The Flop Heard Round the World
embarrassing, Stupid things I do March 23rd, 2008If you’ve read my 10 Things I Don’t Have the Guts to Do post, you might assume I’ve left most scary things to the experts. That’s not entirely true. I have tried some fear-inducing things in the past. Some didn’t end so well, and that’s why they were a one-shot deal.
The High Dive from Hell
I was lucky as a kid to have a community pool only three blocks from my house. It was my home away from home most summers. For years I watched other kids jump off the high dive, marveled at their fearlessness and wished I could be like them.
I don’t remember the circumstances that led me one day to climb that ladder and patter down to the end of the board. I guess I wanted to say that I did it, even if it ended with me passing out or winding up in the ER.
With a throng of friends cheering me on below, I glanced at the water that, to me, appeared a mile away. Fear punched me in the face and I wished I’d left well enough alone.
I considered heading back down the way I came up, but I reasoned that my embarrassment would be worse than the fear of flying through the air. Besides, it always looked so fun when other people did it. All I had to do was step off the board and fall in! Weeeeeee!!!!
Oh, yeah, and I should have planned the flying-through-the-air part.
When I jumped off the board, I did so feet-first. As soon as I was airborne, I changed my mind and decided I’d like to do a head-first dive. Physicists and people with an IQ over 23 know that unless you’re a cat, you cannot change your body position while falling such a relatively short distance.
But I tried anyway and damn near killed myself in the process.
According to diving experts, “At the moment of take-off, two critical aspects of the dive are determined, and cannot subsequently be altered during the execution. One is the trajectory of the dive, and the other is the magnitude of the angular momentum.”
I landed with a lot of magnitude. Do you remember that earthquake in Pennsylvania in 1977? That was me.
Here’s what a normal pike dive looks like for someone who’s planning to open the pike and enter the water head-on, perfectly straight.
Look again. That’s exactly how I hit the water.
Pain ripped through me in ways I hadn’t known before, like a hundred little knives stabbing me in the gut. All the physical pain was localized to my abdomen, but the emotional pain was much worse.
Because I was under the water, I couldn’t see the looks on the spectators’ faces. But I imagined everyone wincing in unison, while clutching their own stomachs. That had to hurt, I’m sure they thought.
What little ego I had before going in was washed away as I surfaced from the Dive from Hell. To their credit, my friends didn’t laugh at me. Instead, they gathered around to make sure I was OK and hadn’t broken anything.
My ribs were fine, and so was my head, but I certainly had the wind knocked out of me. The only thing broken was my spirit. I never tried anything like that again in my life. But I did learn two important lessons. One, if your instinct tells you not to do something, listen to the voice. It usually knows when you’re about to be an idiot. And, two, I’m not a cat.
Humor-bloggers prefer the belly-flop.

March 23rd, 2008 at 8:20 pm
I can prove that I’m not a cat, but proving my IQ is above 23 would be harder. It might be, though, since my experience with the high dive had to do with me clutching the railing in fear and the lifeguard saying “Keep it moving up there,” and the lonely climb BACK DOWN the ladder thingy. After that it was straight to the 40-ouncers.
the frogster’s last blog post..A Frog Bog Expose- The Secret Peep Underworld
March 23rd, 2008 at 8:21 pm
Um, yeah….I’m 36 and still won’t dive off a board. Pretty sure that’s never going to happen. And, if I’m jumping from anything over five feet high, more often than not, I’ll plug my nose with my fingers. Embarrassing AND sad. I have to at least give you credit for the attempt.
Momo Fali’s last blog post..Only Slightly Shorter Than In-A-Gadda-Da-Vida
March 23rd, 2008 at 8:24 pm
Bless your heart!!! I have to admit that I did laugh some while reading about your pain.
I can now totally understand your reluctance to embark on fear inducing escapades…I am guessing sky diving is completely out of the question……
KFJ’s last blog post..Sheer Exhaustion
March 23rd, 2008 at 8:34 pm
I’m so sorry but I did laugh out loud when I read the ‘earthquake’ part. Just to make you feel proud of your attempt – I can’t even swim!
babs (beetle)’s last blog post..Sounds & Smells of Yesteryear
March 23rd, 2008 at 8:37 pm
I climbed a high dive once. Notice I said “climbed”. I did not dive.
