Never Say Never
Fun June 30th, 2008 It’s official. I’m going to hell.
You may notice a new graphic in my sidebar for the BlogHer network. On approach for The Junk Drawer’s first birthday, I’ve considered ways to earn some cash to offset the costs associated with blogging.
I was recently accepted by BlogHer, and with it comes an opportunity to make some money on the side.
Don’t think for a second that I didn’t stress over this decision, especially because I have said publicly I would never put ads on this blog. That’s right. Never put ads on this blog.
During the last few months, I’ve been having a conversation with two opposing people in my head: Conflicted Me, who hates to go back on her word, and Sensible Me, who would like to earn enough money from blogging to buy a pizza and a beer every now and then.
Here’s how things went in my head:
Conflicted Me: So you said you’d never put ads on the blog. You’re a big, stinking liar. What gives?
Sensible Me: Yeah, I said it. What I never wanted were ads that leapt off the page in the middle of posts and annoyed people.
Conflicted Me: But you did it anyway.
Sensible Me: Well, not exactly. The BlogHer folks give you ads to put up over on the side that don’t scream at you. The ads come from well-known companies that I can get behind. It was really Google AdSense ads I didn’t want on my blog. I worried I’d get ads for Preparation H for all the times I discuss my butt.
Conflicted Me: But you always thought your blog would be purer if you kept ads off it.
Sensible Me: I did, but then I considered how much time I put into writing stories that entertain others.
Conflicted Me: You think this is entertaining?
Sensible Me: Shut up.
Conflicted Me: You once said your day job pays the bills, but blogging makes you rich. Did you really mean rich, as in a millionaire?
Sensible Me: No, stupid. I meant that it gave me an outlet to write for the masses. To hopefully give others something to chuckle about for five minutes during the day. It’s my passion.
Conflicted Me: But that didn’t mean you had to get paid for it, did it?
Sensible Me: No, but it started sounding like a viable option when Dave put it to me this way: “If you got your book published, you’d expect to be paid, right? So why are you giving away book material, one page at a time, for free?”
Conflicted Me: You think this stuff is book quality?
Sensible Me: Listen, jerk. I never said this was book quality or that I could ever actually publish a book. But it seems to me if I’m putting as much effort into the blog as I’d put into a book, then maybe it’s not a half-bad idea to get a little spare change along the way.
Conflicted Me: I bother you, don’t I?
Sensible Me: Yes, you do. Now could you get out of my head and let me be?
Conflicted Me: Sure, but have you thought about how your readers will feel about ads on your blog? Aren’t you worried they’ll go find someone else to read?
Sensible Me: Yes, but I’m willing to take the risk that maybe, just maybe, they could see the ads as an indirect way to put some dough in my pocket, and they’ll still feel enriched by reading something I wrote.
Conflicted Me: You’re really full of yourself, aren’t you?
Sensible Me: I’ve had about enough of you.
Conflicted Me: OK, but don’t come crying to me when all your readers leave and all you’ll have to celebrate your blog’s birthday is a cake and party hats with no one to pass them out to.
Sensible Me: Bite me. And you’re not invited! So there!
Conflicted Me: Suit yourself. I’m leaving. But we still have to discuss that $1 jar of mayo you forgot to pay for at the store last week. That’ll keep us up at night and you know it.
Note: While I did say yes to ads on my blog, I do have a little template tweaking to do. I plan to have two sidebars on the right, instead of just one so that the ads and other things can run on the right, while my other graphics will appear as before on the left.
And don’t worry. My face will stay right where it is. I know that’s the real reason you all come here.

July 1st, 2008 at 8:26 pm
Here’s to a pizza and a beer for you! You gotta do what you gotta do…
mizmell’s last blog post..It Is What It Is
July 1st, 2008 at 9:05 pm
I wonder if we could set the ads for the site. Everybody post Ice Cream in their comments.
I will do that after I go and exercise my abs with a heavy-laden spoon using vanilla ice cream with chocolate sauce. Gotta work those abs, you know.
Rattln Along’s last blog post..Death and Dying
July 1st, 2008 at 9:35 pm
Kathy I loved the post and wish you well but should warn you that you may not make much with your ads.
