Draft Post #11
contests, embarrassing, Fun, Stuff I hate, Stupid things I do, work June 29th, 2008 These are trying times. Kathy has no words. A whopping ten drafts in her queue and nothing worthy of posting.
I think if I don’t post something today, nothing will ever get posted again, the Junk Drawer will close shop and you guys will loiter outside wondering what the hell happened.
I have to get something on the page to kick start me out of this funk I’m in.
Come back in a couple days if this post bores you to tears. I’m about to tell you about my weekend:
1. I fell asleep on the couch at 5PM yesterday and awoke at 8PM thinking it was the next day already. I slept hard. I even had full, movie-length dreams. In one of them, I was standing in a reception line at a political function, holding hands with Henry Kissinger. Discuss.
2. I worked all day Saturday, brought a lunch, but ate it before 10AM. So the rest of the day I took from the other junk drawer in my life and gave myself a headache, a stomachache and left work on such a sugar high I don’t remember how I got home.
3. My husband cleaned the bathrooms, God bless him, but broke the toilet seat off one of the toilets. How is this possible? Broke an entire toilet seat off its hinges? Men, if you’re going to help clean the house, don’t do it in the manner you would, say, play football. Cleaning a toilet needn’t be a race nor a destructive act. It just needs to be wiped down — gently.
4. In the process of preparing to send DrowseyMonkey her prize magnet for having the fattest head, I got sidetracked researching whether I can mail it with U.S. postage or if I have to take it to the post office to get international postage put on it. I tried Googling for the answer to this simple question, but could not find a satisfactory one. I’m too embarrassed to ask Drowsey, so I’ll just head to the post office tomorrow where I’m sure a clerk there will tell me what a moron I am.
5. I didn’t have the energy to fix something that’s been bugging me for a month. Our wall clock is stuck at 4 o’clock. We don’t know why because the batteries are fine. The pendulum below the clock face continues to swing to and fro. I meant to check on why it’s malfunctioning, but now I’m getting really used to it being 4 o’clock all the time. Four happens to be my favorite number, so I’m keeping it.
6. Since I took such a long nap yesterday, I couldn’t get to sleep until midnight last night. But my body always, always gets up between 4AM-5AM, which means I’m running on fumes right now. I’m sorry. This is the kind of post you get on fumes.
Forgive me for having to post such lame material, but this was the prescription for funkitis and it had to be done. Pray I’m funkless tomorrow.

June 29th, 2008 at 7:33 pm
Woo! Kathy, you’re never lame. We’ve all been there. Anyway, you’re such a great and funny writer that you CAN write about a weekend filled with only naps, broken toilet seats, and postage rates and make it good reading.
JD’s last blog post..I Have a Shiny New Header so you don’t have to
June 29th, 2008 at 7:57 pm
I pruned back my wisteria a LOT, then washed, degreased, and lubed my bike.
The perfect day.
June 29th, 2008 at 7:58 pm
This ripping of the toilet seat off it’s moorings. What? Really, what? Was he using a chisel and hammer? Or, did Dave forget that one is supposed to use a sponge to clean such areas?
June 29th, 2008 at 8:01 pm
1) I quit blogging once and it felt good.
2) Let your blog hair down and set up shop under another guise and don’t let anyone know.
3) Take your feedburner total down.
4) Stop feeling like you have to reply to every comment here.
5) Don’t feel sorry for yourself for *our* sake. It’s not becoming of someone who wants to publish a book someday.
6) Tough Love has been brought to you by BigNerd.
BigNerd’s last blog post..Sunday Blaze
June 29th, 2008 at 8:08 pm
Oh, and thank you for enabling me to finally use the word “moorings” in a way that was relevant to a dialog.
I’ve been waiting years to use that word.
Cross it off the list!
June 29th, 2008 at 8:09 pm
Who’s Henrey Kissinger?
