Outing a Fraud
Stuff I hate May 6th, 2008Notice: This post has been edited since its original publish date. I removed the link to the website in question because the person who took my material wrote me last night, made her site private and hopefully removed my stuff. I can’t prove it, since the site is no longer available to the viewing public, but I’m giving her the benefit of the doubt.
However, I’m leaving this post otherwise intact to remind everyone to periodically check for stolen material. Use Copyscape.com, which is free and will scour the web for places where your material has been republished.
Here is my edited post:
This is going to be one mean, angry post.
There is a woman, a fraud, who is posting my blog material to her Xanga website: [LINK REMOVED]
You’ll see on the first page my bathroom story from the other day. If you scroll to the bottom and click through “Next 5,” (bottom right) you’ll see more stories I’ve written (plastic bag story, First Holy Communion, and so on and so on).
She posted no less than ten of my blog posts, some in their entirety, some not, and some edited to make it look like those were her experiences. I also recognize some of my friends’ blog posts there. I’m disgusted and frustrated.
I’ve written her directly, posted to her guestbook, commented on each of the stolen articles and asked her to remove them immediately. I also submitted an email to Xanga to report the violation of their Terms of Use. Is there anything else you guys suggest I do?
What’s upsetting me the most is that she’s getting tons of comments on those posts from people who think she wrote them. As a writer, this is a most bizarre feeling. To have over 30 people comment to her about what a great story she wrote is extraordinarily painful.
It makes me want to give up blogging if people are blatantly stealing my content and getting away with it. This isn’t the first time it’s happened. I managed to get a MySpace page to “go dark” because I outed another thief.
Please, please, please do not tell me I should be flattered. I am not. I am fuming. Tell me something to make me feel better, and if you have any other advice for me, I’m listening.
Fellow humor bloggers, you might want to see if she stole your stuff, too.

May 7th, 2008 at 11:17 am
I hate to sound facetious but I’m going to be. I have been dealing with this issue for some time (stolen work in the guise of reworked phrases, cadence, ideas etc…all of which are harder to prove). I have also come across lines from my poetry reworked into other works. I know I come across as a fanatical, angry man and quite frankly I feel like I have been left out to dry on my own. Now I know, because of your travails, I’m not insane. I have since left the blogging world (posting my stuff), and am seeking legal advice to go after a few individuals. On that note Kathy…good luck with stopping the flood of thieves out there. I’m sorry you have to deal with this.
~JD Beaudoin
JD’s last blog post..Thoughts of Clay Seagulls
May 7th, 2008 at 12:06 pm
Oh, I forgot to ask… since she stole your plastic bag story, I was wondering if she had a plastic bag tracker on her blog too? You know, because if I don’t win yours I could always enter hers as a backup.
Jeff’s last blog post..A Knight in Shrining armor
May 7th, 2008 at 12:29 pm
EVERYONE: I rec’d an email response today from Xanga, instructing me to file a notice of infringement, with a link to the Digital Millennium Copyright Act (DMCA). Since I can’t get to her site anymore, I don’t have enough evidence to file a claim. But I got what I wanted, the site is restricted and hopefully the content removed. I’m pleased with Xanga’s quick response.
JD at I Do Things — Thanks, you’re the best. I want you to know my blood was boiling for you when I saw she had something of yours published. Everyone in her comments section was so glad “she” got The Look.
Firas — Thank you, thank you, thank you for those excellent links. Everyone will benefit from those.
ann of the shampoo bag — I’m picturing everyone in this blog running down the street, in a pack, carrying torches and screaming “Get her!!!” Making me laugh. Thanks.
Amy Cates — Yep, it’s about all of us. Anyone who writes a story, a poem, records music, puts ideas out there needs to worry. If this happens again, you can join my posse! I have a posse!
Lori — Oh, please. Don’t be silly. You should worry. The funny thing is that my Creative Commons license says you can republish. Just have to show attribution, don’t make money off it, and don’t CHANGE it. I wouldn’t have said anything if she posted a blurb from my site with a link back to it. People do that from time to time and it’s perfectly OK. What she did was ugly and wrong.