You have a great readership but they come to read and not buy or click ads. (notice everyone said they would ignore the ads – you won’t make much that way) The type of ads you are running are more suited to search engine traffic although even then you would probably convert them into readers as well. 🙂
I hate to say it but low quality, highly SEO’d blogs with targeted traffic make money with ads. High quality social blogs like yours (don’t blush!) can be monetized but not with banners or Adsense. (not effectively at least) If you want to experiment with some other options please let me know and I will be happy to help you out.
As always you make me and a lot of others laugh – I can’t see any of your fans being upset if you should make a few dollars for your efforts.
Great post.
Grizzly’s last blog post..What’s With The Google Serp’s?
July 1st, 2008 at 10:25 pm
For the first time in my life I’m speechless, but maybe that is a good thing.
You will have to experiment a little Kathy to see what works for you. Perhaps smaller, and more than one advert might produce better results. Lately the 125×125 size seems to be the most popular.
I won’t damn you to hell sweety but I will be interested in how it goes so do keep me in the loop.
(P.s.: send some commenters my way and there may be a kickback in it for you 😉
Blog Bloke’s last blog post..My Observations 6 Months After Moving from Blogger to WordPress
July 2nd, 2008 at 4:20 am
Shadowsrider — Peanut butter ice cream? I don’t know that I’ve heard of that. Where have I been? I try not to have conversations with myself aloud. Honestly, I think I do it, but don’t realize how much!
mizmell — We’ll see how it goes (see below).
Rattln Along — I’m don’t thing BlogHer targets ads based on content like AdSense, but I would never object to comments about ice cream. Is there anything better?
Grizzly — Thanks for your insight. I’m a little concerned about this thing BlogHer calls “default impressions.” I’ll write you to elaborate. One other avenue I considered was taking ads from local businesses, but that only helps if my readers are local. I wanted to get creative with ads, but couldn’t get that idea off the ground.
Blog Bloke — I know you must have fallen off your chair when you read this post. I would rather have smaller ads, but this was the size that worked best with my theme. Since this is my first attempt at advertising, I may have to reassess after a little while. I’m happy to send over some readers if I can. You’ve gave me so much help in the beginning, it’s the least I can do!
July 2nd, 2008 at 5:57 am
I would just like to ‘Ad’ a comment but that would be cheating. An Ad in a comment!!
Seriously, loved your unique style!
Bravo! 🙂
July 2nd, 2008 at 6:57 am
Well, I don’t know why everyone else comes here but it’s definitely why I come here. ;P
You sold out chickie…totally and completely.
Now go pay for the mayo
Lori’s last blog post..Just another conversation
July 2nd, 2008 at 9:09 am
So far I have not gone the blogher and PPP route. But I am afraid to write that I won’t, for the very thing that happened to you! I do have ads, but so far it is okay. I refuse to judge you as I could be in the same situation. There is s such a struggle as you documented you need both. Let me know if it works out!
July 2nd, 2008 at 10:47 am
lol what an entertaining conversation with yourself. Thanks for sharing!! haha The ads look fine. Don’t worry about it too much.
fragileheart’s last blog post..Happy Canada Day
July 2nd, 2008 at 12:10 pm
Let’s see… BlogHer sidebar or Preparation H ads…
You chose well, grasshopper!
Jenn Thorson’s last blog post..I Would Like to Thank the Academy… er, Alice…
July 2nd, 2008 at 12:34 pm
I think a post about the Bloke himself could be put in the works.
Jaffer’s last blog post..LIUNA changes mind agreeing to Lister Block Deal
July 2nd, 2008 at 1:43 pm
I’ve already been to hell — they sent me back for selling ice cubes.
Libertine’s last blog post..Claustrophobia
July 2nd, 2008 at 1:43 pm
Hi Kathy…
First time commenting, but NOT the first time reading your wonderful blog.
You deserve to make some money with Junk Drawer. You put a lot of energy into this…it shows!
So more power to ya!
July 2nd, 2008 at 5:20 pm
martin miller-yianni — Hey, thanks for visiting and the compliment. I appreciate that and hope you come back again, ads and all!
