Kathy By the Numbers
Fun June 22nd, 2008 Just when you thought you knew everything about me, I give you Kathy by the Numbers. Don’t worry, there’s no math involved and you won’t be quizzed at the end!
Position in birth order: 5
Number of years it took me to get my bachelor’s degree: 12
Courses I took in my last year: 12
Number of gray hairs that earned me: 2, 539
How many years I’ve been with my current employer: 23
Number of different jobs I’ve held in that time: 5
Cups of coffee I drink per day: 3
Number of times per week I forget a reheated cup in the microwave: 2
Years married: 15
Years together: 23
Number of houses or apartments I’ve lived in: 7
Greatest number of hot dogs I’ve eaten in one sitting: 6
Times I’ve ridden on a motorcycle: 1
Prayers I said while doing it: 47
Number of pets I had as a child: 1
Years my parents have been married: 62
Percent of married couples who make it this long in the U.S.: <5
Miles I drive to work: 8
Months I’ve been blogging: 11
Letters in my maiden name: 12
Weeks it took to learn to write it as a kindergartner without a visual aid: 4
Number of peanut butter and jelly sandwiches I’ve eaten: 0
Miles to nearest airport: 3
Number of planes that fly directly over my house per day: 75
Invention ideas I had that I never acted on: 2
Number of them I saw go to market without me: 1
Years I was a cheerleader: 2
Number of keys on my keychain: 9
Times I’ve won the lottery or a raffle: 4
Number of times a trip to Paris was the prize: 1
Magnets on my refrigerator: 11
Number of picture frames on display in my house with the picture that came with it still in the frame: 1
Height in inches: 64
Weight in pounds: Get serious
Books I’d finish per month before blogging: 2
Books I finish now: 0
Hours of sleep I get per night: 6.5
Naps I take on the weekend: 2
Number of times I got my head stuck in a fence: 1
Average number of times my family reminds me of this per year: 4
Number of times I’ve skied: 1
People I knocked down in the process: 2
Number of nieces I have: 2
Years they are apart in age: 25
Traffic tickets I’ve received: 3
Number I talked myself out of: 1
Times I’ve tried ending this list: 3
Shut up already!

June 26th, 2008 at 4:58 pm
Ulquiorra — Welcome stalker! Glad you subscribed. With any luck I’ll have a new post up soon. In the meantime, feel free to poke around in the archives. There’s lots of weird me there.
Babs beetle — I hear ya sister. I probably only drink a reheated cup one out of two times. I’m an idiot.
Bucky — You lookin’ for a challenge? For the record, that was six without even trying. I’m thinking if there was money on the line, I could double that.
Swubird — If I do, I’ll film it and put it on YouTube. Promise!
Haute in LA — Aw, thanks! Never a dull moment in The Drawer. Pull up a chair and get comfortable.
Gavin Smith — Thanks. I’m pretty proud of it. But if Bucky challenges me, I might be able to amp that up to 10 or more.
tfa — Oh, don’t do that. Somebody sang the bingo song to me today (..and bingo was his name-o!). Now I really can’t get it out of my head!
June 27th, 2008 at 2:17 am
That was one of the most fun posts I’ve ever read. You’re so stinkin’ creative! 😀
Corrina’s last blog post..MySpace Survey Fun
June 27th, 2008 at 5:35 pm
Hi! This was good timing. As the number 53 hasn’t come up and seeing that this is the 53rd comment, I’ll share with you something you don’t know about me. It took 53 years for me to become a grandfather for the first time. Great post!
Peter McCartney’s last blog post..Three hearts beat as one
June 27th, 2008 at 5:48 pm
Corrina — Oh, thanks! Glad you enjoyed it. It was fun to write so randomly. I think it sucked out what was left of my creativity, though. I didn’t post again for 4 more long days!
Peter — That’s such a perfect way to round out this post! I’d say that’s a young age to be a grandfather, but this is coming from a woman who has no children at all. I still feel like a kid most days! Is that bad?
June 29th, 2008 at 5:35 pm
you were a cheereleader, and u blo9wed over two people while skiiing… i thoughyt i was the only one hehe
i got my head stuck in the stairs(dont laugh) and you gotten 3 tickets shame shame
June 30th, 2008 at 5:11 pm
brooke — You’ve got quite the list going yourself! And, yeah, I’m ashamed of my tickets. Tsk. Tsk.
July 3rd, 2008 at 9:29 am
i did the same thing of list and this is how it turned out
Position in birth order: 1
Number of years it took me to get my bachelor’s degree: 0
Courses I took in my last year: 0
Number of gray hairs that earned me: 0
How many years I’ve been with my current employer:0
Number of different jobs I’ve held in that time:0
Cups of coffee I drink per day: 0
Number of times per week I forget a reheated cup in the microwave: 1
Years married: 0
Years together: 0
Number of houses or apartments I’ve lived in: 3
Greatest number of hot dogs I’ve eaten in one sitting: 3
Times I’ve ridden on a motorcycle: 1
Prayers I said while doing it: 0
Number of pets I had as a child: 15
Years my parents have been married: 18
Percent of married couples who make it this long in the U.S.: idk
Miles I drive to work: 15 to school
Months I’ve been blogging: 0
Letters in my maiden name: 8
Weeks it took to learn to write it as a kindergartner without a visual aid:3
Number of peanut butter and jelly sandwiches I’ve eaten:millions
Miles to nearest airport: 2
Number of planes that fly directly over my house per day: 60
Invention ideas I had that I never acted on: 2
Number of them I saw go to market without me: 0
Years I was a cheerleader: 6 and counting
Number of keys on my keychain: 1
Times I’ve won the lottery or a raffle: 50
Number of times a trip to Paris was the prize: 0
Magnets on my refrigerator: 0
Number of picture frames on display in my house with the picture that came with it still in the frame: 1
Height in inches: 61
Weight in pounds: not telling
Books I’d finish per month before blogging: 0
Books I finish now:4
Hours of sleep I get per night: 8
Naps I take on the weekend: 0
Number of times I got my head stuck in a fence: 2
Average number of times my family reminds me of this per year: 1
Number of times I’ve skied: 26
People I knocked down in the process: too many
Number of nieces I have: 0
Years they are apart in age: 0
Traffic tickets I’ve received: 0
Number I talked myself out of: 0
Times I’ve tried ending this list: 0
July 30th, 2008 at 1:01 pm
>>>Number of gray hairs that earned me: 2, 539
Is this some cruel way of taunting bald guys? Cause if it is, I don’t like it. I would gladly take 2539 gray hairs right over to the grecian formula aisle.
It just doesn’t seem like our Kathy to be cruel but then again you had 4 older siblings so some torture must have been involved, at least during mass.
July 30th, 2008 at 3:29 pm
brooke — I’m impressed with your hotdog eating prowess. So you are close to an airport too? In the last half hour, about 3 planes went over head. Kind of a pain. Wow, you’re a skier? After 26 times, you should be very good!
Daniel — I know. I’m sorry. I won’t tell you how much hair falls off my head every day. My husband looks at it and wishes we could transplant it onto his. I’ve been either blessed or cursed with a thick head of hair. I haven’t decided which it is yet. Yes, the last kid in line receives much torture. It’s written in the Older Sibling Manual.
August 7th, 2008 at 7:51 am
Only 3 traffic tickets? Not telling how many I have had in this time!