, filled with an entire produce section. Yeah, careful what you ask for. You just might get it.
March 23rd, 2008 at 6:34 pm
I just discovered your blog and i am loving it here. I love the way you write and express. Nice topics, cute stories and warm conversation, thanks.
March 24th, 2008 at 6:51 am
n — Glad to have you and I appreciate the compliment!
April 6th, 2008 at 10:58 am
Ohhhhhhhh….I think that garlic knot pic would qualify as an item in your ‘FOOD THAT LOOKS LIKE STUFF’ post.
I see a pair of fat lips puckered up!
I’m still reading!!!!!
Love your stuff!
April 6th, 2008 at 1:46 pm
Sue — Wow, it does look like lips! Hey, don’t forget. I take submissions of food that looks like stuff. Please be on the lookout for one. I haven’t found any lately, so I’m overdue. I’m seriously sending you a prize for reading my whole blog. I’m designing Junk Drawer merchandise soon with my logo on it. I’ll have to send you something.
April 7th, 2008 at 9:00 am
Kathy – Awwwww…Thanks! The sheer laughter and enjoyment of your writing is prize enough for me, but I won’t turn down a prize with your logo!
April 7th, 2008 at 4:59 pm
Sue — I’m getting close to finishing the logo. I’ll write you later.