Susan — I cannot tell you how weird it is to read your words coming out of someone else’s “head.” I’m still kind of stunned. The stories that she tweaked for herself (change of names, places, etc) were the hardest to read because those were the ones she put effort into trying to make her own. A copy/paste thing would have been less painful to read.
Shadowsrider — Yeah, this stinks. You get one of them to stop, but how many more are doing it? You did the right thing. Good for you!
Lee — I’m not sure if Xanga can generate revenue for someone. Haven’t had time to investigate that. But certainly that’s a huge issue. After the kick in the teeth of finding someone takes your stuff, seeing them make money off you would be a punch in the gut. Fun, huh?
Canucklehead — Oh, thanks for that laugh. Kathy needs to get back to laughing soon. Kathy’s tired of this mess. When did Kathy start talking in the third person?
Mama O — It’s fun when this kind of crap isn’t happening, eh? I’ll get back to my regularly scheduled program soon. I feel kind of bad that this post overshadowed the devil tomato post that came before it. That’s way more fun than this!
Chris Casey — I almost want to look the other way, if only to avoid the stress, you know? Thank you for the sympathy. Appreciate it.
diesel — I can’t either. The idea is so incredible, it’s comical! Hey, wait. She is funny.
Harris Bloom — Only a matter of time. You should check at least once a month. BTW, do you let anyone tape your stand-up shows and post on YouTube? How do you handle that?
Natural — she has just stolen a cookie from me…that’s worthy of a beat down! I’m laughing again. Bless you.
Gizmo — I have to consider the partial feed thing again. Although that wouldn’t matter in this case. She was picking and choosing what to take, then editing it. It does help to know I’m not alone. Thanks.
Sue — They suck indeed. You should have been there the moment I realized what was going on. I was like David Banner of the Incredible Hulk (“Don’t make me angry. You won’t like me when I’m angry.”)
Royce — Most addresses are fine. Typically, you’ll be the source of the material. Now and again, it’s something whacked out like this.
Sue — I might have to put something like that at the bottom of every post, to make it more obvious. My Creative Commons notice is at the bottom of my sidebar. Clearly, she didn’t notice it, read it, or if she did, it didn’t help. Thanks for dropping by. I know this wasn’t a humor post, but I wanted others from H-B.com to know their stuff might be there. Normally, this is a humor blog!
Jeff — Thanks for the sympathy. I’d totally steal your stuff. You are theft-worthy!
Dana — You are absolutely correct on every count. But this just illustrates that you have to beat people over the head with your copyright notice. Mine’s been there for months and it was ignored.
JD — I’m terribly sorry you had your poetry stolen, but glad to hear you plan to take legal action. I may write a piece for Midnight Wanderers about the emotional aspect of this kind of theft. I would have rather had cash stolen from my purse. Hell, the whole purse with everything in it.
Jeff — Keep me laughing, Jeff. Keep me laughing. Listen. You’ll love this. She posted the bag story on one day, then a couple weeks later she started off a new post with “Guess what!? The bag’s still there!”
That actually provided me much comic relief during my discovery of all she stole. As though the tree had uprooted and transplanted itself near a window outside her house in Jersey.
May 7th, 2008 at 1:10 pm
Kathy, I’m sorry this happened to you, but I really appreciate you writing about it because in my general way of bumbling into things and only figuring some of it all out I never thought about this happening. I went to Copyscape today. Its kinda like checking your credit, for your blog! Only found one post that had been posted somewhere and Copyscape said ‘it looks like your content has been recently removed’. It looked like one of those scraper sites. I shortened my feeds too, after reading some of the articles about what to do. Thank you. After all, I suffer for my art. I don’t want anyone stealin’ it.
*snorfle* :o)
Shieldmaiden96’s last blog post..Pack Rats
May 7th, 2008 at 1:29 pm
hey i wonder if you can block her IP address from accessing your blog. it might take some hunting down to do to find out what that is, but worth of a try.
treat her like spam..not the one in the can
Natural’s last blog post..What’s In Your Wallet?
May 7th, 2008 at 2:18 pm
How incredibly rude.
I never thought about someone stealing a blog post.
Seems like a very personal violation of some sort, and odd at that.
