Clean Up in Cubicle 4
cats, work May 25th, 2008Anyone who works in an office environment comes to expect certain things:
1. Staff will always be a little slow-moving on Monday mornings.
2. Meetings will always run later than expected.
3. No one ever wants to make the next pot of coffee.
4. The copy machine needs paper the second you’re about to use it.
5. Staff don’t clean the kitty litter box often enough, which is a shame because everyone knows cats will go anywhere they please when it’s not kept spotless.
Yes, it’s exactly what you think it is.
My sister Marlene works at what I thought was a cat-free, poo-free insurance company. When she sent it to me, the first thing I wrote her was “You’ve GOT to be kidding me.”
She reported back, “We found it in our office this morning. No one knows how it got there.”
I replied, “Who disposed of it, and more importantly, can I blog about it?”
Marlene replied, “One of the guys picked it up and Gina sprayed Bath & Body Wash on the spot, but we have no Lysol….Yes, you can blog about it, in fact, the lunch bunch said you would have a field day with this….”
She and her colleagues have two theories:
1. A cat or other animal got in somehow – maybe Louie – he’s a cat that roams outside. Somebody in one of the buildings of our industrial park feeds him, but he’s allowed to roam.
2. The cleaning people brought their pet.
My money’s on Louie. All I’m gonna say is they should be real happy that Louie left his calling card in an obvious, open space. Otherwise, I’d hate to be the poor soul who sits down at his desk Monday morning, bleary-eyed from the weekend, only to find a fresh Tootsie Roll next to the keyboard.
What’s that saying? All the world’s your litter box?
Oh, and God bless the person who thought to take this picture. I love that it was the first thing someone did before cleaning it up. There’s a Junk Drawer magnet for you if you want it.

June 3rd, 2008 at 7:57 am
That was a great post! I would have done what Jenny did, complete with crap and carcass if I had been blogging back then! It’s so nice to be able to look at the pictures and relive those moments, though. Good times.
Don’s last blog post..Ramblings Wins “Best of Blogs” Award
June 3rd, 2008 at 5:10 pm
yuck how did the cat get in and you should get that office to put in a litter box:)
June 3rd, 2008 at 5:50 pm
Don — IMO, cameras are for anything you don’t see every day. If it’s poop on an office floor, then so be it. Shoot away!
brooke — I’m afraid if they put in a litter box, the cat will feel a bit too welcome and then it’s all over.
June 5th, 2008 at 12:30 pm
well thats a good point
July 29th, 2008 at 2:53 pm
Who brings cats to work? Especially if you work in an office!
July 29th, 2008 at 7:19 pm
Bath and Body — Actually, in response to people bringing in their dogs to the office, I want to — just once — bring my cat to the office. The one that farts.
August 1st, 2008 at 10:34 am
Kathy, you must not like your coworkers then, if you want to bring in a cat that farts!
September 2nd, 2008 at 6:07 am
Very nice and useful post. U must be appreciated for the post. Nice writing. keep it up.