The To-Do List Meme
computing, Fun, Stupid things I do March 26th, 2008 One of my favorite bloggers, Kev over at Special Kind of Stupid, is paying me back for tagging him with a meme in November. He’s assigned me the “To Do List” meme, a list of five things I have to do unrelated to work. Here goes nothin’.
1. Send two friends their birthday cards I bought two weeks ago. One is sitting in front of me as I type, the other is on my desk at work. I see the cards every day and every day I tell myself to mail them already. Yet, every day they sit there not wishing anyone a happy birthday. So JD and Alice, I’m thinking of your long gone birthdays and hoping you had good ones. I do realize I’m possibly the worst friend in the world. Please forgive me. Still, I wouldn’t expect the cards any time soon.
2. Clean the litter boxes in the basement. Ever since our arthritic cat Stinky started having trouble taking steps to get there, we decided to move one of three litter boxes to the second floor where she spends most of her time. It seems like all three cats are using it, but you never know. The boxes in the basement may now look like two huge archeological digs and we’re going to need a backhoe to clear it out. I wonder if those kids we hired to shovel our driveway do poo detail.
3. Backup my hard drive in the home office. Yeah, I know. I’m a computing consultant. I should backup regularly, but I haven’t done it in months. Yesterday a client came to my office nearly in tears because his hard drive crashed and he needs tax data recovered. It might cost him a fortune to save it, assuming it’s possible. My advice to everyone is “You don’t put on your seat belt expecting to get in a car accident, but you do it anyway, just in case.” Same with your data. I half-jokingly told my distraught client to pray to St. Isidore. For the uninitiated, he’s the patron saint of computers and the Internet. Who said you couldn’t learn anything here?
4. Clean up the remnants of the pumpkin on my back porch. Yes, part of my autumn display is still there. From October. I’ll spare you what it looks like after having spent six months exposed to the elements. I did at least get rid of 90% of it, but the 10% that’s left would give you the dry heaves if you saw it. But if you’re into science experiments, I’ll be running the Guess the Mold, Win a Prize contest in April. Stay tuned!
5. Write my final blog post. I have a will for myself, but I don’t have a will, so to speak, for my blog. If I got hit by a bus tomorrow, how would you guys know where I went? I know it sounds morbid, but I’d like to write a post that will be published in the event of my death. I would hate to have people asking where I am in the comments section and my husband having to deal with that. You’ll know if it happens. The post title will read simply “I’m Dead. The Junk Drawer is Now Empty.” It’ll be hilarious.

March 26th, 2008 at 8:34 pm
1. I gave up sending people cards of any type years ago, because when I did ever send them they were always weeks late and I looked like a jerk. And, even though I don’t send cards anymore, people STILL love me!
2. Three cats! See I told you it was a herd.
3. I mirror all my personal data to an external USB drive and now I don’t care if my internal drive crashes or not. (P.S… you’ll only be able to do this if you have a teenage computer geek for a child)
4. I have 3 feet of snow to cover up my last year’s compost. What was your excuse again?
5. WTH? Believe it or not, you got me on this one. š
Jeff’s last blog post..March Malaprops
March 26th, 2008 at 8:44 pm
A will for a blog. Ok that has to be unique.
windyridge’s last blog post..Wordless Wednesday
March 26th, 2008 at 9:58 pm
A will for a blog. What an awesome idea. Can I have your wit when you die? Your wit plus my wit would equal wit that could easily take over the world.
BTW: Don’t forget, I tagged you for TWO memes. You have a “quirky” meme to do, too!
kev’s last blog post..The āSā Word
March 26th, 2008 at 10:51 pm
You can not be serious about that pumpkin Kathy. Your last post will be sooner than you think…I’m sure the bubonic plague is growing in there by now!
DrowseyMonkey’s last blog post..As You Can See … It’s Spring
March 26th, 2008 at 11:49 pm
Your list inspired me to relay my list.
1) Balance check book
2) Meal plan
3) Call doctor
4) Shred mail
Do I actually have to ādoā my to do list? At least someone we know could have fun with #4.
March 27th, 2008 at 1:30 am
Damn…you always take the fun out of it! I wanna see the pumpkin remains! hmph! *pout*
I am horrible with snail mail so…I totally relate to needing to mail out cards but not doing it. My Son In Law is still waiting for clothes that got left here at Christmas time.