I just hate when I can’t think of anything…
June 29th, 2008 at 8:25 pm
Okay … First … I won that magnet for having the BIGGEST head, not the Fattest head. Just sayin’
As for the postage, anytime I’ve sent mail to the states I had to use US postage … but I really don’t know.
#3 cracked me up, LOL
And finally … your posts on fumes is still funnier than any of mine when I’m on the ball … LOL
DrowseyMonkey’s last blog post..After the Storm
June 29th, 2008 at 8:54 pm
lovely and who is henry kissinger
June 29th, 2008 at 9:08 pm
I totally relate to falling asleep at strange hours and also wake up thinking it’s the next day and I’m late for work!
I was going to say, wow your husband cleaned the bathrooms? But then when he broke the toilet seat…it may not have been such a good idea.
Our wall clock is working well, but because it’s up high, couldn’t be bothered getting it down when our daylight savings kicked in…so it’s 1hr ahead for now!
Marie’s last blog post..Comments, Comments and more Comments!
June 29th, 2008 at 9:15 pm
Welcome to the wide wide world of blogging. You haven’t even been at it a year. Wait until it’s longer if you think you have nothing to post now! We all go through it. Less than a year ago I went to 5 days a week, burned out and am down to 4 but just got a paid blog gig for 2 days a week and still do scrivel.com, which I can only do once a month instead of the twice he wanted because when all is said and done, I’ve decided my life just isn’t that interesting.
Suzy’s last blog post..It’s Everyone Can Bite Me Friday!
June 29th, 2008 at 9:43 pm
The FATTEST head? ha ha ha!
I laughed at all of them but I think No’s 2 & 3 the best ;O)
I actually went 36 hours without sleep Thurs/Frid, then slept (hard) for 12 hours!
Babs – beetle’s last blog post..Stones in my life.
June 29th, 2008 at 10:11 pm
There’s nothing wrong with this post Kath. I would be proud to put this one out myself.
Regarding your clock… I had one that did the same thing. The only thing wrong was that the hour hand had slipped off the shaft and was spinning loose. I just had to push it back on and it started working again. Maybe it’s something like that.
Jeff’s last blog post..76 trombones did not lead this parade!
June 29th, 2008 at 11:27 pm
I use to read your blog and glad I found you again. I always enjoyed your posts. I’ve had a few melt downs over the last several months and one of them had to do with trying to restore everything on my laptop back to normal after having to send it off to be fixed.
I like you have been in a terrible funk with posting.
I was just over at Peter’s site and saw your photo icon which I recognized, which led me back to your site, hooray I will put you back on my reader list.
June 30th, 2008 at 2:53 am
This post was better than anything I’ve written sober.
Btw, F for Funk is underlined in your keyboard.
Ulquiorra’s last blog post..Young Hobbit vs. Google, Lord of The Pings
June 30th, 2008 at 4:56 am
JD — Thank you for the kind words. I never want to post crap here and I feared I got dangerously close.
Bababooey — Ever the productive one, you are. Don’t ask me how he broke off the toilet seat. I don’t even know if it can be put back on. What other words besides ‘moorings’ would you like to use? I can help. The Junk Drawer is here to serve.
BigNerd — Points well taken. You know I almost posted a piece I wrote for the book, but thought better of it. See, I’m not totally gone!
Regan — Oh, to be young again. Kissinger was a U.S. diplomat who served under President Nixon, who you probably also don’t know. I don’t know why he showed up in a dream. Haven’t seen a picture of him or heard his name in forever. Weird.
DrowseyMonkey — Oh, so sorry! Not a fat head. A BIG head! I was looking at the title of my last post when I wrote that, and there it says FAT. And thanks for the nice words. Really helped. The magnet will make its way to you this week.
brooke — See above note to Regan.
Marie — I hate that, too. It isn’t the first time it’s happened. We are of like mind. Who says clocks have to be correct?