This was a really high dive (or not, I was probably 11 – everything was really high to me then). And I waited my turn. They let 2 or three folks climb up the ladder to wait their turn. I waited, climbing a few rungs at a time.
I got to the top. And FREAKED. Cried. Hard. And could.not.move.
The lifeguard noticed that no one had dove off the dive for a while. I am sure there was heckling from the large (and growing larger) line down the ladder and on the ground. Waiting in line.
So what did he do? Blew his stupid little whistle. And made EVERYONE climb off the ladder.
Then he climbed up and backed me up to the ladder and he went down the ladder with me follwoing and begging him not to let me fall.
To this day, I cannot look at a high dive.
Thanks for the memories….. π
Margaret’s last blog post..The Only Thing Worse….
March 23rd, 2008 at 9:03 pm
Oh, kudos for having the guts to do it! Sorry it didn’t turn out so well! I feared the pool because of my older brother and his friends…so I would have never gotten near the high dive.
My stupid act was on a trampoline….there was one at the neighbors and I had mastered it (or so I thouhgt). I was doing a forward flip and this time I tried to do too much with it and over shot…missing the end of the trampoline and crashed into the side railing (long before they had fencing built around them). Not only did I knock the wind out of myself, I wrapped around the railing and then fell straight down on my head to the ground. I honestly thought I was dead….I don’t think I have ever been on a trampoline again…
Now I get to look forward to the many daredevil things my son will do…just tonight he thought it would be neat to climb on the back of the couch and try to leap across the room to the recliner….thankful I saw this coming by the grin on his face and gave him the “do it and your grounded for life” look and he just jumped down onto the couch and started laughing, saying I was just going to jump to your chair!…he is such a mess.
See you could have so much material with a little one running around!
March 23rd, 2008 at 9:45 pm
I’ve jumped off some pretty high places feet first without much trouble, but the one time I tried a high dive I overshot the arc and landed kind of back first with my legs slapping the water. And just like you, I never tried that again.
Jeff’s last blog post..The Name Game
March 23rd, 2008 at 11:45 pm
i dove off a 9 meter board when I was a high school student skipping school to go to University of Texas pools. That was the highest I have ever gone. They (grad students) were proving your point about cats and people. They would tape a person up with paper tape and he would try to move in space to change the body. I got the opportunity to dive off and retrieve the tape from the bottom drain. THAT WAS DEEP!!
Thanks for the memories.
Rattln Along’s last blog post..It is Easter!
March 24th, 2008 at 5:47 am
OMG! YEOWCH!!!!!!!
I can just picture that little helmet haired girl belly flopping into the water. Poor baby…or was that the day your hair curled?
My childhood ‘idiot moment’? I was riding a bike with a friend on the handlebars and we fell. One of the handles went up under my rib cage leaving me, literally, breathless. I’ve never lost my breath again. I vowed to lead a sedentary life thereafter…and I have.
March 24th, 2008 at 7:25 am
You certainly have a talent for prompting childhood memories. I did something similar, but did go in feet-first. However, in my case, what I forgot was that I didn’t know how to swim. That water was really deep under the diving board. Imagine my panic when my feet hit the bottom and my head was still under water. π
March 24th, 2008 at 12:10 pm
frogster — Oh, that’s brutal! I can’t be sure I wouldn’t have injured myself getting down on the ladder. Despite how my jump ended, it was the better option. At least I hit water and not concrete.
Momo Fali — Smart lady. You’re not missing anything, obviously!
KFJ — Can you imagine me sky-diving? They’d be scraping me off the pavement. A real bad scene.
babs — I guess there is some residual pride, even though I jumped and landed so poorly. I got what I wanted: To say that I did it at least once!
Margaret — I’m so sorry to read your horror story. I can just picture it. That’s exactly what I was afraid of. I really had to pick the lesser of two evils. I don’t blame you for not wanting to look at a dive board again. I don’t really care to either! Thanks for sharing.
Donna — You know, I could feel the pain the way you described it. Ouch! And sorry! Geez. Isn’t it a wonder we made it this far? As for your son, I feel for you. The stuff my brothers used to do… I know you have your hands full. Good luck and God bless.
Rattln Along — 9 meters! I feel dizzy just thinking about it. Cool memory, though!