LisaAnniePants’s last blog post..What a small world….
May 7th, 2008 at 2:22 pm
Daniel Cox’s last blog post..Life Holds Up A Mirror for Me
May 7th, 2008 at 2:22 pm
Ugh. That’s just horrible. *gives a feel better hug* I don’t really know what you should do, but can’t she get in trouble, because you have copyrights and stuff?
May 7th, 2008 at 2:42 pm
Bummer, Kathy!
Maybe the comments you left on the impostor’s site will be enough. As a reader, I would hate to know that the material was not original, especially if I took the time to leave a comment. And maybe they will check you out and fall in love with the real deal, like I did. ; )
Anyway, do the Serenity Prayer thing. You can’t change the fact that there are assholes like that in the world. But there are certain things you can do, and it seems to me you have done them. If not, follow through as best you can. And then move on.
And thanks for the Copyscape.com tip. It’s a bummer that we have to protect ourselves every place we go, but c’est la vie!
May 7th, 2008 at 3:00 pm
yeah I understand the licence notice – and I think you will find that the copyright law applies even if you don’t have the notice – I meant in terms of you taking legal action against this person for breach of copyright.
I guess the only thing you can do is to keep a check on the site, and see if it ever does go public if the material is there. Of course this person might just start another site – but I guess that copyright.com thing will help you keep tabs.
tfa’s last blog post..Kids Stuff
May 7th, 2008 at 3:23 pm
Sorry for posting again, but this has been bothering me all day: The single best thing about being a blogger is being a part of community that is so supportive and complimentary- even when you’re all supposedly “competing” – we all give props to great posts, spend the time and effort to award “badges” and adding each other’s sites to our own. It’s just so discouraging to find out that there are , to quote ‘Lost’ …. “Others”. They should all get eaten by the Smoke Monster.
Sue’s last blog post..Interview with Paula Abdul
May 7th, 2008 at 3:26 pm
OMG!!!!!! I AM SO SORRY TO HEAR THIS!!! It truly is a shame. I think you are taking the correct course(s) of action. I totally respect how you feel…it is merited.
I know you will keep up your awesome content…..please don’t lose heart. I think that now that she has been exposed as a theif, she will cease stealing your material.
The bright side????? You have more than doubled her posts on this post 🙂
KFJ’s last blog post..’80’s Fix Wednesdays
May 7th, 2008 at 3:28 pm
I’ve only just come online and I am shocked! This is one sad lady, if you ask me. What feel good factor can she get when she knows the positive comments she is getting don’t really belong to her? I have copyscape on my blog, but do I need to check it or something. I never have.
Babs – beetle’s last blog post..Nauseating aromas
May 7th, 2008 at 3:56 pm
Shieldmaiden96 — Glad you’re using Copyscape. It’s a godsend. I check weekly now. Yes, it is like checking your credit! Without this tool, we’d never know there was a problem.
Natural — I’m not sure how to find her IP without her having commented. Yes, if I had it, I could block her. If I were her, I’d never come here again. If she came and read this post and the million comments, I’m guessing she’s shaking in her boots right about now.
LisaAnniePants — Love your online name. Cute! People steal all the time, but she took it to another strange level. Odd, very.
Daniel Cox — My feeling exactly, and then some.
Regan — Thanks for the hug! Yes, she can get in a heap of trouble if I pursue this further. Not sure I have the energy after today. I got what I wanted.
FerdC — I would estimate it was only one or two hours between when I left my comments and she locked down her site. You bring up an interesting point about her readers. I, too, would feel cheated if I knew someone I invested in didn’t even write the stuff. I’m beginning the “moving on” process. Thank you for your support. Appreciate it.
tfa — I guess if I had it to do all over again, I would have taken screen snapshots or printouts of what I saw, so I’d always have it. You do need that if you take legal action. But I have to say I reacted very emotionally at first and didn’t think to take those important first steps. Next time. And I’ve no doubt there will be a next time.
Sue — I LOVE your Lost analogy!!! I’m a big fan. And yeah, I’d like to get not only the Smoke Monster after her, but Ben as well. Ben could do some damage. You’re right. We have this great community and I guess there will always be bad apples to spoil the bunch. Shame.