Suzy — I admit I’m probably over-doing it. I said in the beginning I’d post every day. That’s impossible unless it’s your only job. Then I went to every other day. Now I’m terrified it’ll be only twice a week. I’m hoping this is just a blip. Hey, you’re getting your cast off soon, no? Oh, happy day!
Babs beetle — The last time I went longer than a day without sleep was a trip home from Vegas: My Punishment for Flying First Class. Mine was only 27. Can’t imagine 36. You must have been quite the sight! I know I was. I scared small children.
Jeff — Thanks a bunch! It might take me another month to check the clock, but thanks for the tip. But then if I fix it, I’ll only have the joy of it being 4 o’clock twice per day!
janeywan — Welcome back! Sorry to hear of your meltdown. We’ve all been there and probably at least once for the reason you specified. Computers are supposed to help us, not make us want to leap off a bridge!
Ulquiorra — Oh, geez. Thanks. Hopefully, I’ll return to my regular programming soon. After reading these great comments, I think I’m all fixed up!
June 30th, 2008 at 5:10 am
I’ve fell asleep late in the afternoon before and awoke only to think it was the next day also. I love it when I do that. It makes feel like I get an extra night of sleep. 🙂
Bucky’s last blog post..Fish Meat?
June 30th, 2008 at 5:28 am
I think dreaming about Henry Kissinger indicates father issues. Or perhaps pining for a time when diplomacy was front and center.
Or a warning from your brain to lay off the sugar before napping. One of those three for sure.
cardiogirl’s last blog post..What’s your Cardiogirl Quotient?
June 30th, 2008 at 5:32 am
Kathy, it’s good to know there’s another blogger out there who gets up in the 4 AM hour like I do. You are never lame, and I have broken a toilet seat by flipping it down too hard. Tell Dave I feel his pain. Mrs. C was not pleased, but it has been about ten years, and she’s probably forgotten about it by now.
Chris Casey’s last blog post..236!
June 30th, 2008 at 5:44 am
Funkitis or not, you still come up with entertaining material. I don’t know how you do it!
Neena (NeenMachine)’s last blog post..Suddenly Salad Giveaway!
June 30th, 2008 at 6:04 am
Bucky — I’ve also had the pleasure of waking up on a Saturday thinking it was Friday. Bonus!
cardiogirl — I’m going with too much sugar, which is probably why I fell into a coma as soon as my head hit the pillow.
Chris Casey — Getting up at 4AM is a blessing and a curse. I get tons done before work, but it means I’m ready to topple over by 8PM. Hope we can fix the toilet seat because I don’t feel like picking one out at a store and walking around with it til I pay for it. Not an attractive look.
NeenMachine — Ah, thanks! My funkitis has subsided, but not totally. Maybe by the end of the day. Wish me luck.
June 30th, 2008 at 6:35 am
I totally understand the whole getting up at 4 thing!!!!! I get up at 4 for work as well…..Funkitis be gone!!!!!
KFJ’s last blog post..100 Push Up Challenge
June 30th, 2008 at 9:32 am
Not a bad post for fumes! I should be so lucky.
June 30th, 2008 at 9:34 am
Only you could make a crappy weekend sound amusing! When your paying job sucks the rest of life kind of reflects that. I’ve been there, so you have my sympathy. For the most part, I hate cliches, but sometimes they are just so appropriate. “This too shall pass,” just seems very appropriate right now. I know you’ll get past the crappy time at work and life will once again be sunny.
Hey, if nothing else works, you could come to North Carolina and go camping with me. After a few days of being chewed on by mosquitoes, the rest of life will look grand. 😀
June 30th, 2008 at 9:51 am
Sometimes, if you cannot think of anything fun to do or write about, you should try dressing up in funny clothes and hats and wigs and stuff. That’s always fun.
Daisy the Curly Cat’s last blog post..Monday Mystery: Find the Differences!
June 30th, 2008 at 12:00 pm
Not to worry. I’ve been annoying others in the blogosphere for over 4 years. Posts that I thought were crap, were very well received, while ones that I thought were the ultimate source of mirth and merriment and would save the world, well, they were sneered at. Such is life in the cyber world.