Reason number 1,835 why I don’t have pets. Kids are enough of an issue.
Cool…a blog will. You know, that’s totally a good idea because you’re right. People get to ‘know’ you online and you could disappear and we would never know what happened to you. I mean, if your pumpkin remains DID have the Bubonic Plaque festering in it and you DID pass on then I know I PERSONALLY want pics of what you look like at the point of death.
You love me…
Lori’s last blog post..Wednesday’s wealth of blog fodder
March 27th, 2008 at 4:55 am
Everyone — The idea for a final blog post came from articles I read about handing over the reins to someone else if you run a monetized blog (assuming it generates substantial income for your family). You should have qualified people in place to keep it going in your absence. I do realize it would be hard for someone to type out my last post, but I’d want everyone to know what fun I had doing this and how thankful I was for everyone’s visits.
Jeff — I actually took a picture of JD’s birthday card and sent that to her. That’s progress. I have no excuse for the pumpkin sludge. None.
windyridge — It’s unusual, but I have actually read someone’s final post and it’s heartbreaking. He was a soldier killed in Iraq.
kev — Yeah, yeah. I know. Two memes. Although I did do a Weird Things About Me post once. But I know I have enough material for your quirky things meme. Plenty.
DrowseyMonkey — The weird thing is it doesn’t smell! For its looks, you’d expect it to.
Amy — Do you really have to balance your checkbook? Can’t you just get “close enough?” As for shredding, I’ll be right over.
Lori — I don’t think you wanna see it. Of course, you have kids, so you’ve probably seen worse. Don’t worry. I’ll crack out the hazmat gear when I get to the pumpkin remains. If I go, it won’t be for that.
March 27th, 2008 at 8:57 am
To Kathy’s readers:
Kathy actually sent me a picture of my belated birthday card to prove that it existed. I know she doesn’t want to part with it, and–it’s the thought that counts, right? I have the picture.
Thanks for reminding me to back up my hard drive. I gotta get one of those USB thingies.
I think you’re going to have to share pictures of your decaying pumpkin. It could tie into the whole Guess the Mold contest somehow.
As for your final blog, I hope I’m long gone before then.
JD’s last blog post..I Have a Crush on a Cartoon so you donāt have to
March 27th, 2008 at 8:57 am
Oh a ‘blog will’ – that would be so sad and really funny :O)
I hope you don’t mind but I’ve tagged you.
babs (beetle)’s last blog post..Alphabet Tag
March 27th, 2008 at 9:42 am
my current “to do’s”
#1: make a list
#2: look at the list
#3: prioritize the list
#3: procrastinate on the list
oh, and btw, I have 4 cats…(and a Betta fish) š Guess that means I have a colony?
March 27th, 2008 at 9:45 am
but I guess I need to count first… 4 comes after 3, right?
March 27th, 2008 at 9:46 am
Kathy, you crack me up! A blog will?! hahaha I can hardly wait to read it.
To be honest, since the passing of my father in-law, it actually crossed my mind about what would happen to my blog in the event I died suddenly. I think a blog will is an excellent idea!
Lin’s last blog post..Top 10 List of Favorite Links
March 27th, 2008 at 9:52 am
That final blog post sounds really interesting. In fact, it sounds like a meme unto itself. If you show me yours, I’ll show you mine. š
Marie’s last blog post..All I Ask of You
March 27th, 2008 at 10:40 am
You know, I’m sure I left a comment already, but can’t see it.
Birthday cards. I’m exactly the same! It can be sitting right in front of my monitor and there it stays…waiting…and waiting. Then it goes in a box for next year!
babs (beetle)’s last blog post..Alphabet Tag
March 27th, 2008 at 10:45 am
Actually the last one is a serious issue because I think about it a lot !
When I die, I don’t want my Blog, Facebook, Myspace, Email accounts etc etc alive ! I’d prefer someone to take care of my online activities and by letting all my online friends know of my demise, and remove all my accounts from the internet (ie Bury them with me).
I’ve atleast two favourite feeds in my RSS reader which haven’t been updated in a couple of months. And I have never received a reply to my e-mails since ! It’s creeping me out to think what may have happened to them !