Lori — YEOWCH!! Right back at ya. I’m picturing all these injuries and I’m cringing. I’m with ya on the sedentary thing. It’s much safer that way π
Lee — That sounds terrifying! You must have been so panicked! That breathing thing is so important, eh?
March 24th, 2008 at 12:41 pm
I remember when I was younger and I wanted to go off the high dive, but then went back down because I was too scared.
March 24th, 2008 at 1:13 pm
Jeff — God, I can just hear how that sounded and feel how that felt. I’m in a lot of pain today just reading these comments! Yikes!
Regan — Most people here don’t know you’re a pre-teen. So when you say “when I was younger,” they need to know you mean when you were like 5 years old. You’re supposed to be scared at that age. Funny girl!
March 24th, 2008 at 1:46 pm
I look at this from the opposite perspective. Try it again….how can it be any worse the second time around? You will have to show improvement.
Bruce’s last blog post..The Great Puzzle – A Blog In Three Parts
March 24th, 2008 at 3:01 pm
Aunt Kathy – Actually I might of been 7 or 8
March 24th, 2008 at 3:22 pm
Kathy –
Well, I a story to match yours, but I was much older and I was in front of a bunch of complete strangers that I’ll never see again in my life…this, outside of my husband anyway.
Ok, here goes: Honeymoon in Jamaca, year was 1996…staying in the most beautiful villa on the bay, we went touring through Negril…Our driver took us to this really cool bar for a drink…called Rick’s Cafe. Well, to my amazement, on our way in, this man runs past us, from the bathrooms, and jumps off the cliff over to our left. I was like “woah!” I wanna do that!… well, my husband looked at me like I was crazy, but in my fearless years, I had to do it…it was something I could bragg about to my kids someday (if I had any) So, I put on my bathing suit and walked over to the edge… some stranger comes to me and tell me to make sure I jump “out” and not just “up”, as there was a nice rock buldging out of the side of the cliff. Of course I was like “duh”… anyway, so I take off…what they didn’t tell me was to basically try to make a straight stick out of myself, hands to the side, and fall straight down… instead, when I took off, I would swear that I could fly. My legs were kicking, and I guess my arms were too… When I hit, I mean SMACKED, the water, it was my buttocks that took the brunt — my husband, who was down by the water at this time taking a picture of me doing this, screamed “are you ok?” when I came up. All I could feel, or couldn’t really feel, was how much by rear end hurt. When we developed the pictures, I was pretty much in the perfect seated position. Yet another position you should not be in when entering water from a height any higher than a chair. Oh, and by the way, it is possible to “rack” a girl.
March 24th, 2008 at 3:46 pm
You’re braver than I am, I could never make it up the ladder…scary.
DrowseyMonkey’s last blog post..Bless Me Cheesus
March 24th, 2008 at 5:05 pm
Bruce — Your theory is sound, except for one thing. I’d have to wear a bathing suit in public and that’s just never going to happen.
Regan — Still young to try death-defying things!
Mandy — THAT is the dive story to beat all dive stories. Oh, the pain! I’m sorry I laughed at the image of you flailing your arms and landing on your butt. So sorry. Really. Wow.
DrowseyMonkey — Funny, I don’t even remember getting up there. Adrenaline, maybe?
March 24th, 2008 at 5:38 pm
OMG you poor thing! I winced myself and that’s just from reading it!
Corrina’s last blog post..Day Off From Life
March 24th, 2008 at 5:39 pm
Ahhhhh!!! My little avatar works!! Sorry for the extra comment… I am just very happy. LOL
March 24th, 2008 at 6:37 pm
“I landed with a lot of magnitude.” Wow. And ow. I’m glad you were OK. I used to jump (always feet-first) off the high dive when I was a fearless teen, but no more.
And I’ve heard about that cliff-jumping at Rick’s Cafe in Jamaica that Mandy described. Not me!
JD’s last blog post..I Take Pix so you donβt have to
March 24th, 2008 at 6:54 pm
So… does this mean bungee jumping is out?
Don’s last blog post..Ponderings of a Single Dad
March 24th, 2008 at 7:24 pm
I wonder what hurt more, your abdomen, or your feelings?
I’m glad you won’t try stuff like that again. You’re not a cat, but you’re purrfect just the way you are!