By the way, it’s always 4 o’clock somehwere in the world.
Joe’s last blog post..Monday Morning News Blues
June 30th, 2008 at 12:02 pm
4pm? Isn’t that what the clock was stuck on in “Ground Hog Day”. You might be doomed to releive this day for the rest of your life…..you and Henry Kissinger.
Bruce’s last blog post..My – MP3
June 30th, 2008 at 12:28 pm
I’ve got a four day weekend. Tomorrow’s the fourth day. Happy Canada Day !
Fun activities planned ? Umm… Sleep, eat, socialize, eat, watch fireworks, sleep…
Jaffer’s last blog post..Tarheel Ramblings calendar finally arrives !
June 30th, 2008 at 12:56 pm
I’m lucky if I post anything once a week on my “random” blog and when I do, I don’t even think it’s as good as what you posted here. But I honestly think everything you post (from what I’ve seen) is good…if it was 4 o’clock here though all the time, I’d be changing it. I already feel like I’m behind. I don’t need to see a clock constantly reminding me…
unfinishedperson’s last blog post..“Pilots come out of the sky and stand there” and other misheard things
June 30th, 2008 at 1:52 pm
Oh, gosh, Kathy- you’re too hard on yourself. Not every post will be your favorite, and you post OFTEN. Fear not.
And mind the toilet seat. 🙂
Jenn Thorson’s last blog post..Survey Says: “No Sale, Skippy!”
June 30th, 2008 at 3:06 pm
Entering my 3rd month of blogging and Blogger’s Block is looming big. Not to worry – even your “fumes” posts are funny. And remember: You’re not getting a paycheck for this. Wait, that was supposed to make you feel better.
sue’s last blog post..HOLLA!!!!!!!!!!!
June 30th, 2008 at 4:07 pm
Oh Man! After reading your post and seeing the number of people asking Who is Henry Kissinger, I hereby feel very very old.
Don’t worry too much about drawing a blank from time to time, or having “writer’s block” or whatever, it happens to everyone at some point. Don’t sweat it.
I’ve read numerous times where bloggers/writers have found their sites have actually grown in the number of subscribers and web traffic while they took a little rest from posting. I refuse, absolutely refuse to put an exact time-frame on how often I post or not.
You’re doing a great job here, so lighten up on yourself. 🙂
Lin’s last blog post..The Business of Being Born Documentary
June 30th, 2008 at 4:22 pm
There Kathy, consider yourself gently scolded! Even what you believe are your bad posts are fun to read.
Babs – beetle’s last blog post..Stones in my life.
June 30th, 2008 at 4:55 pm
KFJ — If I ever sleep all the way to 6AM, I think I’m on vacation!
Gizmo — Thanks! I did sleep well last night, so hopefully I can get back to regular programming soon.
Lee — I know you’re right. It’s hard to see that when you’re in the thick of it, though. Camping? With bugs and wild animals and stuff? Have you ever heard of “glamping?” It’s “glamorous camping” and that’s me! Room service and silk sheets. In the woods. Thanks for your uplifting words. Better days are ahead!
Daisy the Curly Cat — I know that’s one of your favorite things. Thank you for the suggestion. I only hope I look as cute as you while doing it.
Joe — That’s the weirdest phenomenon, isn’t it? I hear other bloggers say the same thing. I’ve had some posts I killed myself writing fall flat, and others that I knocked out in 10 minutes took off like a rocket. Weird.
Bruce — Oh, no. Please don’t say that. I don’t want to go through that again. Me and Henry. Sounds like a movie. I wonder if he’d consider it.
Jaffer — That sounds perfect. I hope to be at a picnic on Friday and then watch fireworks later at night. It’d do me good to get away I think. Enjoy!
unfinishedperson – Thanks, you’re so nice! I guess I’m just so used to the “every other day” routine, it knocked me off course a little to post only twice last week. p.s. I stopped wearing a watch years ago. I felt tethered to time, and who needs that? Life’s hard enough without feeling like you’re behind!