Lori — Yep, I went to the other side. BTW, I did pay for the mayo. I went to the store yesterday. When I announced to the cashier what I was doing, he couldn’t believe it and thanked me twice. And now I can sleep at night.
Kathy@brazoscowgirl — If you say you won’t and then you do, all you need to do is grovel for forgiveness. Seriously though, I never thought of doing PPP because I couldn’t live with myself. Ads, just barely!
fragileheart — That wouldn’t be the first conversation I’ve had with my many selves. It’s the only one I’ll publish, though. Thanks for your support!
Jenn Thorson — Funny about the grasshopper reference. I used the “Patience, grasshopper.” line on someone half my age and she had no idea what I was talking about. I felt really old.
Jaffer — Totally! He gave me the leg up I really needed in the beginning. Also, I may submit something for his blog about the comments phenomenon over here at The Drawer. I’ve wanted to talk about why I think I’m fortunate to get so many. I have my theories.
Libertine — Ha! I don’t know if hell will have me, actually. I do so much complaining, everyone will ask for my immediate removal.
Ron — Thanks for coming out of hiding to comment. I’m so glad you like it here. It makes my day when people stop by for a visit.
July 2nd, 2008 at 7:07 pm
After reading that, you’ve got me conflicted. All I can say is, if you wanna make the big, big bucks, give it your best try kid. You only go around once, so you might as well make some dough.
Happy trails.
Swubird’s last blog post..HIPPIEVILLE, USA
July 2nd, 2008 at 7:54 pm
Swubird — Sorry! My best won’t make the big, BIG bucks, but it just might buy me that pizza. You’re right. We do only go around once and I did want to see if this would be a valuable venture. Wish me luck!
July 2nd, 2008 at 8:14 pm
I had a similar argument with myself, but it did not take long for me to realise that both sides of me were actually in complete agreement, and we both wanted some cold, hard cash money.
Once we were in agreement, we indulged in some highly charged make-up sex.
Lord Likely’s last blog post..Up the Dirty Tunnel
July 2nd, 2008 at 8:30 pm
Kath, you know that I support you in everything that you do. I’m your biggest fan, of course, after Dave and Regan….
July 2nd, 2008 at 8:36 pm
well i have self arguments all the time
this is what happen on monday
hungry me: i want a quart of rice and a court of genera tso chicken
smart me; you will never finish it all
hungry me: so i want all that food
smart me: no you dont your just bored with eating
hungry me: but im HUNGRY
smart me: no your not because the last time you ate all that you got bloated… remember that
hungry me: yeah but i still want it
smart me: can you at least do a pint of white rice and a pint of general tso chicken
hungry me: fine be that way
smart me: okay i will
smart me usually wins
anbd i know all the readers are thinking im weird
July 2nd, 2008 at 9:37 pm
Hey, who could complain about “Olga the traveling bra”…I didn’t even know they existed, let alone traveled! It’s a lot of work to keep up a blog…why not make some money too!?
Peggy’s last blog post..“I’ll see your crap and raise you an Oh sh*t”
July 2nd, 2008 at 11:57 pm
WOW! 70 comments!!
What’s your record # of comments??
See? Ads apparently bring in MORE readers!
FerdC’s last blog post..Grand Ole Chuck Wicks
July 3rd, 2008 at 1:39 am
I am having the exact same argument as myself. At the moment I don’t think that the traffic my site gets warrants putting ads up, but if I ever manage to get up to a decent amount of traffic, I am really unsure which direction I will go in. Would be nice to be able to earn enough money to cover hosting costs.
Riayn’s last blog Will it kill Twitter?
July 3rd, 2008 at 5:27 am
Lord Likely — Way to resolve that! I see you’re using Project Wonderful. I’m starting to hear more about it and it’s something I may use down the road.
ann of the shampooo bag — I appreciate the support all these months. You remember the days when no one was reading. How far we’ve come!
brooke — And don’t you love how rice bloats you, and then you’re hungry and hour later. What’s up with that?
Peggy — Actually, the bra got here through Entrecard. It looks quite nice over there, doesn’t it? A traveling bra. Best blog concept ever.