Jef Raskin’s (1943-2005) website is a great example of how a dead person’s website can be handled by their children.
Jaffer’s last blog post..ManiaRavings is OpenID Enabled
March 27th, 2008 at 11:41 am
#5 is hilarious… hilarious in fact…I should think about doing that as well.
Bruce’s last blog post..My – POV
March 27th, 2008 at 11:59 am
Don’t you know? Old bloggers never die, they just get shoved into an archive somewhere.
Great list. I think you and I were conjoined twins once, with all the things we have in common. Ask my kids about my success at sending birthday cards. :0)
March 27th, 2008 at 12:09 pm
I feel so much better knowing I’m not the only sick and morbid blogger out there.
Momo Fali’s last blog post..I Like The Way He Thinks
March 27th, 2008 at 12:33 pm
what’s the best possible way to do. no 3, let me know, my computer is about to crash. it already blacked out on me once.
you can write number 5, but i won’t read it. i’ll be too choked up. i did name my last post: this (blog) too shall pass. lol…haven’t written it though.
natural’s last blog post..How to Create A Favicon
March 27th, 2008 at 5:18 pm
Whoa, I never even thought about the ‘final blog post’. Geez. My husband would have absolutely no clue what to do. And of course it would be at the top of his “death to-do list”.
March 27th, 2008 at 5:27 pm
JD — Expect to see the remnants of the pumpkin sometime. It’s too good to pass up. Glad you liked the picture of the card. That’s probably all you’ll see. Or you’ll get it next year!
Babs — It’ll be sad to write, but I’ll try to “funny it up” so I can go out with a bang. OK?
Mandy — I suspect that’s what most people do with to-do lists. That’s why I only do lists in memes. Nah, you don’t have a colony. There was a fire in our town this week where they found 50 cats in the house (owner and cats all OK). That’s a colony!
Lin — It’s really not a crazy idea if you have a good readership, as you do. People will miss you and want to know what’s up (including me). My condolences on the passing of your father-in-law. I know it was a long, painful ordeal.
Marie — I know I have to write it, but God knows how long it’ll be getting to it.
Babs, again — My apologies for your comments winding up as spam. Will watch for that in the future. I think I’m going to give up on the birthday cards. Amazon e-gifts are probably my best bet. No card!
Jaffer — Yes, you are right. In addition to my last post, I will leave instructions for closing up all my accounts (or at the very least, leaving my passwords). There’s a lot to consider in our online afterlife. Thanks for that link. Interesting.
Bruce — Do it! Your family will appreciate it. If they have access to your blog account, they can keep it going long enough to receive messages from fans of the dearly departed. It’s a weird concept to think about, but really, it’s a good idea.
Lee — Yeah, but only if I keep paying my host server! We should just give up the cards, Lee. It’s for the best if no one expects them. Then we don’t have to disappoint.
Momo Fali — Yep, that’s me. You’ve GOT to know by now how whacked my brain is.
natural — Million ways. At least buy an external USB drive, plug that baby in and backup as much as you can. You can also buy something like Norton Save and Restore to have it do backups automagically. Saves the grief. I’m too lazy, even for that. You must read my last post. I promise it’ll be the best thing I’ve ever written.
angelawd — Most people don’t, but it’s good food for thought, eh? My friend JD doesn’t know it yet, but I’m probably assigning the task to her. She’ll get an envelope in the mail with my post and account information. No one else in my family knows how to use WordPress. I don’t want a technical issue to get in the way of posting it.
March 27th, 2008 at 5:48 pm
I’m anxious to see what you come up with for the blog will. I’ve been thinking to write a complete post, including title and formatting etc, and put it in the folder I keep with my Living Will and other important documents.
Then, IF something unforeseen were to occur, my hubby would find it and it would include the login information and complete How-To instructions (since he’s totally clueless about blogging or that I actually DO have a really good following). I will definitely work on that this weekend, after I’m done with the DallasCamp Blogger Convention here locally.
Lin’s last blog post..Top 10 List of Favorite Links
March 27th, 2008 at 6:05 pm
Lin — My plan is nearly identical. I’ll type out the post and leave it in an envelope (in our safe) that instructs my husband to mail to the trusted person appointed to put it up. Of course, it’ll have to include my WordPress admin account information. At first I thought I’d give it to one of my sisters, but they’re unfamiliar with the blog platform, so I don’t want to stress them with technical difficulties. As for my main blog email account, I will probably leave that with my husband to maintain for a while or not. It’d be up to him if he wanted to respond to people looking for me. I know what a burden that would be, but he also knows I would appreciate him doing it.