March 24th, 2008 at 7:53 pm
JD – yeah, it looked like fun at the time, you know, flinging your body off a cliff into water…I can now look back and laugh. Would I do it again? Probably not, however I would certaintly know what NOT to do while in mid flight next time…no matter how high up I am. I really cannot fly.
March 24th, 2008 at 8:21 pm
Hey, at least you had the guts to try! And luckily you still have your guts left. π (Too gruesome? I’m sorry, I’ll try to be more sensitive to your pain next time. :P)
StephanieC’s last blog jabbawockeez!
March 25th, 2008 at 4:36 am
Corrina — The dive was most certainly wince-worthy! Glad you got your avatar up!
JD — Yes, but you’re sure fearless in other ways. I tip my hat to you.
Don — And sky-diving and base jumping and standing on a chair to change a light bulb.
FerdC — The pain in the abdomen was temporary. My feelings hurt a lot longer. Don’t worry. I’m not even considering anything like that again. I wised up.
Mandy — I’m still stunned at what you did. But I guess landing on your butt was better than slamming into a rock.
StephanieC — It was the pain of a thousand stomach crunches. That’s still a better way to flatten your abs.
March 26th, 2008 at 7:34 am
You were mentioned on TV Monday night on a bloggers forum. They said you were the best local non-political blog. I have to agree. I always come here for a good laugh!
janetharrigan’s last blog post..Candidate Links are working!
March 26th, 2008 at 4:55 pm
March 26th, 2008 at 5:32 pm
Wow!! Now you’re getting television coverage. I’m always going to be able to say, “I knew her when…”
March 26th, 2008 at 5:43 pm
janetharrigan — Thank you for letting me know. I’d forgotten that Bernie, et al were going to be on “Business Matters.” I watched the show today and was floored! Really made my day. Glad you visit! It’s good to have you.
ThinkBox — Ouch is right. I almost feel the pain just thinking of it again!
Lee — Don’t worry. I won’t get a big head. I swear I didn’t pay him to do it.
If you want to see the mention, go to
In the Archives section, click “Blogging in the Lehigh Valley”. I’m mentioned by fellow blogger Chris Casey around the 20 minute mark. The entire show was excellent. Great stuff for any blogger to see.
March 26th, 2008 at 7:42 pm
Hilarious. I loved it. I am amazed that you attempted a head first dive your first me off of the high board. That was either real gutsy, or a total lack of common sense. Whatever. Typically, all the kids I knew landed feet first so that they could get used to the drop. When I first went head first, I actually hit the water face first. Try that sometime. All kidding aside, I’m glad you didn’t get hurt. I suppose that’s how we learn.
Happy trails.
Swubird’s last blog post..THE END OF THE WORLD!
March 27th, 2008 at 4:28 am
Swubird — I have NO idea what possessed me to think I wanted to do a head-first dive. It’s ludicrous. Go with “no common sense.” Yep, and I learned real fast what not to do!
April 4th, 2008 at 12:02 pm
At the same community pool that all us siblings visited every day in the summer, I decided to do a new dive. I was about 12 (Kathy, this was before you were a twinkle in dad’s eye) and stood at the edge of the Olympic pool, trying to get up the nerve. It was called the Sailor Dive – just stand there with hands at your side and fall in forehead first, but I decided to fall in top-of-head first. Well, I went straight to the bottom since the water level was only about 5 feet. Hit my head and thought an elephant was sitting on me. Used all my strength to get to the top and hoist myself up on the edge and sat there, hunched over, getting my bearings. My friend saw the blood first. They took me to the hospital where they put about 4 stiches in. Dad was really mad cause he had to leave work to come and get me. I was too embarrassed to say I was trying the new dive, so I told everyone I just fell in.
April 4th, 2008 at 6:20 pm
Marlene — You would think your bloody head story would have made the rounds at family gatherings. I’m very upset I didn’t hear about this until now. Man, what else don’t I know? p.s. Maybe our family should all stay away from water?
February 11th, 2009 at 5:17 pm
I remember belly flops off the low diving board as a kid in swimming lessons, but I am assuming yours was from a high dive board. OUCH!! And in front of a crowd of people watching you. OUCH to the ego.
Perhaps you need an injury lawyer because I know that it was likely the facilities fault for installing that diving board too low π hehe
February 15th, 2009 at 7:14 am
PA Litigation Guy — Yes, this was off the high dive. First time I ever tried it. And the last, obviously!