I Married a Movie Star
Fun May 3rd, 2008 I haven’t had many brushes with fame. In fact, only two. Once when Mary Hart of Entertainment Tonight was on our campus at work interviewing Lee Iacocca, she drifted into my building looking for the ladies room.
I was coming down the stairs and was shocked by the woman standing before me. Wearing an exquisite deep blue business suit, perfectly made-up and not a hair out of place, she looked like Miss America.
She asked where the restrooms were and I pointed down the hall. Didn’t say a word. Didn’t get a picture. Just helped her empty her bladder.
The more important brush with fame is that I married a movie star, my husband Dave. Ok, ok. Not a star, per se. But he did appear for about 10 seconds in the 1978 TV miniseries, The Dain Curse. That’s him in his movie costume. He appeared as an extra, an officer handling crowd control in a scene outside a courthouse.
Fast-forward 30 years, he still remembers his encounters with the leads in the movie. Not anything remarkable, mostly glimpses of them walking around the set. But he did say hello to James Coburn, who was pacing around reciting lines to himself.
What that means for me is that whenever we see a movie where one of those actors appeared, I get “I worked with him,” or “I worked with her.” We have a little chuckle over his “acting days” and I think to myself Well, you worked with an actor, but I married one!
So does anyone have more interesting brushes with fame to share? Please tell me you did more than show someone the way to the bathroom.
Everybody’s famous at Humor-Blogs.com.

May 5th, 2008 at 8:01 pm
Jay: James Belushi was actually very nice, if I remember correctly. He was having dinner with his mom, who was quite sweet. And they left me a big tip!
JD at I Do Things’s last blog post..I Will Pimp My Snack so you don’t have to
May 6th, 2008 at 4:57 am
Swubird — I’m sorry your foot-in-mouth problem made me laugh. But I needed it, so thanks. I guess your pain is my gain!
JD at I Do Things — I’m considering pimping a tub of chocolate chip cookies I bought last night. Do you suggest icing?
May 6th, 2008 at 6:55 am
Holy crap it’s going to take me forever to read all the replies! lol
Ok, here are mine. Are you ready? Cause I grew up in SO Cal. hehe
As a teen, our youth group went to a taping of a gameshow. Out of a door a bit down from the line we were standing in, Parker Stevenson came out. My friend ran after him to hug him. lol
When I was a kid we were driving on the freeway and were coming up on a sports car with the license plate Bix. As we passed we looked at the driver and it was Bill Bixby.
In my twenties we went to a church service in LA. At the beginning they had a time where the pastor told everyone to shake the hand of those around you. We turned around and shook hands with Chuck Woolery, Joanne Pflug (I thinkt hey were married then) and Deby Boone. It was so cool because Chuck was still a hottie then and Deby’s first album was a hit! lol
My ex hubby and his dad cleaned Merlin Olsen’s carpets. Back when he was more famous for football than Little House on the Prairie. hehe He signed a furniture coaster for them. hehe
And most recently, hubby and I were having some ‘us’ time and stayed at the Westin hotel at the Detroit Airport. While waiting for valet to bring our car Mitch Albom walked by…we recognized him mostly by his ears. lol We were too cool to say ‘hi’…lol Didn’t want to appear to be star hounders. lol
I really can’t think of any others…
Lori’s last blog post..Looking Sharp
May 6th, 2008 at 8:46 am
J 4 JOKES’s last blog post..Medical joke and humor
May 6th, 2008 at 8:46 am
Marlene – I never knew that about you. It’s funny the things you learn about your siblings on a blog. My only brush with fame…my sister Kathy’s husband appeared briefly in the 1978 tv movie ‘The Dain Curse’.
May 6th, 2008 at 9:37 am
hey kathy,
i have several – the closest is/was – my mom’s former best friend (they had a falling out) is ray romano’s mom
rock on,
Harris Bloom’s last blog post..Freaky Monday/Tuesday
May 6th, 2008 at 11:10 am
Well, I am famous (in my own mind) and you read my blog….so there ya go….you have brushed up against greatness.
Bruce’s last blog post..Essential Cinema – 27
May 6th, 2008 at 11:31 am
Lori — Holy crap is right. I wasn’t expecting this response. I mean, I didn’t think anyone could top Mary Hart.
You’ve got some fun encounters there. I was in love with Parker Stevenson from the Hardy Boys. Always liked Bill Bixby too. That’s funny about Mitch Albom’s ears. I could see that happening.
ann of the shampoo bag — OK, so what you’re saying is your even lamer than me. Bless your heart.
Harris Bloom — That’s very cool. Up until the falling out part. I could see the entire Romano clan being down to earth.
Bruce — And now I feel soooo much better! Thanks. I was starting to think I was a nobody.
May 6th, 2008 at 1:47 pm
I gave the lead singer in the band Weezer his first kiss when we were 13 year old next door neighbors. His name is Rivers Quomo now, but it was Peter Kitts back then. I dropped him like a hot potato when school started and I started hanging out with the preppy kids. He was a computer geek and didn’t quite fit in with my new image. Poor guy.
Nancy in CT
May 7th, 2008 at 11:34 am
OK OK since you ASKED … I met Leonard Nimoy (you know … Mr. Spock of Star Trek fame) backstage in Atlanta after he starred as Tevye in a production of Fiddler on the Roof. This was in the mid ’70s. I also met Jane Byrne, then Mayor of Chicago, at O’Hare airport in 1980. I attended a wedding in 1992 where Colonel Oliver North was the best man, and I met him in (where else) the receiving line! I met the supermodel Kim Alexis at Marshall Field’s in Chicago. My husband and I met Carlton Fiske, the baseball player, one night in Chicago during the late ’80s. He was just this side of rude, like he didn’t want to hang out with us, which we could not understand!