I know this is a morbid topic, but my blog is important to me and, just like anything else I leave behind, I want the right things to happen with it. Good for you giving it serious consideration.
March 27th, 2008 at 6:28 pm
I think it is ironic that #2 has to do with the litter boxes!!!! ha, ha!!!
KFJ’s last blog post..ā80ās Fix Wednesdays
March 27th, 2008 at 6:29 pm
Are you kidding? When I die, I’ll probably end up IN the junk drawer! Everything ends up there! (Plus, funerals are expensive)
March 27th, 2008 at 6:52 pm
I have a pretty long to-do list. Usually from my mom.
March 27th, 2008 at 7:10 pm
Off Topic (sorry)
Kathy, have you watched MissGuided on ABC? I think she’s wearing your young Kathy hair in some pictures that are suppose be her when she was younger. You could’ve been twins!
Moonshadow’s last blog post..Pretty Bubbles #3
March 27th, 2008 at 7:41 pm
Icky! What a disgusting pumpkin display that must be now.
#5– I thought that maybe I was the only one that thought of the ‘what if?’. But in a time such as my passing, I’d hate to leave a note asking my hubby–“One more thing;update my two readers and let them now what happened. Also, check my email.”
StephanieC’s last blog post..let’s get shallow in the real world
March 27th, 2008 at 11:24 pm
i was thinking about the whole ‘nomination thingy’ of ones online life for lot other reasons some time back but this whole Internet thingy is getting to my head, its painful yet pleasureful
oh also for what that part really means, i dunno i think your on a different plane of life, way too special and important, do your thing as always
hey this is a great blog here and i luv the posts, trust me all good work is rewarded and yours will be too
March 27th, 2008 at 11:27 pm
I can beat that. I still have birthday and Christmas cards years back that are still waiting to be sent. And that just goes for my wife š
Regarding the kitty litter, well… if I get to it once a week I’m feeling real good about myself.
Funny thing is I always seem to find time for blogging though. The shrinks must have a name for that.
Blog Bloke’s last blog post..Calling All Blokesters ā¦ Need More Ideas Please!
March 27th, 2008 at 11:34 pm
Regarding the post-mortem, uhumm … how’s this for starters?
“Blog Bloke met his dubious end today whilst hunching over over his keyboard doing what he loved most — responding to his dearly beloved Blokesters. We don’t know if he suffered at all, but we can say that he left this world with a smile on his face and his finger on the enter button.”
I know, it’s still a little rough but I’m working on it.
Blog Bloke’s last blog post..Calling All Blokesters ā¦ Need More Ideas Please!
March 28th, 2008 at 5:15 am
KFJ — Hadn’t noticed. Brilliant!
damon — All the important stuff goes in the junk drawer, right? Consider it a compliment.
Regan — You kill me.
Moonshadow — Haven’t seen the show, but I’ll catch up on (they offer full episodes online). You’ve made me very curious!
StephanieC — I have pictures of the sunken pumpkins, and one of what’s left. It’ll carry a big warning. Re: the note to your husband, it wouldn’t be the first time wives have left to-do lists for their hubbies, but probably the first left from grave. “She’s still bugging me….”
n — Thank you for the compliment. Nice of you to say!
Blog Bloke — And another thing. When did cards start costing $3? I’d rather put that towards a gift than a card that’ll probably sit out for the requisite period of time, then go in the trash. I’m starting another revolution. “No cards! Just gifts!”
re: your first post-mortem draft is perfect actually. I can picture it in my mind and it’s just how I’d imagine you.
March 28th, 2008 at 6:36 am
Com’on, Kathy, you look so young! I’ve just come to your blog and you are talking about a will!
Wish you hundreds of new posts and strong health!