KFJ — I can’t imagine she would even think of continuing this practice. That’d be real gutsy. I feel like I can get my groove back pretty quickly. Let’s hope this was just a little blip on the radar. Thanks for your support!
Babs (beetle) — That’s the weird part. I wish I had read through all the comments to see if she was actually trying to respond to others. To be honest, it was too hard for me to stomach reading the comments. They were talking about me and my stories, not hers, and I just couldn’t take it for very long. Copyscape is our friend! I’m so grateful for it.
May 7th, 2008 at 4:43 pm
If it ever happens again, before commenting on their blog, post it here so all your loyal readers can go and comment too, on mass! Now that would be at least some satisfaction.
Babs – beetle’s last blog post..Nauseating aromas
May 7th, 2008 at 4:51 pm
Thanks to Firas for those great links to Lorelle’s site. I’m definitely downloading the “fingerprint” plug-in.
And, everyone, I don’t consider my blog to be as high-profile or popular as Kathy’s, but this same person stole content from me, too.
It can happen to anyone.
JD at I Do Things’s last blog post..I Will Pimp My Snack so you don’t have to
May 7th, 2008 at 5:02 pm
Interesting site, copyscape.com. I found that some of my blogs were being used as filler on a Russian Porn Site. I don’t really know why some of my obscure movie reviews would attract people with bizarre / kinky fetishes, but I suppose it is nice to get the added exposure.
Bruce’s last blog post..Essential Cinema – 27
May 7th, 2008 at 5:38 pm
Kathy: If you still want proof, go here
and click on Cached.
You will get a snapshot of her posts, including your photos…. I just saw your bag photo. So go hunt down all the stolen posts and save them. You never know when you may need them….
Maureen’s last blog post..They Say If You Put A Shell To Your Ear…
May 7th, 2008 at 5:40 pm
Forgot to add… go to the link under “More Lame Stuff”…
Maureen’s last blog post..They Say If You Put A Shell To Your Ear…
May 7th, 2008 at 5:58 pm
Babs (beetle) — I’ll keep that in mind for a “regular” blog thief. Her site required that people create an account before they post. I like the way you think!
JD at I Do Things — I was checking out that plug-in, too. I don’t seem to be doing enough to avoid this problem. Firas’ links are great. I’ve read them all and feel better-armed.
Bruce — For a time, I was filler for some Chinese site. It went away. I’d be real nervous if it was a porn site. Like the stealing part isn’t bad enough.
Maureen — Thank you! When I searched for her using just Google.com (vs. your Google.ca), I only got two pages of cached material. You just gave me a goldmine. Although I can’t take reading through it all again tonight. I’m exhausted at this point. Tomorrow morning. Thanks again.
May 7th, 2008 at 6:53 pm
I love this….you post this which spawned a whole bunch of other posts that spawn another batch and we shut the theives down. And now, I too have a copyright notice on my blog. sorry for the hard lesson, but we’ve all learned a lesson.
Carla Ecland’s last blog post..Tacky Tuesday
May 7th, 2008 at 6:58 pm
Maureen (again) — OK, I have been able to acquire copies from two other cached pages that I couldn’t find before. I won’t make this mistake twice. First thing’s first, collect records. There were so many posts, I couldn’t keep up. Had I taken a deep breath first, I would have made copies before acting. Live and learn.
Carla Ecland — Thanks for joining the discussion. I’m marveling at the number of comments this post has generated. I’m glad it’s getting a lot of attention and helping us to all take steps to at least know where our stuff is, and to put copyright notices on our blogs. Maybe some good is coming out of it.
May 7th, 2008 at 8:22 pm
I’m sorry this happened to you. Next time, just tell your loyal readers about it and we’ll all descend on the perpetrator’s comments fields and hound her out of the blogosphere. 😉
I definitely know how you feel. Because I have a lot of blogs, I get “scraped” nearly every day. Today, I found out some jackass stole at least two of my articles. When I tried to leave a comment, the field was disabled. When I checked out his blog further, I saw that it was supposedly one of many blogs in a network connected to a Catholic school. When I went to the main Catholic school blog, it contained links to all of this thief’s other spammy blogs that contained stolen material. Naturally, I couldn’t leave a comment on the main blog either. Infuriating!