FerdC — I believe the most comments I had was 94, on this post: Outing a Fraud, about someone who ripped off my content. We were all in a tizzy.
Riayn — There is a school of thought that you should display ads earlier on in your blogging career. That way, people who come along already expect it. I ran the risk of offending my regular readers by waiting until I had established a following. FWIW. Good luck with your decision!
July 3rd, 2008 at 6:36 am
I have to say, Kathy, I wondered exactly the same thing. I knew you had said no ads, evah. But you’ll enjoy the BlogHerAds. They are classy, I think, and unobtrusive. Plus, you’ll get a plug across four other blogs every week or so. And more traffic is more moolah for the pizza.
Welcome to the dark side.
cardiogirl’s last blog post..Just a few helpful tidbits I’ve learned — the hard way
July 3rd, 2008 at 6:37 am
OOOOH so I’m not the only person with voices in their head who talks to themselves – it’s good to have company hehehe
If I get to hell first, I’ll put a request in to reserve the room next to me for you LOL I’ve heard of a lot of reasons for going to Hell – but BlogHer ads that is new one hehehe But even had I known before I had the ads put up on my blog I still would have – I figure what the heck, it pays the hosting fees so my hobby of blogging is free. And no one is forced to click on anything or to even look at them.
Lady Rose’s last blog post..The Real Lady Rose – Thursday Thirteen #3
July 3rd, 2008 at 9:20 am
i think its a chinese torture thing you get bloated and then you feel hungry
July 3rd, 2008 at 4:23 pm
Cardiogirl — The thing that made the difference is the quality of the BlogHer ad network. I don’t know that I could get behind anything else. I hope you’re doing well with it!
Lady Rose — Yeah, save me a space! That’s the benefit of BlogHer. You needn’t click on any ads for revenue to be generated. If it were dependent on clicks, I likely would not have participated.
brooke — I knew it was a conspiracy.
July 3rd, 2008 at 10:17 pm
Wow. I enjoyed reading this post! Google Adsense ads are ugly but I’m earning from it so… phew. I really don’t know if I should take it down or what. Anyway, this is one great post! 🙂
Vikki’s last blog post..What was I thinking?
July 4th, 2008 at 7:25 am
Vikki — Good to know it’s possible to make a killing with AdSense. I tip my hat to anyone who can make a go of it and be successful. Congrats. Glad you dropped by!
July 6th, 2008 at 10:30 am
Great blog! Looks like the comments drawer is nearly full and I may have to give it a hip check to get it to slide all the way closed, holding the other comments down with my free hand until the very last moment.
Great blog! I appreciate your internal discussion about the advertising…I think “we’ve” had that conversation before.
July 6th, 2008 at 6:18 pm
Greg — Thanks, and loved that little imagery. Yes, the drawer gets pretty full from time to time! I’m feeling better now about advertising here. I think I needed to let the idea sink in and now I’m OK with it. But, again, I hope my readers are not annoyed. I just love them to death.
July 10th, 2008 at 5:41 am
today an ad popped up in front of me i was very angry 🙁
July 10th, 2008 at 6:37 pm
brooke — The pop-up kind are the very worst. I notice my ads have some kind of floating box from time to time. Hopefully that’s not what annoyed you. I need you to keep coming back!
July 13th, 2008 at 8:29 pm
it was but it didnt pop up again and remember i have like ocd to keep coming back
July 15th, 2008 at 11:59 pm
Good.. I really appreciate.
July 16th, 2008 at 12:27 am
March 14th, 2009 at 9:15 pm
I despise pop ups, and use every tool available to block them
September 1st, 2009 at 1:33 pm
I’ll put a request in to reserve the room next to me for you LOL I’ve heard of a lot of reasons for going to Hell – but BlogHer ads that is new one hehehe But even had I known before I had the ads put up on my blog I still would have – I figure what the heck, it pays the hosting fees so my hobby of blogging is free.
November 29th, 2009 at 10:52 pm
Im with shelly on this one, i HATE pop-ups. Whenever i see one, i just leave the site, can’t stand those things!