And just a little over a year ago, bestselling author Pat Conroy personally signed my copy of The Prince of Tides after a lecture at the University of South Carolina. Last Christmas I exchanged emails with Karolyn Grimes, who played ZuZu in It’s a Wonderful Life! I’m sure there are more but I can’t think of them right now …
Jenny’s last blog post..Congratulations, Erica!
May 7th, 2008 at 4:09 pm
Nancy in CT — Aw, poor guy. Hmmm, you should get free show tickets or CD or something for being the first kiss girl! That’s gotta count for something.
Jenny — Oh my God! You have so many! Of course, I love the Zuzu meeting the best. Zuzu’s Petals! What’s up with Carlton Fiske? What does he know anyway? Clearly, you are so cool to hang out with. Look at all the people you’ve attracted over the years!
May 7th, 2008 at 4:56 pm
Seems you’ve primed the proverbial pump, KF! I am reminded by TG that he once met pugilist Larry Holmes in a Chicago hotel elevator, and he has talked to basketball players Bill Russell and Oscar Robertson in airports. He met Elvin Hayes at a basketball camp too, many years ago.
He has also met sports figures David Thompson, Bobby Jones (the basketball player), legendary UCLA coach John Wooden, Quinn Buckner, Bobby Knight, and Tom Burleson. He is personal friends with former major league baseball player Al Worthington.
My son met and got the autographs of both Jack Nicklaus and Jesper Parnevik at the Memorial tournament in Dublin, Ohio, in 1999.
Our daughter has met University of Tennessee women’s basketball coach Pat Head Summit.
I have corresponded with humorist Dave Barry and my daughter once wrote to and received a card from the late Harry Caray (he sent her a Boynton card with a cartoon of a cow wearing a halo and the sentiment — wait for it — “Holy Cow!”) …
Politicians! In recent months either my husband or I (or both) I have met John McCain, Mitt Romney, and Fred Dalton Thompson. Some good friends of ours met Bill Clinton in Central Park a few years ago, and talked with him a bit. My husband and daughter met and talked with pundit Ann Coulter at Furman University in Greenville, SC, a few weeks ago.
My brother Shawn met President George Bush and had his picture taken with him a few years ago. It’s a really cute picture.
Sorry to be such an obnoxious namedropper … we do not move in circles any sort of rarefied but I guess if you live long enough you just run into folks.
This summer I plan to on purpose run into Johnny Depp in Chicago. You’ll hear all about it, I promise …
Jenny’s last blog post..Congratulations, Erica!
May 10th, 2008 at 7:28 am
I went to high school with Axel Rose. In fact, he ran on the cross country team with my sister and I (actually I ran *behind* the team, by about a block). My parents had a little cookout one night for the team, and Axel ( he was Bill then) was there. He did a hysterical 3 stooges imitation. I later worked with him at the Ponderosa Steakhouse, but then he was arrested for something. Never saw him again. I’m not sure if that is a brush with greatness. I have noticed that my high school yearbooks have disappeared–convinced my parents sold them on ebay when AR was “big.”
Stacey Kimmel-Smith’s last blog post..Does your horse have SI/hip pain?
May 10th, 2008 at 3:29 pm
Jenny — How is this possible! OMG! Are you a celebrity yourself and I just don’t know it? Holy cow is right! For what it’s worth, I was raised in Easton, Pennsylvania, home of Larry Holmes, the “Easton Assassin,” though I never met him. Only saw him ride by in a parade in his honor when he won the heavyweight championship. Does that count for anything?
Stacey Kimmel-Smith — That is very cool. So he’s a jokester, too? What a funny story. Your brush with fame is entirely more noteworthy than mine. By a mile.
May 10th, 2008 at 3:50 pm
Ha Ha, no, I’m fairly sure I’m no celebrity! And of course seeing Larry Holmes ride by in a parade counts! BTW my good friend Mary, who lives in Danville, Vermont, has seen actor Luis Guzman several times (in stores and restaurants, because he lives in Danville VT too), and can’t work up the nerve to go meet him! I would not have that problem.
Jenny’s last blog post..Yes … It Is Shameless Begging
May 13th, 2008 at 6:23 pm
Jenny — If I saw an actor more than once in my town, I would find some way to introduce myself, even if it’s accidentally spilling coffee on them on purpose. Whatever it takes!
May 13th, 2008 at 7:22 pm
My feeling exactly! Especially when said actor has worked with Johnny Depp!
Jenny’s last blog post..Remember To Forget … To Remember
May 20th, 2008 at 2:47 pm
To Ann and Kathy – There’s a lot you don’t know about me since you are so much younger. Been meaning to write a book, but never got a round to it. You’ll just have to stay tuned for memories that Kathy’s blog jogs – there’s a title for ya.
May 20th, 2008 at 4:30 pm
Jenny — Yummy!
Marlene — Well get crackin’ woman! You can’t keep all that stuff hidden. Inquiring minds want to know.
June 3rd, 2008 at 5:39 pm
ive had many brushes with fame like i was in the paper for gambaling at camp and on the internet for the first revalation generation
June 3rd, 2008 at 6:06 pm
brooke — Are you kidding? Hmmm, sounds like I need more details!
September 2nd, 2008 at 11:43 am
Looking handsome there Dave ! Yes Kathy, you married a movie star alright !
Alex’s last blog post..How much do you love Rihanna, enough to buy her a Ferrari F430 Spider
September 7th, 2008 at 7:25 am
Alex — He loves that picture, lookin’ all authoritative!