Since you might not catch everyone who steals from you (it’s absolutely rampant), I’ll give you a tip for making the most out of the situation: If you place a link back to your blog from one or two words in the first sentence of every post, occasionally the thief will leave this in place, especially if the article was stolen through software scraping. That would give you an incoming link that will up your search engine rankings. I know that’s not ideal, but if you can at least get a link back from some of these buttheads, it eases the frustration a bit.
Carla @ WordPlay’s last blog post..Mother’s Day Gifts for Moms Who Blog
May 7th, 2008 at 8:24 pm
Good to hear! You may also want to try the Wayback Machine to see if anything was archived there… they may have been too recent though. But it’s good to know that there ARE ways to retrieve information even if she has locked you out… the Internet has a loooonng memory 😉
Maureen’s last blog post..They Say If You Put A Shell To Your Ear…
May 7th, 2008 at 8:24 pm
How INFURIATING! I cannot imagine anyone would be “flattered” by having their material stolen and republished fraudulently. It’s disgusting. She should not have been able to just make her site private- Her account should have been deleted. For all you know, it’s still there.’
Corrina’s last blog post..If You’re Bad News, I’ll Give You My Number
May 7th, 2008 at 8:35 pm
Wow. What would have been really interesting is if she had copied all the comments in your site. That is a goldmine as well as all your great copy!!
Keep writing and don’t worry about my little blog where I have stolen several of your more obscure posts and passed them off as mine.
Rattln Along’s last blog post..Death and Dying
May 7th, 2008 at 8:44 pm
Sue the plagiarizing pond scum … if you can. If you can’t, at least threaten to. I know some good legal wording if your wholly justifiable ire precludes your writing it yourself.
Jenny’s last blog post..Congratulations, Erica!
May 8th, 2008 at 12:11 am
I’m so sorry Kathy that I don’t have any suggestions for you. This is really rotten. I know, however, that with the millions of bloggers out there, there’s got to be some jerk who makes it his or her business to rip off other poeple’s articles. It’s sickening. It’s disgusting. But what can we do? I hate to say this, but if I find one of my stories on another’s person’s blog without my permission, or credit, I’ll turn my blog into a picture blog.
Does Copyscape automatically contact you, or do you have to continually check with them?
Swubird’s last blog post..IGNORANCE IS BLISS!
May 8th, 2008 at 4:47 am
Carla @ Wordplay — I’ve been scraped before and usually it doesn’t involve someone trying to pass off the material as their own. I don’t have as much problem with scraping as I do when they take time to tweak the story so it sounds like they lived it. Reading the comments she got from her stolen work was very painful for me.
I’m looking into the Feed Copyrighter plug-in that will add my copyright notice to all my feeds.
Maureen — I will, but their site (web.archive.org) is down at the moment. The Wayback Machine is not commonly known, I don’t think. Thank you for mentioning it here.
Corrina — I’ve had one scraper argue with me that he was doing me a favor by getting me more readers. Some people do actually feel grateful in that way. Not me. I do just fine getting readers without a scraper’s help. As for her site, it’s probably still there, but it’s limited-view, which is fine by me. Only her friends can see it now. If she starts a new one and leaves it open to the public, I’ll find it.
Rattln Along — Yeah, look at how much she missed! The comments are half the fun! Thanks for the chuckle, too. I knew you were stealing from me!
Jenny — For this time, I don’t think I did all the right things immediately. I missed the opportunity to copy everything she stole. Without that, it might not be worth trying to take legal action. Next time, though…
Swubird — I’ve read many times it’s not a question of “if” your material will be stolen, but “when.” So always check Copyscape.com. BTW, you have to check it manually. There’s no automatic way I know of to have it alert me of stolen content. But I’m fine with that. I check weekly because it’s always on my mind. Thanks for your sympathy!
May 8th, 2008 at 9:04 am
It is flattery, in a way.. but it is also a violation of your creative abilities. I know this sounds tedious, but find who responed to this, and write your feelings on their blog- it will discredit this person quickly.. Good Luck!
