Brain Farts Stink
Stuff I hate June 20th, 2008 I had a massive brain fart yesterday. I completely and totally forgot my blog password. In my defense, it’s the most awesome password in the history of complex, deadbolt, Fort Knox passwords.
It’s a beautiful thing, my password. Piece of art, actually.
It has a mixture of upper and lower case letters, numbers, special characters and at no point among the 13 characters exists any word in any language. It took me days to be able to enter it without thinking.
The problem with my password is that I only know the whole thing if I can get going on the first character. And that was my problem yesterday. I failed on take-off.
I couldn’t remember if the first letter was capitalized or not. Then I got all messed up on the following two because I wasn’t sure of the first. By the fifth character, I was way off the tracks and I knew it.
Come on, Kathy. You can do this.
Start over. Stop sweating. Think. But don’t over-think! Look at the keyboard. Don’t look at the keyboard! Find your center. Ooom, ooom.
It took me almost a minute to get it right. In password-remembering time, that’s an eternity. It bothered me a lot that I struggled. Why did I suddenly forget it after months of using it without a problem?
Maybe it means it’s time to change it to something like, oh I don’t know… password? What was I thinking using one so difficult at my age? Everyone knows the brain can only hold so much information. Critical stuff like word-for-word dialogue from every Brady Bunch episode, my high school locker combination, and the name of the girl in 4th grade who called me fat once.
That’s it. This brain’s full. I need a new one.

June 23rd, 2008 at 1:05 pm
Wow ! there are so many websites and software for storing passwords !
I personally use only two passwords for almost all my activities on the internet. But then there is that occasional website that insists on giving you a password that you cannot change and others that insist that you use all types of characters on your keyboard.
KeePass looks like a good idea as well. I’ll install it on my cellpone (Sony Ericsson W810i) also doubles as a storage drive – so I know I’ll never loose it !
I think putting it on the iPod would also be a good idea.
Thanks Lee !
June 23rd, 2008 at 4:46 pm
I’m going to look into a password vault type service. I’ve had the same thing happen to me, with an online investment place. I had to wait for their office to open and phone them, and then they snail mailed me a pin number to use online with my user name. What a pain in the a$$!
But it has to be online, so I can get into it without my home computer.
Tim E.’s last blog post..Playstation Game Cheats for Tomb Raider Anniversary
June 23rd, 2008 at 5:19 pm
Lee — Thanks for that excellent suggestion. But, yeah, I might have some issues forgetting where I put it. I’m a woman with many problems in that area.
Jaffer — And what does that tell us? That it’s insane to keep changing passwords for the 101 services we need them for. Yeah, yeah, security. But geez! Good idea for iPod storage. Those are practically appendages for some people. Would come in handy for them.
Tim E. — Good grief. Use the phone to get your password?! What’s a phone? Brutal. My investment site is like that, too. I wind up calling them because I can’t get logged in. Such a drag.
June 24th, 2008 at 12:43 am
I hate passwords. I just try to stay logged into my blogs all the time. And Firefox has a nice feature where they remember your password for you.
Libertine’s last blog post..George Carlin, 1937-2008
June 24th, 2008 at 4:48 pm
Libertine — I use Firefox as well, but that day my saved account information wasn’t there and I freaked. Then blanked. Then cursed.
June 26th, 2008 at 4:01 pm
Why not leave it in a comment and that way you will always know where to find it.
tfa’s last blog post..Who You Gunna Call? MOUSEBURSTERS
June 26th, 2008 at 5:00 pm
tfa — Why, sure! If you promise not to mess with my blog. I trust you.
June 26th, 2008 at 7:40 pm
Ok I promise – whisper it to me – I won’t tell a soul:)
tfa’s last blog post..Who You Gunna Call? MOUSEBURSTERS
June 28th, 2008 at 5:50 pm
Your list of comments are going to crash the server if they get much longer. 🙂
I just wanted to tell you that right before I read this post my grandson popped into my (home) office and said, “Know what a dumb password is? ……PASSWORD!” And popped back out to play his online computer game in the other room. I had to call him back in to show him your post. I swear he’s clairvoyant.
Moonshadow’s last blog post..After the Storm
June 28th, 2008 at 7:51 pm
tfa — You know, I just might trust you, you’ve been with me so long. Do you want my ATM PIN number too?
Moonshadow — The sad thing is you have to know there are people out there with that as a password. For the places that require at least one number, then it’s “password1.”
July 17th, 2008 at 6:33 pm
With all the tools social media has to offer: Digg, Stumbleupon, FB, Twitter, mybloglog, etc. It’s a lot of usernames and passwords to keep up with especially if the username you had in mind is already taken.
I’m guilty of forgetting my password when trying to regain access to some of my accounts. It’s mostly b/c I’m so tired of all of it that I simply need to sleep or take a nap.
Ricardo Bueno’s last blog post..“We All Make Our Own Sandwiches”
July 18th, 2008 at 7:48 am
Ricardo Bueno — I predict it will only get worse. Yes, having to use a different ID than you planned is part of the problem. I try to be consistent, but sometimes you can’t help it. Get some zzzzz’s!