Kiss dont Miss’s last blog post..Going Dutch – Yes or No
March 28th, 2008 at 9:56 am
i bought an external usb drive yesterday, only 4 gig though. my HD is way bigger. i’ll look into those other options…i would like a new computer, perhaps i can use my current harddrive as a backup once that happens..but it’s acting crazy.
well after i get over the fact that you’re no more, i’ll read it, but not without my advil and tissue. let’s talk about something else.
natural’s last blog post..How to Create A Favicon
March 28th, 2008 at 7:47 pm
Great post, as usual. You’d better clean up that large, round, black and brown looking thing on your back porch, though. October was a long time ago. Of course you could save it for next Halloween. Wouldn’t that be different?
As to your Will, I read that there are hundreds of so-called ghost blogs and websites all over the internet whose masters have bitten the dust. Did you ever leave a comment on a site that never replied to what you wrote? You never can tell.
Have a nice day.
Swubird’s last blog post..SIGNS OF THE TIMES
March 28th, 2008 at 10:07 pm
Your point about the final blog post got me thinking about a fellow blogger who “disappeared” from her blog early December. No explanation, nothing. So I decided once again to check out her blog today, and she was finally back! With explanations, of course, but still, it made me think that something terrible happened.
My poor family would need my little journal to clean up all my online life; passwords and instructions for many blogs, websites, email and social networking sites…. YIKES!
Maureen’s last blog post..Spring Cleaning
March 29th, 2008 at 4:46 am
Clean the litter boxes in the basement
Hilarious. Problem is my cat is so vocal when his box gets full of poop that he’ll start meowing loudly go back to his back several times and start kicking the dried up turds outside onto the floor. If I could train him to continue I might not have to clean the box at all.
Write my final blog post
We all fantasize about it, some do it then start back up again š I never thought about the angle of the FINAL blog post. Now you have me thinking too much.
Well done Kathy. Well written and very funny. Your’s is one of the sites I find needing to come to to lighten up.
~JD “The Supplicant”; Since apparently there’s already another JD kicking around here.
March 29th, 2008 at 1:41 pm
Kiss don’t miss — I’m hoping for hundreds of new posts, too. But you just never know. There could be a bus with my name on it.
natural — At least backup what you care most about. You can fix your PC or buy a new one later. My intent for my last post is that you’ll all be laughing your heads off. There’s always time for crying, but laughing always comes first.
Swubird — Don’t put it past me to leave the mess there until next year. I’ve gone six months already. I’ve luckily never been left hanging on a blog. Hope not to!
Maureen — Glad you got back to that blog and everything was OK. I can understand the confusion. I have so many online account sprinkled about, I’d probably forget a bunch and they’d last forever. Is that good or bad?
JD (The Supplicant) — I know you’ll think I’m kidding, but I’ve always wanted to train my cats to use the toilet instead of a box. So far, they only want to drink out of it. About the final post, don’t think too hard about it. You have enough going on this week! Thanks so much for the compliment!
March 30th, 2008 at 1:30 am
Reality is lmerely an illusion, albeit a very persistent one. You surely put the witt into witticism in your constant jabs at the ambiguities, nuances, and obfuscations of reality.
Jack Payne’s last blog post..Legal Con Man Tactics Used in Flood of Frivolous Law Suits
March 30th, 2008 at 6:01 pm
Jack Payne — I’m blushing. Thanks. That means a lot coming from a professional writer. I’m working my way through your blog. Fantastic stuff there. Con man — isn’t that the second oldest profession?
April 2nd, 2008 at 6:00 am
[…] Kathy’s recent postĀ posedĀ the question aboutĀ preparing ourĀ blog obituaryĀ to be published by a trusted friend in […]
April 8th, 2008 at 5:56 pm
Hey Kathy,
I just read this article on Gawker and it reminded me of #5.
StephanieC’s last blog post..taking a break.
April 9th, 2008 at 5:44 am
StephanieC — Oh, I just saw that the other day! Kinda creepy, kinda thoughtful.
April 23rd, 2008 at 8:26 am
[…] driver or suddenly died of a massive heart attack? Kathy Frederickās recent participation in āThe To-Do List Memeā made me realize I needed to write a final blog post and keep it with my personal will and other […]
June 29th, 2009 at 10:49 am
I think it’s also important to remember that some old “to do” items are old for a reason – do we really need to tie up all those loose ends? It’s good to weigh the benefit of taking care of that against the drawback of using your precious time to do it.
Lorrine’s last blog post..Great post today on finding employment lawyers