May 8th, 2008 at 11:11 am
Kathy – I’m no expert, but I did some research and these sites may be of help to you. You have done all the right things so far. It just makes you with you could post some banner claiming your own work and denigrating this con-artist.
Here are the sites:
Hope these are of some use to you.
May 8th, 2008 at 6:55 pm
buffalodickdy — I did indeed express myself on her site. Then she locked it down! I wonder what’s going on at her site now. I haven’t had any of her friends visit here, to my knowledge, so maybe they don’t even know what she did.
Poetikat — Thank you. I’m happy to have received some helpful links in response to this post, including yours. In the end, I think we’re all better off for knowing this can happen and what to do about it. Appreciate your support!
May 9th, 2008 at 2:13 am
Wow, my content gets stolen all the time for those silly sites with no visitors and they always retain my link….. never have I been copied like this.
I think you just take comfort in the fact that you well and truly dealt with it.
I have been a designer for many years. My ideas have been stolen many times and you often just have to deal with it and move on. Still it is a hard fact to deal with.
Forest Parks’s last blog post..I’m Blind…. thank Poseidon for saving my life
May 9th, 2008 at 4:52 am
Forest Parks — I’d much rather have my stuff be stolen generically. I can take a “copy and paste” kind of thing. A whole different matter if people change my words to make it sound like they lived it. They’re duping their readers. It’s probably healthier for me to ignore and more along, but I’m compelled to challenge it every time. Thanks for chiming in.
May 9th, 2008 at 6:05 am
You’re the victim of a theft, but when you talk about writing, it’s almost child abduction.
Stacey Kimmel-Smith’s last blog post..Does your horse have hip pain?
May 9th, 2008 at 1:07 pm
Stacey — You’re right. I’ve cultivated the blog for so long, it feels like a child of sorts. I’m finally feeling better about it. Every day removes some of the anger.
May 10th, 2008 at 7:48 am
1) wow.
2) There is a comprehensive article on what to do here: http://tinyurl.com/283dd5
3) Don’t ever get mad enough that you quit doing what your doing.
4) You’ll need even thicker skin if you publish a book!
5) Judging by the 86+ comments here, you have a very sympathetic crowd! That’s a great thing.
BigNerd’s last blog post..Vee-Vah Indiana!
May 20th, 2008 at 6:29 pm
Hey Kathy,
Sorry to comment on this older post (especially since you probably don’t want to think about it anymore), but I just used that copyscape you mentioned and my content was copied, but has since been removed. Its some place called the Random Static Network along with something called So Say. I’ve never heard of it before. Whatever it is, I don’t like it.
I just thought I’d let you know about it, because it is so weird. I don’t know if its an automatic system or what. Here’s the link to my content if you’re interested.
Stephanie’s last blog post..why aren’t you watching?
May 20th, 2008 at 7:41 pm
BigNerd — Thanks for that link. Lorelle is an excellent resource. Her article is great. I’m telling you, it took me about a week to get over this. Not fun. And, yes, I think this post had the highest comment count ever. It’s an important topic. I’m glad it got the conversation flowing. We all need to be mindful of content thieves.
Stephanie — That Random Static thing sounds a little familiar to me. I know how rotten it feels. Your words coming out on some other site. I make it my mission to save my words from thieves. It makes me feel better to shut them down, one at a time.
May 31st, 2008 at 10:14 pm
This happens to me weekly. And it is extremely frustrating. I did find out that you can report the site to Technorati, and they will block it entirely.
What’s really amazing to me is that when I’ve contacted these sploggers, they are absolutely unapologetic. In fact, several have been abusive to me.
Lisa’s last blog post..Work at Home Recruiting for StaffingForce
June 1st, 2008 at 5:45 am
Lisa — Misery loves company. I, too, had one splogger who fought me over and over until he finally backed down. The woman in this incident wrote to say she thought “anything on the internet was free for the taking.” Uh. Yeah, right. No apology. Just that lame response.
June 3rd, 2008 at 5:34 pm
that really stinks why would someone do that
June 3rd, 2008 at 6:05 pm
brooke — Because dishonest people always want a free ride.
June 5th, 2008 at 1:11 pm
i can see that