Dear Praying Mantis, Count Your Blessings
food, Travel July 6th, 2008 Is it bad that I wanted to kill this thing because I was delayed loading my 4th of July foodfest gut in the car because my husband refused to leave until it leapt away, for fear that if it remained, the wind would blow it off and it would die a grisly death on the roadway?
Is it bad that my husband believes that it’s illegal to kill a praying mantis? (It’s not.)
Further, is it bad that I went to the 4th of July foodfest with the top button of my pants already unbuttoned, and that by the end of the day I appeared to be seven months pregnant and that all I wanted to do was dump myself in the car and speed to the emergency room because I was pretty sure I just ate my weight in picnic food and needed a good old fashioned stomach pump?
These are the things I’d like to know.
Humor bloggers like their bugs crunchy.

August 2nd, 2008 at 11:04 pm
I am scared of praying mantis, grass hoppers (big ones), spiders etc. I can’t even kill them I am so scared :-/
JokesBoy’s last blog post..Help
August 3rd, 2008 at 5:18 pm
JokesBoy — Join the club. I can’t even look at pictures of bugs. And the longer the legs, the more freaked out I get.
November 5th, 2008 at 4:35 pm
A person should never kill a praying mantis. I raised them as a child and just found a little 1 1/2 inch runt that was too small to fend for himself at the onset of an early, cold fall. He would surely have died. They are the most intelligent of all insects and make excellent pets. This little guy, Manfred, I will call him wants to be held all the time. When I put him down or in his cage he waves his little arms at me like a baby that never wants to be out of reach of loving arms. I for one think praying mantises are an incredible creature. They are beautiful to me but intimidating to a rival who would do them harm. If I saw anyone hurt a praying mantis I know that I would nearly kick their ass over it because I have learned how truly special and loyal they are as a pet. He waits for me to let him out to play. If you think they are scary, I am sure you look pretty scary to them. I will admit I am afraid of most spiders, but I try not to kill them just from a “karma” factor. Hope the next time you see a praying mantis, you will remember they have feelings, too. Thanks
P.S. Should I delve into animal mimicry, camoflauge and their self-reliance in the wild. They makes great pets.
March 10th, 2009 at 4:45 pm
Don’t lose hope, we can always exercise or in my case I use shapewear to hide the flab! Gotta fake it till I get there and no harm in that, right? 🙂