Jenn Thorson — Thanks. I do feel better about the whole thing, but truthfully, I’ll only feel comfortable posting on my regular schedule. But I have to go easier on myself for my sanity.
sue — I’m impressed. You’ve only been blogging 3 months? All of your stuff is gold! You should feel very proud of yourself. It’s a remarkable accomplishment. Oh, and I’m working on the paycheck thing. Stay tuned.
Lin — Don’t worry. Those Kissinger questions came from 12-year-olds. I’ve had writer’s block before, but it never lasted so long. Made me nervous. I’ve heard the same thing about traffic growth during a period of downtime. Seems contradictory, but it’s good to know that can happen. Takes some of the pressure off. Thank you for your support. Appreciate it!
Babs beetle — I swear, I’m taking all this advice! It felt really good to read the comments and insight from everyone here. It’s like I got a big Junk Drawer hug!
June 30th, 2008 at 8:52 pm
A funkless Kathy? That is difficult to contemplate. Funkless Kathies are not nearly as interesting as Kathies in funks. There have been studies.
Sometimes I wonder why I blog. If I ever knew, I have forgotten.
FOUR is totally my favorite number too! Actually I love 44 even better. Quadruple the fun.
I’ve done that same thing with eating everything in sight and making myself sick. I actually did it this morning between 2 and 3 a.m. By 4 I was asleep, having full-length movie dreams … but no Henry Kissinger and, sadly, no Johnny Depp.
Your husband cleaned the bathrooms? I could get a whole post out of that … only I don’t do science fiction …
Jenny’s last blog post..At The Drive-In
July 1st, 2008 at 3:51 am
Jenny — I should clarify, a Funky Kathy is better than a Kathy in a funk. I’m certain my sugar high is what knocked me out. The Kissinger dream? That I can’t explain! As for Dave cleaning bathrooms, if he has to choose between that and vacuuming, toilets win out. If that never changes, I’ll be in heaven.
July 1st, 2008 at 2:26 pm
Kathy, don’t forget that you share an office with a librarian. When you have questions, even postal questions, ask me. You’re a patron, too. 🙂 If you still need postal info., let me know.
July 1st, 2008 at 6:53 pm
Heather — Thanks for your assistance today. It’s pretty lame that I needed your services. For the record, it cost 96 cents to send DrowseyMonkey her magnet. In return, I got to interact with the crankiest postal clerk who ever lived. Real case.
July 1st, 2008 at 8:36 pm
Don’t feel bad, the clock in my office has said 10:26 for over a year now. one day I’ll take it down and replace the battery. until then I just enjoy the chaos when co-workers think they have either missed a meeting or the day is dragging on unbearably. LOL!
As for writer’s block, take a note from Harlan Ellison. At a convention, during a ‘spirited’ conversation with other writers, he challenged them to write a short story based on phrases the audience came up with. It was random, the stories were funny, and Ellison won a Sci-Fi award for the one he wrote on the spot under pressure. So when you can’t think of something to write about, challenge your fellow blog writers (there are many here) and see what happens. I’m game!
Shadowsrider’s last blog post..Comfort Food
July 2nd, 2008 at 4:57 am
Shadowsrider — Wow, I’m impressed. A year? I love that Ellison idea. I may have to pull that out the next time I’m having a brain fart. Thanks for the suggestion. I have no doubt the creative readers here would have quite a bizarre story to tell.
July 3rd, 2008 at 3:05 pm
hey kathy,
he broke the toilet seat off? wow – that would be impossible for me as when i clean the bathroom, i try not to touch anything.
rock on,
Harris Bloom’s last blog post..Maybe I’m Just Cranky Today…
July 3rd, 2008 at 4:34 pm
Harris Bloom — Smart man. The less you touch, the less you break.